I Love You Already - BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC - E-Book

I Love You Already E-Book

BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC



Every life is a gift. From the moment of conception to anticipated due date, the journey of pregnancy can be equally exciting and terrifying for a new mother. With each week of pregnancy, the little one taking shape in the womb reaches important milestones of development. What better way to celebrate than to offer gratitude to the Creator of life as well as continued requests for protection, health, and blessing? This 40-week pregnancy devotional offers a brief fact about each week's development, an encouraging Scripture, inspiring meditation, prayer for the beautiful life that is forming, and space to record your special memories. Kick off your shoes (if you can still untie them), lower yourself into a chair (this may take longer than expected), elevate those swollen feet, and spend some time resting in God's presence. Let your little one know how very loved they are by you and by the heavenly Father… already.   Features: - High-grade faux leather provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal. - Heat debossing on faux leather darkens its color, giving the cover a two-tone appearance and creating indentation which shows off the intricate design and varied texture. - Metallic and matte foil finishing touches are elegantly placed to enhance certain features, capturing attention and adding class for an aesthetic appeal. - High-quality sturdy Smyth-sewn binding stitches book signatures together creating durability and allowing pages to lay flat when open. Decorative head and foot bands are also added to further complement the overall design. - Matte art high quality paper with a smooth satin touch provides long-lasting vivid coloration and durability. - A beautiful satin ribbon marker conveniently keeps your place so you can quickly pick up where you left off.

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BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC.

Savage, Minnesota, USA


I Love You Already

© 2023 by BroadStreet Publishing®


9781424566495 (eBook)

Devotional entries composed by Tara Hills.

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23 24 25 26 27 28 29 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

You made all the delicate,

inner parts of my body

and knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Thank you for making me

so wonderfully complex!

Your workmanship is marvelous—

how well I know it.

PSALM 139:13-14 NLT



Week 1: One Day at a Time

Week 2: A Person is a Person

Week 3: All Creatures Great and Small

Week 4: Testing One, Two, Three

Week 5: Rejoice with those Who Rejoice

Week 6: With All My Heart

Week 7: Clouds Rolling By

Week 8: Greatest Story Ever Told

Week 9: A Holy Mystery

Week 10: A Season For Everything

Week 11: Marathon Momma

Week 12: Marking the Milestones

First Trimester

Week 13: Made in the Image of God

Week 14: Double Helix

Week 15: Father of Lights

Week 16: Creativity Abounds

Week 17: Cuts Like a Diamond

Week 18: Window into the Womb

Week 19: Under His Wings

Week 20: Bumps in the Night

Week 21: Remembering to Remember

Week 22: A Rose By any other Name

Week 23: Make a Joyful Noise

Week 24: Earlier than Anticipated

Week 25: Sweet Dreams

Week 26: The Longest Wait

Second Trimester

Week 27: Hovering over the Deep

Week 28: Eyes to See

Week 29: Relative Fruit

Week 30: Chosen in Divine Time

Week 31: Sleep Baby Sleep

Week 32: In the Fullness of Time

Week 33: Head First

Week 34: Early or Late

Week 35: In His Hands

Week 36: Waste Not Want Not

Week 37: A Sight to Behold

Week 38: He Will Bring you Through

Week 39: Filled with the Holy Spirit

Week 40: Everyday Miracle

Third Trimester


Every life is a gift. From the moment of conception to anticipated due date, the journey of pregnancy can be equally exciting and terrifying for a new mother. With each week of pregnancy, the little one taking shape reaches important milestones of development. What better way to celebrate than to offer gratitude to the Creator of life as well as continued requests for protection, health, and blessing?

This 40-week pregnancy devotional offers a brief fact about each week’s development, an encouraging Scripture, inspiring meditation, prayer for your baby, and space to record special memories, including fun trimester reflections.

Kick off your shoes (if you can still untie them), lower yourself into a chair (this may take longer than expected), elevate those swollen feet, and spend some time resting in God’s presence. Let your little one know how very loved they are by you and by the heavenly Father… already.

Week 1

Being one week pregnant technically means you’re not actually pregnant yet! If you have tested positive, you may have to fly through these first few devotions to catch up—because you might already be four weeks pregnant!

Ask God to prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy that promotes a peaceful environment for your anticipated baby.


“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.”


It can be mind boggling to consider time from God’s eternal perspective. The Creator of all is both in and outside of time. We can only think in terms of time by measuring the movements of the sun, moon, and stars which give us reference points to count the seconds, minutes, hours, and days that roll into years, centuries, and millennia.

The vast multitude of choices, events, and countless lives that fill time as we know it have led to your Week 1 in perfect divine time.

