Incest Bondage: Taboo NC BDSM Erotica - Brett Chamberlin - E-Book

Incest Bondage: Taboo NC BDSM Erotica E-Book

Brett Chamberlin

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

That was what her body wanted.But her mind rebelled. She remembered what he'd done to her mother. Vanessa stuggled and tried to get away from this mother raping bastard. Her body may have wanted to sample her father's cock, but her mind was still in control."No!" she screamed. "You can't do this to me. I'm your daughter!""You're a Goddamn bitch-cunt like your fucking mother!" he raged. "I'll do any frigging thing to you I want. And I want to fuck you!"Vanessa kicked upward and got her knee between his legs. She felt her thigh hit his cock, but not hard enough to really hurt him. He grunted in pain and released her from his grip.

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Incest Bondage

Brett Chamberlin

Copyright © 2017

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He paused and allowed the words to penetrate the woman's head. He wanted to make sure Laura knew exactly what he demanded of her. The humiliation would be even greater that way."I want to fuck you just like I did yesterday."The words struck the blonde, slender woman like cold water thrown in her face. She had convinced herself to suck on his terrible prick. Now her husband demanded that she debase herself once more by letting him fuck her. She shivered with the terror of it.But he was her husband, Laura kept telling herself over and over. Ever since his job had taken a turn for the worse, Alexis had been strange. Laura couldn't quite put her finger on it. Everything had been going along so well with them, then the big shakeup at work. Alexis had lost his old job and been demoted. Laura kept trying to tell him he was lucky to even have a job these days, but the man didn't look at it that way.He took it as a sign he was no good. And that made him do awful things to her and the kids.Still, Laura thought, it was a passing phase. Alexis really wouldn't hurt any of them. He couldn't. He was a loving father to Vanessa and Peter. And he had been a good husband. Until now.She loved the huge man and would do just about anything to keep him. There was no denying that Alexis was under a lot of stress she couldn't begin to understand.The blonde woman thought she could soothe his feelings, get him to show a little more gentleness in his lovemaking if she was extra nice to him and did whatever, he wanted.The thought hit Laura that she could do even more than passively go along. She could take the initiative. Otherwise, she might never be able to find just the right thing to do for her husband.Yesterday when they'd fucked, she hadn't liked it at all. The man had virtually raped her. She'd said nothing, but her pussy had been dry. The feel of his huge cock ramming hard into her dry cunt had been so painful she'd cried out, and not because she was turned on. It hadn't seemed to matter to Alexis. He had been intent solely on his own feelings and never once considered hers. He had fucked her until he'd come, then stood, dressed and walked off without even a single word to her. She'd felt like a whore.Laura didn't want a repeat of that. She didn't want to be the man's sex slave for the rest of her life. And she knew that was the way it'd end up unless she was more clever. She shuddered thinking of all the things he might do to her, all the hideous sexual perversions he had hinted at.She stood, her hands slowly moving down the sides of her fully clothed body. She smoothed out imaginary wrinkles in her skirt. The woman made sure her ass jutted just enough so Alexis got a good view of her full, round ass cheeks. Thrusting her chest forward and pulling her shoulders back caused her tits to bounce and sway seductively. She let a little smile cross her lips when she saw how it affected her husband.His cock hardened visibly."Alexis, that's nice. But how about something a little different? Something sexier?""Like what?" Alexis blinked in confusion. This wasn't the shy little housewife he was used to. Laura was actually going to give him something rather than forcing him to take it."Oh, there are things." She quickly moved away from him and stood like a model, one hand perched on an out-thrust hip. With slow, deliberate motions, she began a striptease.Her fingers seemed to caress each button on her blouse. One button at a time came free. Each let out just a little more titflesh. The first gave the man a faint hint of a blushing pink nipple. The brown aureole surrounding the nipple was plainly visible when she finished with the second button. The third gave him a full view of her tits. The white mounds of titflesh bobbed out of her blouse. The blonde woman quickly finished opening her bright pink blouse and gripped the shirt tails in both hands.Spinning in a fast circle, she felt her tits swing away from her body. She gasped as the blood started rushing into her nipples, making them come alive and pulse with sexual life. Her melon-shaped white tits became more and more slender as she spun around and they rocketed outward.Stopping abruptly sent the twin blobs of titflesh bouncing. It made her feel sexy and powerful. She saw the effect she was having on her husband. He was slowly stroking up and down the long length of his cock. Jt would be a laugh if she could make him come and not have to endure his prick in her cunt."You like this so far?""Yeah, Laura, sure. Keep it up.""Just you keep it up!"She laughed and clutched both ends of the brightly colored blouse in her hands. Holding them away from her body, she was able to hide portions of her snowy-white tits whenever she wanted. She exposed just as much or as little of her tits as she wanted for the maximum effect.While Laura was sinuously moving back and forth, she allowed one perfect shoulder to snake out of the blouse. The other quickly followed. Turning suddenly, she treated her husband to an unobstructed view of her back. She tossed aside the blouse and stood naked to the waist.She saw she was really getting to the huge man now. His hand almost flew up and down his