Flirtatious Babysitter: Taboo Erotica - Louis Holden - E-Book

Flirtatious Babysitter: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Louis Holden

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This full length erotic novel is so sexy we can't even tell you the preview…


Every member of her audience was wildly aroused. Gavin had unzipped his pants and hauled out his cock so he could jack on it while he gazed at the incredibly tempting, incredibly seductive teenager. Dan had pushed Trudi roughly aside so he could stand up and strip. He had to fuck the crazed young girl immediately; he could no longer endure the teasing eroticism of her performance. And Robbie sat in the darkness, panting softly, having already shot off in his hand.

As the young girl circled the fire once again to taunt the boy with her lush ass and a glimpse of the sweet inner meat of her pussy, he felt his cock begin to stiffen once again, and he knew he would be shooting another immense load of hot jizz. He cupped his half-hard prick in his hand and massaged it slowly, tenderly, trying to enforce some sort of restraint as the girl drove him to the edge of madness.

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