Crystal Chakra Healing - Philip Permutt - E-Book

Crystal Chakra Healing E-Book

Philip Permutt

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Working with crystals and the body's seven chakras, or natural energy points, is one of the most powerful and ancient healing practices. Crystals are natural energy-boosters, which protect us by detoxifying our physical, emotional and spiritual systems from stress, promoting well-being and serenity. This book explains exactly how to use a crystal pendulum to diagnose the health of a chakra and how to use a wealth of healing techniques to gently re-balance energy. There are in-depth sections on each chakra, with checklists of symptoms, plus profiles of over 100 amazing crystals you can find easily and use for healing. With everything you need to know about crystals, plus charts, photographs and step-by-step illustrations, exercises and case studies, The Complete Guide to Crystal Chakra Healing will guide you towards better health and, ultimately, a calmer, happier life.

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The Complete Guide to

Crystal Chakra Healing

The Complete Guide to

Crystal Chakra Healing

Energy medicine for mind, body, and spirit

Philip Permutt

Published in 2008 by CICO Books

an imprint of Ryland Peters & Small Ltd

20–21 Jockey’s Fields, London WC1R 4BW

519 Broadway, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10012

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Text copyright © Philip Permutt 2008

Design and photography copyright © CICO Books 2008

The author’s moral rights have been asserted. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

A CIP catalog record for this book is available from the British Library and Library of Congress.

eISBN: 978 1 782492863

ISBN-13: 978 1 906525538

Printed in China

Editor: Alison Wormleighton

Designer: Jerry Goldie

Illustrator: Tiffany Lynch

Photography: Geoff Dann, Roy Palmer


Please note that while the descriptions of the properties of crystals refer to healing benefits, they are not intended to replace diagnosis of illness or ailments, or healing or medicine. Always consult your doctor or other health professional in the case of illness.



Chapter 1: Introducing Crystal Chakra Healing

Chapter 2: Working with Crystals

Chapter 3: The Body’s Energy System

Chapter 4: The Chakras

Healing the Base Chakra

Healing the Sacral Chakra

Healing the Solar Plexus Chakra

Healing the Heart Chakra

Healing the Throat Chakra

Healing the Brow Chakra

Healing the Crown Chakra

Crystals for All the Chakras

Chapter 5: Healing Techniques

Chapter 6: Going Further with Crystals


Index of Crystals

General Index



This book contains information from my own personal journey with crystals—or the Stone People, as I like to call them—working on myself and with customers, clients, and students almost every day over the past 15 years. My experiences have given me a practical understanding of the body’s energy system and shown me how crystals and their healing powers interact with the chakras, aura, and meridians to bring about positive changes in people’s lives. It is this knowledge that is brought to you in The Complete Guide to Crystal Chakra Healing. Some of the information comes directly from my clients and students, while other facts come from research into ancient and contemporary writings. Where I have drawn upon these, I have, where possible, tested the information either on myself or on my willing students.

A faceted citrine crystal.

I’m often asked whether I believe crystals work. The answer is no… I know they work. One client even said that he didn’t think the crystal chakra healing treatments he was about to embark on would work, and did he have to believe in crystals for them to work? You don’t have to believe in crystals for them to work just as you don’t have to believe that the light will come on when you turn on the light switch. Nor do you have to believe that the chakras of your energy system exist for you to wake up in the morning and breathe. Of course, like all other types of treatment (including medical), there is a placebo effect, but as you will see this is not all there is to it. People have been working successfully with crystals and applying them to chakra healing all around the world for thousands of years.

Crystal colors are created by other mineral inclusions, optical discrepancies in the crystalline structure or processes such as heat and radiation. Clockwise from top: polished quartz crystal, aqua aura, citrine, imperial topaz, amethyst, natural quartz crystal, and polished citrine.

Skeptics will always cite reasons why crystals can’t work. These are usually based on the undisputed fact that there is no scientific proof of crystals curing any specific illness. Nevertheless, the answer to that is simple—try it yourself. As I’ll explain, the “bodymind,” or your body’s energy system, which links mind, body, and spirit, doesn’t have specific illnesses but is interlaced with moving, vibrant, constantly changing energy. When you experience personally the effects of crystal healing through your chakras on your own energy system, you know for certain that something positive is happening.

As you turn the pages of this book, you’ll find many practical exercises. Please do try them. It is only through working with crystals that you can begin to understand them. You can use this book as a workbook, reading from start to finish, or dip in and out of the crystal and chakra information and the healing techniques as you see fit.

