For I Know the Plans - BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC - E-Book

For I Know the Plans E-Book

BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC



God has a plan for your life. When you consider all that lies ahead of you, it can be difficult to trust that things will work out the way you want. If only you could know that the plans for your future are good! Spend time with God this morning and this evening, trusting that he knows you and your destination perfectly. He can take you places and show you things you never could have imagined on your own. God knows the future, he knows you, and he knows exactly what you need. He created you just the way you are for a specific purpose. Be encouraged as you continue to walk in your unique calling.  

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BroadStreet Publishing

Savage, Minnesota, USA


Copyright © 2019 BroadStreet Publishing®

Devotional entries composed by Dan Boal, John Brandon, Robert Campbell, Kathy Castor, Ken Castor, Troy Mapes, Tony Myles, Kelly Nelson, Rachel Riebe, Luke Trouten, Tony Roos, and Jared Van Voorst. Compiled by Ken Castor.

978-1-4245-5844-5 (faux leather)

978-1-4245-5845-2 (ebook)

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The LORD’s plans

stand firm forever;

his intentions

can never be shaken.





January 1: Order from Chaos

January 2: In this Place

January 3: Change of Plans

January 4: God Is Pleased

January 5: In a Pit

January 6: It’s All Free

January 7: Seventy Years

January 8: Anger at God

January 9: Didn’t See It

January 10: Running Away

January 11: A Different Way

January 12: Turn Around

January 13: Get Yours

January 14: Two Masters

January 15: Don’t Worry

January 16: Keep Asking

January 17: Narrow Gates

January 18: Solid Rock

January 19: Willing

January 20: Even Him

January 21: Nature Obeys

January 22: Second Chances

January 23: New Family

January 24: For All People

January 25: It Seemed Good

January 26: Others Are Listening

January 27: Some Will Laugh

January 28: You Are New

January 29: Stop Striving

January 30: A Process

January 31: Routing System


February 1: Thinking of You

February 2: Examined Thoughts

February 3: Weaving Hope

February 4: Rest and Restoration

February 5: Wait Actively

February 6: Forever Plans

February 7: Good Advice

February 8: God Is Here

February 9: Wonderfully Complex

February 10: Working Out

February 11: Be Real

February 12: Team Up

February 13: Under Control

February 14: Love

February 15: For I Know

February 16: God Promised

February 17: The Good Plan

February 18: God’s Thoughts

February 19: Surpassed

February 20: Continued Guidance

February 21: Unchanging God

February 22: Compassion

February 23: Preach to Everyone

February 24: Active Dispenser

February 25: Pray with Jesus

February 26: Love and Listen

February 27: Chosen

February 28: Infinitely More


March 1: Calling

March 2: Imitate Christ

March 3: Run for God

March 4: God Perfects

March 5: Accept Discipline

March 6: God Is Patient

March 7: Work Hard

March 8: Listen Up

March 9: X-Ray Vision

March 10: Transformation

March 11: Sharpened

March 12: God Is God

March 13: Confession

March 14: Friendly Friends

March 15: Fluff or Faith

March 16: The Stranger

March 17: No Favoritism

March 18: Heart and Soul

March 19: War

March 20: Here, There, Everywhere

March 21: History

March 22: Options

March 23: Awkward Awesome

March 24: Unexpected Example

March 25: Gifted

March 26: Glocal

March 27: Think about It

March 28: Backstory

March 29: Things Above

March 30: Opportunities

March 31: Training


April 1: Leader

April 2: The Whole Truth

April 3: Imperfect

April 4: Names

April 5: Giving and Receiving

April 6: Right with God

April 7: Privileged

April 8: Refined

April 9: Alert Expectancy

April 10: Hope in the Desert

April 11: Take Heart

April 12: Blind Eyes Opened

April 13: Light and Darkness

April 14: Faithful Community

April 15: Generous Community

April 16: Growing Community

April 17: Open Hearts

April 18: Fastened

April 19: The Man

April 20: Finished

April 21: Fear to Joy

April 22: Living Sent

April 23: Follow Me

April 24: Spirit of Truth

April 25: Ask

April 26: Life and Glory

April 27: Knowing God

April 28: Completing the Work

April 29: Surrendered Lives

April 30: United as One


May 1: Joy Overflowing

May 2: Keep Them Safe

May 3: Make Them Holy

May 4: Convincing the World

May 5: Where I Am

May 6: God Revealed

May 7: Choose Life

May 8: Make It Good

May 9: With Us

May 10: He Sees

May 11: Whole Heart

May 12: Strength

May 13: On the Path

May 14: Rules Are Good

May 15: Lifting the Fallen

May 16: Mended

May 17: Find Life

May 18: Blessed to Bless

May 19: Darkness into Light

May 20: Ancient Paths

May 21: Justice Roll

May 22: How to Live

May 23: Sure Footed

May 24: No Worries

May 25: Prepared

May 26: Triumph

May 27: Ambassador

May 28: Demolition Day

May 29: Preach Peace

May 30: Lean Forward

May 31: Start with Thanks


June 1: Slow to Speak

June 2: Planted Word

June 3: Righteous Prayers

June 4: The Source

June 5: Power

June 6: In God’s Image

June 7: A Place

June 8: Created to Work

June 9: Not Alone

June 10: A Calling

June 11: A Purpose

June 12: Ever Present

