Fragments of Light - Josefa Ciesielska - E-Book

Fragments of Light E-Book

Josefa Ciesielska

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Dive into "Fragments of Light" - a captivating collection of poetry that explores the depths of healing, heartbreak, and friendships. Through poignant verses and relatable language, embark on a journey of self-discovery and resilience as the author navigates the path to happiness.

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Seitenzahl: 24

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I have promised to never put you into words. But when you touch the soul of a writer, you become immortal. Forgive me for breaking my vow.

If I could, I would call you beautiful every single day. But I am not allowed to, so I will settle for other words. I will tell you that your face is handsome. Both when you are smiling so big it hurts and when you are in deep thought. When you look at me like I am the strangest creature on earth. I will tell you that your hair is pretty. Every single curl. Even after I have ruined it. I will call your personality fascinating. Captivating. Charming. I will say that your laugh is gorgeous. Your body divine. Your soul exquisite.

I want to rinse off the shame that has infected my body.

Who do we turn to when friends disappear? I was not prepared for a pain like this even though I have experienced all kinds of losses. My grief is homeless. Broken on the streets without hope of ever feeling whole again.

When we stay in what we know because we fear the unfamiliar, we rob ourselves of reaching our full potential. We force ourselves to live a life of comfort instead of an explosion of endless excitement. We take away the opportunity to meet our true selves.

I hope you will never know what it is like to lie in a pool of your own blood, reaching out for help, only to get pushed further into the ground.

You show up in my dreams. Like a ghost that is haunting me every time I close my eyes. Is it because you are also thinking about me?

I can feel the anger brewing inside me every time I hear the word “lucky”. I can feel my blood boil and my heart race faster. It does not feel lucky to be traumatized. It does not feel lucky to dream of rifles and blood and screaming every time I close my eyes. It does not feel lucky to freeze every time a firework goes off. To be in a state of constant panic. To question the intentions of other people within the first 10 seconds of meeting them. When does the lucky part begin?

I want to scream every time you cross my mind. Anger has replaced sorrow. The betrayal has lit up a fire within me that cannot be put out. For too long, I tried to understand how it could have happened. Why. Why. Why. Now I am so happy that I cannot understand.

I pray that you grow up. That you learn from your mistakes. That you will one day be ashamed of your past. Not to be in pain. But as a reminder of how far you have come. I hope you will sit in your discomfort and let it teach you the most valuable lessons you can learn.

Claiming you care about someone while ripping out their soul with your bare hands is the worst kind of torture in the universe.