Glass bead series - Gina Hofmann - E-Book

Glass bead series E-Book

Gina Hofmann

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Mike Chambers leads a mysterious, multifaceted life and seems to have more skills than any human could possibly possess. Behind the rich bon vivant's facade, however, lies a dark past from which he tries to protect himself and others like him ... Phoebe Strauss also realizes one day that sinister forces are on her heels and begins to wonder what is behind it. Is it to do with her work as a writer or is she just imagining that she is being followed? It is only when Mike enters Phoebe's life that she begins to recognize her telepathic powers. There seems to be a deep connection between them that brings them ever closer together. But who is following them and what are their intentions?

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Glass bead series - Mike

1. Mike

Mike paced impatiently back and forth in his hotel room, never taking his eyes off his cell phone. It had been twelve minutes since Tracy's emergency call had been received, and each one seemed like an eternity. Cold fear had taken hold of him and left him unable to think clearly. He closed his eyes for a moment, tried to calm down a little and surrendered to his memories. He would never forget the day when he had sought help and shelter from Tracy, badly injured and bleeding. She and her friends had selflessly tended to his gunshot wound, removed the bullet and probably saved his life. No concerns had been expressed and no questions had been asked. Tracy and he had been having quite a passionate affair, and if it hadn't been for this incident, it might have turned into something more. But his actions had put her in danger, brought her to the attention of his pursuers, and to this day, thirteen months later, he couldn't forgive himself. There had only been one way to protect her and himself. He had turned his back on New York and broken her heart.

A deep sigh escaped his soul and he looked thoughtfully at his reflection in the window. Did he still know who this man with his short black hair and extremely dark eyes really was? He had buried his true identity too deep inside, had become Mike Chambers, 37, single and a successful businessman with every fiber of his body. He shook his head vigorously. Enough of this, now it was all about Tracy's well-being. Why was it taking so long? His concerns grew with every second, even though he knew that his men were the best in their field and would not rest until they had helped Tracy. Finally, a vibration indicated an incoming message on his cell phone. "Tracy and friend rescued from burning house. No apparent injuries noted other than smoke inhalation."

Relieved, Mike sank onto the bed and took a few deep breaths. His cell phone answered again and he put it on speaker. "Hi, Joe, I've already received the message. Luckily it turned out okay." - "Yeah, at first I didn't think it had anything to do with you. But there's something else, you've been left a message. I'm sending you a photo of it right now." Mike opened the image file and read. "This should be a warning to you, Chambers! We've found the girl and we'll find you too!" - "The boys found the note right under the window sill where they got in. I don't understand, why now? No sign of them for so many months and now they're just openly threatening you?" Frustrated, Mike tussled his hair. "Honestly, man, I'm just as baffled as you are, I just don't understand the meaning behind it. The fact is, we have to be extra vigilant again from now on. I'll contact Zoe so she can reinforce our firewalls and take a look around the club as a precaution."

He paused for a moment before asking in a whisper: "How are they both doing, do you know anything more?" - "They were taken to hospital, but they were both conscious. The diner, however, was almost completely burnt down. I'm sorry, Mike, I know how much these incidents weigh on you." - "It's just my curse to keep putting people in danger through my actions." - "Which is out of all proportion to how many you've already helped! Speaking of which, how are things going in Bismarck, have you tracked down your next protégé yet?" - "Negative, I'm sure it's a woman, but I can only ever vaguely sense her presence. Too short to get close to her, maybe I'll have to get someone to help me, we'll see. So I'll stay here for a few more days. Please keep me informed about Tracy and send her a bouquet of flowers to the hospital." You could clearly hear Joe's grin on the phone: "Is that the softie in you coming through again? She's already taken, but I'll do what you ask."

With a snort, Mike cut the connection. He couldn't deny it, Tracy had touched his heart with her wild nature, had taken up a permanent place there, and that wouldn't change. Over the months, he had his men check up on her every now and then and knew all about her life. She had confided in him when a strange man, who later turned out to be her grandfather, had awakened her gift as a seer. A single, brief moment had changed her life forever and Mike had been only too happy to track down the stranger for her. As a mind reader, he knew all too well what it meant to live his life with such abilities. In addition to the immense responsibility towards his fellow human beings, it also required a great deal of self-discipline and, as in his case, a completely new life.

For many years now, he had been persecuted and threatened because of his peculiarity. This had culminated in him having to leave his home country and his family in a cloak-and-dagger operation to ensure their safety. He had left everything behind, his profession, which he had practiced with passion, his loved ones and his identity. He had laboriously built a new life for himself here in America and found a new purpose. He supported, taught and mentored people with the same abilities, of which there were actually quite a few. He also had to help some to escape and gave them shelter until they could stand on their own two feet again. Although he found it fulfilling to be at the service of these like-minded people, he always sorely missed his former life.

His relief work was also the reason why he had stayed in this hotel in Bismarck, the capital of North Dakota, only an hour and a half away from his farm, for a few days. For a few weeks he had been receiving brief, angry or anxious thoughts and had followed their intensity all the way here. But now the action had stopped, the impressions were too infrequent and, above all, too brief for him to be able to assign them to a specific person or place. But there was no doubt that he was in the right place in this city. The woman's voice in his head was now much clearer and louder, but only when she was very emotionally agitated. The typical sign that she was unaware of her gift and could in no way control it. A very dangerous situation for her and also for outsiders. She was also scared, which was clear from the fragments of her thoughts. Mike sighed again, perhaps he really needed to get some support. But he wanted to give it one more try. He put on his sneakers, stowed his cell phone and keys in his trouser pocket, grabbed his jacket and left the hotel. Just like the last two days, he would take a leisurely stroll through the city in the hope of picking up a new vibe from the woman.