June 13: Good News

June 14: Weight of Glory

June 15: Leaning In

June 16: Frustration

June 17: Free from Bondage

June 18: Free to Work

June 19: Get Dirty

June 20: Glorious

June 21: God’s Temple

June 22: Washed

June 23: Bride of Christ

June 24: Measured by Righteousness

June 25: Adopted

June 26: An Inheritance

June 27: You Are Alive

June 28: God’s Household

June 29: Member of Christ

June 30: Transferred


July 1: The Church

July 2: Sheep

July 3: Gifted

July 4: One Day

July 5: Naked

July 6: Enticing

July 7: If Only

July 8: Leaky Wells

July 9: Face Down

July 10: Not My Fault

July 11: Blocked Path

July 12: Run

July 13: Death of Hope

July 14: Get Up and Walk

July 15: No Other Name

July 16: The Gate

July 17: Upside Down

July 18: About the Heart

July 19: Pointing to Light

July 20: Good Friends

July 21: Equal Pay

July 22: Ask Away

July 23: As You Go

July 24: Child of God

July 25: Saving Sinners

July 26: Ugly Crying

July 27: Restored to God

July 28: Sweet as Honey

July 29: Thanking Others

July 30: Stay Bold

July 31: No One Else


August 1: Love Is Action

August 2: That Person

August 3: Divided Tongue

August 4: Beauty

August 5: Count the Ways

August 6: Choose Carefully

August 7: Don’t Be Troubled

August 8: Reckless Love

August 9: Planting the Seed

August 10: Teach Well

August 11: Solid Strength

August 12: True Purpose

August 13: Needing God

August 14: Fight

August 15: The Truth

August 16: Invitation to Trust

August 17: Faithful Servant

August 18: Press Pause

August 19: Prudence

August 20: In a Name

August 21: Practice of Presence

August 22: Put It on Ice

August 23: Firsthand Experience

August 24: Beyond Reproach

August 25: Power of Yeast

August 26: Unashamed

August 27: The Bank

August 28: Actual Need

August 29: Role of Salt

August 30: Get Ready

August 31: Let Wisdom Pour


September 1: Listen and Watch

September 2: The Quiet Life

September 3: Raw Reality

September 4: Outfit of the Day

September 5: Becoming

September 6: Good Days

September 7: Nothing to Fear

September 8: Small Steps

September 9: Broken Spirit

September 10: Every Day

September 11: Perspective

September 12: Never Tired

September 13: Proven Strength

September 14: Water and Fire

September 15: Soft Stone

September 16: Close the Door

September 17: Withdrawn

September 18: Same God

September 19: Together

September 20: Start and Finish

September 21: Dead Old Self

September 22: Spiritually United

September 23: Not as Dark

September 24: Practice

September 25: Content

September 26: Forgiven Forgiving

September 27: God’s Work

September 28: Prayer Plan

September 29: Better Things

September 30: Joyful Testing


October 1: Lively Faith

October 2: Extended Grace

October 3: Worries

October 4: Peaceful Knowledge

October 5: Knock Knock

October 6: Seek and Find

October 7: Unexpected Goodness

October 8: Wholeheartedly

October 9: Clear Expectations

October 10: Never Before

October 11: My House

October 12: Listening for Truth

October 13: Problem Solver

October 14: Fresh Meaning

October 15: Pursue Peace

October 16: Words

October 17: Take Inventory

October 18: Okay to Mourn

October 19: Pursue Gentleness

October 20: Be Thirsty

October 21: Show Mercy

October 22: Seeing God

October 23: Bringing Peace

October 24: Suffering

October 25: The Shepherd

October 26: Ipseity

October 27: A Little Help

October 28: Pay Attention

October 29: Sound of Stillness

October 30: Fountain of Wisdom

October 31: Fear or Freedom


November 1: Accepting Instruction

November 2: Run Run Run

November 3: Spent Well

November 4: Secret Sauce

November 5: Shine Bright

November 6: Deep Waters

November 7: A Gift

November 8: Peaceful People

November 9: Last

November 10: Better Than Gold

November 11: A Sacrifice

November 12: Celebrate Life

November 13: Send Me

November 14: Rescued

November 15: Speak Out

November 16: Hear Ye

November 17: Show-and-Tell

November 18: Be Strong

November 19: Unbothered

November 20: Reminisce

November 21: Triumph

November 22: Rejoice Court

November 23: Give Thanks

November 24: Sing It

November 25: Chain Breaker

November 26: 911 Help

November 27: Investment

November 28: Mighty Warrior

November 29: Shout It Out

November 30: Stressed Out


December 1: Too Heavy

December 2: Hello Lord

December 3: My Achilles

December 4: The Secret Life

December 5: Waiting

December 6: Momentary Trouble

December 7: Rejoice Always

December 8: Radical Advice

December 9: Joy Filled

December 10: No Wrath

December 11: Forever

December 12: Encourage

December 13: Praise Him

December 14: Wisdom with Words

December 15: Perfect You

December 16: Just Two

December 17: Thankful Always

December 18: Not Futile

December 19: Get Close

December 20: A Break

December 21: Great Things

December 22: In the Mix

December 23: Yikes

December 24: Keeping Watch

December 25: Good News Gift

December 26: Live in Peace

December 27: Crazy Calling

December 28: Not Uncaring

December 29: Calming Storms

December 30: Wrestling

December 31: Praise from Nature


God has prepared the way for you each day, from morning to evening! The year ahead may be full of unexpected twists and turns, but God knows you and has set a path for you to follow.

