God-Speed - Jorge Luis/KITO - E-Book

God-Speed E-Book

Jorge Luis/KITO

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A book of war isn’t good without a apprentice and it’s headaches. Had a man been given information to pass to another is of vital importance to continue. Our intelligence has been corrupted and controlled by horror mania from outer-space. It is with great honor I pass you a torch given to me out of many who’ve sacrificed to allow this to happen. What you’ll find is a story one of many. Secrets of our modern Era simplified. In all GODSPEED is set to push you further.

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Jorge Luis/KITO


All rights reserved

Copyright © 2023 by Jorge Luis/KITO

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Published by BooxAi







Chapter I

“Use me God”!

Chapter II

That which controlled Us, Perfecto Mundo

Chapter III

“Sperm Eaters”

Chapter IV

Who is the eater of time and money?

Chapter V

“I want a new Body, can you help”?!

Chapter VI

“What is your name?”

What he saw.

Chapter VII

“Rules Of Thumb”

Chapter VIII

“What Does It Eat”

Chapter IX


Chapter X


Chapter XI

Danger Money

Chapter XII


Chapter XIII


Chapter XIV

“Mythical Cursed Gold!”

Chapter XV


Chapter XVI

“Its The Elephant”!

Chapter XVII


Chapter XVIII

“Secret Knowledge”




- A thin cylinder of finely cut tobacco rolled in paper for smoking.

To the ones we've loved, admired, and carried. When It gets dark and nothings 

there remember the music we made and shared. I love you, my life.

Thanks for the trust and letting little things get by that stung so violent run 

from cursing.

Thank you to those who made us think.

Chapter I


The Year 2018 Greensboro NC

Nueva Vida, Had a walk through heavens fruits of knowledge commencing meditation finding peace with spirit ever so brilliant echoed this plane of existence. God's location still at large, what created this? One young man asked for so long. Coming from a religious background like others, regardless of Christian origin or Muslim text. To the promise of glory and triumph in this venture of the day. A gift of life was it “God ever so merciful” who truly watches our growth?

Grabbed by the hand led to church as a child because your mother brought you, or as a grown man, it's a spiritual search for the need of mental to heart enlightenment parallel to the creator. Had the day for a quiet young man beat up from life's excuses give him the need to call on “Deities” Contemplating. Regardless of this attempt for such connection of inner stabilization, one must have patience.

To better understand such circumstances in fulfillment. Its as you are told, what you listen to. Yet must not go one ear pushed out thee other. From the gospels to the song, although what does the preacher tell. A wise lesson or a portion of his life and bible. Skipping the introduction of baptism, does a story ever shock you? If not, you might even be in the right place although at the wrong time. A walk of faith where everything really just works, although we give thanks to God for what the time did for you.

In prayer some ask for forgiveness or a blessing, being personal or for someone else in hopes it heal. Biblical notes spoke lore of hero's, who with such divinity, aided in understatement and wise perception to move the people. “Use me God” they'd speak to such figure in the dark, next to a bed or near a throne. They died with such belief. The rightful cause to do so in class is marking history. Accidental or by miraculous luck, that story or thee story is a Miracle. Given the rarity of uncommon results.


Such a miracle for a man to pray and call to his CREATOR in this formula of instant life. Such a unique prayer to ask this Wise Shadow to “Use him”, himself given up as a host. In hopes of washing the world of sin with courage as his ancestors. To use your voice and to walk as a strongman. The Date of such event isn't highly ever noted although I have one for you. September of 2018 and the uniqueness of such practice is that God Answered right back. Just not the one we were accustomed to understanding, nor being brought up to learn of.

This god showing itself. By it was “IT”. Like a deformed Valkyrie, with all due respect, “IT” was short of structure and with Stout physical qualities revealing as a creature! Having been “IT”s true face not of a man in a beard and robe. But yes a happening of the third kind in the most random of locations the young man quickly thinks in a controlled state of mind.

Noting sometime after more details as followed.

Drooling, backing away and grinning with large black oval eyes as the background itself. With a skin complexion of Grey and white. Damn thing was smiling. It didn't exactly form sinister, more miraculous was how docile it presented itself.

Staring back from within the consciousness of prayer, a deep meditated state host at awe.

Had “IT” with its pale skin come closer in a form of flattered appeal of an expression. Would the luck of a young pioneer not realize what the summons would bring forth. Yet nothing was said, Lasting only a few seconds following the quiet and eerie introduction not long after disappearing from his sight. With both eyes now wide open and his mouth dropped to the floor with the biggest grin of disbelief and self achievement. Rare of what happened in a room pondering.

