Incest In Chains: Taboo BDSM Erotica - Emily Atwater - E-Book

Incest In Chains: Taboo BDSM Erotica E-Book

Emily Atwater

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


"Nungh!" The sound came from the grassy mound across the meadow. "No! Damn it, no! Not again. Not so soon!""Don't tell me no, you stupid little cunt! Fucking is all you're good for. If you don't fuck, you don't eat. I might even fix it so you can't open your Goddamned mouth!"A loud, ringing slap echoed across the valley. The noise came from a thin slit in the side of a large mound, a dark, narrow opening half hidden behind a clump of brush. The mound was the roof of a sod house, a dome of timbers and planks built over a huge pit hollowed out of the ground. The planks had been covered with earth and a layer of sod, disguising it almost perfectly. It seemed to be a natural feature.In the hollow of the grass-domed house, Melissa sobbed and shielded her face with her hands. A stinging red welt notched one side of her face, and Wes Sharp stood poised to deliver another vicious slap.He was a huge man, well over six feet, so tall that he could only stand straight in the middle of the room, where the ceiling was highest. Melissa shrank back toward the wall, dragging a heavy chain. It was attached to her left ankle with a hand wrought metal band.Wes stomped a giant booted foot on the chain, ending her terrified retreat so abruptly that Melissa almost fell. She stood cringing as he approached."Don't back away from me either, you bitch. When I say fuck, you get your pretty little ass up on the bed and spread your legs! Understand?"