This unique devotional encourages you to pursue God’s blueprint for your life all day long, between waking and sleeping. Take this challenge to frame every day walking in step with God’s plans for you.


Order from Chaos

The earth was formless and empty,

and darkness covered the deep waters.

And the Spirit of God was hovering

over the surface of the waters.


Typically, when we think about God in the creation narrative, we picture nothingness and then something takes its place—light, animals, humanity, etc. It’s perhaps more complex than that. The text says that the earth was formless and empty. It had no function or order to it, but it had incredible potential. God begins to assign functions, purpose, and order to each element of creation.

When you think about your day, it’s not necessarily stepping into plans of nothingness, but instead, starting to make sense of the day that lies before you. It’s a new opportunity to bring purpose and order to what might seem like chaos. Ask the Holy Spirit to hover over the surface of your day.

God, thank you for making each day an opportunity to live out my purpose. Help me to be someone who can bring order to chaos.

The earth was without form and void,

and darkness was over the face of the deep.

And the Spirit of God was hovering

over the face of the waters.


Reflecting back on a day, there are all kinds of moments that can bring joy or pain. You may have made plans that failed or succeeded. It’s easy to dwell on those times where perhaps it felt more formless or dark. Maybe you even go to sleep feeling out of sorts or a sense of chaos.

What’s inspiring when reading about creation is the anticipation of God’s creative act in the universe. God is constantly bringing order to chaos, but you get the sense that the chaos will always provide some level of resistance. We see that the resurrection of Jesus doesn’t come without resistance—death. Don’t be discouraged because of darkness or resistance. God will bring order out of chaos even when you can’t.

God, thank you that even in the midst of my plans, you still bring hope and purpose for each new day. Help me to trust your plans and that you’ll bring order to chaos.

How is God bringing order or hope in your life right now?


In this Place

When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, “Surely the LORD is

in this place, and I was not aware of it.”


Sometimes, when we talk about God’s “plans for our lives,” we usually think about that in the future tense. What college will I go to? What job will I have? How much money will I make? Those are good thoughts, but it is also important to remember that God’s presence is just that—the present tense. God is in the business of the here and now and if we’re caught up in the future we might miss him in the present.

Know that as you go throughout your day, no matter how mundane the task, God is with you—in every “place” you are. Jacob found himself running from place to place and it wasn’t until he stopped and rested that he became aware of God in that very moment.

God, thank you that even in this moment of this day, you are right beside me. Thank you that you concern yourself with the details in this present time, not just for the future.

Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the LORD is in this

place, and I did not know it.”


When we get to the end of the day, sometimes it feels like it went by at a million miles an hour. We can often wonder, “What actually happened today?” Can you remember? Do you remember what you ate? Do you remember the moments you felt tired, excited, sad, happy, or nothing at all? Do you remember God’s presence was with you in every one of those moments?

As you reflect on your day and think back, can you pinpoint moments where you not only knew that God’s presence was with you, but were consciously aware of it to where it caused you gratitude, peace, joy, or hope?

God, thank you for your presence today even when I didn’t realize it. Thank you for sustaining me and broadening my view of you and the world.

How can you become more aware of God’s presence?


Change of Plans

Moses sought the favor of the LORD his God. “LORD,” he said, “why

should your anger burn against your people, whom you brought

out of Egypt with great power and a mighty hand?”


The word “but” here shows a major turning point in this story. It would seem that God had become fed up with his people constantly turning away from him and putting their hope and trust in other things. God reveals his plan to Moses to remove this chosen nation, “but Moses…”

It’s almost as if Moses is the one reminding God of his own faithfulness and love toward his people. The story continues that God listens to the cry of Moses and indeed continues with his covenant people. Appeal to God in prayer even when it feels like God has given up on you. His faithfulness remains.

God, thank you for your faithfulness. Help me to see it even when it feels like you’re not there.

Moses tried to pacify the LORD his God. “O LORD!” he said. “Why

are you so angry with your own people whom you brought from the

land of Egypt with such great power and such a strong hand?


Does God really change his mind? Or is this one of those moments where God is actually testing the faith of Moses? Often when we feel like God isn’t present or concerned with something in our lives or in our circumstances, it may be in that moment when our faith is most refined. God is looking to elevate our trust in him as we affirm his power and appeal to his love.

Take a moment to think about a challenge you faced today. Pray with boldness, if it seems right according to the will of God, to intervene and bring about hope and change in that situation. But even more, pray that whatever the plan is, God would form your heart regardless of the outcome.

God, form my heart to understand your ways. Help me to see how you’re moving in my life no matter how I feel.

In what areas of your life do you wish you could change God’s mind? Why?


God Is Pleased

The internal organs and the legs must first be washed with water.

Then the priest will burn the entire sacrifice on the altar as a burnt

offering. It is a special gift, a pleasing aroma to the LORD.


These verses are weird, let’s be honest. We are modern people who don’t understand animal sacrifice and so when we come across Leviticus, we’d prefer to not deal with it. And yet, what is highly significant is that within an ancient culture that lived in fear and anxiety of not knowing how the gods felt about the people and their sacrifices, this God—YHWH—is pleased.