In such intervention the host who called upon God, Invoke instead this impostor. Didn't flinch but beckoned to it while their eyes still closed shut. Intrigued and dazed that such a being showed itself in mental connectivity to answer thous prayer. “Hey!.., hows it going??” The dimwit host calls to it with unusual surprise. “It” doesn't say a word just lingering off slowly back to the shadow and disappears from sight. Eyes open up and disbelieved that such proportions of something to reveal in a unique manner, compelled and interested to show itself for a fraction of time.. Is this still a miracle of the capture of a rarity?, Only thing in mind. Prayer Ends.

With all but thanks to the same God, one was calling for in the case that maybe this was the answer. From the darkness rose the extraordinary. Slender malnourished. To the modern age this was Alien. Extraterrestrial of origin for nothing like on Earth could match such physical character.

Humanoid of appearance, two eyes one nose with a small mouth yet drooling and grinning without speaking a word as if it shared excitement as the young host. Day was coming to night, for it has been an hour since the meeting with the Grey friend. Leaving the host confused, dazed, hungry to see more of his new friend “IT”.

The next day, a restart this time prepared. All around the same time span an hour before sundown. There must be continuation to such spiritual research and its answer. One would be foolish without question, clumsy to not try again.

Naive or intelligent to do so it was worth another attempt. A do over in efforts to seek another chance at summoning his “fallen angel”. So once again, next to a bed and on his knees the host commences.

“Thank you, I come humbly in approach to better understand the circumstance in hopes Lord Father to answer once again. Forgive me for asking..did God send you?”

At first. Nothing would seem out of the ordinary. No flaws to the instants from the previous night's prayer. No tampering with vision while eyes remained closed as most, if not all personal prayers would adjust to. That is how we, if not most of all speak to the creator. Lashes folded down and our voices heard personally from within one are such spoken words told.

It couldn't have been an invitation, yet who did the host at this point try enticing to appear? Jesus's Father or was it “IT”. Foreign tooth fairy of the shadows here to collect a man's final baby denture. Results were there just the other night, Took a moment again in prayer, he got what he searched for.

All details of such was as humble as it could be. “Use me God”, “I wish to wash the Earth with healing waters, a voice to aid the people”.

Then the magic happened.. like a fish on the line it hooked on to something, rare but the prayer worked you could say. A sound that connected to the host had echoed in, a voice. Simple yet artificially rythmmed as if it were programmed to be versatile and directly treating the guy as if he we're being looked for. Loud and accustomed being linked towards the independent good boy of a listener. It spoke as it followed.

“There he is!” The voice coming from outside the patio which was across a sliding glass door in front of the bed where the sacred kneeing took place. Opening the door, up a white cloud, sounding as if a conversation ran along then the laughter of a young couple, chattering from above. Had the sky been alive, then a male voice followed as if of similar age of the host. In toned like two birds in a pot. Spoke in Modest-English “MY SON IS COMING HOME” as if UN- meaningful and sarcastic. Chuckling. To which in then the voice of the male, along with its too hidden companion following both break of invisible presence.

This communication of “voice” was enough to claim it as a second or third intruder had made efforts of mental telepathy. Modern man, What was present was technology in the middle of some kind to communicate and check him-out. Telekinetic one would accept as. Technology of course present yet unfamiliar to our human ingenuity, the real question is now. Is this malicious? Although nothing was present in the skies that would otherwise show itself. Regardless of the identity of the host who started the prayer was agnostic, in Reality yet wishful to speak to thee Divine God of Solomon and Moses, Muhammad and his prophets. Someone or something answered.

This was not the biblical figure one would've been keen to hear about. It seemed as if a doppelganger or at wishful understanding this was the closest approach God was able to connect with. Maybe even the start of a labor he'd have the boy perform. The scenario of such in contrast was very displaced and non entertaining for whatever the case. It stretched the reason to comprehend what is normal and why it seems so flawed. As far as what comes in turn of how people or humans operate. This example was not at all simple to grasp. FOR IT DOES, WAS NOT, what we are accustomed to.

Cicadas heard from the trees, night came to be. The boy slept in peace and nothing could raise him to such trepidation as to what happened there in his apartment following such entry after prayer. Dream came to be, Falling and diving unto a cool dark ocean above from a cliff, the atmosphere before him alien and ambient of stars. Water crashing as he makes splash. The vision of what was ;follows him to hear a woman's voice speaking in English;... “When we got here, all we found were old buildings.” He sees the bottom of such ocean and it was too dark with a light pushing out the distance, submarine exotic craft of sorts slithering the floor.

High beams that stretched to scavenge and rapidly check the underwater future city flooded that once was. It moves so quickly like the rhythm of a line in the game of worm. Moving accurately left and then right, dodging pillars the height of mountains. This object is like a chain of orbs connected to one another traveling smoothly and swiftly.

