EL-Method - Tony Gaschler - E-Book

EL-Method E-Book

Tony Gaschler



Do you suffer from shyness, self-consciousness, facial blushing, fear of public speaking, stage fright, lack of self-confidence and other emotional inhibitions? Then help yourself to eliminate these inhibitions here and now with the EL Method! The EL METHOD by Tony Gaschler is an INTENSIVE ELIMINATION METHOD, which you can use to rid yourself quickly of unwanted psychological and social inhibitions in a surprisingly easy way without needing help from anyone else. Tragic though the effects of inhibitions might be, there is also a simple way of removing them. A highly-effective self-help technique with distinct effective factors can be used to help you replace inhibitions with a genuine and self-confident pattern of behavior in a short space of time. You can rid yourself of any feelings of inhibition or any outward signs of inhibition that so often make your life difficult. What EFFECTIVE FACTORS are used to eliminate my inhibitions? The well-known psychologist and hypnosis specialist, Tony Gaschler (Germany), has spent years researching and developing a special form of autosuggestion: "DYNAMIC AUTOSUGGESTION". This dynamic autosuggestion method systematically erases old patterns of behavior, removes negative inhibitions and replaces them with new, self-assured RESPONSE SYSTEMS. This dynamic method is unique and particularly effective. The dynamic autosuggestion method has an advantage over other methods in that it is more intense, is faster and, above all, it acts fully automatically. It does not matter whether you believe in it or not. It will always produce the same effective results. Through your new, self-assured response system you will change your behavior patterns so quickly that even in the first weeks that you start practicing your success will be noticeable to your friends and associates. As a side effect, you will notice an increased joy of life, you will experience more feelings of happiness and will start to enjoy social interactions.

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Seitenzahl: 226

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2019

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Tony Gaschler


Overcoming shyness, fear of public speaking, insecurity,

low self-esteem, stage fright, excessive facial blushing

and any other social anxiety disorder


© 2019 by verlag4you - Germanywww.verlag4you.de/com

ISBN EPUB 978-3-936612-67-7 (EBOOK)ISBN 978-3-936612-14-1 (PRINT)German original issue: ISBN EPUB 978-3-936612-68-4 (EBOOK)German original issue: ISBN 978-3-936612-12-7 (PRINT)

Author Tony GaschlerTranslated by Barbara RhotonGraphic design by verlag4you

2nd edition

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The Principle of Life

Inhibitions Are Always Development Inhibitions

The Nature of Emotional and Social Inhibitions

The Causes of Emotional and Social Inhibitions

Start Your Future NOW

Our support is ready to help


Objective of the Emotional Liberation Method

Proper Use of this Method

The Peculiar Effects of the Will on Inhibitions


Download the useful tools

Experienced Autosuggestion

Carrying out the Pendulum Experiment

Explanation of the Pendulum Experiment

The First Emotional Autosuggestion Exercise

Exercise Schedule for the First Week


The Effects of the Emotional Autosuggestion Exercises

Autosuggestion Effects Are Actual Physical Changes

Eliminating the Only Exercise Difficulty

Deactivating Factors That Strengthen and Promote Inhibitions

The Quick Release Auxiliary Exercise

The Second Emotional Autosuggestion Exercise

The Technique of Emotional Internalized Speech

Exercise Schedule for the Second Week


Every Individual Has a Right to Self-Fulfillment

Substitute Development As a Consequence of Inhibitions

Why Can’t It Be ME?