This is a major turning point in what seems to be an ancient and barbaric society. The truth is, sometimes in our modern world, we still live in fear and anxiety wondering if God is pleased or upset with us for any number of reasons. Know today that this God was pleased with you before you even got up this morning.

God, thank you that no matter what I do or leave undone, you are pleased with me. Help me understand this in my heart.

You are to wash the internal organs and the legs with water,

and the priest is to burn all of it on the altar. It is a burnt offering,

a food offering, an aroma pleasing to the LORD.


God makes a covenant—or promise—with his new people in the book of Leviticus and gives them a new way of being and living. Sure, it involves some strange activity that we’re not used to. But they come out of centuries of slavery where they were dehumanized and treated horribly. When that is woven into your very being, it can be hard to adjust to a God who takes pleasure in you. When Pharaoh calls you a slave, God calls you “chosen.” God wants to be very specific with this new way to be.

We no longer participate in animal sacrifice, but we do offer our lives as a sacrificial act of worship toward God. God is pleased with you and calls you his own. He will faithfully rescue you and set your life on a track toward hope. Live every day sacrificially.

God, thank for your pleasure in me today and that my identity isn’t as a slave to this world, but a chosen child in your family.

How do you see yourself through God’s eyes?


In a Pit

You have thrown me into the lowest pit,

into the darkest depths.

Your anger weighs me down;

with wave after wave you have engulfed me.

PSALM 88:6-7 NLT

It would seem the author is writing to God, which can confuse things a bit. Does God really put us in suffering, while anger weighs down on us? It certainly can feel like that when our plans don’t go the way we want them to go. One thing we know for certain is that this Psalm gives a foretaste of what Jesus endured when he was imprisoned, and the weight of our sin and brokenness crushed him.

When you’re tempted to think that God has placed you within a plan of hardship, first ask if God is responsible for it, or if he’s allowing it. Either way, know that Jesus identifies with you as one who has endured the darkest depths.

God, whatever difficulty comes my way today, I trust that you are with me and that ultimately you will pull me out of the pit.

You have put me in the lowest pit,

in the darkest depths.

Your wrath lies heavily on me;

you have overwhelmed me with all your waves.

PSALM 88:6-7 NIV

Perhaps you experienced something that was hard today. How did you feel God’s Spirit guiding and comforting you in the midst of it? Did it feel as though you were stuck? If so, did you feel as though you had a taste of what Jesus experienced?

Part of living the Christian faith, or God’s plan for your life, may include suffering. It may not necessarily be to the extent that some of the early church followers endured, but it’s important to prepare your heart and character in such a way that makes room for embracing difficulty and plans that aren’t favorable.

God, help me to be the kind of person that can handle and embrace the difficult things of life. Refine me in the midst of struggle.

How do you typically deal with difficulty?


It’s All Free

“Come, all you who are thirsty,

come to the waters;

and you who have no money,

come, buy and eat!

Come, buy wine and milk

without money and without cost.”


Sometimes in our culture, we are running all around trying to make plans, trying to figure out what we’re going to eat or how to entertain ourselves. Very rarely do we stop our planning and labor. Yet all throughout the Bible, God is reminding his people to rest and receive.

Isaiah provides this future image of when all is renewed in Christ. All of humanity will be able to come, rest, and receive everything they could ever need—and it’s all free. Rushing, working, and striving will cease and everything that God has for us will simply be available. How could you live today with that mentality?

God, thank you for providing everything I need before I even know I need it. Help me to live with a grateful heart.

“Is anyone thirsty?

Come and drink—

even if you have no money!

Come, take your choice of wine or milk—

it’s all free!”


How did today go? Did you find moments where you were tired, exhausted, thirsty, hungry, or even hangry? Perhaps you felt those things physically, but what about spiritually or emotionally? Isaiah seems to be appealing to a need that goes beyond a biological desire. A few hundred years later, Jesus says something similar when he asks if anyone is weary or heavy burdened. They should go to him for rest.

You can’t control everything. Maybe that’s the first time you’ve ever read that. Your plans may be great or ambitious or exciting, but at the end of the day, Christ will give you everything you need. Allow him to give you rest from striving.

God, help me to put my trust in you. I want so badly to do things my way and it might work for a while, but I truly want to follow your way.

What are the plans in your life that are the hardest to hand over to God?


Seventy Years

This is what the LORD says: “You will be in Babylon for seventy

years. But then I will come and do for you all the good things

I have promised, and I will bring you home again.”


The verse that immediately comes after this one talks about God knowing the plans for his people. But this verse rarely gets talked about. Is it because we want to jump right ahead to the good parts? We like things as fast as we can get them. We usually want to be the first to get things. When it comes to a relationship with God or the plans for our lives, however, it’s not something we can click on, microwave, or experience with any immediacy.

As you think about your day today, are you wishing you could jump right to the end of it? Or is today a day that can be lived with all of the joy, struggle, and even mundane parts. Yes, God knows the plans for you; and God is calling you to live out those plans.

God, help me to slow down and not expect immediacy; but to be present in each and every moment.

“When seventy years are completed for Babylon,

I will visit you, and I will fulfill to you my promise

and bring you back to this place.”