His path led him to the promenade along the banks of the Missouri River, where many people were out for a breath of fresh air in the balmy spring weather. He had to concentrate in order not to let the thoughts of all the passers-by into his head, but still remain open to the person he was looking for. He stopped abruptly as a woman's scream ran through his brain: "Tracy, no!" It was an agonized cry, and Mike froze, heart beating fast. Someone here still knew about Tracy, how was that possible? Of their own accord, his legs moved towards the source of the scream and led him to a small café in an adjacent park. Determined, he entered the café and let his gaze wander searchingly over the guests. It didn't take him long to see the woman with the red hair crying on the phone and he recognized her immediately from Tracy's stories. It was her former boss, who also had a special gift. He walked purposefully towards her and cleared his throat audibly to get her attention. "Excuse me, Mina, I don't want to scare you, but you and I have a mutual acquaintance, Tracy, and I know what happened to her today. I'm Mike, by the way." He put on his most charming smile and held out his hand to her.

With disbelieving eyes, Mina stared at the tall man with the charismatic charisma and stammered into the phone: "I have to go, Eileen, I'm having something of an apparition here. I'll get back to you later." With that, she put the phone down, shook Mike's hand and pointed, somewhat shakily, to the chair opposite. "Hello Mike, please sit down. I'm sorry, but I need to collect myself first. You're not a dream, are you? How did you find me here?" She blew her nose and wiped away the last of her tears with a handkerchief. The strange man gently took her hand in his and smiled at her: "I am very much alive and truly here with you." From the first second they touched, the emotional connection that characterized Mina as an energy being was established between them. Mike trustingly allowed this to happen, as he knew about Mina's gift from Tracy.

Mina was relieved to feel his connection to Tracy, but also reassured that she was all right. The warmth on her wrist made her pull her hand back, and she watched the last glass beads of her bracelet shatter. So it was him that had drawn her here. Completely uncharacteristic dreams had prompted her to interrupt her visit to her daughter and take a trip to Bismarck. She had put on a bracelet, for the first time, without knowing exactly what it was for, and yet it had done its job. But there was something else about him, she could see it in his eyes, despite the contact lenses. Following her instinct, she sent out her thoughts: "It was your men who saved Tracy and Henry, wasn't it?" Now it was Mike's turn to raise his eyebrows in amazement as he replied aloud, "You're really good, Mina. Yeah, she put out a distress call and they were able to get them out of the flames pretty much unscathed. I'm really sorry about your diner." Mina made a dismissive gesture with her hand. "It's nothing that can't be rebuilt! But you can't replace a human life, so thank you for your help! Besides, I don't own the diner anymore, Henry bought it." Mike nodded in understanding. "You asked me how I found you. I couldn't help but overhear your concern for Tracy in my head. What brought you to Bismarck?" - "By all appearances, you! Could it be that you might need some help?"

The waitress arrived, served the coffee he had ordered and Mike took a big sip. This situation upset him more than he would have liked. "I have to admit that you amaze me more and more, even though I've seen and experienced a lot. But you're right, I could really do with some support." - "Well, go ahead then, I'm ready for almost any outrage." Mike couldn't suppress a laugh, this woman was absolutely disarming and trustworthy. "I'm looking for a woman with the same skills that I have. It's not the first time I've done something like this, but with her it's a lot more difficult. Her gift is nothing more than a fragmentary, brief flicker. Too little to actually pick up her trail, but she's scared and desperately needs help." Mina tilted her head thoughtfully, looked at Mike silently for a few seconds and then finally reached into her handbag. "Now my dreams of the last few nights actually make sense. The woman you're looking for has long, black hair and blue-grey eyes that make you think there's a storm raging inside. I'm afraid I can't tell you any more, but I've brought you something to help you."

She took out two bracelets and motioned Mike to stretch out his right hand to put the bracelet with the amber-colored glass beads on him. He looked at the beads wide-eyed and then turned his attention to Mina, who just shrugged her shoulders. "You may be able to hide your true appearance in reality, but not in my dreams. This bracelet, like a compass, should guide you to the woman and support you in all matters concerning her. The closer you are, the warmer the pearls become and some of them will shatter. Only when the last one has shattered has the ribbon done its job." Mike pointed questioningly to the second ribbon with the gray and blue glass beads. "That's for the woman. I myself always look after protégés with my abilities and know about their emotional confusion and despair. It will help her to make the right decisions in difficult situations. Oh yes, you have to put the bracelet on her left, she's left-handed."

Mike accepted the second bracelet with awe. "You are a truly amazing woman, Mina. Thank you so much, I'll wear it with pride." Mina patted his hand briefly and stood up with a smile. "I wish you the best of luck, Mike, and I'm very happy to have met you. But now I have to get going again, I want to be with my daughter before nightfall." Mike rose gallantly and offered her his hand and a business card as a farewell: "The pleasure is all mine, Mina, and I hope this isn't our last meeting. Why don't you ring me later so that I have your number?" - "I'll definitely do that, my dear." Surprisingly, she approached him, stood on tiptoe and blew him a kiss on the cheek. Mike wished her a safe journey home, paid and set off to continue his search for the unknown woman. But now with the certainty that he would also succeed in finding her.