How marvelous to consider that the child not yet even created in your womb is already known to God! The maker of heaven and earth, who made you in your own mother’s womb, has brought you to this point in history. He knows what will happen in a few weeks when the hoped-for two lines appear. He knows every week beyond until finally you meet your beloved child face-to-face.

A clock has started in this week of your life for you to count forward for thirty-nine more. Though Week 1 may seem like a strange way to count when this child is yet to be formed in your womb, these seven days are all part of an unfolding plan that began before time.

In only a few weeks (which might feel like the longest wait!) you will be brought into the knowledge God already has: that your little one is on the way! Right now, he or she may only be a twinkle in daddy’s eye and an earnest prayer in your heart, but to God, this one has been fully known even before sparking into existence in your womb.

This time has been given to you to take one step, one day, one week at a time. As you wait for the news to come (thankfully sooner than most women in history because of early detection pregnancy tests), cherish this time by giving all your hopes and dreams to God as a fragrant offering. Thank him in advance for what will be. For who will be: your beloved child whom you love already.

Thank you, Lord God, maker of heaven and earth for creating time and space. You created me so I could be a vessel of your grace. Thank you for creating my womb to hold this child for all the time portioned out for this pregnancy. You know me fully and know this child even before they are formed in my womb. Prepare me, heart, body, and all the circumstances, for this forty-week journey of life and love that we will share together. I commit myself into your care and look forward to the joy you have prepared for me in the form of this child.

What are your hopes and dreams for this child?

Week 2

An important connection has been made; sperm and egg have become one cell! During the next few days, this fertilized egg will begin dividing and multiplying cells (it can already do math?) while it travels through the fallopian tube into the uterus and burrows into the lining there.

Ask God for nutrient-rich lining and good attachment!


My frame was not hidden from You,

When I was made in secret,

And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.


Some of the most profound books ever written are for children. In Horton Hears a Who by Dr. Suess, a big-hearted elephant protects a town of microscopic Whos because his ears can detect their existence. To all who question his commitment and even his sanity, he calmly replies, “A person’s a person, no matter how small.”

As sperm and egg fuse together this week, your very small person is here! A new human created in the image of God, a new member of the family, and a new phase in your life as a mother has begun. It’s too early for even the strongest man-made microscope or blood test to know for certain that this new person has started their incredible rapid growth, yet God knows. While you are eagerly counting down to the day when you can take a test to be sure, God is smiling with the secret knowledge that your very tiny baby is already here.

Isn’t it amazing that the exact moment when your baby came into existence is known to God? How comforting to know that God is watching over this process even before you know it’s happening.

As you go about your day-to-day tasks this week, your tiny bundle of wonder is quietly floating down one of your fallopian tubes like a leaf on a lazy river.

You can sit back and relax for the next few weeks until your baby’s existence can be humanly detected. This is a good time to focus on what you can do and what only God can do. God will guide this dear little one to just the right corner of your uterus, so your baby can nestle in for the journey of growth ahead.

You can nourish your body which will in turn nourish the rapidly dividing cells that will become all the wonderful parts of your baby’s body. Remember to feed your soul with the Bread of Life by taking time to prayerfully meditate on God’s Word. Journaling your thoughts and prayers can be a beautiful memory to share with your little one in the years to come. Though your baby is incredibly tiny right now, one thing is for sure: this little baby is going to grow!

Thank you, God, for skillfully crafting this child in me. I stand in awe at your providence and provision for this life, even before anyone else could know they exist. Your ways are marvelous, and your timing is perfect. Thank you for guarding and guiding the microscopic process of conception and implantation. May my body be a safe haven of life, nourishment, and growth for the child you’ve blessed me with. Help me to make healthy choices and to trust you to work everything out according to your plan.

What is one thing you can do to nourish your body and spirit through this pregnancy?

Week 3

Chromosomes from you and baby’s daddy are working together to decide the gender, hair, and eye color of baby dot! Hundreds of multiplying cells produce a pregnancy hormone called hCG which further prepares your body to carry and nurture a baby. Thank God for the unique life that he is creating in your womb and ask him to watch over this early process.


O LORD, how manifold are your works!

In wisdom have you made them all;

the earth is full of your creatures.

Here is the sea, great and wide, which teems with creatures innumerable, living things both small and great.

PSALM 104:24-25 ESV

In his wisdom and power, God created heaven and earth and all that is in them. He created the universe and filled it with the sun, moon, and countless stars. He created the oceans and filled them with every kind of creature from the microscopic algae to the great blue whale. He created the land from jungle to prairie and filled each with everything from worms to wild mustangs. He created the atmosphere we call the sky and filled it with every flying creature from sparrows to condors.

This myriad of marvelously created creatures gives glory to their Creator by their mere existence. The ant diligently builds its home, the sea turtle makes its pilgrimage through the East Australian Current, the swan tends to her eggs in the nest. Simply being what they were created to be is enough.