Teachers Who Swap: Barely Legal Erotica - Kandi Colbert - E-Book

Teachers Who Swap: Barely Legal Erotica E-Book

Kandi Colbert

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This full length erotic novel is so sexy we can't even tell you the preview…


Angie spread her legs apart, fumbling the front of her jeans open, her hand darting inside, deep into the hairy vee. She was very hairy around her cunt, especially for a eighteen-year-old.
"Goddamn, it feels good already!" she cried.
She spread her legs wider. Her fingers parted the lips of her cunt. Her cunt was red inside, red and already wet, all slippery and slimy.
"I love to jack-off," she said out loud. "I wish could jack-off forever." She lifted her hand out of her jeans and looked at her hairy pussy. "I love you, pussy. I love the way you make me feel when I play with you."
Angie was consumed with lust; her episode with the boy and then the Scotch had done its job. Her finger glided into her cunt, in and out, in and out in and out. She moaned.
I'm about to come, she thought, just a minute more, and then I'll drink some more Scotch and use the bottle instead of my finger. I'm almost there, just another second or two.

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Teachers Who Swap

Kandi Colbert

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 1

"If you're going to play with yourself, you might at least close the door," she said.

"I'm not playing with myself; I have you to do that," he answered.

Giving him a come-and-get-it look, she peeled off the robe. She stood for an instant to let him admire her naked body before picking up her pantyhose.

"I never knew a blonde could have such a black-haired pussy," he said.

"Just shows you didn't know everything," she said, sitting on the edge of the bed and rolling her pantyhose.

She got one leg in the air before he grabbed her and pulled her backwards, his hand cupping one of her large tits. Her nipple stood out big and firm.

"Not now, Rick," she squealed. "You don't want me to be late for the first day of school ... do you?"

"You act like that damn school is more important than me."

"It is, buddy, at least until you get off your ass and get a job."

"I just got home, baby. Give me a few days . . . huh?" His hand slid down her belly into the thick soft hair. Her legs opened.

"If you wanted to fool around, why didn't you do it earlier? I don't want to get all sweaty; I just got out of the shower," she said. Still, her fingers curled around his prick.

"I like you best when you're all wet and hot from the shower and you smell like that sexy soap you use. Remember the night we first met and went to the crummy little motel and I told him you were my sister and he said, 'I don't give a fuck who you sleep with, buddy. That's six bucks'?"

"Yeah, I remember," she said, slowly masturbating him, her hand sliding up and down with long deliberate strokes.

"How come you never dry off after a bath?"

"I like to feel wet and sleek ... all over," she said.

Rick's finger moved into the furrow between her cunt-lips.

"Ooooh, Rick! Don't!" she moaned. "I'll be late. Besides, the door is still wide open."

"Piss on the door," Rick said.

She was flat on her back, and when he rolled over on top of her, her legs went up into the air. Her hand found his prick and guided it in.

"Yes! Oh, honey, yes!" she moaned, as his long cock opened up her cunt and went in to the hilt.

He had only been home three days and already she'd lost count of the times they'd fucked. She hadn't seemed to mind waiting a year, teaching school, playing the faithful wife, but now with his cock buried inside her, she wondered why. Wondered why she had been the chaste young wife; she was sure he hadn't been the chaste husband. Fucking felt so good, and she needed it so much.

She had her legs locked tightly around his back and orgasmed at almost the same time he popped inside her pussy.

"Don't pull right out, honey; let it soak for a minute. Your cock feels so good in there," Elaine said.

Rick grinned; he liked his broads hot and eager. "Goddamn, baby, you're some hot cunt! I bet you really turn them little high-school studs on."

"Oh, sure, I fuck them at least three times a day. But it's not them that you should be worried about, it's that simpleton older brother of yours."

"Hey! You can't talk about my brother like that," Rick snarled, jerking away, pulling his cock out. He slapped her hard across the face.

Her hand went to her stinging cheek. "You dumb bastard! He tried to get in my pants every single day you were gone."

Rick grinned. "Did he succeed?"

"Hell no, he didn't succeed. I'd rather fuck a snake."

Rick hit her again, harder than the first.

"You can't make me like him, or your crummy parents, either!"

Rick doubled up his fist and drew back.

"Go ahead, hit me! Give me a black eye. But if we don't get out of this house and into a place of our own, we ain't going to make it . . . not together, anyway."

Rick relaxed.

"And I still think it was dumb, yes, even stupid to run off and join the Marine Corps when you had responsibilities."

"What responsibilities?"

"Me, you dumb ass."

They had been married less than a month when Rick got a wild hair up his ass and joined the Marines. For six months she had lived close to the base, seeing him on the weekends he got off, but finally she had come here to his folks' home and had gotten a job teaching school.

But now Rick was home and it would be all right. He had only served a year and a half and wouldn't tell how he got out, but it didn't matter; he was home now.

At times she wished she hadn't married him in the first place. But he was such a beautiful specimen of man: Tall and muscular, curly blond hair, cocky, and hot tempered. He was really too good looking for his own good.

She was teaching school in Minneapolis, her first year, when she met him, and they went dancing and drinking, and she fucked him on the first night. They got married a week later. She was twenty-two and he was only nineteen. They fucked like a pair of minks . . . until he joined the Corps. That should have told her something.

And then she had come up here to Bear Claw, Minnesota. What a stupid name for a town, and what a stupid town, just across the border from North Dakota and colder than hell in the winter, which was most of the time. And his parents were creeps; poor white trash was a better name. God, it was awful.

And every man in town had tried to fuck her at one time or another. At times, it was a disadvantage to look like Elaine Keller looked. She was a brown-eyed blond, and buxom . . . tits built beyond description. Every man had dreamed of fucking a woman like Elaine Keller. And she had just spent a whole year sleeping alone. It was a crime against mankind.

"While you cooled your heels in the Marine stockade or where ever the hell you've been, your big brother has been trying his damnedest to fuck me. And his damnedest has not been good enough," Elaine said. "Light me a cigarette." Rick lit two cigarettes and handed Elaine one. "And your old man. He would have fucked me if I'd given him half the chance. One night when he was drunker than shit, he tried to rape me, but he's too goddamn fat to catch me." Rick laughed.

"Laugh, you bastard. If he'd have caught me, he'd have fucked me good. He had his pants open and had his cock out. It wasn't bad, either; if he hadn't been so drunk I might have taken him up on it." Elaine dragged deeply on her cigarette. She had Rick's cock in her hand again. Elaine rolled over on top of him and pushed his prick into her cunt. She was still smoking. She let her weight down and started bouncing on his cock.

"Oh, God, Rick! It's so good!" she cried. "I like to fuck, I really do."

Ronald Keller, Rick's older brother, stood just out of sight in the hall. But he was where he could watch them fuck. His cock came out of the front of his pajamas and into his hand. The first spurt went on the rug, the second onto his bare feet.

"I'm coming, Ricky! Oh God, am I ever coming!" Elaine cried.

Chapter 2

"That's it for today, kids," Harry Ames said. The kids closed their books and shuffled their papers and did whatever else kids do before leaving their last class. It was a small class, even for Bear Claw High, but four students were all that qualified for advanced trig. They were all seniors; three girls and one boy.

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