2. Phoebe

Almost two hours later, Mike still hadn't seen anything of his target, and slowly but surely, his stomach was growling. So he kept an eye out for a supermarket to get a snack in between. He crossed West Main Avenue and spotted the illuminated sign of a Daily Market a few hundred meters away. He moved towards it with brisk steps and almost collided with a streetlight as the now familiar voice ranted angrily through his head. It sounded so close and clear that, holding his breath, he listened in awe. Slowly, he turned on his axis and tried to find a woman who matched Mina's description among the many people. But of course it wasn't that easy, and he set off again, trying in different directions to follow the trail. Time was now the most important factor; if he took too long, the voice would fade away again before his search was crowned with success. It grew warm on his right wrist as he glanced down a side alley, and he silently thanked Mina. With brisk steps, he followed the woman's thoughts and the leading bracelet as they zigzagged through the center of Bismarck.

Angrily, Phoebe threw the door of the police station behind her and ran down the few steps, swearing quietly to herself. "Miserable bunch of policemen! What the hell does that snob think he's doing, telling me off like that! Millions of taxpayers' money wasted on useless ignoramuses!" She trudged aimlessly through the streets with long strides and reviewed the last few minutes. Full of confidence, she had turned to the local police station, as she had felt persecuted for several weeks. At the beginning of the conversation, the officer had actually made an effort to take her details and listen to her observations. She had told him everything, about the dried flowers under her windscreen wiper in the supermarket parking lot, the strange symbols on her car tires, the footsteps that followed her in the park and no one was to be seen as soon as she turned around, and above all about the missing scarf that she had rediscovered days later, covered in blood, on the armrest of her favourite bench in the park. Of course she had wanted to take it, but had been distracted by a woman who had asked her for directions, and when she had gone to grab it, it had disappeared again.

The man had listened in silence and asked about her profession at the end of her speech. "I'm a writer." - "And what kind of books do you write?" - "Fantasy novels!" His expression changed immediately and he smiled mildly at her. "Lady, I don't want to accuse you of anything, but could it be that your imagination has also run away with you in this matter? You have to admit, it all sounds pretty crazy, and we lack even the slightest proof. Perhaps they were just a little too realistic dreams after you've been sitting at your books for hours?" That was when her patience had snapped and she had shouted abuse at him, which had not gone down particularly well with him and he had quite definitely thrown her out of the precinct. Gradually, her anger turned into resignation. He wasn't wrong, the whole thing was pretty weird, but she was scared shitless, and who else could she turn to? She should have known better. Quite out of breath, she stopped for a moment to get her bearings as to where she had run off to in her rage. Cheers to her subconscious, she was standing right in front of her favorite supermarket. There she would find what she needed most right now, nerve food.

Mike had also worked up quite a sweat until the voice in his head stopped, and he looked in amazement at the illuminated sign of the supermarket he had spotted earlier. They had probably walked around the cross with the church. "We could have had it easier!" he murmured and sent his senses out briefly, again without success. But her presence was clearly felt and he followed her into the store, where there were plenty of customers. He walked slowly through the aisles, trying to organize his thoughts and understand what he had heard. Only fragments of her memories had reached him, but there was no doubt that she felt haunted. He could almost physically sense her fear, and that was what he was concentrating on now. He was already so close to her and would not rest until he had finally made contact with her.

His bracelet responded again, leading him to a shelf at the back of the supermarket, and when the young woman with the really long black hair came into his field of vision, a few pearls shattered. Relief flooded through him, he had finally found her, now he just couldn't make a mistake. He quickly pulled his cell phone out of his trouser pocket and secretly took a few photos of her while she stood in front of the shelf looking for something. This gave him the opportunity to take a closer look at his new protégé. She was certainly a head shorter than him and also younger, he estimated her to be in her early thirties. She had tied her hair in a shiny plait that reached almost to her hips. She hid her figure in comfortable jeans and a loose hoodie. She also wore sneakers and a large handbag in the same color. She looked up and sighed theatrically, which gave Mike the perfect opportunity to strike up a conversation with her.

Phoebe groaned inwardly, but if a day was going to suck, it was going to suck big time. Of course, there were no fresh cherries in the fruit section, which she loved so much, and the shelf with the cocktail cherries was empty once again. She certainly had Eddie, a store employee who had been keeping an eye on her, to thank for that. He didn't refill the glasses so that she had to ask him for help and he had the opportunity to flirt with her a little. Which was cute in itself, but became a problem when he wasn't on duty. She looked longingly up to where the objects of her desire were lined up ready to be put away and once again cursed the few centimetres she was obviously lacking at 1.65 meters. A dark male voice made her flinch and instinctively take a step back: "May I help you?" She looked suspiciously at the stranger with the black hair and extremely dark eyes, who smiled at her questioningly. Although he seemed friendly, he seemed to be surrounded by a mysterious aura and immediately triggered a flight reflex in her. Her thoughts were racing, what if he was now one of her pursuers and was using his chance to eliminate her on the spot?

Shaken, Mike realized what she was thinking, what had frightened her so much? He reacted with lightning speed and sent her reassuring words with all his mental strength, while pointing upwards with one hand: "Let me guess, it's the cocktail cherries you desire so much?" His efforts had an effect, relief washed over her features and she even managed a small smile, making adorable dimples appear on her cheeks. "Sorry, it's not my best day today! You've got me all figured out, two glasses of this will make the sun shine for me again." - "Well, let me help dispel the dark clouds." And while he reached for the glasses, she began to recite softly: "As so often in life, the simplest and most wonderful things seem unattainable to you, like a distant celestial body." A smirk played around the corners of Mike's mouth and he completed the quote: "Until the universe sends you this one incomparable being who reaches for the stars for you, lays them at your feet and becomes part of your soul." He turned to her with the cocktail cherries in his hands, held them out to her with a bow, and she took them with wide, astonished eyes. "I adore Ephesus Batur, an exceptionally charismatic author with an incredibly vivid writing style," he told her with a grin.

