Incest Orgasm: Taboo Erotica - Kandi Colbert - E-Book

Incest Orgasm: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Kandi Colbert

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


Ginny Rayburn sat up in bed, yawning, still half asleep. The young girl's curly blonde hair was all tousled, framing a lovely face. She had soulful brown eyes and a wide, sensual mouth. She yawned again, then stretched. The sheets fell away, revealing a set of cute tits capped by pink, perky nipples.It was a Saturday, and Ginny didn't have to get up for school and she considered staying in bed for a while longer -- maybe to get a bit more sleep, or maybe to play with her pussy. She liked a morning hand-job now and again.She tilted her head down and looked at her tits, then began to finger the tips. She pulled gently and experimentally at the rosy nubs, checking to see if she was horny enough to warrant finger-fucking.It felt nice to feel herself up -- and although not nearly as nice as when a boy did it, of course but the nubile little minx wasn't really in the mood at the moment. She had slept soundly and been unexcited by naughty dreams.

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Incest Orgasms

Kandi Colbert

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents










It was a Saturday, and Ginny didn't have to get up for school and she considered staying in bed for a while longer -- maybe to get a bit more sleep, or maybe to play with her pussy. She liked a morning hand-job now and again.She tilted her head down and looked at her tits, then began to finger the tips. She pulled gently and experimentally at the rosy nubs, checking to see if she was horny enough to warrant finger-fucking.It felt nice to feel herself up -- and although not nearly as nice as when a boy did it, of course but the nubile little minx wasn't really in the mood at the moment. She had slept soundly and been unexcited by naughty dreams.She knew from experience that she could get herself worked up easily enough, between fondling and imagining things, but it seemed pointless to provoke randiness. She decided to save her ritual finger-fucking until she needed it.That was going to be sooner than she thought. She threw the covers back and got up, pausing before the mirror to admire her sexy body. Her youthful tits were firm and thrusting, the nipples gently swollen. Her legs were long and shapely, her hips pneumatic, her ass delightfully hard and high and rounded.Her cunt mound glittered with a curly vee of silken blonde down spreading out on her gently curved belly. She dipped at the knees and parted her thighs so that she could see her crotch reflected in the glass. Her pussy was slightly damp and her cuntlips were parted and her clit poked out saucily, but her pussy wasn't really juiced up for action.She turned to see her slim, shapely body in profile, then turned farther and looked back over her shoulder to admire her adorable ass.Ginny had a lovely body and was well aware of the way that men and boys looked at her. She loved to imagine them jacking off while they had fantasies about her pussy or mouth. It pleased her to believe that cum by the bucketful must have been spilled out over memories of her pert tits and beautiful ass.She slid a hand down and fingered her clit.It tingled pleasantly but, as her nipples had, failed to really respond.She shrugged and moved away from the mirror, going to the dresser. She opened a drawer and rummaged through her panties. They were all sexy bikini types. Ginny liked to sit with her legs nonchalantly parted and give guys a chance to look up her skirt and, naturally, she wanted her loins to be clad suitably and provocatively.She selected a pair of sheer black panties.And then she made a remarkable discovery.The panties felt kind of sticky. And when she held them up, she could see a film of some mysterious milky substance in the crotch band.Ginny was puzzled.Had she creamed her panties and somehow put them back in the drawer unwashed?It seemed unlikely, but there was definitely a coating of congealed slime in them. The girl held them to her face and sniffed at the crotch. Fucking Holy Shit, she thought.The familiar, starchy aroma wasn't cunt juice at all -- it was definitely jism!Just to make sure, she pushed her tongue out and lapped at the milky coating. Her taste buds registered the flavor of jizz, verifying what her nose had deduced.Ginny was mystified.She tried to remember if some guy had dry humped her recently, shooting off onto her panties.But she couldn't recall having been dry-humped in weeks.Yet she was positive it was cock cream. She knew what cunt nectar tasted like, because she often licked her fingers when she was frigging off, and the aroma and flavor of that milky film hadn't come from a pussy.Some guy had cum in her panties -- no doubt about it!But who and when and where? Ginny considered, tilting her head, still holding the