The Third Emotional Autosuggestion Exercise

Details About Carrying out the Mirror Exercise

Auxiliary Exercise: Positive Emotionalizing Thinking

Positive Emotionalizing Thinking

The Power of Positive Thinking

Exercise Schedule for the Third Week


The Role of Emotion during the Disinhibiting Process

The Emotional Function of Blushing

The Nature of the Emotional Disinhibiting Process

The Difference between Inhibited and Disinhibited Individuals

Inhibited Individuals

Liberated Individuals

The Ability to Converse Freely

Different Expression Types

Empathetic Emotional Speech Exercise

Practical Applications in Everyday Life

The Fourth Emotional Autosuggestion Exercise

Exercise Schedule for the Fourth Week


Self-Control or Automatic Self-Check

The Main Means of Expressing Emotions

Practical Opportunities for Learning and Observation

Speaking with Your Face

Empathizing Exercise: Speaking with Your Face

The Fifth Emotional Autosuggestion Exercise

Exercise Schedule for the Fifth Week


Fantasies and Daydreams As Cause of Inhibitions

Overall Expressiveness as Animated, Live Activities and Events

Speaking with Your Body

Liberating and Animated Overall Expressiveness

Empathizing Exercise: Speaking with Your Body

Emotional Adaptability



Exercise Schedule for the Sixth Week


Our New Training Field: Everyday Life

Expressing All Emotions in a Lively Manner

Expressing All Emotions Spontaneously

Expressing All Emotions in a Authentic Manner

Hands-On Training and Practice during Everyday Life

Error Correction is the Foundation of Adaptability

Exercise Schedule for the Seventh Week


The Natural Purpose of Emotions

Emotional Liberation Starts Small

Emotional Freedom in Crucial Situations

The Unencumbered Expression of Directional Emotions

Free Expression of Like and Interest

Free Expression of Dislike and Disinterest

Free Expression of Discontent and Anger

Free Expression of Joy and Happiness

The Unencumbered Expression of Different Emotions

Immediate Expression of All Emotions

Practical Exercises for Everyday Life

Exercise Schedule for the Eighth Week


People Are Social Creatures

The Multipurpose Exercise of the 9th Week

Striving for an Equal Main Role

The Technique of Social Contact

A Rational and Simple Calculation

How to Eliminate Embarrassing Moments

Exercise Schedule for the Ninth Week


The Systematic Elimination of Residual Inhibitions

The Repetition Method

Deactivating Fear through Deliberate Action

Deactivating Inhibitions through Deliberate Action

Lack of Experience as Inhibition Feeling

Free and Unencumbered Behavior in Company

The Inner Change of Becoming a New Person

The Limits of the Emotional Liberation Method

Exercise Schedule for the Tenth Week



Inhibition problems are social and life problems. Whether an individual suffers from emotional and/or social inhibitions or whether he or she can act, behave, and speak freely and self-assured, decides the extent of development and self-actualization this individual will experience in society and the scope of his or her participation in society and the benefits and advantages offered by society. It is a well-known fact that an inhibited person cannot develop sufficiently if at all. Inhibited people are unable to hold professional or social positions to which they otherwise would be entitled due to their knowledge, skills, and performance. It is also a wellknown fact that inhibited people suffer while living unhappily and unsatisfied at the fringes of society, isolated from others and any otherwise natural contact and active participation with other members of society. Solving your inhibition problems will thus determine your social future, your future development and self-actualization, as well as your future social position within society. Moreover, solving your inhibition problem will also determine the extent to which you will resemble the ideal of a happy, satisfied, and successful individual.

The Emotional Liberation Method (EL Method) you now hold in your hands will make it possible for you to solve your inhibition problems. Numerous highly effective and achievement-oriented exercises will, if performed properly and according to instructions, eliminate your negative emotional and social inhibitions in their entirety and replace them with positive and development-fostering characteristics and abilities such as: self-assurance, assured and confident behavior, freedom of expression, confidence, and a new courage to face life. This means the EL Method provides you with a hands-on, practical opportunity to become a new, liberated, and self-assured person with a better, more successful, happier, and more fulfilling future. That the EL Method is highly effective is proven by its previous success: In the first three years of its existence we received more than 4000 (four thousand!) reports of success and testimonials by people who already used the EL Method. What overwhelming evidence! These testimonials poured in from all echelons of society - from simple day laborers with little or no schooling to lawyers and doctors with many years of education. Male or female, the EL Method is the surefire way to achieve your goals. Many of these success stories confirmed that not only did the previously bothersome inhibitions disappear completely but that a new and entirely astounding feeling of happiness and self-confidence, a new lease on life, so to speak, took their place.

