Incest Excursion: Taboo Erotica - Emily Atwater - E-Book

Incest Excursion: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Emily Atwater

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


Fanny lay back on the cool sheet and watched as her father's thick cock parted the moist lips of her cunt. The knob of the big bone was swollen fat, and she felt a thrill of pleasure as it spread her pussy. Soon it pressed against her membrane -- pop! -- and then Fanny was a virgin no more. She'd been fucked by her dad. "O-h-h-h," she moaned as the huge dork snaked into her molten cunt. "Oh, I love it, Dad."He lowered his body over her, his strong chest pressing her large breasts flat. He lay like that for a few seconds, then kissed her cheek and spoke. "Are you all right, honey?"She nodded, then spoke in a whisper. "Fuck me," she urged. "Fuck me good. I'm okay."She saw him smile before she let her eyelids drop to enjoy the feel of his cock in darkness. She thrilled to the sensation of his bone withdrawing from the depths of her cunt, and then he began pumping her.In and out her father thrust, his big whang plumbing the depths of her hot quim. 

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Incest Excursion

Emily Atwater

Copyright © 2017


He lowered his body over her, his strong chest pressing her large breasts flat. He lay like that for a few seconds, then kissed her cheek and spoke. "Are you all right, honey?"She nodded, then spoke in a whisper. "Fuck me," she urged. "Fuck me good. I'm okay."She saw him smile before she let her eyelids drop to enjoy the feel of his cock in darkness. She thrilled to the sensation of his bone withdrawing from the depths of her cunt, and then he began pumping her.In and out her father thrust, his big whang plumbing the depths of her hot quim. She rose her ass off the sheet, jerking her loins upward to meet the downward plunge of his pelvis. Their pubic patches slapped together, the hair of each mingling for an instant with the hair of the other, and then they parted, the greased pole of a cock slurping out of the sopping cavern of a cunt. In and out the dick rammed, sending wave after wave of pleasure washing over her body, from her pussy to her tits, making the nipples tingle.