Eager for Slavery: Extreme Taboo BDSM Erotica - Paris Petty - E-Book

Eager for Slavery: Extreme Taboo BDSM Erotica E-Book

Paris Petty

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


CHAPTER ONE - Jump Into Trouble
CHAPTER TWO - Water and Leather Torture
CHAPTER THREE - In the Castle of the Mad Baron
CHAPTER FOUR – Sacrifice
CHAPTER FIVE - Chinese Water Torture
CHAPTER SIX - Hunter and Hunted
CHAPTER SEVEN - A Little Less Than a Thousand and One Nights
CHAPTER NINE - Nice Day for a Hanging

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Eager for Slavery

Paris Petty

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

CHAPTER ONE - Jump Into Trouble

CHAPTER TWO - Water and Leather Torture

CHAPTER THREE - In the Castle of the Mad Baron

CHAPTER FOUR – Sacrifice

CHAPTER FIVE - Chinese Water Torture

CHAPTER SIX - Hunter and Hunted

CHAPTER SEVEN - A Little Less Than a Thousand and One Nights


CHAPTER NINE - Nice Day for a Hanging


CHAPTER ONE - Jump Into Trouble

When a Time Jumper awakens, it is a sudden thing, not a gradual awaken as from sleep. There is a sudden snap and you're not laying in the reclining chair in the Time Chamber anymore, you're suspended in utter, total blackness with no body, no sounds, no feelings, and a frightening sense of timelessness. It is as if you're suddenly a mind with no body or universe to house it. Then, after what always seems an eternity, Snap! and you're in someone else's body, somewhere else in time.

Monique opened her eyes slowly and took in more of her surroundings. At the same time she explored the condition of her body by feel. She was, indeed, naked and the soft sea breezes were tickling her skin, teasing it and feeling rather cool where the hot sun was shining directly on her. She could feel some kind of ropes cutting into her arms and legs and concluded that she was immobile, tied tightly with ropes to something solid, and, at least until she could explore her condition more, apparently helpless.

As her eyes grew used to the bright sunlight, she saw that she was standing on a wooden deck. Before her was a wooden railing dotted at regular intervals with ancient black iron cannons. That, combined with the creaking of rigging, the salt tang in the air, the slight swaying motion of the deck under her and the object she was tied to, and the distance blue/green line of the horizon, told her that she was on board a sailing ship. The colorful pirate standing to one side was a big hint, too.

As she slowly turned her head, the pirate came into better view. He was a darkly handsome man, with long black hair, a big mustache, and vaguely French features. His dress was something right out of an Errol Flynn movie, faded purple waist coat, doublets, buckled shoes, a wide brimmed hat with a feather flourish. The clothes were none too clean and as he approached there was a hint of rum upon his breath.

"Does m'lady feel like reconsidering her position?" he asked gallantly. "The sun is indeed hot this afternoon. I fear your skin may become quite burned."

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