Labyrinth of Vengeance:  The Roots of Humanity - Yeong Hwan Choi - E-Book

Labyrinth of Vengeance: The Roots of Humanity E-Book

Yeong Hwan Choi



Mars, Venus, and Earth. For hundreds of millions of years, these three planets have different fates, only looking at each other from afar. And the terrible revenge of a sociopathic man gave birth to a human being. A man from Mars and a woman from Venus have lived on different planets in their own unique ways. They have built a society that respects freedom and independence, free from the bondage of morality and law, regardless of good or evil. Now they came to Earth and created a new civilization. New people who wanted to build a world where only peace and coexistence were alive. But they missed something 'only one'. This story, with the motif of Adam and Eve, puts human nature and desires to the test. The rookies fought to solve this problem together. In the process, I discovered the dark roots of human nature. How long can they sustain a new era? The earth was stained with brilliant, pure crystal light, Human roots, which are also the cause of all conflicts and wars, division and chaos. This book, which combines amazing imagination and profound philosophy You can fall deep into the maze of revenge again. Experience a new era of humanity as a moment when the past, present, and future are united.

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Labyrinth of Vengeance:

The Roots of Humanity

This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


First edition. June 7, 2024.

Copyright © 2024 Yeong Hwan Choi.

Written by Yeong Hwan Choi.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

Labyrinth of Vengeance: The Roots of Humanity


<Labyrinth of Vengeance: The Roots of Humanity>

1-1 Man from Mars

1-2 The Woman from Venus

2-1 Peaceful coexistence

3-1 Meeting between a man and a woman

3-2 Birth of a New Life

4-1 The nature of the baby

4-2 Conflict with the New Humans

4-3 The Fall of a New World

5-1 We

5-2 Unfinished Maze

5-3 Mystery

<Epilogue: Another smell>

Publication | 2024-06-10

Author | Yeonghwan Choi

Tel. | +821026353631

Email | [email protected]

(c) Labyrinth of Vengeance: The Roots of Humanity 2024

This book is the intellectual property of the author and any unauthorized reproduction or reproduction is prohibited. All names, characters, and events in this work are fictional. It is not associated with any real person, place, building, or product.

Labyrinth of Vengeance: The Roots of Humanity

Written by Yeonghwan Choi


Labyrinth of Vengeance: The Roots of Humanity

Episode 1 New World

1-1 The Man from Mars

1-2 The Woman from Venus

Episode 2 Changed Society

2-1 Peaceful Coexistence

Episode 3 Curiosity

3-1 Encounter between Man and Woman

3-2 The Birth of a New Life 

Organism Episode 4 Conflict

4-1 The Nature of Babies

4-2 Conflict with New Humans

4-3 The Fall of a New World

Episode 5 rare 

5-1 us

5-2 Unfinished Maze

5-3 Mystery


<Labyrinth of Vengeance: The Roots of Humanity>

Mars, Venus, and Earth. Each of these three planets had different destinies and looked at each other from a distance for hundreds of millions of years. And as a result of the terrible revenge of a sociopath man, a new human race was born.

Then, how did our ancestors, the "roots of humanity on Earth," come about? A simple question came to mind. Thus, this story depicts what kind of world was created by the desires of the new humans and earthlings who returned to Earth from Mars to Venus and back again.

Earth opened up a new planet with the arrival of the new humans, a man from Mars and a woman from Venus.

They have lived on different planets in unique ways. They built a society that was free from the bondage of morality and law, without distinction between good and evil, and lived in its own way, self-sufficient. They had no yardstick, no normative framework. It was a world where individual freedom and independence were respected. And when they came to Earth, life as we once knew it changed, and the people of Earth have disappeared without a trace.

In order to bring a new civilization to Earth, they sent Earthlings to another dimension and tried to protect the blue light. Their actions were not motivated by mere malice or cruelty. They wanted to build a new civilization that would transcend the strife and conflict, greed and revenge of the people of Earth. A world where only peace and coexistence live.

Suddenly, the earth was bathed in a brilliant and pure crystal light. However, they missed something 'only'.

