Everyday Data Structures - William Smith - E-Book

Everyday Data Structures E-Book

William Smith

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Explore a new world of data structures and their applications easily with this data structures book. Written by software expert William Smith, you?ll learn how to master basic and advanced data structure concepts. ? Fully understand data structures using Java, C and other common languages ? Work through practical examples and learn real-world applications ? Get to grips with data structure problem solving using case studies

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Table of Contents

Everyday Data Structures
About the Author
About the Reviewer
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What this book covers
What you need for this book
Who this book is for
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1. Data Types: Foundational Structures
Numeric data types
Integer types
Single precision float
Double precision float
Statically versus dynamically typed languages
Implicit and explicit casting
Widening and narrowing
Boolean data type
Operator precedence
2. Arrays: Foundational Collections
Mutable versus immutable arrays
Case study: users logged in to a web service
Advanced topics
Linear search
Primitive arrays
Object arrays
Mixed arrays
Multidimensional arrays
Jagged Arrays
3. Lists: Linear Collections
List implementations
Array-based lists
Linked list
Instantiating lists
Revisiting users logged in to a service
Case study: bike route
Doubly linked list
A few pointers
4. Stacks: LIFO Collections
Initializing stacks
Stack operations
Case study: motion planning algorithm
Advanced topics - stack implementations
Array-based stack
Linked list-based stack
5. Queues: FIFO Collections
Initializing queues
Queue operations
Case study: customer service
Advanced topics
Array-based queues
Linked list-based queues
Heap-based queues
Double-ended queues
Priority queues
6. Dictionaries: Keyed Collections
Initializing dictionaries
Dictionary operations
Case study: arcade ticket totals
Advanced topics
Hash table based dictionaries
Search tree based dictionaries
7. Sets: No Duplicates
Set theory
Initializing sets
Set operations
Example: revisiting users logged in to a service
We would need a contract
Case-study: music playlists
Advanced topics
Hash table-based sets
Tree-based sets
Array-based sets
8. Structs: Complex Types
The essentials
Creating structs in C#
Rule 1: The struct will logically represent a single value
Rule 2: Each instance of the struct must be under 16 bytes
Rule 3: The data must be immutable
Rule 4: The struct will not require repeated boxing
Creating structs in Objective-C
Creating structs in Swift
Case study: the Metro line
9. Trees: Non-Linear Structures
Tree data structure versus tree data type
Tree terminology
Common operations
Instantiating trees
Tree structures
10. Heaps: Ordered Trees
Heap implementations
Heap operations
Instantiating heaps
Min heap structure
Common applications
11. Graphs: Values with Relationships
Visual graph concepts
Graph operations
Graph implementations
The graph data structure
12. Sorting: Bringing Order Out Of Chaos
Selection sort
Insertion sort
Bubble sort
Quick sort
Merge sort
Bucket sort
13. Searching: Finding What You Need
Linear search
Binary search
Jump search

Everyday Data Structures

Everyday Data Structures

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First published: March 2017

Production reference: 1080317

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

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B3 2PB, UK.

ISBN 978-1-78712-104-1




William Smith

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About the Author

William Smith has been writing software since 1988, but he began his professional career in the environmental field with degrees in Environmental Science and Business Administration. While working in this field, William continued writing software as a hobbyist before returning to the University of Maryland for a degree in Computer Science. 

William currently works as an independent software engineer and author. He is the owner of Appsmiths LLC, a development and consulting firm concentrating on mobile application and game development using native tools as well as cross-platform tools, such as Xamarin and Monogame.

William lives in rural West Virginia with his beautiful wife and four sons, where they enjoy hunting, fishing, and camping as a family.

About the Reviewer

Aditya Abhay Halabe is a full-stack web application developer at Springer Nature's technology division. His primary technology stack includes Scala, Java, Graph, and document store databases, micro-web services, multiple frameworks, and extreme programming practices. He is passionate about his work and likes to take on new challenges and responsibilities. Previously, Aditya worked as a consultant with Oracle and as a developer with John Deere Ltd.


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Quite often, as software developers, when presented with a new task or challenge, we find ourselves grabbing code fragments or patterns that we are most familiar with. We typically make this choice because those fragments and patterns represent the shortest path between two points, namely, the client’s requirements and a deadline (also known as payday). However, this approach sometimes prevents us from learning new skills and ideas that will make us better and more efficient developers.

This book was written to give aspiring, new, or relatively inexperienced but busy developers an opportunity to step back and examine some of the fundamental concepts regarding data types and data structures. To that, we will examine how these types and structures are built, how they function, and how we can leverage them in our everyday applications. By doing so, we will gain new knowledge, skills, abilities and, hopefully, get some new ideas on how to leverage these basic components.