prick as he jerked himself off. That old cock would explode in his hand yet!And that was what Laura wanted. She'd enjoyed fucking with Alexis once. But lately, it hadn't been the same. She'd do anything now to avoid her wifely duties.To make sure she got him off without having to endure his prick inside her pussy, she began unfastening her skirt in the most seductive manner possible. A small sensual wiggle of her hips sent the useless garment over the flare of her ass and down her slender legs into a pile on the floor. She lithely stepped out of the skirt and began working on her pantyhose.She never got any further with her striptease. Laura had tormented her husband too much. He couldn't control his rampaging emotions any longer. With a roar, he took three quick steps over and gripped her fiercely. Throwing her flat on the floor, his groping fingers slipped under the waistband of her hose and yanked.There was a ripping noise as the nylon tore. She shrieked but he ignored her pain."My poor cunt!" she moaned as the material dragged roughly over her sensitive flesh. But it wasn't as bad as it could have been. The tearing material slipped slightly over her already hot and dripping pussy."Shaddup, you little bitch!" he screamed. Alexis became a madman. He yanked and fumbled as he got her pink panties off her. As the fabric ripped free of her slender body, he looked down at the curly cornsilk mound of pussy hair. It pointed down like a street sign to the cunt lips between her thighs.Her white thighs melted into her delectable golden-rimmed cunt with its pink lips. From the way the man eyed her, Laura knew this wouldn't be an easy, gentle fucking, either."You like what you see?" she asked, trying to maintain some little control of the situation. She knew her husband loved what he saw. He couldn't control himself any longer. He was going to rape her. He was going to fuck her whether or not she cooperated.All Laura had to do was lie back and let him do what he wanted. She'd gotten him to react. She had caused him to lose his cool and force himself on her like this."God, so fucking lovely. Those cunt lips of yours are fucking great!" He thrust his hands down under her ass and gripped feverishly. She moaned as his fingers cruelly closed on the tender flesh.He lifted her off the rug enough to get into her. He didn't waste any time with foreplay. He was hot. He wanted to fuck. And in front of him was a tight, hot, fuckable pussy. That was all that he could think about.He shoved forward brutally. The blunt head of his cock hit against her pussy lips. The slippery flesh caused him to miss his target. He went slithering down her cunt lips and ended up between the thick slabs of her ass.When she squeezed down just little on his cock, he almost came. He pulled free and went hunting again for the door leading into her cunt. His prick pressed firmly against her lust dampened cunt lips. The pink flaps were shivering with desire now. The cunt juice flowing out made him so wet he could barely keep himself in position without sliding all over her pussy.A quick shove of his hips and her pussy lips folded into her cunt. His fat, swollen prick penetrated full length into a humid, clutching interior. Her cunt crushed down around him. He felt as if he'd fucked into a vise, then had the vise tossed into a blast furnace.Hot and tight, her pussy held him. He felt a little dizzy as the full impact echoed through his body. His balls slapped wetly against her upturned ass. The hanging sac was laden with lead-heavy jism begging for release."So tight," he muttered. "Jeee-zusss!""You like it?" she taunted. The impact had momentarily taken away her breath. Laura loathed this, yet it excited her, too. She could actually enjoy what was happening. She hadn't enjoyed fucking with Alexis for months, not since the shakeup at work. He had become an animal, taking and not giving. But she needed his cock filling her cunt to overflowing, making her feel like a woman should feel.He didn't answer with words. He let his body answer with fast and heavy action. Like a piston moving in a well-lubricated groove, he started fucking her. It was a slow, methodical fucking at first. Then he quickly changed to a fast, shallow penetration.The friction burned at his cock. It filled his guts with liquid fire. If Laura had taken a million pins and stuck them into his prick, he couldn't have felt much different. The pressure built up painfully in his cock and balls. The thick stew of his jism churned and boiled with lust.He fucked even faster. She struggled now, impaled on his long cock. He didn't give her a second to catch her breath. He fucked harder, faster, deeper.In spite of herself, the blonde woman felt her fear and indifference burning away with every thrust of his cock. It actually felt good having that prick in her and fucking wildly again. She could almost forget the horrid little things he'd been doing to her. The short, quick strokes lighted the fires of passion she had never known inside her before. She felt changed, altered. Struggling against the desires she felt being born inside her belly, the blonde started thrashing about under the passion driven man.Her movements drove him wild with lust. As she wiggled her hips and bucked up and down, it caused her already tight cunt to contract and grip even more firmly at his hard-fucking cock."Oh, God, God, fuck meeee!" she begged.It seemed to her that someone else spoke. It couldn't be her asking Alexis to fuck her. But it was. She was so consumed with lust, she would have done anything to get more of his long, hard, virile cock.The man didn't have to be urged to fuck more. He probed deep and hard. His body slammed hard into hers with a wet, sloppy noise. The pussy juices leaking from her agitated cunt made both their crotches slippery. Every time his cock impaled her, there sounded a lewd smacking noise. When he pulled out of her tight cunthole, he broke the vacuum with a pop!Her insides turned to water. She felt weak and shaky. There was nothing tin her world now except for that powerfully fucking prick. Raising her legs, she found she could suck him even