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Everything that you want to or have to learn can be learned for the most part while you sleep, whether learning languages or any other kind of knowledge. Usually we allow ourselves eight hours' sleep a night. By the time you are celebrating your 60th birthday, you will have spent about 20 years in bed. Don't restrict your learning to the daytime - use the night for learning, too! Without damaging your health or your well-being, you can now use part of this time to deepen and strengthen your knowledge and skills considerably. There are no limits placed on your learning objectives, here are just a few examples: - learn foreign languages and vocabulary - improve your grammatical knowledge - prepare for exams - practise formulas - deepen your specialist knowledge Learning more, for example in the area of foreign languages, is also of great importance for advanced learners. You can perfect your language knowledge of style, expression, grammatical combinations and word order. When it is possible to store texts to be learnt in your subconscious while you are asleep, it is also possible to fix suggestions there. In a specific sleep sequence, receptivity for suggestions is particularly good. This sequence is optimally used to remove negative habits and inhibitory patterns of behaviour and to replace these with positive characteristics. The possibilities here are also very varied, here are just some examples: - improving memory - weight loss in the case of overweight - strengthening self-confidence and self-awareness - improving performance and stamina - strength, relaxation and inner peace The text book "Learn while you sleep" provides you with the most useful examples of pre-defined sleep suggestions for your individual adaptation.
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Seitenzahl: 115
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2019
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Tony Gaschler
Quickly, simply and effectively.
Learn languages through subliminal learning.
Learn foreign languages without an accent.
Learn texts and vocabulary without swotting.
© 2019 by verlag4you - Germany
ISBN EPUB 978-3-936612-46-2 (EBOOK)
ISBN 978-3-936612-37-0 (PRINT)
German original issue: ISBN EPUB 978-3-936612-45-5 (EBOOK)
German original issue: ISBN 978-3-936612-43-1 (PRINT)
Translated by Laurinda McDonald
Graphic design by verlag4you
2nd edition
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I. The theoretical basis
Knowledge and skills as the basis of our success
In search of new learning methods
Source references and the areas of use of learning content
Wonderful memory performance in hypnosis
The determining factor: memory or the ability to recall?
Interesting tests to make during sleep
The purpose and advantages of learning while you sleep
Our brain continues to work during sleep
From ancient sleep temples
Learn faster and easier by learning while you sleep
Incorrect learning and correct learning
What is important in learning while you sleep
The familiarisation phase
How long does the familiarisation phase last?
II. The practical basis
The proper implementation of the method
Systematic work – systematic learning
The practice of familiarisation in learning while you sleep
Learning while you sleep with sound production
Learning while you sleep with a recording device
The first practical attempts at learning while you sleep
The best time for learning while you sleep
An increase in subconscious receptiveness
Relaxation exercises
How often do texts have to be repeated while you sleep?
Learning while you sleep experiments as proof of learning success
How to overcome a lack of motivation to learn
III. Technical equipment and devices for learning while you sleep
Audio player or audio recorder
Sound carriers
A loudspeaker or mini-headphones
A time switch
Which digital audio player is suitable for learning while you sleep?
CD player
Audio player software (PC/hard disk)
Portable multimedia player (MP3 player)
Instructions for the time-delayed recording of narrated learning content
Which tape recorder is suitable for learning while you sleep?
Which type of recording device is suitable for learning while you sleep?
Loudspeakers and mini-headphones
A time switch
Connecting the devices together
How to create good sound quality
IV. Practical guide to learning while you sleep
Learn foreign languages while you sleep
The standard method
Retrieval through follow-up practice
The toga sleep-learning method for foreign languages
Increasing your vocabulary through learning while you sleep
Advanced foreign language skills
Learn while you sleep with long-distance technical study
Active learning with long-distance technical study
Effective professional further training while you sleep
Further training with the aid of text books
Further training with the aid of trade journals
Sleep-learning for inventors and creative people
V. Learn while you sleep without any technical aids
Pre-sleep learning
Pre-sleep short learning method
Pre-sleep imagination (pre-sleep images)
Sleep-learning with assistance from others
Learning under hypnosis
Learning while half-asleep
Learning under deep relaxation
The theory of deep relaxation
Learning through being hypnotised
Related learning methods
An ancient method – nowadays modern again
The method of rhythmic repetition
The method of text streaming
Learning foreign languages quite incidentally
Text streaming for actors
A completely new method of learning: subliminal learning
VI. Self-improvement while you sleep
The theoretical basis of sleep suggestions
The doctrine of the powerful subconscious
The practice of sleep suggestions by way of examples
Positive sleep suggestions
How often must sleep suggestions be repeated?
Sleep better with relaxation suggestions
Sample recordings for relaxation suggestions
Formulating sleep suggestions
Sample: Self-confidence and self-assurance
Sample: Increasing vitality (for those over 40 years of age)
Sample: Increasing energy
Sample: Overcoming pessimism
Sample: Obtaining personal courage
Sample: Overcoming grief
Sample: Clear and rational thinking
The practical application of sleep suggestions
New paths - new opportunities
Additional recommended titles
Any progress in the life of the individual as in the life of society has its basis in one, unique cause: applied information and capabilities, that is to say, applied k n o w l e d g e and s k i l l s. Although we hardly think about it most of the time, it is still a very obvious fact in general that our individual life depends on the information and capabilities that we have and how we put these into practice. This means that we can o n l y achieve that which we possess within ourselves as knowledge and skills.
Nevertheless, there are any number of so-called illusionists who seek the causes of personal success everywhere except where it really is. For a person who is thinking clearly and rationally, however, there is actually only one, unique basis of success: information and capabilities, and making use of them for the benefit and good of others. Any other causes of success have no lasting value.