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Incest In Chains

Emily Atwater

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents












"Don't tell me no, you stupid little cunt! Fucking is all you're good for. If you don't fuck, you don't eat. I might even fix it so you can't open your Goddamned mouth!"A loud, ringing slap echoed across the valley. The noise came from a thin slit in the side of a large mound, a dark, narrow opening half hidden behind a clump of brush. The mound was the roof of a sod house, a dome of timbers and planks built over a huge pit hollowed out of the ground. The planks had been covered with earth and a layer of sod, disguising it almost perfectly. It seemed to be a natural feature.In the hollow of the grass-domed house, Melissa sobbed and shielded her face with her hands. A stinging red welt notched one side of her face, and Wes Sharp stood poised to deliver another vicious slap.He was a huge man, well over six feet, so tall that he could only stand straight in the middle of the room, where the ceiling was highest. Melissa shrank back toward the wall, dragging a heavy chain. It was attached to her left ankle with a hand wrought metal band.Wes stomped a giant booted foot on the chain, ending her terrified retreat so abruptly that Melissa almost fell. She stood cringing as he approached."Don't back away from me either, you bitch. When I say fuck, you get your pretty little ass up on the bed and spread your legs! Understand?""Yes," she moaned, but she was too stricken with fear and disgust to make any move toward the bed.Wes Sharp had a full beard and a bushy mustache of reddish-brown hair. Except when he spoke, his mouth remained hidden. He was smiling now, but Melissa would not have known that even if she'd opened her tear-streaked eyes.He grabbed the middle of her long chain in his right hand. His hand made a fist the hardness of a granite rock. The chain clanked as he lifted it up.The metal cuff locked around the girl's ankle pulled tight, and she winced when she felt the strain. A fearful whimper came from her trembling lips.The other end of the chain was looped and locked around a thick log standing upright in the middle of the room to support the roof. She'd tried to pull free a hundred times at least, but a team of mules couldn't break that chain or pull it off of that sturdy log.The ten-foot length of chain allowed the girl to reach any point in the hidden dwelling, but not the narrow earth ramp slanting up to sunlight and freedom above. Wes and his brother Silas would never allow that. They both liked fucking Melissa too much.Wes yanked up on the chain, jerking Melissa's foot off the hard-packed earthen floor. Melissa teetered on one leg and then pitched backward with a howl, crashing onto the bed. It was a frame of rough planks criss-crossed with a web of rawhide thongs. Those supported a mattress-heavy canvas stuffed with straw.The only covering was a hand-sewn blanket made of squirrel pelts. It had a soft, silvery-blue sheen and felt luxuriously smooth against her skin, but the hides were imperfectly tanned, and it reeked like rotting fish. The stench was a brutal reminder of her awful predicament. Melissa squirmed as though trying to bury herself in the silky fur, mindless of the stink now because he was standing over her, stripping off his fringed buckskin jacket and grimy pants.She wore only a loincloth Silas made for her from a pair of tawny rabbit skins and a leather thong. It smelled worse than the blanket. One hide covered the sleek dome of her pussy mound. The other draped down and barely covered her ass. And each pelt had a neat round hole punched dead center by a lead ball fired from the flintlock rifle Silas used to bring down the bounding rabbits. The exact placement of those holes remained as mute testimony to his skill with that ancient but still very deadly weapon. Melissa knew that if somehow she could get free of the chain and run from the hidden dungeon, her troubles would only have begun.Wes Sharp grinned down maliciously. He had all the keen senses of a timber wolf and had no trouble reading the look of utter despair flashing dimly in Melissa's brown eyes. With his jacket off, his upper body looked like a giant fleshy wedge, broad at the shoulder, narrow at the hip, and rock-solid every inch between.A coarse mat of reddish-brown hair covered the rippling bands of muscle. They flexed and gleamed with sweat as he wiggled out of his tight-fitting buckskin pants. The sight of him gave Melissa the sinking feeling that she had somehow blundered back in time to the early 1800's, when tough, solitary mountain men prowled the high country trapping beavers.She'd gone backpacking alone in the wilderness area three weeks before, equipped with modem, ultra-lightweight gear, but feeling the same sense of freedom and adventure those early trappers must have felt -- never dreaming what a nightmare that adventure would turn into.Silas laughed when he caught her coming naked out of the lake where she'd gone to take a cooling dip. Being twenty miles from the nearest road, she never dreamed anyone else might be watching.But Silas had leaped from behind a rock and grabbed her from the rear, mauling her tits with his rough hands. When she shrilled a scream of sheer terror, he had only laughed all the more. He lifted and carried her up the bank, apparently immune to her kicking and thrashing."Lookie here," he called to Wes in a voice as scratchy as crushed rock. "I