The Crystal Healer - Philip Permutt - E-Book

The Crystal Healer E-Book

Philip Permutt

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Crystal therapy has long been used as a gentle system of holistic healing. By drawing on the unique qualities of crystals such as quartz and amethyst, you can balance the energy fields around your body, home and office to bring well-being, and gain health benefits. Crystals can help soothe emotional problems such as anxiety, mood swings, or shyness, as well as physical symptoms such as migraines and allergies. In addition, crystals can act as natural energy boosters and aid in detoxifying our systems.With crystal remedies for more than 250 common ailments and a directory of 250 crystals, as well as detailed explanations of the most effective healing methods, this book is the ultimate guide to healing with crystals. Illustrated with colour photographs, and supplemented with practical exercises and case studies, The Crystal Healer is the ultimate practical reference from a highly respected healer and teacher.Philip Permutt discovered crystals fifteen or so years ago after a severe illness. He has been practising as a crystal healer and teacher ever since. He owns and runs iSiS Crystals, the largest and most successful crystal shop in the UK, and its integral healing centre. Philip is a dowser and uses this ability, together with the magic of crystals, to change the energies in people's homes, offices and shops. Philip has lectured at the University of Hertfordshire on crystals and crystal healing and has a degree in Applied Biology from London University; his articles have been published electronically and in journals.

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Introducing Crystals

Chapter 1: Preparing for Crystal Work

Choosing and working with a pendulum

Cleansing crystals

Preparing your space

Chapter 2: Working with Crystals

Crystal meditation

Crystal elixirs

Working on your chakras

Crystals in your environment

Chapter 3: The Crystal Finder


Quartz crystal


Chevron amethyst


Red jasper

Red calcite






Falcon’s eye/red tiger’s eye




Orange calcite











Golden ray calcite





Yellow fluorite


Yellow jasper

Yellow opal



Tiger’s eye

Imperial topaz






Nebula stone




Rainforest rhyolite








Orbicular jasper





Green opal






Green calcite







Tree agate








Green moss agate

Green fluorite






Pink banded agate

Cobaltoan calcite

Manganoan calcite





Pink opal

Strawberry quartz


Rose quartz







Abalone shell

Fire agate




Rainbow obsidian

Boulder opal

Fire opal


Leopard skin rhyolite

Rainbow fluorite

Titanium quartz

Watermelon tourmaline


Tiger iron













Blue lace agate






Blue calcite

Blue chalcedony





Blue fluorite



Blue opal

Lapis lazuli




Blue quartz


Aqua aura

Blue topaz






Purple fluorite


Spirit quartz







Iceland spa


White calcite




Dalmatian stone



Clear fluorite



Herkimer diamond





Common opal



Metamorphosis quartz


Tibetan quartz

Angel aura quartz

Rutilated quartz

Phantom quartz

Snow quartz

Tourmalinated quartz









Black agate


Black banded agate

Black calcite










Black obsidian

Sheen obsidian

Apache tear

Snowflake obsidian

Picasso marble

Black opal





Zebra rock


Gray banded agate









Brazilian agate

Turritella agate

Crazy lace agate



Boji Stone®



Picture jasper/picture stone





Mahogany obsidian

Petrified wood


Smokey quartz





Chapter 4: Crystal Remedies

Remedies for physical ailments

Remedies for emotional ailments

Crystals for spiritual enhancement

Crystals for lifestyle enhancement




About the author

Introducing Crystals

Crystals have been worked with by medicine people and shamen around the world for thousands of years. Their recorded use dates back over 5,000 years in Chinese texts on traditional medicine, Ayurvedic texts from India, and the Bible, which has over 200 references to crystals and their powers and associations.

Crystals have been found around the world in prehistoric graves of different cultures, from the Olmec civilization in Central America to the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt. The Greek philosopher Theophrastus (372–287 bce) wrote a text titled Peri Lithon (On Stones), which is the basis of today’s modern scientific classification of gemstones. Theophrastus presented a taxonomy of known gems, their origin, physical properties, and magical and healing powers. Although the origins and physical properties still hold currency in the contemporary scientific community, the magical and healing powers of crystals have somehow been ignored.

