The Rich Love Incest Too: Taboo Erotica - Paris Petty - E-Book

The Rich Love Incest Too: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Paris Petty

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


In addition to having endless material possessions, Valerie has also been selected among the world's most beautiful women on four separate occasions. She possesses a regal beauty all her own, with long, flowing black hair, violet eyes, long lashes that, when they blink a certain way, can and have brought numerous males helplessly to her knees, and a flawless peaches and cream complexion. As for her bodily endowments, she possesses what amounts more to a willowy grace than the kind of sensuousness one associates with topless dancers. But with Valerie her form fits perfectly into place. She reminds you of someone sleek and trim, like the lines of an expensive imported car, than somebody whose breasts would pop out at men on street corners.

Along with her afore mentioned assets, which are considerable, she also possesses a brilliant mind, which has endured her to some of the most distinguished and wealthiest men in the world.

She accepts her attention casually, as if she was destined from the very beginning to live the kind of life she does.

Valerie's fascinating story, as related to me on my tape recorder, follows herein:

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The Rich Love Incest Too

Paris Petty

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 1

In addition to having endless material possessions, Valerie has also been selected among the world's most beautiful women on four separate occasions. She possesses a regal beauty all her own, with long, flowing black hair, violet eyes, long lashes that, when they blink a certain way, can and have brought numerous males helplessly to her knees, and a flawless peaches and cream complexion. As for her bodily endowments, she possesses what amounts more to a willowy grace than the kind of sensuousness one associates with topless dancers. But with Valerie her form fits perfectly into place. She reminds you of someone sleek and trim, like the lines of an expensive imported car, than somebody whose breasts would pop out at men on street corners.

Along with her afore mentioned assets, which are considerable, she also possesses a brilliant mind, which has endured her to some of the most distinguished and wealthiest men in the world.

She accepts her attention casually, as if she was destined from the very beginning to live the kind of life she does.

Valerie's fascinating story, as related to me on my tape recorder, follows herein:

I'm one of these girls you've heard about who was born with a gold spoon in her mouth. I guess you'd have to say that Dad was a genius and much of it, fortunately, rubbed off on me.

The first brilliant move that Dad made, before I was born, of course, was to marry Mom, who graduated from college first in her class with a business major and economic minor. When it came to business judgment she knew more than any woman I've ever met, and most men as well.

Dad was a brilliant New York physician who worked hard, determined to make that hard-earned medical degree he took at John Hopkins pay sizable dividends. With Mom's help he made it boom beyond anything he had ever dreamed of.

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