Incest Does It: Taboo Erotica - Brett Chamberlin - E-Book

Incest Does It: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Brett Chamberlin

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

"Will, would you mind dropping these recipes off at your Uncle Ted's house on your way to the swimming pool? I was supposed to see that Sharon gets them this morning but it looks like I'm going to be too busy to get around to it."Will Brant looked up from his bacon and eggs in time to make a face as his mother set a small piece of notecards on the kitchen table beside him. "Aw, come on, Mom. I'm gonna be late! The guys are practicing their high-dives today, and they'll start without me!"Joyce Brant smiled, knowing her son would give in, despite his arguments. "Now, darling, I'm not asking very much, am I? Just drop these off at your uncle's house -- it's right on the way, isn't it? Maybe your Aunt Sharon Will bake up some of those cookies you love for our cook-out tonight. Isn't that worth the effort?""Well..." Will hesitated, still not used to his young "Aunt Sharon". After all, she'd only been married to Uncle Ted three months now, and at twenty-four she hardly seemed much older than Will himself. 

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Incest Does It

Brett Chamberlin

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents











"Because that would be too easy," Ted chuckled back, standing nude at the foot of the bed as her lust-filled gaze fastened on his wagging nine-inch prick, its hard veined length bobbing up and down like a thick branch in a stiff breeze. "I want you good and horny first, the way we both like it best. And that's why you're going to do exactly what I say, Share. Now, spread your pussylips open real wide so I can see right up that hungry cunt of yours. Maybe then I'll fill it with a little of this."He dropped a hand to enfold into a tantalizing fist wound his huge bloated cock, and Sharon groaned again. She knew her husband loved teasing her, enjoyed getting her furnace-hot before he finally fucked her with that big expert prick of his. And at the moment she was too horny to object. With nothing but a long hard day of cooking and cleaning and laundry ahead of her, another whole day of just waiting for Ted to get home from work to soothe the ache that was bound to swell in her cunt the way it did every day, she couldn't pass up the chance to get a little fucking right now."Damn you!" She glared in mock anger up at his knowing smile, her hands sliding down her trim stomach and between creamy parted thighs straight into her blonde matted thatch of pussyfur. "Damn you, you know what I want! Don't make me -- ahhh!"Her fingers slid across the wet, pink trench of her pussy and that first intimate touch was like an electric jolt that sent out a horny flood of her juices. Almost as if those fingers belonged to somebody else they dipped down to her puffed gold-trimmed cuntlips and pried them open.Sharon had a naturally tight pussy mouth, and her cuntlips parted with a wet sucking sound. Cream poured from her exposed cunt, bubbling up from its velvety depths like the hot steamy outflow of a fountain. In the three months of her marriage, the twenty-four-year-old bride was constantly horny and this morning she was hornier than usual.Her fingers pulled both her taut pussylips wide, baring the hot pink hole of her cunt to his gaze."Is... unnnh, is this what you want?" She tried to sound disapproving, but her voice was a husky give-away."Yeah, that's it." Ted nodded, his response a slightly harsh grunt as he gave his soaring cock a squeeze at the sight of his wife's scrumptious tight pussy. "Jesus, you really wake up hot, don't you. I'll never get over that clit of yours -- Christ, it sticks out like a little hard-on all its own! Why don't you massage that fat little hard-on for me, babe, while I do the same with my big one..."His fist began to move, riding up and down his bloated cockshaft with measured, taunting strokes.It was true that Sharon had an oversized clit. It had always been larger than those of any of her girlfriends, standing out at least an inch long from its hooded cleft and swollen up finger-thick. At one time she'd been embarrassed about her clit -- it had seemed like having too much of a good thing. But then she'd met Ted, and he'd quickly shown her the fun an oversized clit could bring. He showed her how it could be sucked and teased and nibbled, how it could be worked into such a frenzy that even the slightest touch