Ravishing The In Laws: Taboo Swinger Erotica - Clara Hamilton - E-Book

Ravishing The In Laws: Taboo Swinger Erotica E-Book

Clara Hamilton

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"Swapping? You and Ann are swappers?" She nuzzled deeper into his embrace. She was surprised at this sudden display of affection on his part. During their few get-togethers in the past year, Joe had always been cordial to her, but remained aloof, though Bonnie had a sneaking feeling inside that if given the chance Joe would like nothing more than to get more familiar with his beautiful daughter-in-law. Now he was availing himself of the opportunity.

"We've been swappers for years." Joe chuckled. "You youngsters always think you're first to think up things. Hell, swapping's been practiced ever since Adam and Eve. Ann and I were swappers before you or Pete were born. I met Ann at a date-swapping party."

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Ravishing The In Laws

Clara Hamilton

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 1

Nothing could go wrong with their wonderful marriage. Not now. Not after this first year of adjustment and finding they were ideally suited to each other. Bonnie ran the washcloth down between her lovely thighs and washed her tight little pussy. A smile toyed at the corners of her mouth as she fondled her cunt. She knew the success of her marriage to Pete was due in great part to this tiny item between her legs. She had managed to judiciously apply this purring little pussy to Pete's growling prick in such a way that he had been more than content.

Not once during their first year of marriage had Pete evidenced the slightest desire to stray from the straight and narrow. Not once had Pete cast covetous eyes at other pretty girls with a view to trying to get into their panties. She had controlled his passion and lust and had kept him well satisfied in every respect. This in itself had been a major accomplishment. It had been the cause of one of the big doubts Bonnie'd had about marrying Pete.

In college he'd been the football hero-the plunging halfback of the State U. team, the idol of the fans, the big man on campus. The guy the girls swooned over. Now, at age twenty-four, still a trim one hundred eighty pounds, a six-foot-tall handsome hunk of man, Pete was more desirable than ever. He was an accountant in a firm in the city. He made good money and his future was assured. He'd been the ideal catch for a girl, and Bonnie had caught him and married him.

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