Today, people across the world have a natural affinity for and knowledge of crystals and their healing powers. Many of my students say that crystal work “feels such a natural way of working”, or they say “I feel like I have always done it”. The healing properties of crystals are universal.

What are crystals?

Crystals are natural solids made from minerals. They are formed in the earth’s surface. Although there are many different shapes, colors, and sizes of crystal, each type of crystal has a precise atomic arrangement.

Crystals can be identified by their color – although within one type of crystal there may be significant color variations – and their degree of hardness. The degree of hardness of a crystal is described by Mohs Scale of Mineral Hardness. This scale is named after its developer, the German scientist Friedrich Mohs, and it indicates how hard minerals are in relation to each other.

How crystals work

There are many explanations – mystical, magical, scientific, and pseudo-scientific – for the healing effects of crystals. Two such explanations include piezoelectric effect (the ability of crystals to generate a voltage in response to mechanical stress) and pyroelectric effect (the ability of crystals to generate an electrical potential in response to temperature change). Other common explanations for the healing effect of crystals involve heat, electricity, and “focusing energy”. The placebo effect (in which something has a healing effect because the recipient believes that it will) and magic are also used to account for the beneficial effects of crystals.

Healing benefits

Unakite can help you identify the underlying cause of an ailment, and is also associated with fertility and living in the moment.

Scientific evidence

To date, although science has failed to prove a direct effect of crystals on any disease or condition, it has shown that crystals do indeed vibrate and they exhibit both piezoelectric and pyroelectric effects. Crystals have also been shown to hold both heat and electricity and to focus light energy. These special properties of crystals have numerous practical applications, from the use of quartz crystals in watches to the development of lasers.

There is also scientific evidence that the placebo effect occurs during crystal work (in that it always occurs in any type of healing process, including the prescribing of pharmaceutical drugs). Finally, the explanation that crystals work by magic also has some validity if magic is defined as “that which is beyond our understanding at this point in time”.

The scientific research into the properties of crystals is on-going. Recent research into quartz has shown what crystal therapists have “always known”; that crystals increase the frequency of light passed through them. Quantum physics (a branch of physics that looks at the motion and interaction of sub-atomic particles) may contribute to our understanding of how crystals work.

Crystals in action

This simple exercise will allow you to observe how crystals channel light energy.

1. Hold a clear quartz crystal point 2–5cm (1–2 in) from the palm of your hand. Point the crystal toward your palm.

2. Move the crystal in a small clockwise circle. You will see a point of light either directly in front of the crystal or offset to one side. As you move the crystal, this point of light moves around the palm of your hand. The clearer the crystal, the easier this will be to see.

Now try this second exercise to get a sense of crystal energy.

1. Stand with your eyes closed and your hands held out in front of you with your palms facing up.

2. Ask a friend to hold a quartz crystal 2–5cm (1–2in) away from one of your palms (the point should face your palm) and slowly rotate it. Notice how your palms feel different from one another. As we have no vocabulary to describe energy, however you choose to describe this difference is valid. Observe physical sensations such as one hand being warmer, cooler, heavier, lighter, itchier, and so on. Be aware of any feelings inside you. Sometimes these feelings may be very subtle. However you choose to describe crystal energy is fine – the description is unique to you.

Tip: try shaking your hands vigorously before you do this exercise; it seems to make it easier to sense subtle energy.

Sensing energy

When a quartz crystal is held a few inches away from your palm, you may feel the crystal’s presence as a change in temperature or other altered sensation.

What is crystal healing?

Crystals channel energy. They can focus, store, transmit, and transmute this energy and it can be used for beneficial healing and energizing effects.

Speeding up natural processes

Crystal healing is about change; it involves working with crystals to improve your physical and mental health, your emotional wellbeing, and your spiritual advancement. Crystals will not do something that you (or your body) cannot, but they do speed up things that would happen anyway. For example, carnelian works well for common colds. Rather than curing the cold, it speeds up the symptoms. Characteristically, carnelian will appear to make your cold symptoms worse for about 12 hours as your body rapidly rids itself of the virus. After this, rather than suffering the usual three weeks of nagging dribbles, coughs and sneezes, you will simply feel better. Your body is quite capable of dealing with the cold all by itself, but carnelian speeds up the process.