Host wakes in drift to find two strange and uneasy characters in his room. As if a couple in hologram projection takes shape in front of him.

One was of the women that spoke aloud, Being raised in a Pentecostal Christian formed foundation. Remembering, the young man thought, Had it been the same female deity mentioned in biblical texts. Where Great King Solomon for example, Changing his view of Almighty God and betraying his own senses right after. In this case it was big and had to be important in this episode of echelon dwellers. Same mortal asking for wisdom. Enticed by another deity, claiming itself even besting God of the Israelite's. Yet this being wasn't claiming higher power but of equal.

Her image having frame of a robotic , body figure was like heavy and widen. Yet she acted as if mannered of interests. There was a second figure more eye catching and Rarer of form then anything any other demon the bible could conjure. A large creature with a small black box as face, similar of appearance to a maggot. Of it remained observant as the robotic female. Both contained in their own portrait. As if unique to each of their style and taste. You couldn't tell if either were smiling, there were only a few words from the robotic which did all the talking in this nightly horror episode. “We are here to congratulate you creator”!, in an artificial feminine voice. Boy dropping his sight for a second a quick faint, winks. Only to find them both vanished, absent and gone from sight, quick as they first came to his room.

It got darker, the night was yet to creep with what was next. So exhausted from the wreck of watch. It didn't take long for a faint back to bed. Raising his head again randomly looking around his room, suddenly eyes wide open! A pale skinny extraterrestrial satyr of sorts! Walking with his legs bent back like a grasshopper its body slim. No sign of openings or other forms usual of the human body. Roams closer to the host. It was Grey with a shade of blue and it had no mouth the kid couldn't scream. So petrifying to watch how advanced and simple of a design the specter being shaped. “Hello Creator”.

By the time it had reached near closer to his arm, the boy had no ability to move his body nor scream. While in shock, the alien figure started evaporating going invisible and gone.. chuckling. 'What the fuck was that..!” boy passes out.

Completely drained. Rest of the end of that night. It was unforgettable, without a doubt impressively gross.

It is to be taken noted that these events are of rarity, authentic as the day. How often it happens with other people remains a shroud of reality, most things are barely documented. Although this is the story of a young man who raised in the American cool breeze State of North Carolina, described these events very up until recent of 2018 following up to now. This is what many would consider to lounge and indulge into as fresh as the sour enters, tasted with. Watch the Gucci, This is what’s real.

Cigarette, A True Story and Study of Space Rulers and Monsters.

Perhaps I should smoke one. I caution not to.

Chapter II


“If I told you an Elephant tells me jokes would you believe me?”

Then there was fire, Mortality's element . Weeks went by an the answers seems uncontrolled from the heavens, insanity as if the optimism of an individual left broken. “There was no reason to be in this place”, For the mind could not handle such. Manic. Days went with riddles and no actual answers for what was real in a young man’s new predicament. This soon to be unholy situation, DAMN, DAMN, DAMN.

There was voices in the head, calling from many spectrum's of what was UN-normal since the first happenings. No sight of what was once there. For several days, yet there was what appeared to be some sort of blessing from an alternate being claiming lord’s place. What followed was of an Epic, the formula of religion at last an answer, what to do with it.

God, the Divine Creator. Deity of the Israelite's. Voice towards Moses and Abraham spoke. Wise, Sane, Loving Real as you'd expect it. At a defense one would listen yet be ready for attack. It left the host in tears and tremble. Even allow oneself to continue listening at such and gave in at servitude “God, what can I do for you?” One would follow at a major glance.

A voice spoke in such matter it came consciously and when no one else seemed to be there. Not when a servant is most vulnerable but when Host and this Spirit is both Available. Same night, Coming as a second following up of visitations from beings at prayers point. A fragrance de bouis of “IT” the moment an amateur scholar would hope for.

Voice of such instance that followed was of God. Thee God!

Out of madness rose Creator.., spoke in perfect English and Spanish. Impressive catch, Damn voice is as hard to capture as you might think. Everything had to be perfect to lure a deity in your home. Harnessing it, the time of present. A Trillion bucks to that of Like Big Game.

“Vas aser lo todo en mi palabra,”(You will do all in my word) “Usa tu vos”,(Use your voice)

“Ay insectos donde quiera.” (There are insects everywhere)

“Te lo doy todo”(I give you everything)

“Perfecto Mundo”,(Perfection of World) “Magnificent.” “Don't let me be the last one.”

Said in words that sounded to heighten both valor, and strength. This is rare of. Such in matter that left any vulnerable to succumb that yes to confirm it is.'“IT”. In all respect what one would have figured to be the true voice of how “Divine hence speak amongst”. There was no image but a placement fixed in the mind to believe that at front could be of portion of what God Is.