Phoebe couldn't help but stare at this slender, tall man with his handsome, aristocratic-looking face. For a moment, she forgot everything around her, the only thing she could think about was: "He knows my books!" And her heart was pounding in her throat. Stammering, she said: "I'm impressed, not many people I know appreciate his work like that."

Mike also had to fight for his self-control. She had written these wonderful books? He almost couldn't believe it, but thoughts don't lie, so it had to be the truth. It was really rare for something to upset him like this, but this news put things in a different light. He urgently needed to get back to the farm to investigate a suspicion before he could look into it further. He took a deep breath and gave her his full attention again. "And yet his books have sold millions of copies, so there are plenty of fans. However, I think I know what you mean. Reading and really understanding are sometimes worlds apart." She nodded in agreement and thanked him beaming for his help. He bowed to her again. "It was an honor, but unfortunately I must take my leave, an important appointment cannot be postponed. As fate would have it, perhaps we will meet again soon, Cherry Lady." He winked at her, turned on his heel and hurried off.

Holding her two glasses, Phoebe stared after him and couldn't shake off the feeling that she had just had an encounter of a different kind. She felt the urgent need to hole up inside her four walls and think the whole thing over thoroughly. She hastily paid, ran to her car and drove the few kilometers to her home faster than she was allowed. She breathed a sigh of relief as she closed the front door behind her and finally felt safe. She loved her little house on the outskirts of Bismarck, which she had financed with the proceeds from her books. She had lovingly renovated it and furnished it to her taste. She was particularly proud of her spacious writing room, where she spent many hours putting her stories on paper. Here she could let herself go, forget her surroundings and immerse herself in the lives of her characters. Within these four walls, the world was still intact and free of any danger. Armed with a jar of cherries and a spoon, she made herself comfortable on the couch and enjoyed the cracking sound when she opened the lid. She popped a cherry into her mouth with relish and thought about this mysterious man.

On the way back to the hotel, Mike sent the photos of the woman to his team, who immediately set to work finding out more about her. He was fully aware that he was crossing the line of legality with his actions, but in this case in particular, it was essential to get enough information in advance. After all, the lady was already very frightened and would certainly react in panic to questions from him. He wanted to help her, and he would use any means necessary. He got his car key from the room, booked two more nights at reception and got into a rental car, which he always used during his longer stays in another city. His painful experiences had also taught him to be constantly on his guard and untraceable. During the hour and a half drive, his thoughts were constantly revolving around the books of Ephesus Batur, and he had started the playlist of movie themes on his cell phone to match. He couldn't help feeling that something big had been set in motion with this encounter, and a certain excited tingling sensation spread through his stomach.

3. Research

It was already getting dark when Mike arrived at the farm and brought the car to a halt in front of the main house. Ellen and Joe were strolling towards the guest cottage, which they occupied as the only permanent couple on his team. They had been his companions and close friends since he had gone into hiding in America and knew at least some of the background to his escape. Joe, as a former Seal, was the head of the security team and Ellen was a gifted doctor, for whom he had set up a small but excellent private clinic here, and she couldn't complain about a lack of work. She was constantly having to patch someone up, either after a mission or a training session that had gotten out of hand. The work on the farm and with the animals wasn't always easy either, not to mention the adrenaline junkies among them, who also indulged in one dangerous hobby or another in their private lives.

Surprised, the tall, muscular man with the blond crew cut and the wiry brunette with the sparkling brown eyes stopped and watched Mike get out of the car, his stomach growling loudly. In all the excitement, he had forgotten to buy food at the supermarket. "Hi, Mike, didn't you want to stay in Bismarck any longer, or did you come back because there's nothing to eat there?" Joe's amused undertone earned him a dirty look from his friend. "Very funny, Joe! Hello Ellen, how do you put up with this guy?" She shrugged her shoulders with a smile. "I'm just a bit of a masochist, that's all." Joe's eyebrows shot up indignantly. "I really must beg!" Ellen quickly pressed a kiss to his lips before hooking up with Mike. "Then I'll heat up the leftovers from dinner for you while you tell us what happened in Bismarck."

As always, it was good for Mike to talk to them about what had happened, and he smiled quietly to himself as they looked at the photos of the woman for what felt like the hundredth time, as if she was from another planet. Ellen in particular, who was also a fan of Ephesus Batur and his books, couldn't believe that they were actually of a woman. She opened her mouth several times, only to close it again without a word and stare at her cell phone. "Somehow I can't really get it together in my head. The books are mainly about male protagonists. How can a woman put herself in a man's shoes like that to convey such emotions?" Mike nodded in agreement. "That's exactly why I interrupted my stay there. I have a strong suspicion that it has something to do with her gift and I'm sure I'll find the answer in the books. I'd better get to work right away so I can get back to Bismarck as soon as possible. Thank you for the wonderful meal, Ellen."

