The Voyeur Husband: Taboo NC Erotica - Louis Holden - E-Book

The Voyeur Husband: Taboo NC Erotica E-Book

Louis Holden

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.*****"My God! He's going to rape me!"But just as that thought came into her mind, Sam released his hold on her slightly and removed his lips from hers long enough to speak wetly into her car."Don't worry," he panted, "I'm not going to hurt you. Anything I do to you, I want to feel good ...""Let me loose ..." Kate cried, between clenched teeth. "Please Mr. Dagon ... let me go ...! She renewed her struggle almost managing to slip away from his restraining hands. But she only managed to turn her torso so that his hands were in direct contact with her full, supple breasts.She jumped, trying to jerk away from his touch, but Sam took full advantage of the situation, squeezing the soft protrusions with his strong hands, massaging them slowly but firmly. At the same time, he pushed her steadily backward, so that after much struggling, she was finally down on her back, pressed flat against the wide seat of the Mercedes.She could hardly believe what was happening to her. Sam Dagon's mouth crushed down on her's harder than ever, and she could feel his hands manipulating her breasts as though he were molding clay. He trapped her hands beneath her own body as he pushed her back, and she thought that her arms might break from the pressure he was exerting on her. She groaned loudly beneath the weight of his upper body, trying desperately to swing her legs around, but she twisted in such a way that it was painful for her to move one way or the other.

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The Voyeur Husband

Louis Holden

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents












Oh, yes, she remembered ... just plain oil and vinegar ... that was what he always wanted.

With a sigh she marked it down on her pad and headed toward the kitchen with the order. Her feet hurt and she thought she was just about to pass out from fatigue. It had been a rough Saturday night ... and it seemed as if she had waited on thousands of finicky customers at Alfie's Steak House. Well, she thought ... at least her tips had been good ... almost eighteen dollars that night. And that would be a big help toward the rent! After Mr. Dagon had finished, she would be able to go home to Tim at last.

As she waited at the counted for the very rare steak that Dagon had ordered, her thoughts wandered ... she could see Dagon's neat, elegantly clothed figure from where she stood. He was calmly sipping his martini, and occasionally he would cast a glance in her direction. But Kate knew it was not a look of impatience he was giving her ... he never seemed to mind if he had to wait. She knew that he found her attractive ... he had told her so several times ... but always in such a manner that she couldn't really get insulted or feel as though he was taking advantage of her. Even though she had told him that she was married ... and newly married at that, he had still continued to let his admiration for her be known. She could count on seeing him at the same table almost every evening around 9:30 ... and she had come to look forward to seeing him. He was so little trouble ... and never failed to tip her five dollars ... and some nights even ten. And it all came in very handy since Tim still hadn't found a job.

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