EMILIE III - H.E. Dr Simon Rosenberg - E-Book


H.E. Dr Simon Rosenberg



In the Arabian Desert with Agent May. No time to rest. Special Agent May in the desert but no time for holidays. The Fantome never sleeps and has its people everywhere. Landing in Dubai, Agent May has to deal with the Caravan Stranglers. As if it was not already difficult enough for him and his co-operatives, a herd strangler challenges him in the desert. Caught between the predators, Agent May has to dance with the stranglers for his life. Will he be able to finish his mission in time? Only 24 hours left ...

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Agent May In the UAE. Dubai, 2017.







Captured By The Gum. UAE Desert, 2017.

H.E. Dr Simon Rosenberg





Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek:Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über http://dnb.dnb.de abrufbar.


Lektorat: BI, HU Korrektorat: TRUEHN PUBLISHERS weitere Mitwirkende: TRUEHN ORGANIZATION

Herstellung und Verlag: BoD – Books on Demand, Norderstedt

ISBN: 9783749446810

Agent May In The Dragon Bar. UAE, 2017.

You will see – one day they will make a movie about us.

The real Hero is you.

I do not know where all this is coming from.

It is like coming from nowhere and doing such good things.

When we both finish studies I build hospital for you.


1, Out of Order

2, Ivanka

3, Ice Rink

4, Take Me Higher

5, Cigarette

6, Captured By The Gum

7, Caravan Strangler

8, Love Me Another Day



Out of Order

Oh, you beauty.

Oh you magnificent.

Oh, you queen of all cities in the desert.

You're famous, known on all the seven continents.

Oh, you well known.

Oh, you gentle.

Oh, you connection between the people.

Oh, you pride.

Oh, you highest of all.

Oh, my Dubai.

Oh, my desert queen.

May Allahs endless Grace shine upon you.

May Allahs generosity give back to you what you give to the world.


We had already passed the Saudi Arabian mainland and while the sun was slowly coming up in the east, sending its first shine to the dark sky and enlightening the horizon, I was thinking about this famous poet from Switzerland, who once wrote these lines to Dubai, the city where I was landing in one hour and 20 minutes.

Dubai is an amazing example of real estate booms. If you look back on the Dubai in 2008 it was almost just the desert and nowadays in 2017 it was a vivid city, the centre of the world economy, connected to all major airports and the place for workers from all the countries of the world. Travelling from Dubai to any place in the world became possible with Fly Emirates. Dubai became the hotspot for business & entrepreneurial excitement and all other possible forms of excitement. It was also known as the playground of the Middle East because it is also one of the major tourist attractions all year long with family packages, digital nomads rushing in and out and everyone else who is just looking for the perfect experience in the Middle East comes to Dubai, the queen in the desert.

With billions and more billions of legal tender currencies put into Dubai real estate, also the inter-agencies had a growing interest in the place. And it was no surprise to me that the organisation that I was supposed to investigate there, had also a foot in the city.

As I could look outside the window, I saw below me just the yellow ocean and above me the sky, the dark sky. In the east you could see the sun coming up and the sun gave the dark night its contrast.

I've had a very convenient flight with no interruptions and apart from that one time when I woke up and saw that this beautiful lady actually fell asleep on my shoulder was the only interruption that I had during the entire flight. It was still almost complete silence on the plane, apart from the rooming engines and the few stewards walking in the midways.

I had the chance to look on my seat neighbour and realised that she had a charming face with very nice lips - you could call them gorgeous and extremely kissable because it was true and I guessed she had brown eyes given the fact that her hair was not natural blonde, but actually dyed blonde. It should later be confirmed that she had brown eyes. For the next 50 minutes. I just sat in my seat and was mentally preparing myself for the things that I was going to do over there and what I could experience there was running through every neuron in my brain.

Still, after all these years, I feel some sort of excitement when I come to a new place where I haven't been working before. And as you can imagine in the inter-agency lifestyle, there is almost no place that you cannot go and where you have not been at the end of your career.

Many of the places where agents are actually being placed all around the world are not even known to the majority of other citizens. These are all strategic positions that are being controlled, surveyed or held by the agencies. I met guys over the years who spent years in remote areas and savage islands. Some of them had been entertaining radio stations, others were taking care of satellite stations, then there were those who collected weather data, some had to protect a treasure, often they were analysts collecting data about their daily observations, …

I had been once with one of these guys in Greenland in the eternal ice and spent two weeks with him looking for hostile submarines on the nuclear radar detector.

As the captain had told me the Deuxième had no own office in Dubai, I was not expecting much of a headquarters’ atmosphere.

The office was well connected with our friends and partners from Serbia and Switzerland. I've had made great experience with the agencies in Switzerland, and you could generally count on their quality and professional handling of international operations. My experience with the Serbian International Action Service was great and I have always enjoyed working with their agents for their great sense of humour and their loyalty towards me and the mission. I had recently done one operation, a joint operation with Serbian agents in the Balkans a few months ago when we were bringing home to Paris laundered diamonds who had been taken from the Louvre Museum and were about to be sold on the black market in Tirana, Albania.

Monsieur le Capitaine had assured me, that I was supposed to have two female partners in Dubai, I was really excited to find out how they looked and how old they were. Obviously, age and look interested me because I wanted to see the expectations of the service towards me and the most important thing that you always have to ask when you get a new partner is their experience in the service. The field experience. The field Is like the real-life challenge for any agent because in the field you actually find out if you have it what it takes to be an agent or you are being eaten alive in the rough environment out there. Many agents leaving the academies have great records and they are very optimistic. But when they start operating in the field they fail terribly and failing terribly often means in the inter-agency life that others get hurt because of you. That is why the Foreign Ministries all over the world are filled with applications from graduates who want to join them as analysts.

The look of an agent is helpful to learn about the expectations of the agency towards you and their expectations towards the mission. The captain had always laid attention on the details and all the partners I have had the honour of working with over the years were all kind people, very well educated and without exemptions beautiful beyond dreams.

When the Pilots announced the descent into Dubai, I had the chance of seeing one of the most magnificent views of Dubai and that is the moment when you fly into Dubai. You are flying over the sea into the city, the skyline in front of you from left to right and if it is night or early morning you actually get the shape and contrast of its towers and highways as a free and unforgettable memory for life. I think it's an even bigger experience for those who actually sit in the cockpit and fly the plane. It is magical and fascinating seeing what mankind can make out of the desert.

In those nostalgic moments, I always played with the thought of returning to the Armée de l'air et de l'espace

The lady to my right had just woken up and as the plane was getting somehow turbulent, she took my hand. As an agent you can differentiate between spontaneous acts and pseudo-spontaneous acts and this was definitely the latter.

My mistake. I'm so sorry. I just needed someone to hold.

It's OK, no problem. I'd be happy to assist with that.

We looked at each other for a moment and then she came closer to my ear and whispered in my ear.

You actually look like on the picture. To be honest, you look even better in real life than you look on the picture.