You will be introduced to crystals and the body’s energy system—the chakras, aura, and meridians—and learn through the method of crystal chakra healing how to select and cleanse crystals and then apply them for self-healing, healing others, and changing your environment. Just bringing the natural beauty of crystals into your home will change how you feel— they make you feel good. They are safe to work with and have no unhelpful side effects because if you, or more precisely the energies within you, are already balanced, then your crystal will have to do nothing more than simply look pretty.

A polished amethyst, showing concentric rings formed during the crystal’s growth.

Whether this is the start of your journey with crystals and energy, or another step on a well-trodden path, open your heart and mind and allow yourself to feel the energy of possibility flow through you.

Mixed varieties of jasper and rhyolite.

Chapter 1

Introducing Crystal Chakra Healing

Welcome to the start of your journey into crystal chakra healing. Chakras and crystals are intrinsically linked through their connections with energy—the chakras are the doorways through which the positve healing energies of crystals can enter the body. By following the expert advice in this book, you will begin an enlightening journey focusing on the relationships between crystals and chakras that will help you to achieve a healthy body, mind, and spirit.

Understanding Chakras

Understanding Crystals

Understanding Chakras

Placing crystals directly on and around your chakras, or energy centers, creates an internal energy balance that leads to healing and improved well-being. Chakras draw the healing energies of the crystals into your body and then release this power through the meridians, or energy pathways, and out into your surrounding aura.

Crystals have their own unique energies which balance your energies. You can effect beneficial changes to your body, mind, spirit, and emotions by applying crystals using both ancient and modern healing techniques, including:

Wearing or carrying crystals (

page 25


Laying on of stones (

page 27


Preparing crystal elixirs (

page 28


Rotating crystals to focus energy (pages





Crystal chakra healing (pages




Each chakra has associated healing crystals. Those above are the chakra “set” of seven, for each of the seven chakras (see page 41). The ancient Agamas from India depict five, six, seven, or eight chakras. By the ninth century, Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism and the Indian Tantric lineage had fully adopted the seven-chakra system we use today.

Doorways to Energy Exchange

Chakras are the key to the crystal chakra healing method described fully in this book. By drawing in, processing, and distributing life force energy (also known as chi or prana), chakras act as the doorways to the healing energies of crystals. There are seven major chakras, which control the health of specific areas of your body and the way you interact with the external energy of other people, your surroundings, and your lifestyle.

This interaction of energy underpins many alternative-medicine healing systems, including Ayurvedic medicine (AM) and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The chakras tie in with acupuncture points and also relate to the key energy storage centers in Taoist healing. First systematized in ancient India, chakras form part of the underlying belief systems of religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism, and spiritual energy practices such as Reiki healing and yoga. They fit within systems that link the body and mind into one indivisible unit, sometimes known as the bodymind.

Practical Exercise: Sensing Energy

Practicing this exercise will help you sense the energy inside and around you in response to the interplay between a crystal and your body’s energy system. Take note of these feelings, as they are sometimes very subtle. However you describe crystal energy will be unique to you. Don’t worry about what you feel or where you feel it—only that you feel something. If you have a journal or note book, it can be helpful to record your experiences.

Find a quiet space in which you will not be disturbed. Then, with a friend present, close your eyes and hold both of your hands out flat in front of you, with your palms up.

Ask your friend to hold a quartz crystal over the palm of one of your hands, with the termination pointing toward your palm. Now ask your friend to rotate the quartz crystal slowly 1–2in/2.5–5cm above one of your palms.

Notice the difference in how your two hands feel. Look for physical feelings, such as one hand being warmer, cooler, heavier, lighter, itchier, and so on. Don’t worry too much about what you feel, where you feel it, or how you describe it—the important thing is that you feel a difference, however slight, between the hand with the quartz crystal above it and the other hand. If you don’t sense anything, try shaking your hands vigorously before you begin—this seems to make it easier to sense subtle energy.

In some Eastern thought, the chakras are seen as levels of consciousness linked with the soul, which relates to different areas of physical life: the physical body, instinct, vital energy, emotion, communication, the overview of life, and connection to the divine. The chakras are arranged within the body like a ladder for the soul to climb, from matter (the crude form of consciousness) at the base to pure consciousness at the crown.

People who can see energy often describe chakras as spinning spheres or wheels—“chakra” is derived from the Sanskrit chakram, meaning circle or wheel. There isn’t really a vocabulary for subtle-energy phenomena, so each person describes the experience in their own way, as they are perceiving it. The same is true of crystal healing energies.

Understanding Crystals

Crystals are naturally occurring solids made from minerals. Most are formed in the earth’s surface; some are formed by inorganic processes, such as sedimentation, whilst others, such as moldavite, are born in the stars. Residing in the heavens, they fall to earth as meteors.