caught us a beaver. Prettiest little beaver I ever did see!"Wes came out of the house-mound then, leering and wetting his lips. "Sonuvabitch if that ain't right!" Melissa's long dark-brown hair was wet and streaming, tossed by her violent but pointless struggle.Wes smiled as he gazed into her fear-crazed eyes, wetting his bearded lips again as he said, "Honey, to us what ain't fucked in over a year, you don't know what a pretty sight you are!"Well she knew now. And Wes was glaring at her with the same fierce look of lust as on that first day. Between the two of them, they'd fucked her almost non-stop for three weeks. Melissa had long since forgotten how many times. All she could remember clearly was the feel of their cocks. Wes had an enormous, thick hot prick, and Silas had one bigger still.Wes, the older and apparently smarter of the two brothers, reached down and flipped up her little fur cunt covering while he stroked his giant cock with the other hand. "Nice thing about a loin cloth," he said absently. "No time wasted undressing a pretty little bitch like you when a man wants to fuck."She could see the hammering urgency in the head of his cock. It was blue-red and swollen. "Please," she whined, drawing up her legs. "Can't I rest just a little while? Silas fucked me all night long!""I know that... Goddamn, I had to listen to you two grunting and moaning. I could hardly sleep at all. It made me real horny hearing how loud you cry when you cum.""Uuunnngh!" she groaned. That was the real hell of it. Few of the men Melissa had known in the city had ever brought her to a real climax -- even the burly jock she had dated in college. These bastards did it every time, time and time again."I wanna hear you holler like that some more," Wes said as he crawled up on the bed. The mattress crunched, and the thong supports squealed under his weight. Melissa guessed him to be at least two hundred fifty pounds. The sonuvabitch should have been playing pro football instead of hiding out in the high country.Wes spread her legs with a swipe of his rough hands. The chain rattled, and the ankle clasp thudded hard against the foot post of the crude bed. "Hot damn. How many times you think I've fucked that pretty little beaver-furred pussy of yours? A hundred, maybe?""At least." And between them, the number would be more than twice that. Silas might be none too bright, but he was gifted with a giant cock that never seemed to tire."You scrub it out good after Silas got through with you?" Wes asked."Yes. He took me down to the lake for a swim this morning." Melissa shuddered, recalling how cold the water felt at dawn. They took her out two or three times a day, always with one of them holding fast to the other end.She had tried to escape twice during these outings. That proved to be as fruitless as tugging against the huge center pole supporting the roof. The second time, Silas hauled back on the chain and jerked her to her knees. Then he dragged her back to the house by one leg, bouncing and scratching across the rough gravel beach and into the meadow. The cuts and scrapes took a week to heal, and the fucking never let up. She knew better than to try anything like that now. But her mind wrenched as it always did before one of them drove into her with his big cock. There had to be some method by which she could escape."Don't even think about it," Wes said in an icy tone. Melissa shivered. She thought sometimes that his steely-eyed glare could pierce her skull, and he could read her thoughts like pages in an open book."You try busting away again, and I'll put you out to fuck with one of the jackasses we got working in the mine. You ever see the cock a full-grown jack has got?""No-n-no." They wouldn't let her anywhere near the mine, or even tell her where it was. Silas had said once that it was even better hidden than the house."A jackass cock makes Silas' prick look like a little fucking dwarf!""Uuuunnngh!" She knew that being put to fuck with a beast like that was not beyond these two. They'd probably laugh, standing and watching her cunt get fucked to a bloody ruin."You just keep thinking how good you got it now," Wes said. "Because I'm gong to treat you to some nice and tender cunt sucking.""Aaaaaghhh!" Melissa tried to clamp her legs together, but Wes crouched between them with his knees widespread, bowing down toward her exposed pussy, chanting like an obscene monk worshipping at a shrine."Huuummm! Hhhhaaaa! I love the taste of lake-scrubbed cunt. Tangy as brook trout hot out of the pan!"She cringed, writhing when she felt the scrape of his rough beard on the soft, creamy slope of her thighs. He seemed to enjoy the torment it brought chafing up and down each time he bobbed his head, lapping and digging into her cunt slit with his tongue."Better by far than digging a mine," Wes said. He rolled his tongue over his hair-sheathed lips, licking down stray drops of her tangy-sweet fuck honey. "Even better than a mine like ours with a vein of pure silver practically falling off the wall. That cunt of yours is solid gold! The sweetest, spiciest, best tastingest fuck hole my ole tongue has ever been in. By a damn sight! The hot fuckingest best pussy there ever was!""Hhhhaaagh!" Melissa cried. She wasn't sure what she felt now... abused and fearful, certainly. But also pleased. The way Wes raved about her pussy made her proud.He bent down and burrowed into her again, stabbing and twisting with a tongue that felt as long and rough as stile. Each wet