Little Book of Crystal Tips & Cures - Philip Permutt - E-Book

Little Book of Crystal Tips & Cures E-Book

Philip Permutt

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Let the energy of crystals transform your life with this handy illustrated guide. Beautiful, mesmeric, tactile, and easily available, crystals are natural and powerful tools for bringing health, wealth, love, success, and spiritual harmony into your life. This illustrated guide introduces 101 crystals, uniquely arranged in 12 sections by colour, for easy identification. Discover each crystal's healing qualities, star sign, and chakra point, and how to work with it to benefit body, mind, and spirit. Follow the tips to enhance everyday living, including how to wear crystals for energy, display stones at home to bring in harmony, or place one under your pillow for sweet dreams. You can learn how to choose the crystals that are right for you, discover your birthstone crystal, and ask a question with a crystal pendulum. As more and more people are becoming aware of the power of crystals, this timely guide will help you find the right crystal for every need.

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Let the energy of crystals transform your life


A crystal gift of health, harmony and happiness




This edition published in 2015 by CICO Books

an imprint of Ryland Peters & Small Ltd

20–21 Jockey’s Fields, London WCIR 4BW

341 E 116th St, New York NY 10029

First published in 2008

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Text copyright © Philip Permutt 2008

Photography and illustration copyright © CICO Books 2008

Design © CICO Books 2015

The right of Philip Permutt to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder and publisher.

A CIP catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress and the British Library.

eISBN: 978 1 78249 520 8

ISBN: 978 1 78249 261 0

Printed in China

Editor Samantha Gray

Designer Claire Legemah

Photography Roy Palmer and Geoff Dann

Illustrator Trina Dalziel

Safety Note

Please note that while the descriptions of the properties of some crystals refer to healing benefits, they are not intended to replace diagnosis of illness or ailments, or healing or medicine. Always consult your doctor or other health professional in the case of illness.


How to Use This Book

What Are Crystals?

How Crystals Work

Choosing Crystals

Cleansing Crystals

Placing Crystals at Home or at Work

Healing with Crystals

Crystals on the Move

Meditating with Crystals



Crystals by Color










White and Clear

Black and Gray



Index of Crystals

General Index


About the author

How to Use This Book

This gem of a guidebook presents more than 100 different crystals, with at-a-glance tips on their uses and benefits...

In the first part of this book, discover how to choose, cleanse and work with the crystals that appeal to you, and understand how crystals can bring about healing when placed on your body’s chakras, or energy points (see pages 18–19). You’ll also see how simply placing the right selection of crystals can change the energy in your home and workplace to bring health, happiness, abundance and spiritual connection into your life. In the second part of the book, you will find a profile for each crystal, including its astrological association, ruling planet, element and chakra, plus lots of tips for employing crystals at home or at work to ease emotional ailments or enhance your life in a variety of ways.

You can also use this book for daily affirmation. Open it randomly at any crystal page and see which aspects of the chosen crystal you relate to. Contemplate this as a message for you for that day or, if you have the crystal at home, carry it or wear it, if possible, to start enjoying its benefits straightaway.

Having the nurturing, positive energy of popular, readily available crystals such as rose quartz and amethyst in your home will benefit your pets and plants too.

Whether this book marks the start of your journey with crystals, or another step on your path, take a bold leap and enjoy the experience of change as it happens.

. Identifying Crystals .

For easy reference, the crystals are divided by color, with 12 color-coded sections helping you to locate them quickly (there’s also an index of crystals at the back of this book; see page 157). However, these color sections can really help whenever you have a crystal you can’t identify. We’re often given crystals as gifts, inherit them from friends, find crystals on holiday, on the beach or elsewhere in nature, and may have no idea of their names or special benefits – and the only obvious attributes are a crystal’s color and shape. Of course, crystals vary incredibly in their texture, shape and color, so you may not find a crystal in this book that matches yours exactly. Hopefully, though, it may act as a useful starting point for identification.

♦ RED CRYSTALS (pages 30–39) go from blood-red garnet to red jasper.

♦ ORANGE CRYSTALS (pages 40–49) include marmalade calcite and flaming sunstone.

♦ YELLOW CRYSTALS (pages 50–59) range from honey-colored citrine to pure gold.

♦ GREEN CRYSTALS (pages 60–73) encompass lime-green peridot and emerald.

♦ PINK CRYSTALS (pages 74–83) embrace candy-pink kunzite and fuchsia-pink eudialyte.

♦ BLUE CRYSTALS (pages 84–95) bring together crystals that include intense lapis lazuli and gray-blue celestite.

♦ VIOLET CRYSTALS (pages 96–105) vary from lilac lepidolite to vibrant amethyst.

♦ RAINBOW CRYSTALS (pages 106–115) present iridescent labradorite and watermelon tourmaline.