Healing in old age

Now think of the healing process across the span of life: when we are young our bodies shrug off all sorts of illness; as we grow older, resisting illness becomes more of a fight; and as we pass into old age, the same diseases we once shrugged off become life threatening. The reason we become more vulnerable to disease as we grow older is because our bodies can no longer repair themselves quickly enough. Crystals help the body to speed up its ability to repair itself.

Mental, emotional and spiritual development

As well as speeding up physical healing, crystals can also speed up other processes involving mental health, emotional release, and spiritual development or awakening. All crystals will quicken these processes for you, and some crystals, particularly the ones that you are drawn to (see Crystals you are drawn to), will accelerate your growth exponentially.

Simply sitting quietly and holding and focusing your mind on a quartz crystal for ten minutes will center you and help to still your mind. Crystals help you become open to new possibilities and this is when amazing changes start to magically happen in your life. Whether you are just starting on your journey with crystals or you are taking another step on your path, take a bold leap and enjoy the experience of change that crystals bring.

Intuitive healers

The crystals you are attracted to may reflect qualities and values you want to bring into your life. Clockwise from top: rhodochrosite (dark pink), banded fluorite (green/purple), purple fluorite, chrysocolla (blue), citrine (yellow), and rose quartz (pink).

The benefits of crystals

Crystals improve your general state of wellbeing, and reduce or even remove the symptoms of disease (often symptoms that are chronic). They also speed up changes in your life and facilitate lifestyle choices that promote health and recovery. In my experience, everyone who works with crystals sees an improvement in their quality of life. And people who follow a full course of treatment find profound change on all levels over time. Sometimes this can be a very, very short time – almost instant – and sometimes change happens over a longer period of weeks or months.

The tangible real-life benefits of crystal healing provide the evidence that it works. No doubt someone, one day, will devise a machine that can measure what crystals do, or create an experiment to prove that crystal healing exists, but until then crystals will remain magical tools that aid the healing process on all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Working with stone people

In this book I use the term “work with” crystals rather than the term “use” crystals. The reason for this is simple – crystals are Stone People, and the more you work with a crystal, the more you get to know it in the same way you do a partner or friend. The more time you spend together the better you get on, the more you learn about each other and the better and more effectively you work together. You don’t use people; and in the same way you don’t use crystals.

Perhaps as you work with crystals over time, you will realize that they really are like friends. They offer a helping hand in times of need, and joyous beautiful company in happier and healthier times. They are Stone People and, like human associates, some of them pass into and out of your life whilst others become life-long friends.


Working with crystals over a period of time means developing familiarity with them that can enhance their healing benefits.

how to use this book

The Crystal Healer came about as a result of my personal journey with crystals over the past thirteen years, working with crystals, customers, clients, and students almost every single day. Some of the information comes from these clients, classes, and students directly. There is also information gained from research of ancient and contemporary writings. Where this has been used I have, where possible, tested the information on either myself or on my willing students. Here’s how this book works.

The first two chapters explain the principles of crystal healing, examining how crystals can transmit and magnify energy. You’ll see how to work with a crystal pendulum to dowse, connecting with your intuitive abilities, and understand how healers work with crystals and the body’s chakras, or energy centres, to rebalance the energetic systems and bring about healing.

The Crystal Finder section offers a fantastically easy way to find out what your crystals can do for you. So often, we all have crystals that we can’t identify – from jewelry we’ve received as gifts to little stones left lying around our homes. All we have to go on is the shape and color, and this is precisely how the Crystal Finder has been arranged. Match your crystals to the pictures and profiles, identify your stone and discover its amazing properties to balance mind, body and spirit.

In Crystal Remedies, look up an ailment and select the appropriate crystals for your treatment. Divided into four sections – physical ailments, emotional ailments, spiritual enhancements, and crystals for life enhancement – you will certainly find the right crystals to help, from migraines to muscle aches, colds to a confidence-boost. With full descriptions of how to work with crystals for each condition, you’ll discover that crystal healing can be both satifying and simple to do.