It would seem after reading this verse that God was somehow not present in order for him to come and visit. And perhaps the people who were in exile for seventy years felt like God was no longer with them. Seventy years is a long time and certainly would cause anyone to get a little stir crazy. This is why the following verses that talk about God’s plans for his people are so powerful.

God is faithful to restore his people no matter what, no matter the amount of time. God has all of eternity to bring about restoration and renewal, and he has shown up consistently in the lives of those who follow him, so we can trust that he will do as he says he will.

God, thank you for showing up today and for always extending your grace when I lose hope.

At what point in the day is it hardest to know that God is with you? Why?


Anger at God

He prayed to the LORD and said, “O LORD, is not this what I said when

I was yet in my country? That is why I made haste to flee to Tarshish;

for I knew that you are a gracious God and merciful, slow to anger

and abounding in steadfast love, and relenting from disaster.”


Sometimes life is hard. Sometimes the plans that God has for us are plans we don’t want to carry out. Jonah is given a plan to tell a foreign people that God will show mercy on them and Jonah doesn’t want to be part of it. He gets really angry at God.

Is it okay to be angry with God? What about when God’s plan includes someone with whom you disagree? God can handle your emotions—good, bad, and ugly. But also know that it’s an opportunity to reflect on why you’re angry in the first. It will require some humility and self-awareness to recognize that God’s plan isn’t just about individuals, but whole people groups.

God, thank you for allowing me to express my frustration at times. Help me to move toward joy.

He prayed to the LORD, “Isn’t this what I said, LORD, when I

was still at home? That is what I tried to forestall by fleeing to

Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God,

slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from

sending calamity.”


This morning, we talked mostly about our anger and a little about God’s inclusion of others into the plans. Now, let’s focus even more on God’s radical mercy. Jonah isn’t the first person to be frustrated about God’s plan of inclusion for outsiders, and he certainly won’t be the last. But God is always moving his people toward a greater extending of his love, grace, and mercy.

Maybe you’ve dealt with someone recently that you’ve given up on and you’re wondering how that person fits into God’s plan. It’s okay to be frustrated or confused about that, but it’s also important to be formed to look more like Jesus. Instead of being angry with our enemies, we are called to love.

God, help me to have new eyes and a new heart for people that I feel are on the outside.

Why do you think it’s okay to express anger toward God?


Didn’t See It

Salmon was the father of Boaz (whose mother was Rahab).

Boaz was the father of Obed (whose mother was Ruth).

Obed was the father of Jesse.


These verses seem extremely odd for a devotional. They’re probably not changing your life right now. But think about one of the names in this list—Rahab. If you know anything about Rahab, you know she was a prostitute. Somehow, she gets involved with helping out the people of God. It’s a long and complex story, but ultimately, it highlights the character of God and his plans for his people. As the grand story continues, Matthew points out that Rahab is actually in the lineage of Jesus.

Can God actually use a prostitute to carry out his plans? There’s a very emphatic “yes!” In fact, that’s exactly what God is all about. He uses the unlikeliest people and situations to show how great, how merciful, and perhaps how creative he is. How might God use you today in unexpected ways?

God, thank you that the whole story includes those people and situations that are the least likely.

Salmon was the father of Boaz by Rahab, Boaz was the father of

Obed by Ruth, and Obed the father of Jesse.


What’s interesting about the Bible is that it continues to highlight a people group that is often the underdog. They are almost always outmatched and yet every single time, God shows his faithfulness. It proves a greater point that no matter how weak we feel to carry out the plans God has for us, he will always show his power in our weakness.

Jesus didn’t come as a powerful ruler riding on a white horse but as a poor peasant refugee. And through Jesus, all evil is and will be vanquished. When you’re frustrated that things don’t seem to be working out, wait and watch. See how God shows up.

God, help me to trust you in the moments where it seems like all is lost.

How has God moved in unexpected ways in your life?


Running Away

Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yet

did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to

divorce her quietly.


Sometimes, when plans don’t go the way we want them to, it’s really tempting to take the easy way out, give up, or run away. When Joseph finds out that Mary is pregnant, he immediately assumes the worst. In that culture, he had every right to feel that way. It was confusing and was probably going to make his life really difficult. He wants to run away, but God intervenes and asks him to bear with the difficult situation for a greater good.

You may enter into moments today that are challenging, and it might be easier to just avoid the confrontation. What would happen if you didn’t run away, though? What if God wants to use that situation to cause your faith to grow and to enhance the plans he has for you? Don’t run away. Ask God for help.

God, at some point, I’m going to run into situations that are challenging. Help me not to run away.

Joseph, to whom she was engaged, was a righteous man and

did not want to disgrace her publicly, so he decided to break the

engagement quietly.


When Joseph ultimately decided to not break off the engagement with Mary, what must have been going through his mind? Sure, the Son of God was going to be born to his fiancée, but what would it look like to his family or his village to see that Mary was pregnant before they were married? That would have brought about extreme shame in that culture. It couldn’t have been easy.

Perhaps you didn’t run away from a tough situation, but actually engaged the challenge. What went through your mind as you chose the tougher path? Did people think differently of you? Every day we’re going to encounter situations that are challenging and the answer isn’t always going to be clear. It’s important to continue to seek the wisdom of God through the Holy Spirit.

God, fill me with your Holy Spirit and help me to understand your leading when I encounter hard things.