In scientific terms, a crystal is a solid form of a mineral or other substance. Coming in all shapes, sizes and colors, each type of crystal has a precise atomic arrangement and mineral composition, making it unique. They can be identified by their crystal form, color (although colours can vary, not only within one type of crystal but also individual specimens of the same crystal) specific gravity, and their degree of hardness as measured by the Mohs Scale of Mineral Hardness. The Mohs Scale is named after Friedrich Mohs, a German inventor, who discovered the constant relationship of how hard minerals are in relation to one another.

Natural Crystal Shapes

Each type of crystal is formed by a specific group of atoms, in a fixed structure, creating a unit cell. These cells are stacked in a precise three-dimensional pattern that is described as the crystal system. Crystals can be grouped depending on their crystal system. A defining property of a crystal is its inherent symmetry, which is dependent on the crystal system of its structure.

There are seven crystal systems that define the natural shape of any specific crystal. These are: cubic, hexagonal, tetragonal, rhombohedral, orthorhombic, monoclinic and triclinic. So, for example a cubic crystal, such as pyrite, will always have the symmetry of a cube, whereas a hexagonal crystal, like quartz, will always have six sides.

Natural dioptase

blue lace agate and fire agate

Crystals can also be cut and polished into any shape. Common polished shapes are the point or obelisk, sphere, egg, heart, angel, faceted stone, and tumble stone. Tumble stones are tumbled with grits in barrels, to smooth and polish them, and are the most widely available form of many crystals.


aqua aura

pink rhodochrosite



Throughout this book, the term “crystal” is not limited to the scientific definition but also includes all of the mineral kingdom, the Stone People; crystals, minerals, rocks, stones, and gemstones.

Exploring the Power of Crystals

Crystals are scattered throughout the literature of the ages, including ancient Chinese writings on traditional medicine and India’s Ayurvedic texts. The Bible has over 200 references to crystals and their powers and associations, while the text Peri Lithon (“On Stones”) by the ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus is the basis of today’s modern scientific classification of gemstones. His taxonomy of known gems describes their origin, physical properties, and magical and healing powers. Crystals have also been found around the world in the graves of ancient cultures, including Ancient Egypt and the Olmec civilization of South America.

Mankind has been aware of the power of crystals for thousands of years—yet science has yet to explain exactly how and why they work. We know that they focus, transmit, transmute, and store energy. Like everything in the universe, they vibrate. Some can produce electrical effects, namely the piezoelectric effect (in response to mechanical stress) and the pyroelectric effect (in response to being heated). Crystals increase the frequency of light and affect the movement of photons of light. They “learn” things and communicate information in much the same way as radio signals, evolving their healing capabilities to suit changes in their environment. Scientists have been intrigued for many years by the theory that crystals have the ability to act as primitive genes, and research into the “crystals-as-genes” theory is pioneering our knowledge of crystal inheritance mechanisms.

Rough Manganoan calcite

polished erythrite.

Practical Exercise: Sensing Crystal Energy in the Heart Chakra

Hold a quartz crystal 1–2in/2.5–5cm from the center of your chest (this is your heart chakra; see also page 80). Now move it slowly in counterclockwise circles.

It may take a few minutes, but you will notice something—not just in your hand or the crystal or over your chest, but within you. You may feel happy or elated, sad, or emotional. You may give your feeling many words (you are creating a vocabulary) but you will feel “something.” It is essentially energy flowing in, through, and out of your heart chakra: balancing, healing, and creating the possibility for change.

Western science has shown the existence of the body’s energy system in terms of the aura and chakras; the meridians have been mapped by Japanese doctors. At present, the only way we can understand the bodymind and its associated energy is through experience. Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, Head of the Institute for Life Physics in Tokyo and the California Institute for Human Science, has developed two machines—one that can measure life force energy and the other the energy of the chakras. He says, “That is how we can find this mechanism for the interaction between the mind and the body. That is a new science, or not a new science perhaps but a new medicine… So now we are just approaching this door to open.” To sense crystal energy in your own energy system, try the exercise above.

Crystal Chakra Healing for Animals

I was recently asked whether animals have chakras. Yes, everything from ants upward on the evolutionary scale has seven chakras. This fact may be linked to the segmentation of the body (clearly seen in insects) and Hock’s genes (on human chromosome 12) which act as master switches, controlling the activity of genes and how they interact with each other. Very early in the development of the fetus, they help the identical cells formed during its early growth to differentiate and form the various segments of the body, and later the specific organs, limbs, etc, residing in each region of the adult body. As this process of development is essentially the same for almost all animals, it is logical to assume that animals’ energy systems are also fundamentally the same, developing along the same segmented path. Both my experience and many others’ experience of healing domestic and farm animals bear this out.