Wherever you are on your path through life, may this book help you with each change as you walk towards health, happiness, and harmony.

safety note

Please note that while the descriptions of the properties of some crystals refer to healing benefits, they are not intended to replace diagnosis of illness or ailments, or healing or medicine. Always consult your doctor or other health professional in the case of illness.

Chapter 1: Preparing for Crystal Work

To begin to work with crystals, you’ll need to choose those that are right for you. Learn to attune to their varied energies – developing your intuitive abilities through pendulum dowsing can help you gain confidence with this (see Choosing and working with a pendulum). Discover, here, how to cleanse your crystals and prepare your space, ready to begin healing work.

Choosing crystals

You may choose a crystal on the basis that it will help you with a specific problem or ailment (see Remedies for physical ailments), or you can choose a crystal simply on the basis that you are drawn to it.

Crystals that you are drawn to

When you look at an array of crystals there will be some that attract you. They may be pretty, sparkly or interesting, or ones you find you keep going back to. These will always help you, sometimes in strange and wonderful ways. Having selected the crystals that you are drawn to, you may discover that they were the most fitting choice in terms of how they can help you or someone close to you.

Sometimes crystals may be predictive in that they can help you with a future problem or issue. The first time I observed this I was dowsing crystals in my shop for a customer. Citrine came up for him, and I intuitively knew it was related to his digestion. He strenuously denied that there was anything wrong now, or had been in the past. I insisted, and so did he. He took the crystal. He telephoned me a few days later to say that he had unexpectedly gone out for dinner the previous night and everyone except him had got food poisoning. He had been carrying his citrine!

Whatever the purpose of the crystals you have chosen, this will be revealed to you when it is needed. I’ve been drawn to specific quartz crystals without knowing why. I have many of them and they will sometimes sit around for days or weeks – or even on one occasion, two years – but their purpose has always become clear. In hindsight, each was the right crystal for something or someone very specific. So when you’re attracted to a crystal, don’t worry about why – just trust yourself. After you have made your choice you can discover what the crystal does by looking it up in the Crystal Finder.

Crystals for other people

If you are choosing a crystal for another person, think about that person or its purpose as you make your selection. Also, you can look at a photograph of the person, hold a personal object of theirs, repeat their name as a mantra, or write their name on a piece of paper. Be open. Crystals will choose you – they’ll appear to shout, sing, dance, and jump off a shelf to get your attention.

Crystals you aren’t drawn to

You may notice crystals that you don’t like, yet they can also be very helpful. You don’t like them because they’re touching something very uncomfortable and deep inside you that you thought you’d locked away. I’ve seen people burst into tears or be physically repulsed by a crystal.

You may notice that you avoid certain situations in life and you don’t know why. When you work with crystals you don’t like, they help buried issues to surface. As a result you may cry, get angry, or otherwise release trapped emotion. This process can be rough, but stay with it – it won’t last long. Afterwards you’ll feel better, even transformed. You will never again have to avoid something because of trapped or buried issues. Clients and friends are drawn to you because of who you are and your energy; so don’t be surprised if the same or similar crystals and issues keep coming up.

Natural magnetism

Pyrite (left) and titanium quartz (right) may be beautiful to look at, but they have unique healing abilities that you may also be subconsciously attracting.

Choosing and working with a pendulum

A pendulum can also help you to select the crystals that are right for you. You simply hold the pendulum over a crystal, ask the pendulum whether it is the right choice and then observe the pendulum’s movement. This is known as dowsing, and it is a natural and ancient human ability – possibly the oldest form of divination. People have been dowsing since before recorded time. We can safely say this as the earliest writings refer to dowsing in a matter-of-fact way.

Today, dowsing is used by people in many fields. A pendulum or other dowsing tool can be used to answer any question you wish to ask; anything from whether a person is ill to whether there is a hidden source of water or oil nearby. Dowsing is used by water and oil companies throughout the world.

Crystal pendulums

Popular crystal pendulums include those made from rose quartz, amethyst (above), and clear quartz.