Something has come to the fore at the great root of humanity. It was also the cause of all the conflicts, wars, divisions and chaos created by the people of Earth. This story, with its Adam and Eve motifs, once again puts humanity's nature and desires to the test. A man from Mars and a woman from Venus fought to solve this problem together, but in the end, only two ancient stones remained in their place. As the few who survived the war watched how their creations changed, they discovered the dark roots of human nature.

How long can they sustain the new era?

Now, let's find out the moment when the past, present, and future are intertwined.


A New World

The green earth of the earth, a symbol of peace and harmony, was filled with smog and countless combat drones covered the air. Man's insatiable desire for possession and lust for power has brought the planet to the brink of nuclear war. The earth was slowly losing its greenness.

Huge billboards erected throughout the city have fostered economic inequality and social conflict. And while the big cities, which were the heart of capitalism, were densely packed with bright neon signs and glittering buildings, there was poverty and despair behind them. People wanted infinitely more, and the more they had, the happier they were.

The presidents of each country sat in front of the button to launch a nuclear weapon, their sweaty palms clenched tightly, contemplating. His expression was tired and tense. Even in the midst of constant negotiations and meetings, they failed to trust each other. The secret talks and intrigues that followed made Earth's fate increasingly uncertain.

In the tense White House Situation Room in Washington, D.C., the U.S. president received a live briefing on developments between Russia and China. "Russian and Chinese fleets are assembling in the East China Sea," the intelligence chief reported. His face hardened seriously. "Be prepared for all possibilities. We will not tolerate any provocations."

Moscow, Kremlin. The Russian president looked at the strategic map on his desk and examined the situation. "The coalition with China is proceeding successfully. We are closely monitoring every move by the United States," the defense minister reported. He nodded. "We must win, no matter what the cost."

Beijing, Zhongnanhai. The Chinese president was conducting a military operation with his advisors. "The U.S. fleet is approaching near our territorial waters. An immediate response is needed," said the chief of staff of the armed forces. Then he made a decision. "Prepare all your troops. We cannot back down from this war."

Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) were in a state of readiness for launch, and strategic bombers were waiting for commands in the air. Citizens in major cities such as New York, London, Tokyo, and Paris watched the news in horror. Missile defense systems have been activated, and the armed forces of each country have been put on high alert in case of war.

At the UN headquarters, the last peacekeeping negotiations were underway. The representatives of each country argued fiercely, but faith had already been lost, and only hatred remained. "We have to compromise. The future of the planet is at stake," the secretary-general appealed urgently. But his voice echoed through the conference hall like a hollow echo.

Pounding. At that moment, the portal opened. The arrival of the new human race was truly a divine move. At the moment when the embers of nuclear war turned into flames, the earth welcomed the new humanity with new hopes and fears. Will human possessiveness and desires destroy the earth, or will the new humanity save the earth from destruction? The fate of the blue planet was in their hands.

On the eve of nuclear war, the future of Earth was uncertain, but one thing was certain. There was no going back to the past. At international conferences, the debate over more resources continued, and military clashes became inevitable. The representatives of each country put the interests of their own countries first, focusing on their immediate interests rather than the future of the whole. In a world of selfishness and greed, peace was just a fancy slogan. The people became more and more anxious. Riots and protests around the world showed that the world had reached its limits. The streets were chaotic, and people were suspicious and distrustful of each other. The government tried to maintain order among its citizens by using military force, but even that was limited.

Meanwhile, Eva tapped her watch in front of the artifact on Venus and opened the portal. I took a deep breath and entered, and the desolate landscape of Mars unfolded before me. The red desert, the endless barren land, and the ruins scattered here and there bore the marks of a poor civilization. Eva stepped in to meet some of the leaders with the brains.

When the leaders of Mars heard of Eva's arrival, they gathered together. Their faces were weary and discouraged. Eva opened her mouth, feeling the leaders' eyes focused on her.

"I'm from Venus. We need your help for the future of our planet," she said firmly. "I want to take you to Earth. The Earth needs you."

One of the Martian leaders stepped forward and asked. "Why do we have to go to Earth? Can't we go to Venus?"

The other leader sighed and said: "That's right. Every day is hard for us. All the plants are parched and there is no hope of survival. Venus is rich in resources, so why shouldn't we go there?"

Eva shook her head and looked around.

"Venus is a place where only those with XX chromosomes can live. You can't live there. Instead, you should go to Earth, which is rich in resources. We need to find new opportunities in the district."

