Ecstasy in the Water: Taboo Barely Legal Erotica - Paris Petty - E-Book

Ecstasy in the Water: Taboo Barely Legal Erotica E-Book

Paris Petty

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.

The rumor that Alice was an easy lay spread through high school, though not as quickly or in quite the way Alice had imagined. She was still treated coolly at school. The early-morning swimming exhausted her and left Alice feeling like a zombie for most of the morning.
Her father was drinking more than usual and he was acting strangely. He kept calling her Darlene and Alice had to correct him. Not that it made a difference to her father. Alice no longer used the bathroom in the morning unless the door was wide open and she could see inside. Most of the time the door was closed and once when she put her ear next to the wood, Alice heard the long, plaintive moaning of her father followed by the slapping of flesh.
Actually, Alice was not fully aware of her new status in school as an "easy lay" until a very freakish incident occurred a week before the nationals. Alice had finished swimming that morning and was waiting for the bus to drop her off near school when a convertible screeched to a halt at the bus station. Alice recognized the driver Nick Adams, a football player known for his physical toughness on the gridiron and his awesome prowess in street fights of which there were one or two a week.

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Ecstasy in the Water

Paris Petty

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 1

Yet there was no better place to live in Southern California than the Strand. The small, conservative town was clear and tidy and the residents were stylish and athletic. There were no slums or ghettos, the economic picture being decidedly middle class. The Strand bad two beautiful golf courses and an Olympic-sized swimming pool where the town's famous swim club practiced. Tourists flocked to the century-old hotel called The Strand, built during the pre-tax years of the Rockefellers and the J.P. Morgans. There were lots of attractions for the newcomers just as there was lots of recreation for the residents. If it weren't for the damn fog, the Strand would be heaven on earth.

Alice Dilly was, perhaps, the only one who didn't complain about the thick blanket of fog that covered the island. It was actually a thrill for her, riding her ten-speed through the hazy mist during the morning. It was a few short blocks from the Dilly's two-story house down to the swimming pool, a distance the girl covered easily in a few short minutes. The fog was a friend; it concealed her early-morning swims from the prying eyes of the community. Alice was up early when the fog was thickest and she coasted to the pool, the swirling white vapor wrapping her in a cool, thick cloud.

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