He grabbed his plate, which was still half full, and entered the spacious library that he had set up on the first floor of the main house. Room-high shelves lined the walls and were stocked with books of various genres, from encyclopedias to non-fiction and fiction. The collection was not his alone; everyone who lived on the farm made their personal books available here for the general public, and the opportunity to access them was used extensively. There were a few chairs scattered around the room and a large, solid table with several reading lamps in the middle, on which Mike placed his plate. He walked purposefully towards a shelf, took out all seventeen books from Ephesus Batur and placed them on the table in order of appearance. With his sleeves rolled up and armed with lots of post-its and a pen, he pulled up a chair and began to go through the books.

He raised his head in surprise when, hours later, there was a knock on the door and Ellen stuck her head in: "Goodness gracious, Mike, have you been here all night?" She looked in amazement at the open books, which must have been marked in hundreds of places with colorful stickers. Mike looked at her with dark circles under his eyes, a little uncomprehending. "I seem to have missed the fact that it's already light again." He spotted the thin folder she was holding and pointed to it. "Did you bring me something?" - "Oh yes, sorry, I was a little distracted. Joe gave me this for you, it's all they've been able to find out about your new protégé so far. Was all the effort worth it at least?" Mike took the documents. "We'll see in a moment, at least I hope so."

He scanned the report with quick eye movements, and after just a few moments a smile spread across his face. "That's just brilliant, just look at the two names, Ellen." He took a post-it, wrote Phoebe Strauss and Ephesus Batur underneath and slid it over to Ellen. "Okay, so I guess that's the name of the woman and the supposed writer. What's so special about it?" Smirking, Mike began to cross out one letter after the other in both names until Ellen audibly caught her breath. "It's an anagram, she just moved the letters around for her pen name. A really great idea, I wonder if she copied it from Dan Brown?" - "It's possible." - "What's with all the markings, Mike?" - "They're dialogues that I think she subconsciously perceived and used the thoughts of the men around her." - "And how are you going to prove that?" He tapped on the file. "Herewith, the team has done a very thorough job as always and found out a lot of details about Phoebe. Now I just have to link her previous life, especially the locations of her research, to the dialogues. It's definitely worth a try, it would explain so much."

Ellen found this quite exciting and therefore stayed with him while he continued to study the documents. She didn't have to wait long before he frantically searched for a particular book and energetically tapped on a passage of text with his index finger. "I knew it, this is where the main character recounts the terrible experiences of her imprisonment by the infernal beings." He switched back to the file. "Six months before this book was published, she spent a few days researching in a prison." Ellen looked him in the eye doubtfully. "Yes, I also see a connection. But isn't it possible that an inmate actually told her something like that?" Wordlessly, Mike held the book under her nose and she read the relevant lines with great concentration. He was right, no man would tell such emotions and experiences of horror to a woman just like that, especially not to a stranger. Mike blanched as he recognized the next match, which Ellen did not miss. "You look very worried, wasn't that what you were looking for?" He nodded wearily. "Yes, but it makes everything more complicated. What will happen when she can no longer suppress her gift? And we all know that one day it will, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to perceive it. Or worse still, what if I have to awaken her gift, for whatever reason? How will she cope with the fact that a lot of it didn't come from her imagination, but that she simply heard it?"

Ellen frowned thoughtfully. "You mean she could lose the joy of writing?" - "Not only that, her soul could break. I have to get back as quickly as possible and try to win her trust. It's the first time I haven't known how to proceed, and that does scare me, Ellen." The doctor took his hands in hers and looked deep into his worried eyes. "You don't have to carry this burden alone, Mike. Maybe you can persuade her to come here and we can try to prepare her gently together. But before you set off again, you should get a few hours' sleep, you look completely exhausted. You certainly can't help her in this state." Mike grinned wryly at her: "At your command, doctor!" He left the library with the file in his hands and Ellen looked after him, sighing; if it scared Mike, it almost made her panic.

The sleep and the subsequent hour in the gym had done Mike good, and his heart was full of optimism again. While he ate a bowl of muesli and then treated himself to a good espresso, he studied the results of the investigation into Phoebe Strauss in detail. She led a fairly normal life, at least at first glance. A girl from a middle-class background, with above-average school results and a degree in journalism. She then wrote regular columns for various magazines and published her first book at the age of 25, still under her real name at the time. This was followed by a fairly successful crime series until she suddenly dropped off the radar of the writers' association at the age of 29. That must have been when Ephesos Batur was created. Amazingly, today, at 32, she had already published 17 books under this pseudonym, and the 18th volume was just around the corner, if the press releases were to be believed. His team had found no information in this regard, which showed how well she was able to disguise herself. Otherwise, she lived like most Americans, owning a small cottage in Bismarck, practicing yoga with a passion and hosting popular writing seminars at night school. She had no husband or partner and no children. "But a great passion for cherries in every form," Mike added with a grin as he closed the folder.

The house was deserted, so he wrote a short message to the farm group, got behind the wheel of his rental car and drove off. Back in Bismarck, he parked near Phoebe's house, waited and listened. After just a few minutes, he was able to get through to her and heard her clearly in his head. She was writing a love scene and had opened up completely emotionally. Reading her books was already exciting and set off a brilliant mental movie, but being there live when these lines were written was an indescribable experience. Mike was fascinated and terrified in equal measure by the way Phoebe slipped into the role of the characters, suppressing her own self and switching back and forth emotionally between the characters. It was almost a delusional frenzy that took hold of her and made her put such emotional sentences on paper. The tingling scene was over and Mike had to take a few deep breaths to calm down again.