soiled garment to her face.Then she grinned impishly.She could think of only one possibility -- and it was a very stimulating thought.Her big brother, Jimmy, must have sneaked into her bedroom while she was out and jacked off in her panties!Jimmy was eighteen, a good-looking, athletic young man. And Ginny had often been aware that he gazed at her lustfully -- especially when she was sitting with her legs apart so he could look up her skirt.The idea of the boy jerking off over fantasies of her, and cumming into her underwear, excited her tremendously. She licked at the slimy crotchband again, enjoying it more now that she figured it was sibling spunk.She could just imagine how the youth must have looked as he stood there, his face all twisted by passion, pounding his prick into those sexy panties!How she wished that she could have seen it! As her fevered mind danced with the image, her body began to react accordingly. Her tit tips shot out like little pink rockets launched from the areola pads, and her clit echoed that action in her cunt slot.She was definitely ready for a hand-job now! Grinning mischievously, she went back to the full-length mirror and watched herself in the glass as she danced her tongue in the cummy film.Too bad that Jimmy wasn't watching as she did that, the naughty nymphette thought.She rubbed her tits in the bikini, working jism into the perky peaks. Then she lifted her tits in her hands and dropped her head dawn. She began to lick and suck on her swollen clit nubs, making them throb and tantalizing her taste buds by the yummy flavor of jizz.Her cunt was open in a wide oval now, the slot flooded with pussy juice and her clit standing out like a little pink stump in a swamp.She dipped the panties into her groin and rubbed them around. Her pussy soaked up her brother's cum, absorbing it like a sponge. Her ass and hips jerked as she ground her cunt on the garment.She wished that she were nimble enough so that she could get her head down between her thighs and suck Jimmy's jizz off her clit, as she had from her nipples.She brought the panties back to her face and tongued them again. They were even more flavorsome now that cunt juice was mixed with the cock cream.Ginny was certainly not a lesbian, but the girl had to admit that pussy juice was scrumptious and to wonder what it would be like to suck a mouthful straight out of a hot, wet, perfumed pussy. She didn't fancy going to bed with a dyke but if one of her sexy girlfriends was game for some cunt-lapping, Ginny was surely interested.At the moment, however, she was thinking more about cum -- her big brother's cum, specifically.Her pretty face contorted with lust, eyes narrowing, lips moist and parted. She was panting. The tip of her pink lapper slid slowly across her mouth as the youngster drooled over her daydreams.She moved back to the bed and sat on the edge, facing the mirror. She had angled the mirror so that it reflected her bed. She liked to watch herself when she creamed off. And she was certainly ready to cream off now. How lucky it had been that she hadn't wasted a hand job before she had made her fascinating discovery!She felt up her tits, rolling the tips and moaning as they exploded in her fingers. She kneaded the firm tit mounds and cupped them together, lowering her face and lapping at the pink tips some more.Then she moved her hands down to her groin.With the heels of her palms resting on her groin, she dipped her fingers into her crotch began to rub the tips up her unfurled cunt and to brush her fingertips against her clit."Ummmmm," she sighed, trembling at the sensation.Her clit felt like a smoldering fuse, ready to set off an explosion in the core of her cunt. She could have cum in a matter of moments, if she chose to, her body already aroused by her lively imagination. But Ginny was enjoying playing with herself, body and mind, both, and she was in no hurry to reach the creamy conclusion. She wanted to enjoy a long and lingering handjob before she melted.She drew her hands away and leaned down over her thrusting tits, gazing into her groin. Then she looked at herself in the mirror. Her cunt folds were unfurled like the petals of a fleshy, pink flower now, and cunt juice was streaming down her crotch and seeping into the tight crack of her ass.She dragged a finger up, getting it juicy, then brought it to her lips. She licked at the tasty film, then pushed her finger into her mouth and sucked on it, sliding it in and out as if it were a tiny prick she was sucking, a prick that had just been dipped in a wet pussy.It made her tongue damned near as hot as her cunt.She spooned up some more cunt juice and licked it from her palm. Then she hiked her hip up and slid a hand under her ass, fingering the crack of her ass and nudging into her taut little asshole. She lapped at that finger, too, savoring the tangy aroma and the flavor of her own ass.It felt nice to finger-fuck her asshole -- making her wonder what it would feel like to have a hot, hard cock ramming in and out of that snug passage.Ginny was really hot now, knowing that she couldn't hold back her cumming much longer. Her open cunt slot was flowing below her golden vee like a sluggish stream winding through a sunlit jungle.She began to work on her pussy with both hands again. She frigged into her fuck-hole with one hand, holding three fingers bunched together, while she rubbed away on her clit with the other. She swayed on the edge of the bed, her pelvis undulating, her head going up and down as she looked at her mirrored image, than gazed down at her pussy.Her whole groin was lathered with pussy seepage. Ginny was amazed at how hot and creamy she had become. She brought a hand to her mouth and licked it, then began to alternate hands. One sank down into her cunt, wet with saliva, as the other rose to her lips drenched with cunt juice.She snatched up the panties again and wrapped the crotchband tightly around her fingers, then began to shave it into her pussy, whimpering at the knowledge that some of her brother's jizz was soaking into her cunt tunnel.Waves of joy began to race laterally across her loins and shoot like electric current up her trembling thighs. The waves came faster and higher, each spasm rushing upon the one before, starting to merge into one tidal crest.Her clit exploded like a stick of dynamite. A deeper detonation burst in the depths of her cunt hole. Ginny gasped, vibrating all through her lush, ripe body.As her cunt melted, her frantic mind dwelled on images of her brother beating his meat, adding a psychological thrill to the physical sensations.The fiery, creamy spasms joined, a swirling tide of desire tumbling through her seething loins.She clung at the crest, half crazed by the sensations and the emotions. Her hands kept stroking as she made certain that she had worked off every spasm.Then, trembling, she dropped back along the bed.A dreamy smile turned up her moist lips. The girl was physically satisfied and content -- and yet her mind was still aroused by images of her brother and the knowledge that he lusted for her enough to spill his cum load out into a pair of her sexy panties.What did he think about when his hand was humming on his cock and his jism began to squirt? Ginny wished that she could read his mind -- and watch him jack off, too.Well, maybe she could watch him, at that! The girl began to consider the possibilities, scheming as to how she could arrange a private viewing, setting her brother up for a performance she could witness.Cunt-cum was still oozing from her pussy, and she scooped it up in her hands and then lapped clit front her palms, enjoying it immensely. She had to mop her sodden cat muff up before she dressed, anyhow -- and why waste such delicious stuff on a washcloth?By the time that she had dried her groin by dining hand to mouth, she had formed a clever plan.If she were to let Jimmy believe that her bedroom was unoccupied, it seemed likely that he would sneak in for some further panty-fucking. And if she happened to be hidden somewhere in that room, Ginny could watch him do it!She thought about biding under the bed.But it was possible that the boy might lie on the bed while he jacked off, delighting her hearing but depriving her eyes of the fascinating sight.One of the closets seemed a better vantage point, she figured.There were two closet acts in her bedroom. One was private and the other, larger one had two entrances. She and Jimmy shared that closet and it connected their bedrooms. The larger closet would make a more comfortable place to wait, but it seemed quite likely that her brother might sneak into her bedroom through that one so that he wouldn't risk being seen going in the door. The smaller closet was the obvious choice.But what if he stood with his back towards it? How awfully frustrating it would be to see his shoulders shifting and his ass humping while, facing the other way, he shot his cum-load off out of her sight. Ginny didn't want to miss that spectacle. But she figured that if he was turned away from her, she could at least see him in the big mirrors.With her ringside seating arranged, Ginny thought it might be a good idea to leave a prop.The black bikini panties she had finger-fucked herself with were nicely juiced up with a milky film of cunt cream, perfectly suitable for her designs. She took them over to the dresser and replaced them in her underwear drawer, leaving them atop the flimsy stack, arranged so that an intruder would be certain to notice that the crotchband was sodden with girl-cum.Then she dressed quickly, in very tight jeans and a white cotton tee-shift that seemed to have been painted over the mounds of her tits and showed her nipples in twin peaks.She checked her appearance in the mirror and grinned, satisfied that Jimmy would become excited by looking at her.Then she went down to breakfast.