The thus gained experiences show clearly and unambiguously that success is possible for anybody who carries out the prescribed exercises daily and properly. Many reports emphasized the fact that these exercises were truly easy to do and that they were even fun and entertaining.

If you now approach this method decisively and with your mind firmly made up, if you do the exercises as instructed, and if you continue doing them until you have reached your goal, then just a few weeks will pass until your desired success is yours! We sincerely wish you to achieve the full success that so many before you have achieved as well!

Tony Gaschler



The Principle of Life

Objective, unbiased, and factual observation of people and the statements they make lead to the following conclusion: A person’s thinking and feeling, his or her desires, striving, ambitions, actions and activities are all in the name of


Every healthy and normal human being wishes to be happy and self-realized. This basic desire is the animated expression of the principle of life. Every internally motivated and triggered thinking, feeling, wanting, striving, and acting has happiness and self-realization as its ultimate goal. Optimal happiness and self-realization within the natural environment and human society is the actual - rationally as well as emotionally - definable meaning of life.

Some prejudices against this attitude towards life do exist, especially from some religious points of view. However, all these biases are ineffective and lose their potency if we view humans naturally and from the point of view of psychosomatic medicine. A few facts to consider:

Happiness is the normal and natural state of consciousness of human beings. The nervous system of a human is set for happiness. It functions correctly, normally, and harmoniously only if the individual is happy. The internal organs of humans function properly only if the individual feels happy. The entire glandular and endocrine system of human beings function normal and correctly only if the individual feels happy. Your body, your immune system, can resist disease and infectious illnesses only if you are happy! Your sensory organs work best if you feel happy. Your emotional and physical ability to perform is only at its peak if you feel happy. Your entire body, your emotional and intellectual abilities are ONLY optimized if you feel happy. These are facts - facts well worth considering.

However, true happiness is only within reach if you have the opportunity for self-realization within your environment, within society. And this is where the EL Method you now hold in your hands comes into play. Because it is especially emotional and social inhibitions that prevent, delay, or hinder any true and liberated self-actualization and with that any true feelings of happiness. This means that the many emotional and social development inhibitions and barriers have to be eliminated and replaced by self-confidence, freedom of expression, and self-assurance before the normal and natural state of consciousness can result all by itself. And this is the primary task and objective of the EL Method.

Humans are social creatures. Individuals can experience true self-development and self-fulfillment only within human society. True feelings of happiness always require the participation of other people as well. A person who withdraws from society into the shell of his or her own little “ego” either can never experience true happiness nor is that person capable of optimal self-fulfillment and development.

Negative emotional and social inhibitions isolate and separate a person from human society. They prevent the active and full participation in life and are a barrier to human interaction. Negative emotional and social inhibitions are thus the actual chief enemy of every true feeling of happiness and satisfaction and of every actual self-fulfillment. These negative emotional and social inhibitions have to be eliminated to return a person to a state where development and self-fulfillment is possible. The EL Method makes all of this possible, which renders this method not only a disinhibiting and liberating method but a development and self-fulfillment method as well.

The principle of life active within every person is:


Happiness is the normal and natural state of consciousness of human beings. However, happiness is possible only whenever and wherever an individual has the opportunity for optimal self-development within society. And optimal self-development in turn is only possible if the individual is without bothersome inhibitions and thus can participate freely in societal activities and the life of his or her community. In other words: Happiness and self-fulfillment are possible only if negative emotional and social inhibitions are replaced by positive and development-fostering properties such as confidence, assured behavior, freedom of expression, and self-assurance.

