Dazzling Aunt Wants Sex:Taboo Erotica - Emily Atwater - E-Book

Dazzling Aunt Wants Sex:Taboo Erotica E-Book

Emily Atwater

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This full length erotic novel is so sexy we can't even tell you the preview…


"Aunt Cathy," she said the words softly. It made her feel older than her thirty-two years and she was getting more depressed by the minute. It won't bother Allen, she told herself. He'll make a big fuss over Valerie, the way he does with all the young girls that stay here. And pat her on the bottom at every opportunity too.

Cathy slid farther down into the bath water, until she was immersed up to the neck, and let her thoughts linger on the word "uncle" for a moment. Her hands were busy again, massaging her breasts and traveling down her stomach to fan a spark that was suddenly building between her legs. The way her husband acted with young girls from the cottages reminded her of her own Uncle Arthur. He was always patting her behind too. And she recalled how flushed and cute his balding head seemed to get when she would stand before him and let him slip his hands up her dress to fondle the balls of white meat in her panties. She could feel his finger now, slowly exploring the crack separating the two globes of flesh as he timidly sought the hidden orifice there. Her own finger gave it the necessary realism to recreate the sensations now. She loved the excitement in his face as he tried to do it without getting caught by Aunt Elsie, and tried to pretend he was just playing an innocent game with her. He never knew she enjoyed his probing finger as much as he enjoyed doing it, she thought, wondering what might have happened if she had told him. Couldn't he tell, by the way she just stood beside his chair and let him explore to his heart's content, that she loved it? she wondered. Then she recalled the time she got so excited she tried to impale herself on the chubby digit, when he took so long getting it in.

But Uncle Alex, unlike Arthur, wasn't timid, she told herself with pangs of delight. In that moment, the bath and her toying fingers promised to fulfill her desires, as she remembered Uncle Alex and a bath she was taking when she was about eighteen years old. She too was spending a few weeks of her vacation with her aunt and uncle at their summer house and was taking a bath at the time, she recalled vividly....

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Dazzling Aunt Wants Sex

Emily Atwater

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Dazzling Aunt Wants Sex











The bath oils gave her smooth skin a satiny feeling as her hands slid tantalizingly over her breasts and down her stomach. But, her idea to use the bath as an excuse for more erotic pleasures wasn't working this time. All she could think about was how her sister had called the night before and as much as said the kids were on their way. The fact that she hadn't seen the kids since she and Allen moved to Lake George, New York, over ten years ago, made her feel as though she was going to be entertaining the small children she remembered, forgetting that Valerie was eighteen now, and Peter was eighteen. And since it was mid-summer, the height of the tourist season, she didn't see how she could take the time to show them the children's attractions in the area, when there was so much to do at the group of housekeeping cottages she and Allen owned.

"Aunt Cathy," she said the words softly. It made her feel older than her thirty-two years and she was getting more depressed by the minute. It won't bother Allen, she told herself. He'll make a big fuss over Valerie, the way he does with all the young girls that stay here. And pat her on the bottom at every opportunity too.

Cathy slid farther down into the bath water, until she was immersed up to the neck, and let her thoughts linger on the word "uncle" for a moment. Her hands were busy again, massaging her breasts and traveling down her stomach to fan a spark that was suddenly building between her legs. The way her husband acted with young girls from the cottages reminded her of her own Uncle Arthur. He was always patting her behind too. And she recalled how flushed and cute his balding head seemed to get when she would stand before him and let him slip his hands up her dress to fondle the balls of white meat in her panties. She could feel his finger now, slowly exploring the crack separating the two globes of flesh as he timidly sought the hidden orifice there. Her own finger gave it the necessary realism to recreate the sensations now. She loved the excitement in his face as he tried to do it without getting caught by Aunt Elsie, and tried to pretend he was just playing an innocent game with her. He never knew she enjoyed his probing finger as much as he enjoyed doing it, she thought, wondering what might have happened if she had told him. Couldn't he tell, by the way she just stood beside his chair and let him explore to his heart's content, that she loved it? she wondered. Then she recalled the time she got so excited she tried to impale herself on the chubby digit, when he took so long getting it in.

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