Dowsing equipment

You can use a pendulum, rods or a forked twig to dowse. A pendulum is the most convenient and the easiest to carry around with you. Pendulums are simply pieces of metal or crystal suspended on a chain or some string. If you are just starting to dowse, crystal pendulums are easier to work with because they magnify energy.

Choosing the right pendulum

Simply stand in front of a selection of pendulums and select the first one that you notice. Don’t think too much about the choice you are making. Now ask your pendulum whether it is a good one for you to work with. (Find out below how to ask your pendulum a question.) Keep doing this until you find the pendulum that answers “yes”.

Asking your pendulum a question

To use a pendulum, hold it in your hand and ask a simple question to which you know the answer is “yes”. For example, if you are a woman, you could ask: “Am I a woman?”. The pendulum will make a movement. Ask the opposite question and the pendulum should make a different movement. You have now identified the way in which your pendulum answers “yes” and “no”, and you can ask any question you wish. To ask your pendulum which crystal is right for you, hold it over one crystal at a time and ask: “Do I need this crystal?” It’s that simple.

As with all spiritual tools, pendulums respond to how they are treated. If you are serious, your pendulum will always give you the correct answer (however, be aware of how you phrase your questions). If you treat your questions as a game or you continually ask the same question over again, your pendulum will respond in an accordingly insincere way. Pendulums only work in the present and the more people’s energy involved in a situation the shorter the period of time the answer will appear correct. For example, if you hold your pendulum over one crystal and ask “do I need this crystal?” the answer will be correct 100 percent of the time; you will need that crystal at that moment. If, however, you ask what you and twenty friends will do in a year’s time, your pendulum will tell you what you and twenty friends intend to do in a year’s time now.

Working with a pendulum

A “yes” response

Some people find that their pendulum moves in a clockwise direction (see right) to indicate “yes” as an answer to a question.

A “no” response

A “no” answer to a question can be indicated when your crystal moves backwards and forwards (see left) – but how your crystal responds is unique to you.

How do pendulums work?

Inside you is a deep inner space. Some people call it the soul or spirit, which is connected to everything. This inner space knows everything – it really does. It knows if it will rain or the sun will shine. It knows if, when you meet someone new, they are trustworthy; and it knows which crystals you need. When you ask a pendulum a question, it moves. So does your arm. But you don’t consciously move it; you couldn’t stop it if you tried. Watch an experienced pendulum dowser at work; their arm moves, too. This is because that very clever space inside you is telling you the answer and expressing it through the muscles in your arm. In this way, a pendulum gives you a external physical representation of your natural inner knowing.

Cleansing crystals

Crystals need to be cleansed for several reasons. When you work with crystals, either by yourself or with others, they absorb energy from you, other people, and their environments. Visibly, they can also become dusty and lack luster. You can see when your crystals need cleansing – they lose their sparkle, brightness, and even color. Crystals in need of cleansing may also feel sticky to the touch.

Geode cleansing

You can cleanse a small crystal by placing it inside a crystal geode.

Good energy versus bad energy

Crystals naturally pick up energy from the environments they live in. Any traditional crystal cleansing method, from sunlight to running water (see Cleansing methods) removes surplus energy that they have absorbed, and which is no longer needed at this moment.

We may often seek to define this absorbed energy as good or bad, but there really is no difference between the two; energy is simply energy, without judgment. Native American peoples used obsidian to fashion arrowheads just as healers recommend holding the stone to the belly to ease stomach ache. The ancient Greeks used beautiful quartz crystal globes to cauterize wounds, but leave one in direct sunlight and the same energy may burn your house down. So do not be concerned that your crystals somehow possess innate good or bad energy; they have only energy, and cleansing them helps release energy build-up, preparing them for healing work.

Removing dust

Crystals do become dusty. Dust sticks with an electrostatic charge that affects the special electricity-generating properties of crystals. Dusty crystals will not work as effectively as crystals that have been cleansed, and dust also blocks light, which reduces the quantity of photons a crystal can focus. To remove dust, lightly brush your crystals with a soft brush – a make-up brush or small paint brush is ideal. Do this regularly to avoid dust build-up.