brought her to peaks of orgasm like nothing she'd ever known before.And then, adding some spice to their newly married life, he'd shown her how to bring on those peaks all by herself.That's what she did now, bringing a thumb up to that stiff, juice-drenched bud and gliding it across her clit in a slow torturous fuck that made her ache."Ahhhh!"Already hotter than a firecracker, she exploded with greasy cream, at that loving caress. Her thumb flicked again, and her resilient, inch-long clit popped erect, quivering in reaction. Her slightly glazed eyes watched Ted's fist slide back and forth along his meaty prick as she began to blatantly finger herself, giving him all the show he wanted and more."Ahhhhh -- ahhmmff... is this... uhhh... better?""Yeah. That's it. Lots better, babe," Ted agreed completely as his wife massaged her enormous clit with growing openness, making sure he saw every twang of her clit and every motion of her thumb.To be absolutely honest, Sharon didn't really hate displaying herself nearly as much as she pretended, and Ted knew it. Secretly she had to admit that she enjoyed being watched, though it was hardly the sort of thing a nice shy young woman went around bragging about. She liked to be admired and teased, tormented by Ted's hovering cock with its huge inflated head lurching from his fist and glistening at its tip with a wet droplet of promising cum. She liked the way his dangling balls jiggled with every hand motion, bobbling like a pair of eggs in their hairy sack and filled with the goodness she ached to have.And she especially liked the look of lust that spread over her husband's handsome face as he watched each movement, turning her on even more."I... I hope this -- uhhh! -- this is satisfying you!" she gasped with malicious pleasure, thoroughly enjoying her cunt-massage. "You, can just stand there and... ahhhh... watch all you want -- uhhh -- because I'm going to have fun without you! Ahhh! Annnh!"She gave a little cry, surging up as the first delicious spasms of climax ripped from her greased cherry-like clit.That was all the torture Sharon could stand. Suddenly the fingers holding her pussy open shifted, and two of them went deep up her tight slushy pussy."Nuuuhhh!"She bucked on the bed, plunging her fingers in and out furiously as the first tides of orgasm swept through her pussy in fresh floods of hot oozing cream. Dimly she knew that Ted was taking the whole scene in with a grin -- he liked seeing his innocent young wife so horny she couldn't help finger-fucking herself right in front of him.But at the same time, she had to admit that Ted knew things about her she'd never suspected. Who would've thought that she could masturbate the way she was doing now, openly soothing her hungry young cunt with her fingers while he looked on?And Sharon was enjoying it, no doubt about that. Her firm, taut ass lurched off the bed, frantically stuffing her fingers in her cunt as explosions of release came."Aaaaahhhhh!""Jesus!" Ted barked, grinning from ear to ear with a lustful expression as she flailed on the bed in oblivious rapture, pumping her fingers in and out with furious abandon and smashing the heel of her hand against her rigid oversized clit. "Do it, babe! Fuck that little pussy of yours nice and hard, loosen it up real good for me, and maybe I'll fill it with something even nicer. Yeah, yeah!"Vaguely she knew that he was enjoying her show almost as much as she was, and that fact only made her come all, the harder. She hunched up in a blatant fury, legs spread wide and ass undulating off the bed as her fingers plunged in and out with a cock-like pistoning intensity, splitting her tight pussylips open and sinking deeper than ever as she soared to climax."Do it, baby." Ted's voice was a hoarse grunt as he watched gleefully, pumping on his rigid cock faster as he watched his wife finger-fuck herself into a haze of pure sensation. "Come for me, babe. Come real hard, just like it's my pecker pounding into that tight, sweet cunt of yours. Let's see you really go at it, show me just what you can do. And maybe then I'll give you a taste of the real thing..."His words were meant to urge her on, but by this time Sharon didn't need any urging. With two fingers stabbing up her cunthole and the heel of her hand wildly gyrating against her big sensitive clit, she was beyond hearing anything. The mere wavering sight of Ted's beautiful, tantalizing cock was enough to have her bouncing up in a fantastic climax, fucking herself furiously now."Aaah -- aaannnggghhh!"She let out a wail as a fresh orgasm ripped through her seething pussy. Her fingers shoved in and out as she surged uninhibited before her husband's gaze, coming in a chain of explosions that wrenched her body off the bed in a bunching frenzy."Unnnhhhh!""Christ!"Ted stood gasping, his cock spasming in hit fat as he watched his bride masturbate herself into a peak of ecstasy that left her limp and drained, slumping at last with a purring sigh of satiation.That spectacle was more than he could stand. Even as Sharon's soaked fingers slid out to knead the last tingles of pleasure from her sopping cuntflesh he found himself hastily clambering onto the bed between her limp, out flung legs, unable to endure the ache in his balls another moment."Jesus Christ, babe, that was something else! And now it's time to get your reward -- oh shit, if I don't slip into that luscious little pussy of yours in about two seconds I'm going to blast my load all over this bedroom!"Still gasping for breath, Sharon had to let out a panting laugh at the tortured expression on his face. She plucked her sopping fingers free so that he could see her cuntlips glide over them like a hungry, sucking mouth."Then -- ahhhh -- then what're you waiting on, honey? We can't have you flooding the bedroom, can we? Now get that horny big prick of yours over here, where it can do some good! Put it in me, lover -- hurry!"Pulling her taut cuntlips apart once more, she smiled with satisfaction as Ted leaped onto the bed, going straight for her open, sopping pussy.Lunging forward, he sprawled atop her. His bloated cock speared her cunt without hesitation. Its huge knobbed head shoved between her parted cuntlips, and with one thrusting drive he rammed every one of his nine inches to her.Sharon let out a delighted cry as her pussy was filled with hard, pulsing cock. Ted's hairy chest mashed down hard against her big pillowy tits, and his breath came in harsh raspings as he began to piston in and out, fucking her with all the pent-up fury that had built up in his balls."Oh Jesus, you sweet little bitch! Take it, take it, baby! Christ, that feels good. Oh fuck..."His voice turned into a groan as she dug her fingernails into his tightened ass, heaving up to take the full length of his delicious cock and letting out a wail of sheer, blissful rapture."Yehhhsss! Yes, baby, stuff it to me! Oh fucking sweetheart, your cock's killing me! Sweet bastard, get every inch -- get it -- in -- meeee!"Writhing ecstatically, she pumped herself onto his huge thrusting cock with all the insatiable hunger that Ted had cultivated within her. Shrieking, she flailed on his wonderful, big, loving cock as if it was the last one she would ever have inside her."Oh cock, fuck, piss that feels good! Fuck me, damn you! Fuck the shit out of me -- more, morrre! Fuck my cunt good! Good! Good!"Instantly he began to lunge in and out of his wife's steamy pussy, delighted by her pleading sobs."Christ, babe, you seem to get tighter all the time!" His voice was a pleased grunt as Sharon clenched her cunt muscles around his meaty prick, clinging to it with moist, rhythmic suction. "Ahhhh, that's it! That's my sweet baby, take my cock up that tight hot pussy of yours and fuck it good for me. Give it a real fucking, yeah, hon, yeah."With a deep groaning sigh he slid his aching cock in and out of his young bride's clutching cuntmouth, shoving it to her with long hard strokes that she hunched up to meet, whimpering with pure ecstasy."Yes, yessss! Do it, fuck me right out of my mind! Oh God, baby, I love your cock. I love to feel it sliding into me! More, more! Stuff me with your prick, give it to me hard! Ohhhh, yehhhs! More, Teddy, morrrrre!"She twisted under him like a flopping fish, her eyes glazed and her face wrenched in an expression of total pleasure as she soared up to greet every down thrust of his body, impaling herself on his prick like some cock-hungry nympho he'd picked up in a bar.Ted groaned, pumping even faster. Sharon had changed a lot in the past three months -- and all for the better, as far as he was concerned. The shy, timid girl he'd married had blossomed into a vivacious, lusty woman. And right now he concentrated fully on giving his woman the fucking she so richly deserved. His cock speared into that wet, tight little pussy of hers, pistoning to her with new urgency as he slammed down, grunting loudly."Take it all, babe! Jesus, that's nice -- give me every bit of that sweet fucking pussy... yeah, ahhh..."He plunged furiously into