Coaching - A methodology for managing a football team - Alessandro Mura - E-Book

Coaching - A methodology for managing a football team E-Book

Alessandro Mura

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4–5-1 is a formation that ensures both defence protection and balance and, when developing offensive game against an opposing team under pressure, a combination of both simple and practical attacking game. Coaching a team at this level also means facing daily difficulties, confronting others, produce ideas, take decisions on many fronts, dictate rules and ensure that those rules are followed. Players themselves, during the season, will acknowledge that compliance with the rules and discipline represent the basic requirements for working well and achieving results. I believe, therefore, that the best way to enforce the concept of democracy in a group is to impose the respect of roles and hierarchy. A positive mentality is the key to success. Players can only improve mentally, physically and tactically when they have a positive mentality. This is why a coach should always aim to build and consolidate it within a group.

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football handbooks

football experiences at Amateur level

training, fitness programmes and pre-season planning

4- 5- 1 formation

Italian football experiences at amateur level

Training, fitness programmes and pre-season planning


planning, training and fitness programmes

pre-season planning

1 introduction

I can say with certainty that, after so many years spent in amateur football, coaching a football team at amateur level is an exciting and rewarding experience. Total commitment, great passion, enormous curiosity and staying aware of advances are for sure the most important requirements in this job.

Reduced budget, lack of facilities, players looking for harmony, serenity and enjoyment but constantly confronted with their daily problems are realities a coach needs to face when starting building a football team. Be involved in all aspects of team management comes natural and his commitments range from helping with season planning to supporting managerial staff in setting up tasks and objectives.

A coach at amateur level needs to act as a manager and support the leadership in all their work.

Coaching a team at this level also means facing daily difficulties, confronting others, produce ideas, take decisions on many fronts, dictate rules and ensure that those rules are followed. Players themselves, during the season, will acknowledge that compliance with the rules and discipline represent the basic requirements for working well and achieving results. I believe, therefore, that the best way to enforce the concept of democracy in a group is to impose the respect of roles and hierarchy.

2. planning, training and fitness programmes

An effective organizational structure is fundamental even at amateur level.

Therefore, it’s important for a football club to create a managerial staff, by appointing a general manager and a sports director who will be in constant contact with the coach for season planning and programs, together with a technical staff (an assistant coach as a main point of contact and someone capable of supporting players suffering from injuries or struggling with fitness).

Managerial and technical staff should be identified inside the football club as appointing staff from outside would reduce considerably the meagre club’s budget.

Also, I believe that the appointed staff (for example ex club players) would perform the role with more passion and expertise, they would feel more gratified and stimulated and, under the guidance of the coach, they would give a better and more efficient support.

A football club is also advised to appoint a club doctor, I would suggest a youngster with knowledge in general medicine and either specialized in orthopaedics or a trainee, keen on football, who would have the chance to put immediately into practise his training.

The coach’s work starts during the previous season by observing players in different leagues with the help of trusted selectors (everyone has friends or acquaintances who watch their village’s team play).

At the end of the season the coach meets, one by one, all his collaborators and collects all cards filled by them with the aim of assessing the skills of all players under observation (often unknown and playing in lower divisions).

After careful review, talks will start with selected players with the aim of convincing them to embrace and share a project.

Contracts offered to players coming from a lower division, will imply a lower cost than the ones signed by players coming from an upper division. These players have always a greater motivation and will to show that their skills can shine even in an upper division.

FORM to collect information and description of skills, athletic/tactic characteristics and character of players under observation.



Date of birth


Best weight



Current club

Previous clubs


Powerful, elegant and ambidextrous central defender who, thanks to his good vision of play, is capable of starting the action from the defensive line with order. Good personality and experience (first choice player in his teams in 3rd and 2nd county divisions for 4 years). His tactical skills are facilitated by his playmaker ability. Also capable of long passes he can be deployed in front of the defenders as a defensive midfielder.

(He’s ideal in a formation with strong and quick full-backs thanks to his ability to change field with precision)

He’s been the team penalty-taker for the last two seasons although he’s one of the youngest players (this emphasizes his personality which is acknowledged even by the oldest players of the team.)

His air game needs improving.

OTHER: secondary school diploma, cool character, lives in ...... , a precarious job.

A club at amateur level, mainly for financial reasons, will never change completely their team structure even after a disappointing season.

My ideal team includes five, six first choice players, who will be the structure of the team, and other seven, eight players who will compete for the remaining places. Five young players and two ‘veterans’ can be employed, the fist will grow up and mature as players and the second will provide their useful experience.

In view of these considerations I suggest for the club directors to sign three or four good players and two or three more players to start from the bench.