Highly sensitive & emotional children: How to lovingly accompany, educate, encourage and strengthen your child - Highly sensitive and happy - Maria Groninga - Hörbuch

Highly sensitive & emotional children: How to lovingly accompany, educate, encourage and strengthen your child - Highly sensitive and happy Hörbuch

Maria Groninga



A child is a sensitive little thing! - Yes, and?! What's wrong with that? Maybe your child even belongs to the group of highly sensitive people. Unfortunately, however, "being sensitive" is often pronounced with a negative undertone. You may have noticed that your child perceives certain stimuli, no matter on what level, particularly intensively or even more readily than you do. It could also be that your child withdraws more often, wants to be to himself or herself, or screams and rages loudly from one second to the next. But does that make your child a "highly sensitive child"? And if so, how can you deal with it and accompany and support it in its special emotional life? Do you raise a highly sensitive child differently? Questions regarding the daycare center routine or the school experience for highly sensitive children are also answered in this book. In addition, you will become part of a process that begins with yourself and is intended to bring you closer to your child.

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Zeit:1 Std. 3 min

Sprecher:Casey Wayman
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