How have you felt God lead you in tough situations in the past?


A Different Way

Being warned in a dream not to return to Herod,

they departed to their own country by another way.


There are moments in our lives where we’re called to face hardship; and then there are other moments where God actually wants to take us in another direction. In this passage, Herod has a clear motive to find out where Jesus is so that he can get rid of him. He tries to use the wise men to get closer, but God reveals his plans to the wise men, instructing them to stay far from Herod after visiting the King of kings. They know that danger is looming, but Jesus needs to be alive to carry out a greater plan.

Sometimes God wants to take a different direction and that might look like avoiding destruction for your life. It’s important that you are prepared to hear his voice and his leading. For the wise men, that message came through a dream. God can and will use any means to get your attention, so be prepared to listen.

God, help me to hear you when you are leading me in a different direction.

Having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod,

they returned to their country by another route.


We don’t know a lot about the wise men that visit Jesus after he is born. Did they believe in a different god or gods? They definitely paid attention to the stars and came from the east; but did they know why it was so important to travel such a long and dangerous journey to visit this baby? Either way, somehow they were able to receive a message from God about their travel plans.

Sometimes it’s easy to talk about being in tune with God and the Bible in order to follow God’s leading. We think that we need to have a solid faith. And while much of that is true, it’s important to remember that God will get his message across to whomever he pleases in whatever way or ways he chooses. You might not feel all that strong in your faith from time to time, but he will still reveal himself to you no matter what.

God, thank you for using whatever means possible to get my attention.

What are some areas in your life where you need to go a different way?


Turn Around

“Repent of your sins and turn to God,

for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.”


Early on in the ministry of Jesus, we see talk about repentance and the Kingdom of Heaven a lot. Typically, when we talk about repentance, it ends up being a discussion about saying sorry for some sin we may have committed. There is some truth to that. But there is also a greater and deeper turning that’s happening here. Turning to God and toward his Kingdom is not just a behavior change, but also an entire mindset shift.

It’s one thing to make an individual decision to avoid a destructive choice in one isolated moment. It’s another thing to ask the greater question, “Why do I make these choices to being with?” Repentance, or turning around, is looking at your whole life differently. When you turn around and turn toward God, it has a dramatic impact on the plans for your life.

God, help me to turn to you; not just in isolated moments, but my entire being.

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”


Turning around and recognizing the Kingdom of Heaven in the New Testament was a big deal for those first followers of Jesus. They had been engulfed in different kinds of kingdoms that were oppressive, dehumanizing, and lifeless. These kingdoms had been around for so long that it was easy to lose hope and just feel like, “Well, this is the way it’s always going to be.”

When Jesus calls those people to repent, it’s almost as if he is saying, “Don’t buy into these kingdoms and what they stand for anymore; it doesn’t always have to be like this.” Jesus is calling us to wake up to something more. It’s easy to look at our situation or our world and lose hope. But don’t buy into that system or that kingdom; repent, turn around, and turn to the way of God’s Kingdom.

God, I repent of my ways where I’ve lost hope in you. Help me to trust that your Kingdom has and will continue to come.

What ways have you turned around and turned toward God in your life?


Get Yours

Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him

all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; and he said to Him,

“All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me.”


In our culture, there are lot of messages coming at us every second and from every angle all saying basically the same thing: “Get yours!” In other words, do whatever you can to consume more and get what you want. When Jesus is in the wilderness, the devil tempts him with the same message. But how do you tempt someone with anything when they already possess all things? God, in Christ, has everything he needs and from him all good things flow. It would seem the devil is wasting his time.

There’s an obvious difference between us and Jesus in that he is God and we are not. But we are tempted in the same ways and it can often disrupt the plans God has for us when we give in to those temptations. The Bible also reminds us, however, that in Christ we have everything we need.

God, thank you for your provision and lead me not into temptation to want more than what I need.

Next the devil took him to the peak of a very high mountain and

showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. “I will

give it all to you,” he said, “if you will kneel down and worship me.”


Our culture makes a lot of false promises, much like the devil. When the devil says, “I will give it all to you,” that’s a lie. It was never his to begin with. In the same way, every magazine cover, every commercial, and every social media advertisement are all promising to give love, acceptance, and fulfillment when it was never theirs to begin with.

Only God will fill you with true love, acceptance, and joy that our culture could never give you eternally. When this is God’s plan for our life, it can help us walk away from temptation. It’s not always easy, but that compels us to be in constant communion with the one who holds all things in his hands.

God, help me to not believe the lie when the world promises me happiness and fulfillment. Fill me with your good things.

What are the tempting things in your life?


Two Masters

“No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the

other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot

serve God and be enslaved to money.”


Many of the plans in our lives tend to revolve around money. How much do I want? How much will I make? How much will make me happy? We go to colleges that help us to learn what our career path will be and oftentimes that path is determined by how much that career will pay us in the long run. We spend a lot of time thinking about such things. It dominates our thoughts because our culture tells us this is what matters.

Jesus says this is equal to enslavement. What’s interesting, however, is that he’s talking to poor people. What this means is no matter how much money you have—rich or poor—it has the potential to enslave you. Money is important, but it is not the object of our worship.

God, thank you for money, but help me not to worship it.

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and

love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the

other. You cannot serve both God and money.”