Phoebe also seemed exhausted, because she closed herself off again and disappeared from his consciousness. Shortly afterwards, she stepped out of the house, stretched and walked towards the park, which was only a few hundred meters away. That was going very well. Mike quickly grabbed the last novel from Ephesus Batur, which he had taken with him as a precaution, and set off for the park as well. He was quicker, as he had parked his car right in front of it, and looked for a suitable place for their second meeting. Mina's bracelet came to his aid again, warming up noticeably as he passed a bench by the small pond that had been set up for anglers. He sat down, opened the book and it wasn't long before Phoebe sauntered around the bend with a totally dreamy look on her face.

At first she walked past him, but then she stopped and took a closer look. A smile spread across her face as she recognized him and stepped closer. "Hello stranger, is the seat next to you still free?" - "I've reserved it especially for you, although it bothers me that you call me a stranger, despite the help I gave you yesterday." He nodded at her with a look of mock indignation and tapped his hand next to him. She sat down and looked at him with her vivid blue-grey eyes, in which a storm was indeed raging to all appearances. Her dark gray jacket and the loose hair that the wind blew around her face added to the impression, and Mike couldn't take his eyes off her.

"Phoebe Strauss, what are you doing?" Phoebe scolded herself in her mind. It wasn't usually her style to simply approach men, let alone sit with them. Especially in this situation, where she felt constantly followed and watched. But this man made an absolutely trustworthy impression on her and was also damn good-looking. She had already been impressed by his appearance in the supermarket yesterday, but now, in the bright light of day, she had to put him in the cream of the crop category. The black jeans and light-colored leather jacket looked great on him, and the unreal, dark eyes gave him an air of boldness. She shook her head imperceptibly. "After all, I don't know your name, so you're a stranger, a very helpful stranger," she added with a smile. "Then I'll change that fact immediately, Mike Chambers, I'm delighted." Grinning, he held his hand out to her, which she took immediately. "Phoebe Strauss, how do you do?" Her hand lay coolly in his, sending a quiet shiver through his body and causing him to involuntarily lower his mental protective barrier. He had dealt with many supernaturally gifted people, but none had caused such a reaction in him. Irritated, he let go of her hand and raised his personal firewall again.

Phoebe pointed to the book on his lap. "I see you're indulging in a dose of our mutual favorite author, Mike." He regained his composure and winked conspiratorially at her. "There's nothing better for relaxation than the pleasant company of a pretty woman." She looked a little embarrassed and her gaze was skeptical, so he just kept talking. "What brings you to the park on a late spring afternoon, Phoebe?" - "Too many hours at the computer, an overworked mind and a tense neck." She rolled her shoulders demonstratively and turned her head in both directions. Mike was about to offer her a little massage when he noticed the familiar hostile presence. His senses immediately heightened and he tensed his muscles. Phoebe seemed to sense it too, as her eyes narrowed and her breathing quickened. She shot up, her eyes filled with fear. "I'm afraid I have to go, Mike, it was nice seeing you again." She didn't wait for his reply, but shouldered her large handbag and walked away with hurried steps. "Phoebe, wait, it's too dangerous to stay in the park!" But she didn't hear him and disappeared between the trees, where Mike could clearly see the shadow following her and getting closer and closer. He didn't hesitate for a second, ran to the car, started it and drove slowly alongside the park so that he didn't lose sight of Phoebe.

Phoebe now ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She could clearly feel her pursuer breathing down her neck, and her fear almost gave her wings. Despite everything, he caught up and, out of the corner of her eye, Phoebe saw a hand in a black glove reaching for her. "You'd like that, you prick! But not with me!" Without thinking, she grabbed the strap of her handbag, made a half turn and threw it with full force against her opponent's head, who fell to the ground with a groan. A honk of the horn caused her to wheel around - a silver sports car with an open passenger door had pulled up in front of the park. She recognized Mike, who waved at her and called out, "Get in, Phoebe, quick!" She didn't think twice, ran towards him, jumped into the passenger seat and Mike drove off before she had properly closed the door.

In the rear-view mirror, Mike saw the attacker also disappear into a car and the men took off in pursuit. He glanced briefly at Phoebe and simply said, "Put your seatbelt on!" Phoebe followed his instructions and clung to the dashboard as Mike swept through the city center at breakneck speed, performing the most daring overtaking maneuvers. Always closely followed by the other car, whose driver was in no way inferior to him. Their route took them out of the city, and when the traffic was no longer so heavy, Mike stepped on the gas pedal to get a head start. The road became increasingly winding and he looked for a way to get the car out of sight. Too late, he spotted a narrow forest road leading into the woods on his left. He quickly considered his options, and when he spotted a patrol car in the distance after a tight right-hand bend, he shouted: "Hold on." Without further warning, he applied the handbrake with all his might at full speed, causing the car to swerve and spin on its own axis with screeching tires. Phoebe screamed at the top of her lungs as Mike counter-steered, sped past his pursuers the next moment and turned into the forest road seconds later. As far as the car would allow him, he drove into the shade of the trees and watched the rear-view mirror with bated breath. His plan worked, because shortly afterwards he spotted the attackers' off-road vehicle and behind it the patrol car with its blue lights and siren. A satisfied smile stole onto his lips. "The police, your friend and helper for once."