Now, there is something very important to say about this subject: Knowledge and skills alone have no meaning! There are people everywhere who are extremely rich in all manner of knowledge and skills but who do not know what to do with it and thus fail in life and live their lives far below their potential. Where is the actual cause of this contrary behaviour to be found? In most cases the cause lies in the fact that although all manner of knowledge and skills are available, there is no one special area that has been wholeheartedly mastered. With this we then arrive at the problem of so-called superficial knowledge. Superficial knowledge and skills are usually just a burden and encumbrance on a person, which do not serve him and, in many respects, also hinder him psychologically.
Any normal, rational person realises (if he gives serious consideration to it) that he can achieve something in life and can achieve a level of respectability and wealth as soon as he organises and perfects his knowledge, and then applies it in order to provide a benefit to other people and the entire human society. This leads to the following practical requirement for anyone who wants to achieve more:
He should acquire new information and capabilities, and improve and expand the information and capabilities that he already has, so that it is possible for him to make practical use of them in a way that offers a benefit. Anyone who looks elsewhere for the causes of success is chasing after illusions that have no value.
The situation of the job market nowadays is basically much different than before. Unemployment still exists but is less for those in skilled jobs. There is even a lack of skilled workers and for this reason nowadays they are paid relatively better than before. It is even the case that it is practically impossible for some professions to make any progress due to a lack of suitably qualified specialists. Therefore attempts are made to circumvent this lack through rationalisation and automation. However, once again, specialist skilled workers are needed for automation and thus opportunities for specialists continue to grow. If we were to carry on following this development, it is clear to see that specialists will always be better paid and therefore have more opportunities to achieve respectability and wealth.
What could be more obvious for an industrious and rationally thinking person than to try to acquire new, specialist information and capabilities, that is to say, t o l e a r n. Yet here, too, similar difficulties arise as to those of the job market. Either the school system is suffering cutbacks, or schools are being closed, or have been turned into comprehensives. As a consequence, schools are too big and overcrowded, and, moreover, there is a lack of teaching staff. There is hardly any possibility of continuing one’s education in the old-fashioned way. More and more new methods of learning and possibilities are being sought and are also being found in part. Evening courses, long-distance learning, home-based studies, specialist courses within the scope of vocational training etc. are becoming more widespread and are being increasingly taken up.
At the same time, it can be clearly noted that new and more up-to-date methods of learning are being applied in this regard. The usual “swotting”, which was previously common, has become outdated in many ways and more attention is being paid to the new, scientific findings of psychology, such as learning by positive reinforcement, subconscious receptiveness, conditioning, stimulating the ability to make associations etc. Worldwide, completely new methods are even being applied, such as learning while you sleep, learning in a state of relaxation etc. Added to this, more and more technical aids are also being used for replaying sound from storage media.
If you were to look more closely at this new learning situation, you could say that completely new and much more effective possibilities are opening up in this field than could ever have been dreamed of before. Current methods of self-study now take advantage of such new opportunities. They are intended to demonstrate the basics, provide stimulus and give an introduction that makes it possible for anyone to make an attempt at learning and, after some initial experience, to be able to draw a practical benefit from this. This field is still new and therefore particularly attractive and interesting, especially for resourceful people.
Nowadays there is an enormous choice of learning content for every level of education. To apply this method, you can make use of, for example, narrated foreign language courses on data media, recordings of foreign language radio and TV programmes, or self-made recordings with individual unlimited learning content.
Commercially you can obtain foreign language courses with vocabulary and texts at every level of difficulty from different producers. Amongst the many different offers, it is important to make sure that language courses also include narrated learning content.
The Internet portal “LearnOutLoud” offers a large selection of audio learning material. At the website you can obtain a range of MP3 audio courses on different subjects, which are very suitable for SLEEP LEARNING.
Anyone who especially wants to learn a foreign language can also take a look at, for example. Here you have a choice of 20 foreign languages, which you can test free-of-charge as MP3 downloads and can also purchase the full version.
Advice on using recorded spoken learning content during sleep
Instructions on how to prepare the different recorded spoken learning material from MP3 audio courses for learning while you sleep, and how to use it correctly, are given in Chapter III.
In the internet you generally have the biggest selection of narrated learning material for your desired learning target. Even if you were only to restrict yourself to foreign languages, there is a broad range available for beginners and the more advanced. Radio and TV programmes in different foreign languages are excellent transmission media to help you improve existing language knowledge with regards to style, form of expression, correct grammatical word and sentence constructions or even specific pronunciation.
Many software programs such as audio players, radio players and multimedia players that are installed on your PC include a link to radio and TV channels in every foreign language, which broadcast talk shows, audio and quiz games, lectures, reports, conferences, news, travel news, holiday offers, scientific programmes etc. (more on this in later chapters).
With self-made recordings or recordings made by other people, you can use individually selected texts, content-relevant grammar, vocabulary, stories, translations, knowledge, specialist areas, formulas etc. to learn.
Furthermore, you also have a very good opportunity to build upon your personality with hypnosis and sleep suggestions to solve any problems or to improve specific traits and habits (more on this in later chapters).
The human being has a universal mind. It picks up everything that you experience, see, hear or otherwise perceive in any other way. Nothing can be lost once it has been absorbed but - and this is once again the well-known, big B U T - it is not just that which we have in our minds that is valuable but more especially that which we can bring into our conscious mind at any time, that is, that which we can remember. There is a big difference between that which we have in our mind and that which we can call to mind or remember at any time.
Hypnosis tests show that a person can remember everything that his mind has ever absorbed - even those experiences that a person can no longer remember when he is awake and conscious, no matter how much he tries.
Here are a few examples:
1. A test subject was hypnotised and asked about everything she had experienced on her 6th