The Brother-In Law Who Loved Incest: Taboo Erotica - Clara Hamilton - E-Book

The Brother-In Law Who Loved Incest: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Clara Hamilton

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


"Now take a look at that... look at the difference! Can't very well let her go out in the streets looking like that, can I?" Sharon was mortified. It was with a great deal of difficulty that she kept back the tears from her dark eyes. He was talking about her as if she were a piece of property, some livestock in which he had invested, and of which he was very proud! And worse, young Guy was looking at her in what she took to be a new light, now that she was "transformed" by the change in her hair-style. The same young boy who had so appreciated that girl Carolyn's looks that he had done those disgusting things and made those hideous noises for hours next door... was looking at her! "She's something else!" Guy agreed, using his youthful hip terminology.
Gordon made a funny noise in his throat and then said, "Yeah... you got to get you one of these some day soon!"
Sharon twisted abruptly away from her husband. Never had she heard him use such crude language in referring to her, and it pained her deeply, even though she knew he was slightly drunk. It was especially upsetting because his younger brother was there. She did not want that young boy to think of her as a woman at all, after what she'd heard him doing. She only wanted to go to the bedroom and never come out again as long as he was there! She made her excuses hurriedly, and dashed into the bedroom, where she collapsed on the bed. She thought at first that she was going to cry. But her eyes were strangely dry. She kept them wide open and lay there for a long time, listening to the sounds of the two men's voices as they continued to talk in the other room. She felt something odd happening inside her, a new attitude forming, a new way of seeing and thinking about her husband. It was frightening, but the as yet unformed thoughts kept circling in her confused mind, until she gave up and began to think about how safe and wonderful it had really been in those days when she had still been living with her mother... before the loneliness of her "bachelorette" apartment in town and before... she couldn't even find the adequate words, but finally stumbled upon one... "emptiness"... before the emptiness of her two-month-old marriage with Gordon.

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The Brother-In-Law Who Loved Incest

Clara Hamilton

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents











Their apartment was on the ground floor of an old building in the small upstate New York town of Blandings, and now that it was well past midnight, all sounds of passing cars had ceased, and Sharon lay in almost complete silence, except for a barely audible dripping of the faucet from the kitchen sink. It was the fourth night in a row that he hadn't made love to her, she realized, and even that last time had been a terrible disappointment. He had been so quick! If only he had waited until she could catch up to the level of his excitement!

She could feel a small, excited tingling at the tightly compressed moist place up between her soft inner thighs, there where her deep reddish brown pubic curls lay touching each other and the warm inner moisture of her expectantly waiting pussy. She wanted to reach her hand down there and touch herself, to bring to the surface the hidden excitement that pulsed desperately in her loins. But she resisted the temptation, even when she felt the hardened buds of her large, firm breasts protruding achingly against the fabric of her nightgown, wanting to be touched, to be patted, to be sucked.

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