The Incest Bed: Taboo Erotica - Brett Chamberlin - E-Book

The Incest Bed: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Brett Chamberlin

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


    Kevin was no longer her little boy, but instead he was a young man maturing rapidly. Yet there was still that special gleam in his eyes that made her feel proud, and as always she had a hard time keeping her emotions in check. He was her boy, and she would always want to hold and squeeze him, maybe even more than a mother should. In fact, she had even trembled when he had walked into the house, greeting her with an innocent childish kiss on the cheek.
    Her immediate concern was for her daughter, however, as she had never really taken the time to discuss the things a mother should pass on to a daughter. After Sheri had announced that a boyfriend was coming to visit them during Christmas vacation, several times in the few days that followed that statement, Donna had wanted to call her daughter and talk about it. Yet she hadn't, and somehow she felt that Sheri was more aware of sexual matters than she.
    It took fifteen minutes to drive from the school to her Pasadena home at a safe speed, and although she was in a hurry that evening, Donna drove at her usual pace. She knew that she would be there in plenty of time, yet she still felt apprehensive. As always, there was that little nag, that tiny feeling of guilt. It was her biggest regret in life that she didn't have more time to be a mother to her children, instead of their sole support.

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The Incest Bed

Brett Chamberlin

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents










Before the last of the lights were turned off, the young teacher checked to be sure the list of instructions for the janitor were firmly attached to the bulletin board. Everything was in order, so she picked up her purse and coat, then walked to the door. After looking back at the small room, she closed the door and locked it from the outside. She glanced up and down the familiar, but now unusually quiet, corridor, then walked briskly out to her car, remembering that tomorrow she would be meeting her daughter and son for a much needed holiday.

"Good grief!" she exclaimed out loud to scold herself for having forgotten why she was in a hurry. Sheri was due to call in half an hour, and Donna knew her daughter would worry if she wasn't there to receive the call. Sheri had become so mature in the past few months that it was almost frightening. In fact, when both the children had arrived home for a weekend last month, she had been amazed at how grown up they had become since their last visit. They seemed more worldly wise; a look about them that she wasn't sure how to interpret, and in some ways, she had been even more conscious of the changes in her son.

Kevin was no longer her little boy, but instead he was a young man maturing rapidly. Yet there was still that special gleam in his eyes that made her feel proud, and as always she had a hard time keeping her emotions in check. He was her boy, and she would always want to hold and squeeze him, maybe even more than a mother should. In fact, she had even trembled when he had walked into the house, greeting her with an innocent childish kiss on the cheek.

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