Inhibitions Are Always Development Inhibitions

Negative social and emotional inhibitions are always development inhibitions. They prevent self-development and self-fulfillment within human society and thus also prevent that the natural and normal state of mind of humans - feelings of happiness - can ever take root. Such negative development inhibitions are as follows: A sense of insecurity in society, fear of public speaking, blushing, fear of supervisors and superiors, feelings of shyness or self-consciousness in front of the other sex, feelings of low self-esteem, misplaced shame and guilt, fear of people, lack of courage, shyness, lack of social contact, fear of expressing your feelings or speaking up, uncertain how to express yourself, panic attacks caused by certain people or situations, unable to look others in the face, lack of composure, feelings of anxiety, tenseness, fear of exams or crowds or overfilled rooms, fear of stating your own opinion, breaking out in sweat due to encountering certain people or situations, fear of engaging someone in a conversations, lack of willpower, easily swayed, hypersensitivity, lack of decisiveness, overemotional, etc.

All of these and many similar symptoms are development inhibitions. They have to be removed, replaced with free, liberated, uninhibited, and self-assured behavior and speech patterns. An actual and true, optimal self-development and self-fulfillment within society is possible only then. Only then will you be able to participate fully in society. And only then will you be a liberated and happy human being.

The Nature of Emotional and Social Inhibitions

Emotional and social inhibitions are not a disease or illness. They are nothing more than impractical habitual behavior patterns that act as a barrier and hindrance to your self-fulfillment and personal development. Inhibited individuals react to their environment and fellow human beings according to these acquired behavior patterns (subconsciously-automatically), which consist of inhibitions and inhibition symptoms. In scientific terms: Emotional and social inhibitions are impractical and development-hindering REACTION SYSTEMS, which take place automatically within the subconscious. People react towards their environment and fellow human beings with the same habits and reactions LEARNED during childhood. Inhibited individuals react with inhibited reaction and behavior patterns.

A free and liberated individual reacts with free and liberated reaction and behavior patterns. Inhibiting and hindering reaction systems can be changed into liberated and self-assured reaction systems using systematic exercises - even with adults. Systematic training means: REPROGRAMMING LEARNED BEHAVIOR PATTERNS!

However, in order for this relearning and reprogramming of positive and development-fostering reaction systems (behavior patterns/habits) to take as little time as possible, the EL Method applies especially effective exercises. These exercises will yield definite effects in just a few days and result in a completely new and liberated, self-confident behavior after only a few weeks. Negative and development-hindering reaction systems will be converted into new and positive, development-fostering reaction systems in the shortest time possible. These new reaction systems will provide the sound basis for all your new subconscious and automatic liberated and self-assured behavior patterns. Previous inhibitions and inhibition symptoms will disappear on their own.

However, the purpose of the EL Method is not to force you to make these changes consciously, to act out liberated and self-confident behavior patterns consciously and with effort. Certainly not! That would be too cumbersome, quite impractical, and rather strenuous as well.

The exercises of the EL Method will show their first effects in a very short time with these new behavior patterns taking root in your subconscious automatically, which results in confident and self-assured behavior all by itself, just as if it were a normal habit. The two keywords are: SUBCOSCIOUS and AUTOMATIC. And this is what makes using and applying this method so very easy. With each exercise you will notice clearly how your previous inhibitions are decreasing progressively, are becoming weaker, until they occur only rarely and finally stop and disappear altogether. Your positive attributes and abilities will increase at the same time. Your confidence level will increase, your self-assurance and ability to express yourself freely, as well as your courage and sociability will increase until the goal of the EL Method has been achieved in its entirety. That is how the Emotional Liberation Method works. The first significant effects can be seen and felt after just a few exercises. These effects then start to accumulate with each day that passes until your full success is within easy each after 6 to 10 weeks. Eventually, depending on the type and severity of your inhibitions and inhibition symptoms, final success is guaranteed. Our experiences have shown that individuals with severe inhibitions reach their goal faster than those with only slight inhibitions. This is because severely inhibited individuals are usually more devoted to carrying out the prescribed exercises exactly as instructed and with more intensity than a person with light inhibitions who easily becomes “more sloppy” when it comes to doing the exercises correctly.

