Sinful Incest: Taboo Erotica - Kandi Colbert - E-Book

Sinful Incest: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Kandi Colbert

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


The familiar sound of her son's Toyota station wagon pulling into the driveway, caught her attention. She was never able to relax until her son Ted, though he was nineteen and in his second year of college, was home and in his room. A deep sigh of relief escaped her lips as she heard the engine stop, the car door open and close, then her son's footsteps treading lightly past her bedroom door on his way to his room.

A glance at the luminous dial on the clock radio on the night table told her it was two in the morning. He's keeping late hours, she thought, then smiled, like she always did when she thought her tall, handsome sexy looking Yes! That was the way she thought of him, quite often in fact. Her son was sexy looking! What woman wouldn't consider him sexy, even feel a hot desire for him ... including his own mother?
She hoped her husband didn't suspect she thought of Ted in that way. God, he'd go ape if he knew she had the hots for their own son! But then, maybe if he took better care of her needs in the bedroom, perhaps she wouldn't be thinking all the time about that impressive bulge in the front of her son's trousers. The sight of it thrilled and excited her. Was he constantly in a state of erection? Or was he magnificently endowed? The way his trousers poked out in front like a tent, he appeared to be hung like a bull.

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Sinful Incest

Kandi Colbert

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents













Though she was thirty-seven, she was a stunningly beautiful woman, and she knew it. Her sensuous figure caused instant erections in men's trousers wherever she went, and it both frustrated and angered her that her pussy wasn't being looked after. Eight long weeks had gone by since her husband had serviced her with his cock.

His thoughtless inconsideration infuriated her. There Rex lay, beside her, sound asleep and snoring, and it increased her resentment even more.

Not one of the many women Karon knew would put up with this. Not in this day and age. If a woman's husband wasn't giving her what she needed, there were plenty of men around who would. With Karon's looks and superb body, she wouldn't have to look very far. She could take her pick. Young men, older men, any one of them would jump at the chance to give her the cock that she needed.

But for Karon it wasn't as easy as all that. Karon had a problem ...

The familiar sound of her son's Toyota station wagon pulling into the driveway, caught her attention. She was never able to relax until her son Ted, though he was nineteen and in his second year of college, was home and in his room. A deep sigh of relief escaped her lips as she heard the engine stop, the car door open and close, then her son's footsteps treading lightly past her bedroom door on his way to his room.

A glance at the luminous dial on the clock radio on the night table told her it was two in the morning. He's keeping late hours, she thought, then smiled, like she always did when she thought her tall, handsome sexy looking Yes! That was the way she thought of him, quite often in fact. Her son was sexy looking! What woman wouldn't consider him sexy, even feel a hot desire for him ... including his own mother?

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