Then he turned anxiously to Phoebe, who was sitting in the passenger seat like a heap of misery, staring into nothingness. "Are you all right, Phoebe?" As if in slow motion, she turned her pale face towards him and barely managed a "Shit, no, nothing's wrong!" before storming out of the car and throwing up noisily a few steps away. Sighing, Mike closed his eyes, well, at least she had made it out of the car. He reached into the center console for a packet of tissues and a small bottle of water and joined her. Without a word, she took the things and cleaned her face before taking a few sips. Then she fixed him with her eyes, in which a tornado was now wreaking havoc. "What the hell are you, an FBI agent? Why are you here, and don't tell me it was a coincidence that we ran into each other!" Defensively, Mike raised his hands and tried to take a step towards her, which immediately made her back away further. So he stopped, took a deep breath and tried the truth, at least part of it. "I'm not FBI or CIA or anything like that. I came looking for you to help you." - "I don't understand, why were you looking for me? Did you know that I've been followed for some time?" She looked increasingly confused and a little hysterical and didn't give him time to answer. "What do they want from me, what have I done to make them want to kidnap me or whatever it is they're planning to do to me?"

She angrily threw the water bottle to the floor and shakily ran it through her hair. Mike tried a friendly smile. "They want to get hold of you so they can work with you, because you're very special, Phoebe." She shook her head vigorously. "What's so special about me? What if you're in cahoots with them and only brought me here to take me out quietly?" He stared at her indignantly, this was going in the wrong direction. "Didn't I just save you? Why would I talk to you for so long if all I wanted to do was get you around the corner?" - "Maybe because you enjoy my fear or ..." Her eyes grew wide with horror. "Or because you have other things planned for me." Her voice had become a shrill croak, her breathing was intermittent and she was about to flee from him into the forest. There was no way it could come to that, Mike had to make a decision, here and now, and he chose the truth. With two quick steps, he shot towards her, grabbed the back of her head with one hand, pressed the heel of his other hand firmly against her forehead and whispered: "I'm so sorry, Phoebe, this was all supposed to be so different."

Phoebe could only manage an anxious "What are you sorry for?" before a blinding flash flashed through her eyes and brain and Mike's voice was suddenly in her head. Calm and gentle, he spoke to her as she stared at his closed mouth. At first she couldn't quite make out the words, but she quickly got used to it and then heard him clearly: "That's why you're being followed, Phoebe, because you're a mind reader and a telepath, just like me." - "No, that's impossible, there are no telepaths in reality, only in fantasy novels!" Mike smiled quietly to himself, his eyes twinkling with amusement. He lightly stroked her wrinkled forehead with his thumbs. "And yet here we are talking without a word leaving our lips." Phoebe flinched noticeably as she realized that she hadn't actually made a sound. Suddenly everything revolved around her, it was just too much. Her pounding heart threatened to burst her chest and she gasped frantically for air. Mike held her tightly. "You need to calm down, Phoebe." She tried, but she couldn't. She looked at him pleadingly. "Take me home, please." By now she was shaking uncontrollably all over and just wanted to scream. Mike lifted her face with one hand so that she had to look him in the eye. "You're going to breathe calmly now, Phoebe, concentrate fully on my eyes. It's all right, you're gradually becoming calmer, your heartbeat is slowing down and you're feeling well again." He could clearly feel her body relaxing under his hands. He put an arm around her, ran two fingers over her eyes and said softly, "And now sleep." Her head fell to the side, he caught her and took her to the car. He carefully let her slide onto the seat, fastened her seatbelt and drove her home.

4. Emergency Situation

Mike parked the car right in front of Phoebe's house, the game of hide and seek was over. Her pursuers had seen them together and knew for sure where she lived. His throat tightened as he looked at the woman sleeping peacefully beside him. The worst of all cases had happened, he had had to confront her with her gift without any preparation, and her home no longer offered her any protection. He briefly considered waking her, but decided against it. He wanted to give her a few more hours of ignorance and rest, which would also give him the opportunity to think about the next steps and discuss them with his people. He bent down, grabbed her handbag and let out an astonished sound as he lifted the heavy piece. What on earth was she carrying? Searching for the front door key, he discovered a stone with a diameter of at least ten centimetres, which also explained why she had been able to knock her attacker to the ground with the bag. Despite the seriousness of the situation, Mike couldn't help but laugh: "Simple, but no less effective!" She knew how to use her resources and was resourceful, which certainly impressed him.

He got out, concentrated briefly to check the surroundings for the presence of her pursuers and unlocked the door when he could see nothing suspicious. He put her handbag in the hallway, switched on the light and went back to the car to get Phoebe. He lifted her up in his arms and she felt tender and vulnerable, giving him a painful twinge in his chest. With one foot, he pushed the car door shut and took his precious cargo into the house. Searching for her bedroom, he opened the doors with his elbow and found her office, took a quick look around and moved on to the next room. He carefully laid her on her bed, which she acknowledged with a contented sigh, peeled her out of her jacket, took off her shoes and carefully covered her up. Before he slipped out of the room, he let his eyes rest on her for a moment, his heart heavy with sorrow and worry. On his way back to the living room, he paused for a moment at the door to her writing room. He would have liked to take a closer look, but it didn't seem right. This was her own personal workspace, her fantasy place, and it was up to her to decide who she allowed in here.

Back in the living area, he fetched a glass of water from the small kitchenette and sat down on the sofa with a sigh. He would not leave her alone and spend the night on the couch. Thousands of thoughts were floating around in his head, which he urgently needed to sort out, and he needed his best and oldest friend to do so. He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and set up the video connection. After just a few seconds, the familiar face with the bright green eyes and long, gray hair appeared, the sight of which alone chased away some of Mike's worries. "Dimitri, my friend! It's good to see you!" They had known each other for so long and Dimitri immediately noticed the sincerity in his words. "Mike, you look more than worried, what's happened?" Mike gave a brief account of the events of the last two days and ended with the words: "I don't know how I'm going to face her tomorrow, Dimitri, after I've turned her whole life upside down with my actions." - "What are you worrying about? You did what had to be done, she'll realize that sooner or later. So just let it come to you, you usually rely on your intuition." - "But it's different with her than usual. She overcame my mental protective barrier within seconds without any help from her, which no one has ever managed to do before."