The Causes of Emotional and Social Inhibitions

The actual root of social and emotional inhibitions can be found in early childhood and adolescence. In rare cases, inhibitions are acquired during adulthood. The primary cause of inhibition and its many symptoms is the habit of SUPPRESSING EMOTIONS acquired during childhood and adolescence. This leads to severe emotional buildup in the brain, which continuously trigger various types of automatic-subconscious inhibition symptoms. To understand this process better we need to examine and understand the basic term of the EL Method: EMOTION.

Compare the following interpretations:

“I was moved”

“I was emotional. The speech moved me”

“The speech triggered emotions. He spoke with a moving voice”

“He spoke emotionalizing”

“She spoke with much feeling”

“She expressed herself emotionally”

“She was shaken by the news (very moved)”

“She experienced severe emotions upon hearing the news”

“He was excited”

“He was emotionally charged. He was joyful”

“He experienced the emotion of joy”

“The speech causes much excitement among the listeners”

“The speech caused the listeners to experience many emotions”

“He was speechless from anger”

“Severe emotions prevented him from speaking”

“Fright paralyzed her”

“The emotion of fright prevented her from moving her limbs”

“He was so filled with joy he started to dance”

“The emotion of joy made him dance”

“Rage turned his face red as a tomato”

“The emotion of rage turned his face red”

“He shook all over because of his anger”

“The emotion of anger made his body shake”

“With new hope surging through his body, he breathed a sigh of relief”

“The emotion of hope relieved him of his emotional anxiety and he was able to breathe freely”

Surely, the term emotion is quite clear to you. Emotions are those contents of consciousness that move, excite, enrage, stimulate, seize, grip, or otherwise touch upon our feelings. The list of emotions is almost endless. Here is a list of some of the most frequent emotions:

Admiration, affection, anger, anger, animation, awe, cheerfulness, contempt, courage, curiosity, daringness, desire, despair, devotion, disappointment, disdain, disgust, dislike, embarrassment, enthusiasm, fear, feelings of inferiority, feelings of revenge, feelings of superiority, flattery, freedom, fright, frustration, fulfillment, gratitude, grief, guilt, happiness, hate, homage, hope, hopelessness, humility, inhibition, insecurity, joy, love, lust, panic, pity, pride, rage, reluctance, remorse, reproach, reverence, satisfaction, shame, shyness, sorrow, tenderness, terror, triumph, well-feeling, willingness to sacrifice, worry, worship, etc.

Some emotions are pleasant and some are unpleasant. For example, joy, love, and hope are considered pleasant. This list of emotions together with the previous terminology explanation surely will suffice to explain and understand what emotions are. The description of the causes of emotional and social inhibitions now continues.

The actual cause of most inhibitions and inhibition symptoms is the habitual SUPPRESSION OF EMOTIONS, the NON-EXPRESSION OF EMOTIONS. This causes the so-called EMOTION BUILDUP. Every emotion has the natural urge to express itself somehow. Expression can take the form of speech, emphasis, an animated facial expression, gestures, or other PHYSICAL FORMS. The brain generates a corresponding electrical impulse as soon as it becomes aware of an emotion. This electrical expression impulse is to trigger the corresponding physical expression of the respective emotion. If the emotion has a chance to express itself, the electrical impulse disappears and all is well. However, if the emotion is suppressed instead and leads to emotional buildup, the electrical impulse is not discharged and remains in the respective brain cells in the form of a small electrical charge.

