Color and Race in Toni Morrison's "Paradise" - Héder de Oliveira Machado - E-Book

Color and Race in Toni Morrison's "Paradise" E-Book

Héder de Oliveira Machado

36,99 €

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  • Herausgeber: GRIN Verlag
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

Diploma Thesis from the year 2011 in the subject American Studies - Literature, grade: 1,3, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Fachbereich Translations-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft), course: Diplom-Übersetzer, language: English, abstract: This thesis explores the complex interplay of race and colorism in Toni Morrison's "Paradise", focusing on the racial tensions within an isolated African American community. Morrison’s narrative delves into the historical and cultural roots of racial conflict, particularly examining how internalized racism and colorism impact community dynamics and individual identities. By analyzing the novel’s portrayal of exclusionary practices and the concept of "The Disallowing," this study highlights the destructive consequences of rigid racial hierarchies. The thesis also investigates the broader implications of Morrison's work, situating Paradise within the larger context of African American literature and postcolonial discourse. Through a close reading of the text, supported by interdisciplinary approaches, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of the themes of trauma, identity, and community in Morrison’s literature, offering insights into the ongoing struggles with race and color in American society.

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