"As you well know, this place is already devastated, and civilization has not developed. It's not going to be a good idea to continue living here."

The other leader sighed and said: "That's right. But Venusians need us, and we'd love to hear why."

Eva looked into their eyes and said seriously: "Earth is a planet where different races, men and women like you, coexist. We need your unique abilities. The XY chromosome is essential for the creation of a perfect midway planet. And most of all, you have no problem going with us because the philosophy of the pioneers is deeply ingrained."

The Martians had never heard the word woman before, but there was silence as they looked at each other. Eva's offer was tempting. Leaving this desolate Mars in search of new opportunities was a good deal for them as well.

One of the leaders asked cautiously. "Woman?, what's that, and what role will we play on Earth?"

Eva replied with a smile. "Woman, as I said earlier, is a human race with XX chromosomes. Time is running out to describe all of them right now. Let's create a new world with your chromosomes and experiences. A peaceful and balanced world!"

The Martians nodded. "Good. We'll accept your offer, but when are you going to leave to persuade us?"

Eva nodded in relief. "He's not short-tempered. We will be on Earth from our respective planets exactly one week later. Now, let's paint the planet with a different light."

A week later, Eva, the Venusians, and the Martians opened their portals and headed for Earth. With the movement of the Venusians and the cooperation of the Martians, Eva was hopeful that Earth could truly walk the middle path.

In the midst of the fast-paced turmoil of the Earth, the New Humans arrived abruptly under her guidance. They emerged from all directions out of the portal, away from the eyes of the Earthlings, and gathered in the darkness of the deep sea, silently watching the Earthlings. It was the deepest, darkest place on Earth, but the advanced civilization of the new humans easily adapted to any environment.

In the depths of the depths of the ocean, Leah the Venus and Kyle the Martian had a secret conversation. A hologram of the people of Earth fighting floated in front of them. As they pointed their guns at each other, flames flew and the cities were clearly reduced to ashes.

Leah took a gentle breath of air, covered her mouth, and whispered.

"I think it smells weird."

It was not the scent of earth's soil or plants, but the inexplicable smell of a mixture of oxygen and ozone. A strange sensation arose in her from an unfamiliar smell, and a squeezing headache appeared. "What the hell is this smell?" she asked, looking around, trying to find out why, but she couldn't see anything. The smell stirred the space even more, and she grumbled as she looked around.

Kyle looked at her and shrugged. "Is it the peculiar smell of earthlings?"

She squinted. "Is that so? I can feel their presence." Their scent was unfamiliar to the newcomers. "Why do Earthlings smell so strange?" she asked, sniffing her body. "But why can't I smell?"

Kyle replied roughly, as if she was annoyed. "I don't know about that. Maybe it's because of our body structure or physical characteristics."

"Huh?. But you also smell something strong," Leah said. She wrinkled her nose and covered it with one hand and pointed the other to Kyle's arm. Kyle unfastened his armor and examined his arm closely. "Really?" he asked, pressing his arm to his nose. "I think you smell something pungent when you smell it?"

Leah giggled, nodding incessantly to Kyle. Then she sighed and said: Why do they want to fight each other endlessly?" "Is there no middle ground between them?"

Kyle nodded. "Before coming to Earth, if you look at the history books of the Earth written by the Pioneers, greed and the lust for power were always at the center of the problem. The desire for resources and power led to endless conflict."

Leah looked at the hologram and squinted. "There's no concept of possessiveness on Venus. We have unlimited resources, and everything is kept in harmony. There's no reason to fight each other. So why are Earthlings so greedy for resources and so hostile to each other?"

Kyle thought for a moment before speaking. "Maybe it's because they've been living in want. Resources were always limited, and we had to compete for them. But what they don't know is that the competition is doomed."

She looked back at the hologram. "We're hiding and watching because we're afraid they'll turn against us. Once they know we exist, there will be another conflict."

Kyle nodded in agreement. "That's right. We may be able to share our skills and knowledge with them, but first they have to change, and we have to learn how to live in harmony."

Leah let out a deep breath. "But can they change? I don't see any hope in that place now."

Kyle placed his hand on Leah's shoulder to comfort her. "Maybe it will take time, but we must continue to watch them and look for opportunities," they said, raising their eyes as they quietly slipped back into the darkness.