Have you ever had two very different friends? You hang out with one or the other, but never together because they are complete opposites. Perhaps they don’t even like each other. Do you find yourself being one way with one friend and another way with the other friend? It can be exhausting.

Jesus appeals to this exhaustion and complexity of serving two masters. It’s almost like having two different jobs with two different bosses that have very different expectations. It can be utterly tiring. It’s not good for you. In the same way, when we try to put our trust in money, it feels very different than putting our trust in God and it makes life very tiring, very confusing. Learn to manage your money but put your trust in God.

God, help me to direct my attention and energy to serving you.

How often do you think about money?


Don’t Worry

“Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about

itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”


When Jesus speaks about God’s plans for the Jewish people two thousand years ago, he’s talking to very poor and oppressed people. They had every reason to worry and feel dejected given their sad state. Yet he tells them not to worry. It seems like an arrogant statement, but when we consider Jesus and the lifestyle he lived to identify with us as well as his work on the cross, it becomes more palatable.

Thinking about our plans, it could be easy to feel worry or anxiety because of the unknown. But Jesus says it doesn’t add anything to our lives. When you think about your day, what are you worried about the most? Is it adding any value to your life right now?

God, help me to trust you with the things I am worried about.

“Don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own

worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”


Remember what you prayed about this morning? Did the worry go away, increase or stay the same? If you worried, did it feel like more trouble for the day as Jesus talked about? Did it add any value to the day? In some ways, it’s better to live knowing that things are going to be hard, easy, and somewhere in between, but worrying about them won’t change that fact.

It’s a hard truth to recognize that worry is something that stands in the way of our spiritual formation. Trusting God with your plans will cause your faith to grow. It’s not easy by any means, but it’s preparing you for the rest of your life and how you’ll deal with adversity in the future.

God, I’m sorry that I worry, but I will choose to trust that you are in control.

In what ways is God healing your worry?


Keep Asking

“Ask and it will be given to you;

seek and you will find;

knock and the door will be opened to you.”


Oftentimes when we see these verses, we tend to think material things. It makes Jesus out to be like Santa Claus or some kind of vending machine. But as the verse goes on, Jesus is encouraging his followers to ask for the Holy Spirit to fill them and guide them in their lives. It’s really about asking for and seeking God; and then out of that, God provides.

When you think about your plans for the day or for your distant future, what kinds of things are you asking and seeking? Is God’s presence part of that request? It’s okay to be bold in asking for specific things; and know that the aim of whatever you ask is to be in deeper communion and connection with God.

God, help my plans to be aligned with yours. Amen.

“Ask, and it will be given to you;

seek, and you will find;

knock, and it will be opened to you.”


There’s an element of persistence here when approaching God. It seems strange, though. Why wouldn’t you just appeal to God one time? Does he not hear right away or answer right away? Perhaps the persistence is less about the outcome of how God responds and more about the formation of your heart in the asking and seeking.

A great writer once said that to pray is not so much to influence God but to change the nature of the one who is praying. The same is true of your plans. They are not just about the outcomes of those plans; the persistence of seeking God and knocking on the door is impacting the journey toward those plans.

God, help me to not only think about the end, but form my heart as I persistently seek you.

How is God impacting you on the journey and not just the destination?


Narrow Gates

“The gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult,

and only a few ever find it.”


All throughout the ministry of Jesus, he keeps telling his followers that the way of the Kingdom is not like the way of the world. They wanted to be out from under Roman oppression and they expected Jesus to do that. But the way he goes about it is the opposite of what they were expecting. Instead of being powerful, fighting back, and overcoming, Jesus says things like, “To gain your life, you must first lose it.” He ultimately ends up on a cross.

When we think about our plans, we want to try to control every little detail and be in charge; but the narrow way actually looks like giving up control and trusting that God is leading and guiding you through. Few find that way because it’s counterintuitive to our culture. Ask God to help you find the narrow way.

God, help me to trust you when even when it seems backwards.

“The gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life,

and there are few who find it.”


Think about your day and moments where you went against the crowd or against what our culture typically does. How was that? The goal isn’t necessarily to do everything opposite of what everybody else does all the time; but oftentimes when following Jesus, it certainly doesn’t always look like cultural norms. It can be hard to remain firm in Christ.

As you think about the plans or goals for your life (college, career, relationships, etc.), do they look like what everybody else expects, or do they reflect the heart of God in you? Sometimes they can be one in the same if you are surrounded by faithful people who genuinely love you and support you. Keep evaluating your plans in the light of God’s narrow way.

God, show me the narrow way of the plans you have for me.

Make a list of goals you have for yourself. Are they centered on Jesus?


Solid Rock

“Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into

practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”


When we think about a house being built, there are plans that have been set in motion; and as long as the plans are followed, the house is built properly. When we think about the plans for our lives, it’s usually in such a way where we make the plans and our lives are the house. But what if there’s a different way of thinking about it? What if we are actually the house and God not only provides the plans but is the plan. The rock is Jesus who provides the foundation of our house.

It’ll be easy to take control of your own plans for your life; and there’s something to being proactive and setting goals. But before you do, first ask God what his plans are so that you can come into alignment with them.

God, thank you that you are the plan for my life. There are a lot of details that go along with that, but ultimately your Son Jesus provides the foundation.

