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This revised kindle edition contains additional illustrations of flowers, captioned to include their meanings
A pretty book matching flowers and plants to their meanings. Listed in both in alphabetical order and in reverse order (matching meanings to plants/flowers) the book also contains many charming 19th Century illustrations.
A selection of flower-themed poetry is also included at the end of the book, eg. Daffodils (Wordsworth); The Rose (Waller); The Sensitive Plant (Shelley); Adonis Sleeping (Keats); The Daisy (Chaucer).
A useful reference book for exploring symbolism in nature.
Cowslip = Pensiveness. Winning grace.
Geranium, Lemon = Unexpected meeting.
Lily, White = Purity. Sweetness.
Primrose = Early youth.
Snowdrop = Hope.
Sweet Pea = Delicate pleasures.
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First digital edition 2017 by Anna Ruggieri
Abecedary Volatility.
Abatina Fickleness.
Acacia Friendship.
Acacia, Rose or White Elegance.
Acacia, Yellow Secret love.
Acanthus The fine arts. Artifice.
Acalia Temperance.
Achillea Millefolia War.
Aconite (Wolfsbane) Misanthropy.
Aconite, Crowfoot Lustre.
Adonis, Flos Painful recollections.
African Marigold Vulgar minds.
Agnus Castus Coldness. Indifference.
Agrimony Thankfulness. Gratitude.
Almond (Common) Stupidity. Indiscretion.
Almond (Flowering) Hope.
Almond, Laurel Perfidy
Allspice Compassion.
Aloe Grief. Religious superstition.
Althaea Frutex (Syrian Mallow) Persuasion.
Alyssum (Sweet) Worth beyond beauty.
Amaranth (Globe) Immortality. Unfading love.
Amaranth (Cockscomb) Foppery. Affectation.
Amaryllis Pride. Timidity. Splendid beauty.
Ambrosia Love returned.
American Cowslip Divine beauty.
American Elm Patriotism.
American Linden Matrimony.
American Starwort Welcome to a stranger. Cheerfulness in old age.
Amethyst Admiration.
Anemone (Zephyr Flower) Sickness. Expectation.
Anemone (Garden) Forsaken.
Angelica Inspiration.
Angrec Royalty.
Apple Temptation.
Apple (Blossom) Preference. Fame speaks him great and good.
Apple, Thorn Deceitful charms.
Apocynum (Dog's Vane) Deceit.
Arbor Vitæ Unchanging Friendship. Live for me.
Arum (Wake Robin) Ardour.
Ash-leaved Trumpet Flower Separation.
Ash Tree Grandeur.
Aspen Tree Lamentation.
Aster (China) Variety. Afterthought.
Asphodel My regrets follow you to the grave.
Auricula Painting.
Auricula, Scarlet Avarice.
Austurtium Splendour.
Azalea Temperance.
Bachelor's Buttons Celibacy.
Balm Sympathy.
Balm, Gentle Pleasantry.
Balm of Gilead Cure. Relief.
Balsam, Red Touch me not. Impatient resolves.
Balsam, Yellow Impatience.
Barberry Sourness of temper.
Barberry Tree Sharpness.
Basil Hatred.
Bay Leaf I change but in death.
Bay (Rose) Rhododendron Danger. Beware.
Bay Tree Glory.
Bay Wreath Reward of merit.
Bearded Crepis Protection.
Beech Tree Prosperity.
Bee Orchis Industry.
Bee Ophrys Error.
Belladonna Silence
Bell Flower, Pyramidal Constancy.
Bell Flower (small white) Gratitude.
Belvedere I declare against you.
Betony Surprise.
Bilberry Treachery.
Bindweed, Great Insinuation.
Bindweed, Small Humility.
Birch Meekness.
Birdsfoot Trefoil Revenge.
Bittenweet; Nightshade Truth.
Black Poplar Courage.
Blackthorn Difficulty.
Bladder Nut Tree Frivolity. Amusement.
Bluebottle (Centaury) Delicacy.
Bluebell Constancy.
Blue-flowered Greek Valerian Rupture.
Boras Henricus Goodness.
Borage Bluntness.
Box Tree Stoicism.
Bramble Lowliness. Envy. Remorse.
Branch of Currants You please all.
Branch of Thorns Severity. Rigour.
Bridal Rose Happy love.
Broom Humility. Neatness.
Buckbean Calm repose.
Bud of White Rose Heart ignorant of love.
Bugloss Falsehood.
Bulrush Indiscretion. Docility.
Bundle of Reeds, with their Panicles Music.
Burdock Importunity. Touch me not.
Buttercup (Kingcup) Ingratitude. Childishness.
Butterfly Orchis Gaiety.
Butterfly Weed Let me go.
Cabbage Profit.
Cacalia Adulation.
Cactus Warmth.
Calla Æthiopica Magnificent Beauty.
Calycanthui Benevolence.
Camellia Japonica, Red Unpretending excellence.
Camellia Japonica, White Perfected loveliness.
Camomile Energy in adversity.
Canary Grass Perseverance.
Candytuft Indifference.
Canterbury Bell Acknowledgement.
Cape Jasmine I'm too happy.
Cardamine Paternal error.