They watched as Earthlings continued to fight over resource depletion and conflict, betraying each other to satisfy their greedy desires. Soon after, the world was in danger of being destroyed by nuclear war again. The Martians did not understand that on their planet there was no conflict when there was a shortage of water and food, but on Earth there was still conflict despite the abundance of resources.

"We didn't kill each other when we didn't have enough water and food, so why do we destroy each other when the Earth has more than we have?" asked another Martian who hadn't really studied Earth's history.

"That's the problem. Even if we have an abundance of resources, deep down there is always a desire to have more. So yes," Venus replied.

"Earthlings are too greedy. Can't we walk the middle way with them?" said the Martian.

The New Humans had the perfect society they had dreamed of, but they weren't sure if they would be able to quell the chaos on Earth.

Three days after the arrival of the new humans, the sky was enveloped in a sense of urgency and fear. The whole world was engulfed in the whirlwind of war, and the prelude to nuclear war was opened, and each country's nuclear warheads were mounted on several missiles and ready to be launched. Earth was on the brink of extinction, and the leaders of Russia, China, the United States, and other great powers took aim at each other's homeland and ordered the launch.

First, an ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) soared from an underground hangar with a thunderous sound. These missiles soared into the sky in a burst of flame, accelerating their orbit into space. Dozens of ICBMs flew over the Earth, in a long plume of comet-like smoke. SLBMs (submarine-launched ballistic missiles) were launched from submarines under the sea. The submarine's missile launch tubes opened, sending flame-spewing missiles into the sky. Soaring with flames, the missiles quickly entered the Earth's atmosphere and rushed toward their targets. The air was filled with snarling B-52 bombers. It was equipped with nuclear weapons and was ready to drop lethal bombs on the enemy homeland. The roar of bomber engines sliced through the sky, and the skies above the Earth were now a battlefield of intersecting nuclear missiles. Missiles exploded in the sky with bright flashes, sending a powerful shock wave through the atmosphere. Cities and military bases around the world quickly turned into a sea of fire, and the world was plunged into chaos.

Flashes of light across the atmosphere lit up the earth's sky like shooting stars. The shooting stars did not grant wishes, but foretold the destruction of the Earth. Hundreds of millions of people looked up at the sky in terror and their bodies melted, and the catastrophe spread darkness in a bright flash. The country's leaders justified the war, shouting that might is logic. They demonstrated their power with powerful weapons, and they addressed many in darkness. With a cold face, he seemed oblivious to the destruction and death that the order would bring.

Ragam's son, Jae Wook, was reminded of dark scenes from the past in South Korea. Young-hwan's revenge against his mother was cold and cruel. She was kidnapped and spent a painful time in the dark. In prison, she was subjected to endless torture and mental abuse, and she had to endure the pain helplessly. Younghwan was vengeful, trying to destroy everything about her. On the day she was kidnapped, his eyes burned with a flame of vengeance. He imprisoned her in Yongmun Castle, a North Korean prison, and a space station, and mocked her with a voice of jubilation. "Strength is logic," he said sarcastically, reveling in his mother's pain. As Young-hwan's memories of dominating his mother intertwined, anger and sadness passed through him.

District leaders have also proven their strength, confident that they are on the right path. Their logic had been catastrophe, and the dark pleasure that Younghwan had felt in the past as he dominated Ragam was now reflected in the faces of Earth's leaders. Revenge upon revenge was taking the lives of countless creatures on Earth. The flash of the missile as it crossed with the sound of a thud~ into the sky was like the flash of pain he had inflicted on her, and the flashes resembled the folly of trying to dominate by force in the midst of destruction, flying towards an inescapable fate.

The Earth was shrouded in a shadow darker than ever, irreversible. Some of the nucleus had landed on the mainland, and fireballs in the sky were scorching the earth, shaking the atmosphere and changing the fate of the planet. The earth was a shambles of abjects.

When Eva sees missiles flying at each other, she says she must stop the tragedy she has seen in the future. Moved quickly. She spoke with a solemn expression.

"We need to extinguish the flames in the scorching earth and the pillars of fire on the blue earth. As long as they don't disappear, the Earth will continue to run toward its end."