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will

be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”


As you went throughout your day, did it feel like you were standing on solid rock or sinking sand? Perhaps it felt at times like you were just surviving and trying to get by. Maybe storms came and battered your “house” a little bit. That’s normal, but it’s not the end of your story.

May you have the wisdom to realign your heart with the heart of God so that your house can be relocated back on solid rock. Look to Jesus, to his life, to his ways; and begin (or continue) to be filled with his Spirit so that as you rest, you wake up tomorrow on solid ground once more.

God, help me to reestablish my footing on solid ground and fill me with your Spirit.

What are some of the storms that come up against your house?



Suddenly, a man with leprosy approached him and knelt before

him. “Lord,” the man said, “if you are willing, you can heal me

and make me clean.”


There’s probably a lot in this devotional about setting aside your plans or laying down your wants and yet every once in a while, it seems that Jesus actually appeals to our desires. A man who is upset about the cards he’s been dealt—the plan for his life—wants a change in plans. He simply asks, “Jesus, are you willing?”

Ultimately, we want to be in alignment with God’s heart and we want to trust his grand plan for our lives, and there may be some things that you want changed. Will you have the boldness to ask God if he is willing? God wants love, healing, and justice to play out in your life, whether it’s this side of eternity or the other side. What do you need? Ask him.

God, if you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean.

A leper came to Him and bowed down before Him, and said,

“Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.”


Asking to be made clean may seem like an odd request. But in ancient culture, a person with a skin disease was considered unclean, and there was an entire stigma that went along with that in the Jewish world. You were ostracized by everyone in your community. You had to shout out, “Leper!” so that those in your path knew to step aside.

Do you ever feel like a complete outcast, unwanted and unclean? Jesus makes no distinction. To him, there are no insiders and outsiders, clean and unclean. Jesus brings love and compassion to anyone and everyone who desires it. Jesus confidently answers this man, “I am willing.” Jesus is willing to bring about the right kinds of things in your life.

God, thank for your willingness to show me love and compassion no matter what’s going on in my life.

What kinds of things are you asking God if he is willing to do?


Even Him

Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! Let it be done just as you

believed it would.” And his servant was healed at that moment.


These verses can easily be ones that we pass right by. Great! Another person put their faith in Jesus; that’s how it’s supposed to happen. What we might notice is the word “centurion.” This is the enemy—a soldier from the Romans. The Romans, particularly the soldiers, were infamous for terrorizing the Jewish people. And now, Jesus has the audacity to not only have a conversation with this man, not only heal the man’s servant, but he also later praises the man’s faith.

Do you ever have those moments where you see the people that seem least deserving of something, somehow get something good? It causes you to wonder, “Even them?” with great surprise. This is what Jesus does when he shows up. He messes with our plans and starts throwing curve balls.

God, help me to see everyone like you see them and not be surprised that you would include everyone in your plans.

Then Jesus said to the Roman officer, “Go back home.

Because you believed, it has happened.”

And the young servant was healed that same hour.


As you reflect on your day, were there interactions with people with whom you don’t normally interact? Are there people in your life that you would rather just write off? When Jesus interacts with this Roman officer and heals his servant, he’s acting out his own principle to love one’s enemies. This is hard to do because it messes with our plans.

As you continue to grow in your faith, God may continue to shift your plans in such a way that calls you to include others that seem least deserving. It’s helpful when you reflect on just how undeserving we all were of God’s love and yet he extended it to us in Jesus. We are called to the same kind of action, no matter where your plans take you.

God, help me to understand that no matter what my plans are, I am still called to love my enemies.

Who would you normally consider an enemy?


Nature Obeys

The disciples were amazed. “Who is this man?” they asked.

“Even the winds and waves obey him!”


There’s an incredible story where Jesus is out on the Sea of Galilee and at a moment’s notice, a storm just takes over and threatens to bring harm against Jesus and his disciples. This was common for this particular body of water, so they shouldn’t have been surprised by it. However, it doesn’t change the fact that they were still afraid. Jesus simply spoke to the storm and calmed it.

We believe something unique about God in that even nature obeys his very commands. That might not necessarily mean that you ask God to make it sunny and seventy-two degrees every time you step outside; however, it tells a greater story. Even though you know storms may come and disrupt your plans, your response to them might still be fear or confusion. Call on Jesus to bring about some level of calm to it.

God, thank you that you are present in the midst of storms and disruptions in my life.

The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this?

Even the winds and the waves obey him!”


The question these men ask, “What kind of man is this?” is such a loaded one. They have so much intrigue and wonder; perhaps they are even excited or confused altogether. If you are a follower of Jesus, go back to some of those early moments in your life where you started to turn toward him. Was there intrigue, wonder, excitement, and confusion about what kind of man Jesus is?

In our very nature, we are prone to do our own thing, but something supernaturally changes within us when we turn toward Jesus. We might say that it’s his presence or the Holy Spirit that brings about a new kind of nature with a new kind of obedient lifestyle. Take a moment to reflect on those moments and thank God for them.

God, thank you for the days, weeks, and months of turning toward you. Continue to fill me with a new nature led by your Spirit.

What were those first moments like when you turned to Jesus?


Second Chances

As Jesus went on from there, He saw a man called Matthew, sitting

in the tax collector’s booth; and He said to him, “Follow Me!”

And he got up and followed Him.