If this occurs repeatedly and emotions are not expressed but suppressed, the electrical charges in the brain accumulate and are discharged involuntarily once a certain upper limit has been reached. This forced and involuntary discharge then spontaneously and automatically triggers a compulsory inhibition symptom such as blushing, feelings of fear, excessive sweating, feelings of insecurity, etc. You will find - and probably know already from your own experiences - that you are helpless against these compulsory discharges in the form of inhibition symptoms no matter how strong your willpower and no matter how hard you try. Just the opposite happens: The harder you try to suppress an inhibition symptom, the more severe it becomes.

Emotional liberation now consists of using the aid of highly effective exercises to learn to let go of your emotions, to express them truly and spontaneously. This reduces the already existing buildup of emotions and simultaneously prevents new buildup from accumulating. The result is that you will become progressively more liberated, more disinhibited, and more confident and self-assured as you continue with your exercises. The natural principle of life is increasingly able to take root as a consequence of this continuous disinhibition process. This will become clear as you feel an increase in your zest for life, a new courage to face life, and more frequently experience true joy and happiness.

Start Your Future NOW

We all live in the presence, the here and NOW. Just this very moment, that is the reality of life. What you do TODAY determines your life tomorrow. What you learn today you can apply tomorrow. What you acquire today will determine your behavior tomorrow. The Emotional Liberation Method is hands-on method. If you want to achieve your goal, you have to do your exercises. The experiences we have collected over the years with this method show clearly and unambiguously that success is possible for anybody who carries out the prescribed exercises daily and properly. Occasional or temporary training only results in partial success. If you take your exercises serious, carry them out properly and daily, your full success is ensured.

Every action is preceded by the decision to perform this action. Becoming involved in the EL Method is an action that will change your entire life for the better. An action that determines how you will live three months from now. How you will live in one year, or after 10, 20, or 40 years. Being inhibited is a constant sorrow, a heavy load, and an ongoing struggle with yourself and your environment. Inhibitions drain you of precious vitality. Inhibitions never provide happiness or are ever beneficial. You now hold your future in your own hands. Make the decision that will change your life forever - use the EL Method to become the person you know you truly are. Make this decision and remember that TODAY, the HERE AND NOW determines what your future will be like. Remember that TODAY, the HERE AND NOW determines your future when you absolve your exercises. This thought will carry you safely to your goal!

Our support is ready to help

If you should encounter problems or specific questions while using this method, go to our ELM Forum specifically created for the EL-Method at www.verlag4you.de/com - the ELM Forum is also a great place to exchange experiences or ask specific questions.

If you wish to receive more private help, please write an email to:

[email protected]


Objective of the Emotional Liberation Method

The Method in hand is an active process using specific exercises to remove and eliminate development inhibitions and emotional blocks. It has a clear and fixed objective: To emotionally liberate you from your bothersome inhibitions and replace them with a sure and self-confident behavior that will be at your disposal in front of every person and in every situation any time you need it. Since this goal is linked with certain experiences that are decisive factors for the complete success of the Emotional Liberation Method (EL Method), your voluntary and active cooperation is required. Your part consists of carefully studying the entire Method and to carry out all of the listed exercises without reservations. Only if you cooperate of your own free will and are and active participant can the targeted objective be reached in its entirety.

To teach a person is one thing, to change a person is something completely different. The Method in hand does not want to patronize or lecture you. It is supposed to help you change the way you envision it; to change so that your negative and socially impractical development, inhibitions and blocks disappear in their entirety and are replaced with the positive and development-supportive and fostering capability of being able to speak and act freely in any situation. This objective is completely attainable if the Method in hand is followed properly.

Proper Use of this Method

The following items are important to ensure the proper use of the EL Method:

1.First, carefully read the entire EL Method for a clear overview of what the Method entails. Study carefully what you do not understand right away. Reread passages if necessary until they become clear. Also, pay close attention to those sections that especially apply to your case. Start the exercises as described only after you have really understood everything.

2.Our experiences with the EL Method have clearly shown that success ins guaranteed in every case if the prescribed exercises are followed correctly and carried out daily