deeper into her pussy. By pressing her knees flat on the floor on each side of her body, she collapsed her cunt walls so much, the man was sure she would rip his cock off at the roots.He fucked harder.And as he drove all the way up into her impossibly small hole, he started a fire that soon raged beyond Laura's control. The blaze lapped and licked at her tender cunt. It moved up into the blonde's loins. It worked its way with insidious urgency into her belly. Her tits felt like over-inflated balloons that would explode at any instant as they filled with blood from her hammering heart.Arching her back, humping up to meet his incoming cock, she captured his prick and held it with her cunt walls.She came hard.The red wave of climax washed through her body and caused her to squeal. She was totally seized and held captive by the ice and iron grip of her orgasm. She hadn't felt his way since she was a teenager twenty years ago sneaking a quick fuck in the backseat of her boyfriend's car.She could barely comprehend what was happening to her as the man's prick started giving her such intense pleasure again she couldn't hold back, even if she'd wanted to.All she knew for certain was that she had to have more. She had to possess every single inch of Alexis' incredibly long cock.Becoming totally aware of her body, she reveled in the feelings deluging her senses. The friction generated by the man's prick as it raced back and forth in her cunt made her moan and shudder with renewed carnal delight. The pulsing length of meaty cock inside her pussy launched wave after wondrous wave of pleasure through her.Laura knew the potent joy of orgasm for a third time. The feelings in her cunt as she drifted down from her sexual high were unique, totally different, from what she normally experienced when Alexis fucked her. The feel of his huge cock splitting her wide open was tremendous. She started needing that cock like a junkie needs a fix.She became a sex junkie. Her fix was a throbbingly alive, all-male cock fucking her cunt.The world spun and whirled around her now. Her eyes wouldn't focus properly. The flaming hot poker ramming in and out of her pussy whipped her passions to a fever pitch. The wet grinding of the mans crotch against hers slowly stimulated her clit until she was moaning constantly in arousal.The lightest touch did magical things to the blonde's body. With a belly filled with sexual tensions like hers, anyone unlocking that reservoir unleashed a flood. She was caught up in the throes of a hard, good fucking.The pulsating prick streaking back and forth into her pussy was all she lived for now. She needed it. Buried full length of her cunt, she imagined she could feel every single contour of that huge cock. The big blue vein stood out and pulsed with lust. Every time Alexis pulled out of her gripping cunt, it was as if his cock was also pulling out her guts. The intense vacuum formed between his prickhead and the clinging walls of her steamy cunt caused her to lose all control.She began hunching up to meet his every thrust. She tried to take him as deeply into her pussy as possible. She winced under the impact of his body against hers. She grunted as he rotated his hips, stirring her guts with his steely-hard cock buried balls deep up her pussy. She even pleaded when he pulled free of her clinging cunt lips."Please, no. I need it! All the way in, cram it all the way in! Rip me apart all the way to the chin with your cock!"He snarled at her, more like an animal in rut than a human being.She came again.Never had Laura imagined fucking could be like this. He was bringing her off time after time with his brutal ways.And he was barely able to control his wildly churning balls every time her cunt clamped fervently down on his prick. He drilled into an even tighter fuck channel when orgasm seized her in its velvet grip. The heat seemed so intense, he was sure it would burn off his cock.Then it no longer mattered to him. All that counted was wantonly creaming the woman's cunt walls with his cum. He felt the heat touch the very tip of his cock. The wave worked its way back until it found his balls.The extra heat pushed him over the brink. His balls exploded in a fiery torrent of jism. He whitewashed his wife's pussy with his pearly cum. Bucking, dancing, spurting, he shoved his cock all the way up between her pink, scalloped pussy lips.Those lips obscenely kissed his prick, milking it like a mouth. Every single drop of his jizz was stolen from his body. By the time he was limp and exhausted, his balls were completely drained of their precious fluid."Damn," he muttered, pulling himself away. His dead cock swung limply between his powerful legs."God, Alexis, it was good," Laura whispered in a sex-husky whisper. "Better than it's been in a long time."The minute she said it, she knew she'd made a mistake. A cloud came down over the man's swarthy face and he stood, towering over her. The rage on his face frightened her."You're a Goddamn lousy excuse for a wife! You're a lousy lay! You're fucking lousy at everything!""Alexis!" she protested. And then the blonde felt real fear. He started to hit her.She was in good shape for a woman of thirty-nine, but Alexis lifted weights. He was powerful. She was slender and petite. With a single backhanded swipe of his hand, he could kill her.And the expression on his face told that he could do it."You're not worth my time," he grunted. He turned and went out, leaving his wife on the rug on the floor, her legs still spread obscenely, the thick white stream of cum dripping from her pussy and onto the rug.She felt abandoned, alone and frightened. Worst of all, she wondered if he would do anything to their kids. Laura simply refused to believe it. Alexis would take out his frustrations on her, but not on Vanessa and Peter.He couldn't do anything to them. He was their father.Laura wiped off the sticky jism from her cunt and knew she was lying to herself. Alexis, in his current confused state, was capable of any cruelty -- and it didn't matter if it was to her or their teenaged children. 

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