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Data Types: Foundational Structures, is a very brief overview of basic data types that comprise of data structures. This will be a rapid overview as even new programmers will already be familiar with some or most of these components. Attention will be paid to applications for each type, best practices, and a high-level comparison of any variations between platforms.

Chapter 2, Arrays: Foundational Collections, introduces you to the array data structure. This discussion will include specific details of the structure, including the typical applications, as well as specific concerns for each language. This is an important foundation chapter, as many of the subsequent data structures are built using arrays.

Chapter 3, Lists: Linear Collections, covers the specific details of the list data structure, including the most common functions associated with lists, typical applications for lists, and specific concerns for each language.

Chapter 4, Stacks: LIFO Collections, introduces you to the stack data structure. In this chapter, the reader will learn the specific details of the structure including the most common functions associated with stacks, typical applications for stacks, and specific concerns for each language.

Chapter 5, Queues: FIFO Collections, talks about the specific details of the queue data structure, including the most common functions associated with queues, typical applications for queues, and specific concerns for each language.

Chapter 6, Dictionaries: Keyed Collections, delves into the specific details of the dictionary data structure, including the most common functions associated with dictionaries, typical applications for dictionaries, and specific concerns for each language.

Chapter 7, Sets: No Duplicates, discusses the specific details of the set data structure, including the foundations of set theory; the most common functions associated with sets, typical applications for sets, and specific concerns for each language.

Chapter 8, Structures: Complex Types, explores the specific details of structures or the struct data structure, including most common functions associated with structs, typical applications for structs, and specific concerns for each language.

Chapter 9, Trees: Non-Linear Structures, talks about the specific details of the abstract tree structure with particular emphasis on the binary tree. This discussion will include an examination of the most common functions associated with trees, typical applications for trees, and specific concerns for each language.

Chapter 10, Heaps: Ordered Trees, delves into the specific details of the heap data structure, including the most common functions associated with heaps, typical applications for heaps, and specific concerns for each language.

Chapter 11, Graphs: Values with Relationships, introduces the specific details of the graph data structure, including the most common functions associated with graphs, typical applications for graphs, and specific concerns for each language.

Chapter 12, Sorting: Bringing Order Out of Chaos, is an advanced chapter that focuses on the concept of sorting. This concept will be introduced by examining several common and popular sorting algorithms, with particular attention being paid to operational cost, common applications, and concerns accompanying each algorithm.

Chapter 13, Searching: Finding What You Need, is also an advanced chapter that focuses on the concept of searching for data within a data structure. This concept will be introduced by examining several common and popular searching algorithms, with particular attention being paid to operational cost, common applications, and concerns for each language.

What you need for this book

In order for you to take full advantage of this book, you will need a modern computer. The code examples in this book are broad enough that you can use a Mac, PC, or even a Linux machine. Ultimately, you will also need a functioning development environment, such as Visual Studio, XCode, Eclipse, or NetBeans, that can run on your chosen development machine.

Who this book is for

This book is for anyone who wants to improve their knowledge and skills in fundamental programming concepts related to data structures. More specifically, this book is for new or self-taught programmers or programmers who range in experience from relatively new to having three or four years of experience. This book focuses on the four languages most commonly used in mobile software development, so the audience also includes those interested in mobile software development. The reader should have a basic understanding of programming, including how to create console applications, and how to use an Integrated Development Environment, or IDE, for their preferred development language


In this book, you will find a number of text styles that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles and an explanation of their meaning.

Each chapter of this book will also include a case study, or similar code example, that will be broken down and detailed to explain how the data structure is applied.  As such, this book is full of code examples.

A block of code is set as follows:

public boolean isEmpty() {     return this._commandStack.empty(); }

When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items are set in bold:

func canAddUser(user: EDSUser) -> Bool { if (_users.contains(user)) { return false; } else { return true;  }

New terms and important words are shown in bold. Words that you see on the screen, for example, in menus or dialog boxes, appear in the text like this: "The first validation method, isFull(), checks if our stack has reached its capacity."

We will also discuss algorithms and mathematical concepts related to algorithms in this text. Whenever operational cost values written in Big-O notation are shown they appear as follows: "This is small consolation, however, because the selection sort algorithm still has an O(n2) complexity cost."

Likewise, when mathematical formulas and algorithms are used, they will appear as follows: "Our algorithm will find the smallest value in S[0...4], which in this case is 3, and place it at the beginning of S[0...4]."


Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.


Tips and tricks appear like this.

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