Dimitri silently looked at his friend for a few seconds before a smile played around his lips: "That's great, the more intensively you can work together. Perhaps fate has destined you for each other. Please send me a photo of this wondrous creature." Although Mike rolled his eyes in annoyance, he did his friend the favor and he clicked his tongue appreciatively. "So you have my blessing, she looks adorable, great hair and remarkable eyes, just perfect for you. Well, to the real Mike, who has been hiding behind this masquerade for far too long." - "That's not helpful, Dimitri. After all, you know my motives better than anyone." The man at the display made an apologetic gesture. "Sorry, buddy, I still respect your decision, but I miss the Mike of old from time to time. Nevertheless, I'm convinced that you'll find a way to help her through this difficult time and protect her. You're taking her to the farm, aren't you?" Mike nodded resolutely. "Yes, I sincerely hope I can persuade her to go tomorrow. She's just not safe here any more and I don't want to have to bring out the whole cavalry on site." As usual, Dimitri agreed with him, wished him good luck and ended the call. Mike tried to make himself as comfortable as possible on the couch, and while he went through the necessary steps for the next day, he fell asleep.

Phoebe woke slowly the next morning and was more than relieved to find herself in her own bed. What a crazy and extremely realistic dream, with Mike Chambers as the main character, who tried to convince her that she was a telepath. The encounter with him had apparently affected her more deeply than she had thought. No matter, it was good material for one of her next books. She stretched out with relish and then she realized that she was still fully clothed. Only now did she realize that she had no idea how she had gotten into her bed and her pulse suddenly quickened. "Good morning, Phoebe, fancy a coffee?" There it was again, the dark voice in her head. "Shit, not a dream," she jerked up, swung her legs out of bed and dashed out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. He leaned calmly against the worktop and held a cup of steaming coffee out to her, which she took with trembling hands, as if in a trance.

Mike couldn't suppress an amused grin. With her tangled hair sticking out in all directions, the imprint of the head cushion on her face and the slightly enraptured expression on her face, she simply looked cute. Which, as expected, didn't really go down well with Phoebe and sparked another storm in her eyes. She furrowed her brow, clenched her free hand into a fist and fired off: "How did you get into my house?" - "With your key, after all, you wanted me to take you home, remember?" If looks could kill, he would have died on the spot. "And of course you knew my address and stayed here all night, just like that." Now it was Mike's turn to get angry, which made his voice darker and softer, automatically switching to the mental level. "I'm not in the habit of staying just like that, my dear. After all, you were attacked in the immediate vicinity of your home, which means that I'm not the only one who knows where you live. You don't seriously think that our escape will stop the pursuers from trying again. I stayed to make sure you were safe." The coffee cup fell from Phoebe's hand with a clink as she gasped in horror and backed away from him step by step. Annoyed with himself, Mike closed his eyes for a moment - how had this woman managed to upset him like that in a matter of seconds? He tried to make his voice sound conciliatory as he continued aloud: "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. We should probably both calm down a bit. How about you jump in the shower and I'll clean this place up. After that, I'm ready to answer all your questions honestly or disappear if you want me to." Phoebe tilted her head slightly to one side, studied him for a few seconds and stammered: "Agreed."

As promised, Mike disposed of the broken glass and wiped the little coffee puddles off the floor while he listened to the rushing water in the bathroom. Phoebe was taking longer than expected, so he ventured a look in the fridge - perhaps she would be happy to have a proper breakfast. He discovered eggs, ham and vegetables and set to work. A little later, Phoebe entered the room, dressed in a dark blue business suit with a light-colored blouse. Her long hair was tied back in a loose bun at the nape of her neck and her make-up was subtle. She noticed Mike's questioning look and shrugged her shoulders. "I have to go to a class at night school later. You made breakfast, thank you very much." Mike swallowed the comment that this wasn't a good idea and instead just smiled and said, "Perfect timing, the omelette's just finished." In silence, Phoebe took plates and glasses from the cupboards, took a bottle of orange juice from the fridge and set the coffee table with it. Mike could clearly feel her inner tension as he divided the omelette between the plates and took the pan back into the kitchen. Armed with forks and a knife, Phoebe asked him to take a seat and joined him on the sofa. They ate in silence for the first few minutes until Phoebe paid him a sincere tribute. "The omelette tastes fantastic, you're a good cook." - "Thank you very much, but it was the least I could do after taking advantage of your hospitality without being asked."

Phoebe looked him in the eye with a mixture of embarrassment and nervousness. "I haven't even thanked you for your help yet. You saved me yesterday and watched over me that night, and I'm really grateful for that." - "I'd love to, but your interlude with the handbag wasn't from bad parents either." - "I assume you discovered the stone when you were looking for the key." Mike nodded with a smile, took a sip and then invited her to ask her questions. Phoebe seemed to struggle a little, but then she blurted out: "How is it that you know about my specialness, when I had no idea about it myself until yesterday and still can't quite believe it?" - "I've been able to feel your presence for a few weeks now, at first only in my dreams, then during the day and more and more intensely until it led me to Bismarck. It was only here that I managed to pick up individual thoughts from you, which is how I finally found you."

She looked at him blankly, so he continued his explanation: "All p