♦ MULTICOLORED CRYSTALS (pages 116–125) introduce calcite rocks and pretty banded fluorites.

♦ WHITE AND CLEAR CRYSTALS (pages 126–135) range from ice-white diamond to shadowy phantom quartz.

♦ BLACK AND GRAY CRYSTALS (pages 136–145) include lustrous silver and rich, black jet.

♦ BROWN CRYSTALS (pages 147–155) vary from hazel-and-black chiastolite to ginger-colored aragonite.

What Are Crystals ?

Crystals are formed from minerals, and they occur naturally in the Earth’s surface. Under the microscope, a crystal’s atomic structure resembles a three-dimensional lattice. Every crystal’s atomic pattern is unique.

Naturally occurring crystals appear in several fixed crystalline shapes: single crystals, clusters or geodes (hollow rocks with crystals growing toward the center), rough rocks, pebbles and alluvial crystals. Crystals shaped by artist or machine can take any form, and are often beautifully polished.

• Crystal Centerpieces •

Large, beautiful crystals, often called crystal centerpieces, can be powerful enough to change the energy of an entire room, benefiting every person, animal and plant. These are great in living rooms, or any area where people gather, as they exude a positive energy that encourages everyone to feel more relaxed. The most common crystal centerpieces are geodes, large rocks of rose quartz and amethyst and quartz crystal clusters.

Titanium quartz cluster

Crystals refer to many types of mineral. Abalone shell is still referred to as a crystal although it does not have a crystalline structure.

. Living Crystals .

Crystals predate DNA as the building blocks of life. In fact, as Professor Richard Dawkins explains in his book The Selfish Gene, crystals may have been the original life form on Earth. Human beings are made up of many tiny microscopic crystals – most enzymes and many other biochemical structures within cells are in fact crystals.

I have found that anyone working with crystals will, over time, come to appreciate them as live objects – some become lifelong friends, whereas others will come and go as they are needed. For this reason, I do avoid the term ‘use’ in relation to crystals. As we don’t ‘use’ people, we wouldn’t ‘use’ crystals. So whenever the term ‘work with’ appears throughout this book, it refers to carrying, wearing, placing or holding a crystal in whichever way is recommended.

Out of This World

Meteorite and tektite are the only natural crystals included in this book that are not formed in the Earths crust. Meteorite is created in outer space, and tektite is formed when meteorites explode on impact with the Earth, liquefying the surface and fusing with it. There are also a few crystals created artificially using natural minerals and crystals, such as angel aura and titanium quartz.



Holding a crystal helps you with its living energy.

How Crystals Work

Crystals may work as if by magic, but there are a multitude of reasons as to how and why these enigmatic stones are thought to possess the ability to heal and to magnify energy.

It is certain that crystals vibrate, and that they exhibit piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties. The piezoelectric effect is the ability of crystals to generate a voltage in response to mechanical stress; the pyroelectric effect is a crystals ability to generate an electrical potential in response to temperature change.

In terms of their application, crystals provide the movement for quartz watches, and they are also used for igniting the flame of some gas lighters such as cigarette lighters. Crystals also hold heat and electricity, and their ability to focus energy is put to use in lasers.

As a crystal healer, I believe that crystals have an innate energy that can benefit you, those around you, and your home and workspace. They may improve your general state of wellbeing, dispel negative energy and speed up positive changes in your life. If magic is defined as that which is beyond our understanding at this point in time, then crystals are certainly magical.

Amber can help sharpen your memory.

Bloodstone can help your body eliminate toxins.

Hold chrysoprase to improve dexterity.

• The Effect of Crystals •

The healing, life-enhancing powers of crystals have been recorded in many ancient texts, from the Bible to traditional Chinese medical texts and Ayurvedic and Ancient Egyptian teachings. But how may crystals affect you individually, in terms of your emotional response? Because we’re all different – as are crystals – its impossible to describe the precise response you may have to a crystal. However, in my experience, understanding the process of healing is certainly helpful. In crystal healing workshops, here’s how I explain the effect of crystals when you work with them for healing.

Imagine a traditional set of weighing scales, unevenly balanced with one side higher than the other. Visualize a weight dropped onto this side to bring it into balance with the other one. The scales wobble a little as they find equilibrium but Place a Herkimer diamond under your pillow for a restful night’s sleep.soon come to rest at their point of balance. When you work with crystals, the same can happen to you, your emotions wobbling before stabilizing. The effect of crystals can feel uncomfortable as you release negative thoughts and emotions, but persevere and you will soon notice improvements in your life.

Place a Herkimer diamond under your pillow for a restful night’s sleep.

Choosing Crystals

Always choose crystals that particularly appeal to you. These are the ones you find pretty, sparkly or interesting, and keep you going back to them.