The newcomer nodded in agreement. They had already made up their minds with the hardships they had already experienced on Mars and the wisdom they had learned from Venus. It took a bold decision to save the planet.

"First, we need to make Earth's politicians disappear," Eva said quietly in the depths. Her voice was firm yet calm. Eva, who went from being an Earthling to a Venusian, didn't use the words "murder" or "murder." Her race didn't even have such a concept, so she had to explain the situation in a different way. "Let's send those peculiar smelly black-haired beasts to another dimension."

Eva's words were sober and clear. She didn't want to add fuel to the violence behind their identity.

"We can't leave Earth like this," Eva continued.

Some Martian leaders were confused, but she knew what she had to do, even if they didn't understand. She drew on the advanced skills and knowledge of Venusians to devise a plan. For the sake of the planet, for the future of the planet, and for all life, this decision has been put into action. In her mind, she thought that after the scorching earth and flames were gone, it could become a world of the Middle Way beyond Venus, a world of brilliant and beautiful light.

Eva raised her hand to signal. According to their plan, the Venusians prepared a new weapon using advanced technology, and the Martians received it with a round eye. These weapons were high-tech weapons developed by the New Humankind, and they were unimaginable to the people of Earth.

The first weapon used was the Neural Network Destroyer. This weapon was supposed to emit high-density electromagnetic waves, instantly destroying the target's nervous system. In the blink of an eye, the earthlings collapsed painlessly, leaving no corpses behind. The next weapon was the Energy Resonance Disintegrator. It was a weapon that broke down the molecules that make up an object into individual atoms. It emitted energy at a certain frequency, and buildings, vehicles, and even people evaporated in an instant. Eva and the New Humans set up a molecular disintegrator in the heart of the city. The sight of the city disappearing before my eyes was magnificent.

Another weapon was the "gravity distortion". This weapon was a weapon that distorted the local gravitational field to compress or conversely disintegrate the target. Eva used this weapon to quickly disable major military bases and nuclear weapons storage. Military conflict has become meaningless, and the people of Earth have been left helpless. The next weapon used was the Dimensional Burst. This weapon was a weapon that selected a specific area and sent that area to another dimension. Eva used this weapon to send Earth's major cities into another dimension one after another. Some cities have disappeared without a trace, as if they had never existed. A "gravity collapse bomb" also fell from the sky. Developed by the Venusians, the weapon temporarily disrupts the gravity around it when it explodes, compressing and annihilating everything within its blast radius. The city where the bomb fell quickly disappeared from the earth.

The power of the new civilization weapon was unleashed throughout the globe. Cities disappeared, and the people of Earth were plunged into further turmoil. During the nonviolent fighting, Eva watched their mess. He suppressed the throbbing emotions in his heart. "It's our choice," and "You must disappear to protect Earth."

A few hours passed, and the newcomers roared. "All Earthlings are gone," Eva said, looking around. "Well, we're just getting started," she said quietly. "We're going to build a new world."

Eva and the New Humans quickly cleansed the Earth and prepared it for a new beginning. They worked thoroughly to establish a peaceful and balanced society. It was not an easy decision, but it was an inevitable sacrifice to save the planet. She looked around one last time and wept silently. "The earth will be reborn. Everyone"

The new humanity nodded silently at her words, preparing to usher in an era of innovation. After all the Earthlings disappeared, Eva met with the leaders of Mars. She looked at them and spoke. "The earth doesn't need leaders anymore. We need to move towards a leaderless society like Venus. In order to walk the middle path, we must live in respect of each other, without anyone dominating anyone."

The Martian leaders listened to her. There was a deep truth in Eva's words. "Venus is an already advanced civilization that does not covet each other's things, and everyone lives in abundance. Since there is no zero-sum game there, everyone has been able to walk the middle path. Now the Earth must do the same," Eva added.

The Martian leaders looked at each other and nodded. They already sympathized deeply with Eva's words.

"Eva is right. We don't need leaders anymore. Everyone should respect each other," said one leader as he laid down his epaulettes. The rest of the leaders followed him, laying down their red epaulettes one by one. Eva smiled broadly, cheering their decision. Now, when the earth has truly changed like Venus, where everyone can live in peace and happiness, the dark red earth suddenly turns blue and quickly begins to turn bright and transparent.