Carnation, Deep Red Alas! for my poor heart.
Carnation, Striped Refusal.
Carnation, Yellow Disdain.
Cardinal Flower Dittitutim.
Catchfly Snare.
Catchfly, Red Youthful love.
Catchfly, White Betrayed.
Cedar Strength.
Cedar of Lebanon Incorruptible.
Cedar Leaf I live for thee.
Celandine (Lesser) Joys to come.
Cereus (Creeping) Modest genius.
Centaury Delicacy.
Champignon Suspicion.
Chequered Fritillary Persecution.
Cherry Tree Good education.
Cherry Tree, White Deception.
Chesnut Tree Do me justice. Luxury.
Chickweed Rendezvous.
Chicory Frugality.
China Aster Variety.
China Aster, Double I partake your sentiments.
China Aster, Single I will think of it.
China or Indian Pink Aversion.
China Rose Beauty always new.
Chinese Chrysanthemum Cheerfulness under adversity.
Christmas Rose Relieve my anxiety.
Chrysanthemum, Red I love.
Chrysanthemum, White Truth.
Chrysanthemum, Yellow Slighted love.
Cinquefoil Maternal affection.
Circaa Spell.
Cistus, or Rock Rose Popular favour.
Cistus, Gum I shall die to-morrow.
Citron Ill-natured beauty.
Clematis Mental beauty.
Clematis, Evergreen Poverty.
Clotbur Rudeness. Pertinacity.
Cloves Dignity.
Clover, Four-leaved Be mine.
Clover, Red Industry.
Clover, White Think of me.
Cobæea Gossip.
Cockscomb Amaranth Foppery. Affectation. Singularity.
Colchicum, or Meadow Saffron My best days are past.
Coltsfoot Justice shall be done.
Columbine Folly.
Columbine, Purple Resolved to win.
Columbine, Red Anxious and trembling.
Convolvulus Bonds.
Convolvulus, Blue (Minor) Repose. Night.
Convolvulus, Major Extinguished hopes.
Convolvulus, Pink Worth sustained by judicious and tender affection.
Corchorus Impatient of absence.
Coreopsis Always cheerful.
Coreopsis Arkansa Love at first sight.
Coriander Hidden worth.
Corn Riches.
Corn, Broken Quarrel.
Corn Straw Agreement.
Corn Bottle Delicacy.
Corn Cockle Gentility.
Cornel Tree Duration.
Coronella Success crown your wishes.
Cowslip Pensiveness. Winning grace.
Cowslip, American Divine beauty. You are my divinity.
Cranberry Cure for heartache.
Creeping Cereus Horror.
Cress Stability. Power.
Crocus Abuse not.
Crocus, Spring Youthful gladness.
Crocus, Saffron Mirth.
Crown Imperial Majesty. Power.
Crowsbill Envy.
Crowfoot Ingratitude.
Crowfoot (Aconite-leaved) Lustre.
Cuckoo Plant Ardour.
Cudweed, American Unceasing remembrance.
Currant Thy frown will kill me.
Cuscuta Meanness.
Cyclamen Diffidence.
Cypress Death. Mourning.
Daffodil Regard.
Dahlia Instability.
Daisy Innocence.
Daisy, Garden I share your sentiments
Daisy, Michaelmas Farewell.
Daisy, Party-coloured Beauty.
Daisy, Wild I will think of it.
Damask Rose Brilliant complexion.
Dandelion Rustic oracle.
Daphne Odora Painting the lily.
Darnel (Ray grass) Vice
Dead Leaves Sadness.
Dew Plant A Serenade.
Dittany of Crete Birth.
Dittany of Crete, White Passion.
Dock Patience.
Dodder of Thyme Baseness.
Dogsbane Deceit. Falsehood.
Dogwood Durability.
Dragon Plant Snare.
Dragonwort Horror.
Dried Flax Utility.
Ebony Tree Blackness.
Eglantine (Sweetbrier) Poetry. I wound to heal.
Elder Zealousness.
Elm Dignity.
Enchanter's Nightshade Witchcraft. Sorcery.
Endive Frugality.
Eupatorium Delay.
Everflowering Candytuft Indifference.
Evergreen Clematis Poverty.
Evergreen Thorn Solace in adversity.
Everlasting Never-ceasing remembrance.
Everlasting Pea Lasting pleasure.
Fennel Worthy all praise. Strength.
Fern Fascination.
Ficoides, Ice Plant Your looks freeze me.
Fig Argument.
Fig Marigold Idleness.
Fig Tree Prolific.
Filbert Reconciliation.
Fir Time.
Fir Tree Elevation.
Flax Domestic Industry. Fate. I feel your kindness.
Flax-leaved Goldy-locks Tardiness.
Fleur-de-Lis Flame. I burn.
Fleur-de-Luce Fire.
Flowering Fern Reverie.
Flowering Reed Confidence in Heaven.
Flower-of-an-Hour Delicate Beauty.
Fly Orchis Error.
Flytrap Deceit.
Fool's Parsley Silliness.
Forget Me Not True love. Forget me not.
Foxglove Insincerity.
Foxtail Grass Sporting.
French Honeysuckle Rustic beauty.
French Marigold Jealousy.
French Willow Bra [...]