Cleansing methods

You can cleanse your crystals by placing them in a bowl and immersing in a solution of water and a little mild detergent. Afterwards, rinse them thoroughly with water to make them sparkle. Leave your crystals to dry naturally or pat them gently with a soft cloth.

Here are some of the other traditional ways of cleansing crystals.

If your crystals are water-soluble, however, don’t use a cleansing technique that involves water.

Cleansing methods

Cleansing with fresh running water (above), with smudge smoke (below) and by placing a crystal in natural sunlight (left). Do not leave quartz or crystal balls in direct sunlight for any length of time, as they can be a fire hazard.

Running water – hold your crystal under running water for a few minutes. It may need longer if it’s been working hard or hasn’t been cleansed for a long time.

Sunlight – leave your crystal in sunlight. You can also dry your crystals in the sun after washing them. Beware – quartz crystals, especially crystal balls, will focus the sun’s rays and can be a fire risk. Take appropriate precautions by not leaving quartz unattended in sunlight for any length of time, and do not place on or near any flammable objects.

Moonlight – leave your crystal in moonlight, especially the light of a full or new moon.

Incense – let frankincense, sandalwood, and sage smoke waft over your crystal. You can use a smudge stick to do this (a smudge stick is a small bundle of herbs that is burnt during cleansing rituals).

Earth – bury your crystal in the earth and leave it there for one to two weeks or moon cycles. Bury it when the moon is full and unearth it at the time of a new moon.

Crystal cleansing – place your crystal on an amethyst bed or quartz cluster, or inside a geode.

Sound – clear your crystal of unwanted vibrations by chanting or drumming or using Tibetan bells or symbols (tingshaw).

Breath or light ­– exposing your crystal to your breath or light is cleansing. You can also practice reiki on your crystal.

Preparing your space

Creating the ideal space in which to work with crystals is both beneficial and fun. To make a sanctuary or sacred space in your house can help to give your crystal work a special, meaningful, or ceremonial feel. If you have a spare room or an area in a large room, your crystal space can be permanent. Otherwise you can set it up and take it down when you’re finished.

Crystal placing

Take time preparing your space. Start by clearing the room or area of everything in it that you don’t need, then clean the space thoroughly. Make a list of all the things that are important to you and select crystals to represent them. You will naturally find that you will need larger crystals for some things and smaller ones for others. Place the crystals about the room as you see fit – remember it’s your space! Choose some relaxing music. Light some candles and sit quietly for a while in this special space that is just for you.

Crystals for your special space

Here are some ideas for crystals to put in your special space:


– this is relaxing and calming, but spiritually energizing.


– this encourages fun, happiness, and joy.


– this clears emotional blockages leading to a release of unwanted things and situations in your life. It’s a great crystal to work with for space clearing, or to give you the impetus you need to begin clearing out old, unwanted possessions.


– this brings energy into a room.

Rose quartz

– this allows love to flow.


– this is great to display in any therapy room as it creates a healing environment.

The more you work with the same crystal to achieve a result, the better you both do it. It’s just like learning anything – the more you practice the better you get. Some crystals do a bit of everything, while others are best at performing a specific task or meeting a particular need (like being a Jack of all trades or a brain surgeon). Both types of crystal can be very helpful at different times.

If you select a crystal and intend to work with it for a single purpose, programming that crystal can speed its effects.

Programming a crystal

Once you have chosen your crystal and identified what you want it to help you with, spend some time connecting with it. Look at it – notice its shapes, colors, and plays of light. Hold it in your hands, close your eyes and notice exactly how it feels. Become aware of its smooth, flat, sharp, and pointed parts. Take in any feelings that your crystal creates in you – these may be physical sensations in your hands or arise as more subtle feelings from deep within you. Hold your crystal very close to your ear and listen to it. Most people can hear the physical vibration of a crystal. If your crystal has no elixir warning, then taste it with the tip of your tongue. Finally, use your sense of smell to further explore your crystal – many people can sense the difference between crystals in this way.

Focus on the purpose of the crystal

Now hold your crystal in your hand and focus your mind on whatever it is you want your crystal to do. Sit quietly and imagine (or pretend – it works just as well) that the thought in your mind is going deep into your crystal. Keep doing this for 5–10 minutes.