When you check information on a specific crystal, it may be obvious why you are drawn to it – perhaps it offers benefits that you, or someone close to you, needs at the present time. Even if the purpose of the crystal is not yet clear, usually it will be revealed in due course; if you don’t need the qualities of a particular stone now, it’s likely that you will later. The most important aspect of choosing a crystal is to trust your gut instinct, your first response.

As you look around a store or at a display, keep in mind the reason you are searching for a crystal. If the crystal is to be a gift, think about the person you are choosing for. The right crystal will catch your eye and hold your attention. Take this book with you on crystal expeditions so that you can look up the crystal in the color sections to find out what it does.

• The Pendulum Method •

A natural and ancient human ability, dowsing is possibly the oldest form of divination. It’s a simple skill to learn, and is an easy way to select crystals for yourself or for other people, even those you don’t know well.

Scrying with Crystals

Scrying is a method of predicting the luture or seeing the past by staring into a quartz crystal ball or an obsidian mirror. The energies of apophyllite and rainbow obsidian promote this ability. There are many other methods of crystal divination, but perhaps the most common way of linking to the future with crystals is in their selection. Sometimes you may be drawn to a crystal that you don’t really need at that moment – take it, as it will become beneficial in the future.

Choose a pendulum and ask it a simple question to which you know the answer is yes, such as, ‘Am I a woman?’ or ‘Am I a man?’. The pendulum will move, perhaps in a clockwise or counterclockwise circle, backward and forward or side to side. This is your ‘yes’ response. Then ask the opposite question and the pendulum will exhibit a different movement, which is your ‘no’ response. Hold your pendulum over each crystal and ask, ‘Do I need this crystal?’ It’s that simple. You can then look the crystal up in this book to find how it can help you.

Often a pendulum will move backward and forward or in a circular motion. By asking the pendulum to show you its ‘yes’ and ‘no’ response, you can ascertain which movement means yes and no when you ask a question.

Cleansing Crystals

Crystals may need cleansing because they pick up energy and get dusty, particularly as crystals’ electromagnetic charge makes dust adhere to their surfaces.

A singing bowl can be used to cleanse crystals with sound.

Crystals absorb energy from their surroundings, and also from anyone, or anything, that has touched them. Over time, they can lose their sparkle, brightness and even color; they may also feel sticky to touch. When you see these changes in your crystals, you know that it’s time to cleanse them to refresh their natural energies.

Here are some of the many ways to cleanse your crystals before you work with them. With all of these methods, your intention is key. As you cleanse your crystals, focus on the task in hand and, in your mind, ask that all old or negative energies be released.

RUNNING WATER Most crystals can simply be washed under running water, with intent – focus your mind on effective cleansing as you hold the crystal under water for a few minutes. Holding a crystal under a fresh running stream is ideal, but running tap water is just fine, too. If your crystal is water-soluble, such as halite, use one of the alternative methods to cleanse it of stale energy.

SUNLIGHT Leave the crystal in sunlight, although beware that quartz crystals, especially crystal balls, will focus the Sun’s rays and can be a fire risk.

MOONLIGHT Place the crystal where it will be lit by the Moon, especially a full or a new Moon. A waxing Moon symbolizes a phase of increasing energy, whereas a waning Moon is linked with declining energy, so will not cleanse your crystal effectively.

INCENSE Waft the smoke from a frankincense or sandalwood incense stick over the crystal.

SMUDGING LIGHT a smudge stick that contains sage over the crystal – sage is traditionally used in Native American cleansing rituals. Waft the cleansing smoke over the crystal – traditionally, this is done with a feather. Then safely extinguish the smudge stick after use. If you extinguish it in a pot of sand, it’s easy to relight and use again.

Quartz cluster

BREATH Breathing on your crystal has a cleansing effect. Breathe in deeply then, as you exhale, focus your mind on cleansing the crystal of any negativity.

EARTH Bury your crystal in the ground when the Moon is full and unearth it at the time of a new Moon.

AMETHYST BED, QUARTZ CLUSTER OR GEODE Place the crystal on an amethyst bed or quartz cluster, or inside a geode.

SOUND To clear crystals of any unhelpful vibrations, the sounds created by chanting, drumming, Tibetan bells or cymbals (known as tingshaw) are effective.

REIKI Practicing reiki on your crystals is also a good method of cleansing.

Placing Crystals at Home or at Work

You can choose to simply place your crystals around your home and work place, perhaps on your desk, or create a personal sacred space just for you and your crystals.

Creating a special, life-enhancing space where you can work with your crystals – for example, through meditation – is both beneficial and fun. The space may be a desk at work or your entire home and it may be permanent or temporary. Here’s how to go about it.

•Creating a Special Space at Home•