Working with my own dogs over the years, I have found that crystals have very similar effects on them as on me or any human subject. You can apply crystal chakra healing to pets and livestock yourself, but you will need some understanding of your pets or you can simply dowse crystals with your pendulum (see page 20). Attach the selected crystals to collars, place them in water bowls or beds, and put them in or tie them to cages.

However you choose to work with crystals, learning to control the flow of life-force energy allows you to make positive alterations to your health and lifestyle. The Complete Guide to Crystal Chakra Healing is a handbook to health, containing many techniques for working with crystals on the chakras, aura, and meridians of the body’s energy system. You can use it to improve the quality of your life and your clients’, healing mind, body, and spirit.

Attaching crystals to animals’ collars helps them benefit from the crystal’s healing energies.

Chapter 2

Working with Crystals

From choosing crystals that are right for you to making therapeutic crystal elixirs, crystals can become part of your everyday experience. This chapter also explores how to work with crystals, such as dowsing with a crystal pendulum and crystals for meditation to help your journey along the healing path.

Selecting Crystals

Pendulum Dowsing

Cleansing Crystals

How to Work with Crystals

Crystal Meditation

Selecting Crystals

There are three simple ways to select the crystals you need, whether for yourself or for others:

Look them up in a book such as this one (see

Chapter 4

). Decide why you need a crystal and search for the appropriate ones to help the condition or symptoms.

Follow your intuition. Feeling drawn in any way to a crystal suggests that you need it. It will stand out from the crowd, possibly sparkle and shine, and virtually shout at you, wave, jump up and down, or leap off the shelf. Of course, it may just be interesting or look pretty. However you are drawn to them, these crystals will help you, sometimes in unexpected or amazing ways. If you are selecting crystals for other people, perhaps as a gift, then keep that person in your mind when choosing. Sometimes it’s helpful to look at a photograph of the person, have a personal object that belongs to them, or even just write their name on a piece of paper.

Employ a pendulum and dowse for the crystals you need (see

page 20


Dowse over your crystals with a pendulum to select them for healing work.

If you are selecting crystals intuitively or with a pendulum, you can always look up their healing properties in a book. Conversely, if you have chosen crystals from a book, you can decide how best to apply them with the aid of a pendulum. The most important thing when choosing a crystal is to trust yourself.

Crystals You Don’t Like

When I talk about crystals you “notice” or are “drawn to,” that includes those crystals you don’t like, too. In fact, these are the ones that will really help on the deepest level. Things happen to all of us throughout our lives; some are wonderful but others unpleasant. Most of the uncomfortable experiences you have you face and deal with in one way or another. However, every now and then, perhaps for no obvious reason, you suppress your feelings. If something starts to trigger these hidden emotions, you suppress them again, burying them ever deeper and avoiding any reminder of the situation that created them. You’ve avoided awaking this repressed emotion for so long that you probably don’t even know you’re doing it or what the issue was in the first place. Now it’s buried deep in your subconscious—and the crystals that you don’t like are going to bring it to the surface. When you work with these crystals you will feel emotional, perhaps shedding some tears or being irritable, as you release the ensnared disturbing experience. Sometimes the process can be rough, but it won’t last long, and after you free the emotion, you’ll feel better. You will never have to avoid something again because of this repressed emotion—even if you hadn’t realized what it was in the first place.



abalone shell

Predictive Crystals

Crystals can be predictive: You may be drawn to one you will need in the near future. It happens regularly in my shop where someone chooses crystals or I’ve dowsed for them with my pendulum. Turquoise came up for a customer recently and I just knew it was to do with travel. She denied she had any travel plans but took the crystal anyway, as she’d been drawn to it. A couple of days later she came in again, astonished that she’d had an unexpected promotion at work and would have to spend a few days each week in the company’s New York office.

When you select crystals for yourself, you may also be drawn to crystals for other people you are thinking about. Clients and friends are drawn to you because of who you are and your own unique energy, so don’t be surprised if the same or similar crystals and issues keep coming up.

Pendulum Dowsing

Dowsing is a natural and ancient human ability, possibly the oldest form of divination. We know that people have been dowsing since before recorded time, as the earliest writings talk of dowsing in a matter-of-fact way. Today dowsing is used by therapists in many fields, as well as by water and oil companies throughout the world. It can be done with a pendulum, rod, or forked twig, but a pendulum is the most portable and straightforward to work with when dowsing over a client.