Chills running still.

For instance, without the need of hallucinogenics. One would see figures that would tamper with normal functions of a brains neuron mechanisms pattern. Where the eyes seem focused, a mirage and picture on the ground and carpet. Still leaving mesmerized thoughts of how it was being done. Shifting perception of reality.

This would seem very useful to the smart man to believe its use of some kind of military like procedure. Confusing, debilitating, water boarding tactics. For this was not normal. Images that placed together in front face were not of the sane of heart. Could be used as diversion or representation. Regardless this spiritual search of “Father understanding” would have to cease and come to an end.

It was an overall and clear assumption to me that the experience towards the host at early stages would have been. What was modest investigation that it had to be several causes to such. Maybes left a door open, perhaps indeed technological.

There was a formula to over look the hosts and evaluate.

Tests of the Minds well being, Body's physical state in the case of any recent injury, thee spirit another as part of the trio- effort to see of any changes to a normal attribute. For one it would be a physiological tamper of himself as male to have gone through trauma of sorts. No irrational behavior yet did seem resemblance to schizophrenia.

With all due respect however even our medical and best science could only give doctored primitive medicinal and comforting clinical aid to their examples. For what we are taught, Even personal evaluation didn't occur to have any proof of physical temperament to show that there could have been work related, or pain from a nerve cracking or brain injury to any recent cause for the continuation.

Then there was the spirit, a man’s prayer is told to be heard, also took notice of. Many recent leaders of faith have spoken in preaching of such communication and interests giving testament and example. Allowing the mass to know and wonder the miracle of Religious Creator speaking to them as a means to send a message.

Useful, to believe that a man called upon and saw something else. How would others taken notice of such story? In this generation many things are present including evil ones. A look of someone or something called on Merciful and saw a being at its place. Sure there were prophets in the past although not all man are, known of or have taken the journey to be walked in the realm of our plane as one. This was different, this was alien.

In the world of extraterrestrial and open mind this was in fact a Grey, matching descriptions and its lore of traits. Large Oval eyes, Silver skin tone from what the name derives. Yet it came in front of a man’s head near sundown. In a suburban area in a American south eastern state.

Although this was not of what was expected to be the guardian of faith nor the face of superior. At first glance this could not be the expectations nor could it match in personality of what multiple entities first entered, including as the dancing lure of two. A guy and a girl hidden in a cloud. Not one of these scenarios were of relation to what he saw. As-well, as heard recorded before from the get go.

Days went on, so did the change in weather. Human enlightenment was involved in the young man’s journey to understand what was to adjust, testing all of what he could hold and balance. Was he still a Host? Pride was present, had thee involvement that what tampered with him. Beyond that momentum of interference from his normality. There was a tense manner to loosen up from it, the grasp of what haunts an individual of why did that which isn't normal of the day approach. A form unseeing of a functional mindset to be engaging in one’s present lifestyle.

“Vas, Aser, Vakero” Proclaimed the voice of a Power

Another blessing? entering. In Spanish, how potential yet unordinary. To such extent it was recognized, showing how good of an idea had it been for one to bestow on taming horses or knowing a trade. As how they operate and the potential to ride one is how he took it. What made this unorthodox was the direct fact that there was no history to the young man’s life to have interests in riding nor taming a horse. Although there is high statements for knowledge on the skill to better the idol of oneself.

Without question, the young man followed to the gift and promise to go along with it. “A cowboy”? “What could the spoken verse of this blessing that came to be”. Enthused, adjusting life in such direction. Furthering the proper course to someone with such regards as to bless him with interests. It wasn't long in the week till an unexpected “Craigslist” notice was found on a regulated search page while looking for a gig. “Horse pen help” call was then traveled, hoping he reached the ad on time, picked up in cellphone. A door had opened.

A defining moment in recognition of matters so obtuse to aid a young man move forward. So the young man follows this triumph of voice and direction, ending up in an older women's horse farm.

She then a retired doctor, who decided to settle on her passion as an enthusiast and live on a large arced property out the country.

With a benefit of free housing in a small scale home near her larger sized house. All in favor as long as someone like the young man would help upkeep and look after the pen. Since her age made it more difficult to continue caring for her land and animals.

There was little explanation but there was also an option to live in another location itself. A house far off thee premises, It was a definite sketch.

A pond was in the back regardless with that was included behind the second house. The young man walked and realized how potentially wide view the power of who watched over him was taken notice of his progress. He didn't ace nor desire the horse pen job. Yet the options seemed open for him. With a accommodate and an acre at the age of that was revealed to be 25 years. A solid 25 years. A great age for one to leisure one would think, to grow and prosper with God Creator as his mentor.

Generously, it was in that mind set that there was more in store for him. House was adequate.