Incest Lessons: Taboo Erotica - Clara Hamilton - E-Book

Incest Lessons: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Clara Hamilton

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

I couldn't wait any longer. My bladder was bursting and my father was in the bathroom, halfway through Rigoletto. "Daddy, please get out of 
the shower so I can use the toilet!" I cried. Both my hands pressed into my crotch to hold back the flood and I trampled about in agony.

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Incest Lessons

Clara Hamilton

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents










"Can't you wait another minute?" Dad loved his showers so much that my mother suspected him of having an affair with the nozzle.

"I have to pee right now!" I cried out. "Just come out for a moment, I won't be long."

"Oh, what the hell, come on in and do it, I'll turn my back," he said. That made sense. After all, he was my father and he'd seen me do everything at one time or another. Now that I was eighteen that familiarity had long passed away, of course, but under the circumstances it was necessary to recapture it. I pushed the door open and walked into the steam-filled room to make my way toward the toilet. So desperate was my need that I hardly spared my father a glance. I assumed he'd have his back toward me. But when I reefed my panties down and squatted over the bowl, and let the first burst loose, I looked up to find him looking right back at me.

"Don't look!" I admonished him. Clouds of steam swirled between us, the rush of water resounded through the tile-lined space, and I suddenly became conscious of being alone with him. Reflexively my hands drew the terry cloth robe to and my eyes drifted away from his. But in the process they drifted past his cock. For a moment I was transfixed! His cock was long, thick, brown, and half hard, poking out from a jungle of dark hair and straight at me. The dark red knob throbbed as if it was about to fire. His balls hung low, two eggs suspended in hairy leather, dangling between two powerful thighs. A shudder ran through me, electric and mysterious. My hands clutched at my robe, drawing it tightly over my tits, and my legs pressed together in sheer terror. I had finished pissing. And yet I sat there, staring at that thickening member. He was fully erect now. His cock tilted toward the left of him and the thick ridge of flesh running up the lower side was clearly visible. It reminded me of a blood slit in a knife or a bayonet, and once more I shuddered while crazy, tiny twinges ran through my cunt.

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