her, slurping his swollen cock in and out of her cunt with an intensity that made Sharon blast in a spasm of blissful climax."I'm coming! Make me come, lover, make me come! Now, oh now! I'm exploding, fuck me, fuck me... fuck... meeeee!"Shudders of pure enraptured joy rippled through her as Ted pounded his cock home, drilling her to a delicious long-awaited orgasm that had her strumming like a bowstring, her ass bouncing off the bed in wild, frenzied gyrations.She let out a scream as the first tremors shivered deep inside her."Yes, oh you fucking big bastard do it!" Clawing his back and clutching at the taut cheeks of his ass, she careened in utter bliss as the explosion tore throughout her. "Do it, baby, fuck my pussy good! Fuck -- fuhhh -- fuck me -- eeee!"She shrieked then, surging in the totality of an orgasm that slammed her up onto Ted's prick with all the force she had.He groaned loudly, boring into his wife's cunt with a final lunge that pinned her writhing body to the bed. His pent-up load of jism blasted into her cunthole, spurt after spurt shooting up Sharon's twitching pussy as she flopped about in luxurious climax.They clung together, groaning and panting with mutual satisfaction as his cock rippled again and again inside her, pumping its load of jizz deep into her cunt. Sharon wrapped her arms and legs tightly about her husband and hung on for dear life, eager to get every precious drop. She humped onto his meaty, spasming prick with whimpers of pure culmination, soaking up each fresh spurt of cum until her pussy was overflowing with his sweet cock syrup.If there was anything she loved as much as actually fucking, it was the feel of Ted's hot, thready jizz sloshing inside her."Ohhhh, yeahhsss..." Cooing in the lush, downward spiral of orgasm, she slumped in a happy, sated heap."Chriiii... ohhh, Christ!" he managed to pant at last as his softening prick rolled in the squeezing suction of his bride's cunt until every tiny droplet of cum had been soaked out of him. "Babe, that cunt of yours is enough to make a man old before his time! I feel like I just stuck my cock in a whirlwind!" He chuckled, squirming ecstatically atop her.Sharon gave him a glowing smile, pleased that for once she'd matched her husband climax for climax. "You... you just wait, Mister! Things are gonna get better and better! Oh God, Teddy, I love you."The newlyweds wiggled together like a pair of happy puppies, clinging to each other in mutual amazement at the growing intensity of their fucking.Three months ago, Ted had been afraid. The thought of marrying a girl ten years younger than he was and so shy she could hardly meet his gaze had made him hesitate. But now he knew without a doubt that their marriage was going to work.Sharon was coming along just fine. Real fine."I love you too, babe."They hugged each other tightly, his limp cock still crammed in her heated pussy."Let's do it again." Sharon's blue eyes suddenly gleamed brightly and she began to twitch under him. "Fuck me some more, Teddy. And this time -- uhhhmmmm -- this time you'll think whirlwind!" Ted grinned.His cock gave a pleasant nudge in her blonde haloed pussy.And that was when he noticed the bedroom wall clock, and gave a groan."Oh, shit! I've got to get to work. You just stay here and go back to sleep, baby. You're going to need your strength later, when I get home again."With that promise and a last light tender kiss he rose, reaching for his clothes.Sharon gasped in disappointment as his prick slid from her cum-drenched pussy. Sadly, she watched him dress.At last, straightening his tie and heading for the bedroom door, Ted turned to give her one last lingering stare, wishing he could spend at least another hour in bed with his hot wife.She stuck out her tongue at him, making a face."Ohhh, you bastard! You don't know what you're going to miss, sneaking off to work! I... I just may go ahead without you!"His grin widened. "Just so long as I'm here for the finish, that's okay. See you tonight, hon."He left, smiling from ear to ear.And Sharon smiled too, feeling his jizz seeping from her cunt. She was happy, truly happy for the first time in her life. Mrs. Ted Brant -- it was a perfect name -- and a perfect way to start the day. If only it didn't have to end so on..."Oh you, just wait until tonight! You'll get yours!"Scolding the empty doorway, she reached down to fondle her flooded cunt, still smiling.It was tingling as furiously as ever, hungry for more.She sighed. 

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