thrust made her pussy walls heave, spreading open and then squeezing back with pulsing waves."And I love the way that little fuck tunnel moves!" Wes went on. "The way it grabs and fucks a little thing like my tongue... just think what your pussy'll do when it feels cock!"She knew. It would go crazy! Her cunt would writhe and twist itself in contortions of joy, even when her mind was reeling and shivering with disgust."I like those firm, high-peaked tits you got too!" Wes dragged his tongue and his bearded chin over the hump of her belly across the flat plain above, then to the slope of her jutting tits.In more pleasant times, Melissa regarded her tits as her best feature. Though she had a slender, lean and athletic build, her full tits thrust proud and sharp, refusing to be hidden by the bulky, loose fitting sweaters that she often wore.Now her tits lay bare beneath the grizzled miner's hands, the peaks taut and steep even when she sprawled flat on her back."And them thick ripe nipples! Look how those little suckers bulge and throb when I roll around them with my thumbs. Knobs like that could be tanned and dried and made into boot heels.""Huuunnngh!" Melissa cried. There was always some hint or threat of horrible abuse, even when they praised and slavered over her. But at the same time, his tightening, spiral tit-strokes were making her squirm with delight."Heh, heh! You love to have your titties thumbed around. That makes your ass thrash better than if I was to drop it naked on the wood stove!""Gluuuunngh!" she humped with a wave of sudden fear.Melissa felt only the tingling softness of fur beneath her but she could imagine the searing heat of the old cook stove where they forced her to labor three times a day thing meals large enough to feed at lest six of the more gentle, city-dwelling men she knew.Venison, biscuits and beans were their mainstay, huge slabs of meat they liked cooked so that it still looked and tasted half-raw. She couldn't eat hers that way at first. She cooked it until fully brown and curled along the edge. Silas sneered when he saw it and said. "Cooked like that, you might as well eat harness straps." And he proved right, she couldn't chew it. So now she ate hers blood-rare too and felt like she was turning more into an animal with every bite."Only thing I like better than feeling your tits is sucking them raw!"Wes spread his mouth and dropped on her, pulling like a vacuum pump until her thick protruding nipple smashed itself flat on the roof of his mouth. Then while the awful suction gorged it full of hot blood, he lapped and swirled around it with his times why her stubborn mind still tried to resist. The vicious bastards knew every touch-point to make her nerves twang. And they delighted in tormenting her until she begged and moaned for a huge, spearing cock that she knew she hated!Wes scraped his beard across her chest to suck on her other tit. Even the stroke of his rough hair made her tingle now. She breathed a long, desperate sigh as he sucked his mouth full, chomping his lips and lashing her swollen nipple with his tongue."Shit!" she screamed. "Fuck me! Fuck me, damn you! Get your cock in! My pussy feels like it's on fire!"He reared back fast with a smile big enough to expose his mouth in that jungle of beard. "Always the same girl! You piss and you moan, and then you beg to get your pussy stuffed full!""Yes, Goddamn it! YES! Aaaahhh, I can't help it. I hate your fucking big cock. I'd cut it off if I... but I need it now! Oooh, God -- I need it so bad!""Then you get ready, furry britches... because here it comes!""Guulllungh!" She bucked to meet him and then recoiled from the stabbing thrust of his cock. Wes sank his prick to the hilt with one mighty jab.He loved the way her pussy walls spread apart when he slammed his cock in like that. Her pliant tube swelled to admit his prick and then clenched back with shuddering spasms."Ooooh, Christ!" she wailed, rolling her brown eyes toward the heavens somewhere beyond the dingy, smoke-stained ceiling. "Your cock is so Goddamned big! Huunnngh! It hurts my cunt when you ram it all in at once like that!"Wes felt his lips curl back. His beard and moustache were both still wet and rich with the scent of her cunt. "And you love it, don't you? Don't you?" he roared when she was slow to respond."Guungh. Yes!"His grin appeared as a slit in the reddish-brown thatch. He breathed in deep, gathering strength while he savored the frenzied pulses of cunt motion triggered by his big cock. "You couldn't stand it if I just let it lie still could you?""N-n-n-no!" His cock was so deep inside! "I want you to fuck me! Uuunnngh! I want you to fuck me hard! Yeah! Hhhooo! Whip it in and out. Make my pussy hurt!" Only in the blissful explosion of pleasure that followed could Melissa hope to find even temporary escape from her nightmare role as a captive in the high country.She arched and fucked with the fury she knew it took to bring the brief, bit blessed relief. She had only one other vague hope -- that another woman or group of women would hike this far into the wild.At least then there would be someone to share the drudgery and the flashing moments of almost insane joy. That was a very slim hope at best. Few women would venture this far into the wilderness.Few women were that brave -- or, she was thinking now, that stupid.Then Melissa's climax exploded in her mind like a thunderbolt and she could think of nothing else. 

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