Golf Can Be An Easy Game - Joe Novak - E-Book

Golf Can Be An Easy Game E-Book

Joe Novak

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"The material in this book may, at times, appear to be repetitious, but in discussing the golf swing from the different angles and aspects, repetition could not be avoided. However, repetition has its merits, because it eventu¬ally brings one continually face to face with the same facts and fundamentals. In all fields, facts and fundamentals do not change, and this is true in the golfing world. Continued study and research have developed some new concepts—these concepts have produced clear-cut conclusions which are offered and presented herewith. In addition to these conclusions, I have designed a practical method which can and will successfully de¬velop "the art or knack of performance." Reread the text, restudy the pictures, and desired results will be produced. In closing, let me wish "that all your drives be long and true, and all your putts real short and few." JOE NOVAK TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 1. The Three Requirements of Good Golf 2. Erroneous Theories of Golf 3. The First Half of a Golf Shot 4. The Second Part of the Golf Shot 5. The Crux of the Golf Stroke 6. The New Concept of Body Action in a Golf Shot 7. Footwork-The Key to Good Golf 8. How to Rate Yourself, or Others, at Golf 9. Explanation of Some Basic Ideas 10. When to Go Out on the Golf Course 11. Golf Clubs and the Three Departments of Play 12. Slicing and Hooking 13. Unusual Shots in Golf 14. Lefthanded Golf 15. Women's Golf 16. The Most Common Faults in Golf 17. Analysis of UCLA Golf Research 18. A Most Harmful Golf Theory 19. The Mental Side of Golf

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CHAPTER 1. The Three Requirements of Good Golf

2. Erroneous Theories of Golf

3. The First Half of a Golf Shot

4. The Second Part of the Golf Shot

5. The Crux of the Golf Stroke

6. The New Concept of Body Action in a Golf Shot

7. Footwork-The Key to Good Golf

8. How to Rate Yourself or Others, at Golf

9. Explanation of Some Basic Ideas

10. When to Go Out on the Golf Course

11. Golf Clubs and the Three Departments of Play

12. Slicing and Hooking

13. Unusual Shots in Golf

14. Lefthanded Golf

15. Women' s Golf

16. The Most Common Faults in Golf

17. Analysis of UCLA Golf Research

18. A Most Harmful Golf Theory

19. The Mental Side of Golf



Englewood Cliffs, N.J.

Original edition by Prentice-Hall 1962eBook edition 2014 by David De Angelis

ISBN: 9788892648883


Dedicated to the countless people in both professional and amateur golf ranks, who, by their messages of approval and commendation, stimulated me to do this third book on golf. It is done with the hope that it will not only provide some enjoyment but may be the means of greater accomplishment through better understanding.


The material in this book may, at times, appear to be repetitious, but in discussing the golf swing from the different angles and aspects, repetition could not be avoided.

However, repetition has its merits, because it eventually brings one continually face to face with the same facts and fundamentals.

In all fields, facts and fundamentals do not change, and this is true in the golfing world.

Continued study and research have developed some new concepts—these concepts have produced clear-cut conclusions which are offered and presented herewith.

In addition to these conclusions, I have designed a practical method which can and will successfully develop “the art or knack of performance.” Reread the text, restudy the pictures, and desired results will be produced.

In closing, let me wish “that all your drives be long and true, and all your putts real short and few.”




I think I can most readily explain the requirements of good golf by relating the case history of one of my pupils, whom I shall call “D.M.”

When D.M. joined our Bel-Air golf club his handicap was 10. After three months play over this exacting course with its narrow fairways, D.M.'s handicap went to 13. This disturbed him considerably because he had a certain pride in his game, so he approached me with this comment: “Joe> I guess I am going to have to take some lessons.” “Well,” I answered, “you don't have to talk that way about the lessons, I am not selling castor oil on the lesson tee.”

When we got to the lesson tee, I asked D.M. to take a few practice swings, and then I had him hit a half a dozen shots.

“What do you think of it?” asked D.M.

“Not bad,” I answered, “in fact it is very good: Do you know exactly what your first move is in your swing?”

“I start the club away from the ball,” D.M. answered.

“No, there is something you do ahead of that,” I said.

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