Learning serenity without stress - Ron Wimmer - E-Book

Learning serenity without stress E-Book

Ron Wimmer



Oh...don't get upset! You may hear this remark often. But maybe people are right, maybe it's time to calm down a bit and not get upset about everything. The neighbour who is always making noise, or the tailgater behind us who waves at us with his headlight flasher. Everyone knows them, but do you really have an impact on these events? Probably more on your blood pressure, which rises as a result. Because in the end, you're only hurting yourself if you don't finally stop getting upset about every little thing. My name is Ron Wimmer and for more than 10 years I have been showing people how to become calmer and calmer in their lives. In this book I go over numerous techniques to finally take life more calmly and with humour. I am sure that some of the tips will also help you in the long run.

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Ron Wimmer

Learning serenity

without stress

Because staying cool is often better



Before I give you advice on how to achieve serenity in your life, I want you to look at yourself: What are the factors that rob you of this serenity, the situations that get on your nerves and do not allow you to remain calm in these turbulent moments?

As you know, to find a solution, you have to get to the root of the problem, and this is no exception. Sometimes it is not that complicated to identify the situations that overwhelm us. In my case, having to stand in long queues, be it for the cinema, the supermarket, the bank, the doctor's appointment, whatever the reason, it makes me cranky to stand in line for hours; and I'm sure it's not just me, of course it must annoy other people too, but maybe those other people are more tolerant than me and therefore don't get so annoyed.

Those who have a car let it be known how annoying it is for them to be stuck in a traffic jam, they press the deafening horn as if it will wipe out the cars in front of them, they get angry and shout swear words. Or think of the passengers who have to wait out several hours on a flight with a crying child and the parents do nothing to shut him up; on the other hand, something that also annoys me a lot is going to the cinema and not being able to concentrate well on the film because they bring children into the hall to play or cry.

As you can see, these are classic situations that occur in our daily lives and that all of us have to live through. Sometimes we manage to avoid them, for example I can go to a movie that is not suitable for minors, or whoever has a car avoids a congested motorway or rush hour. Sometimes we are lucky and manage to escape these unpleasant situations, but that is not always the case, because if there is no money for a first class flight, we have no other option but to put up with the whining child. In my case with the overlong queues, I live in a country where you never get out of the queues, you have to queue for everything, if you want to finish quickly you have to get up early, but you can't always.

We won't always be able to avoid these situations that annoy us, but what we can do is learn to control ourselves, and we have to do that because the world and people won't change just because we keep getting angry. Everyone tries to avoid and cope with setbacks, and my wish with this book is that in the future you will be able to cope with your daily life, with its ups and downs, without letting them upset you and rob you of the serenity we all need so much to lead a healthy life.

Another disruptive factor that prevents us from living a relaxed life is the stress we throw ourselves into every day.

The surgeon races to save lives in the operating theatre every day, the manager hurries to get to work on time and make the day's sales, the housewife rushes to get the children ready, prepare breakfast, pack the lunchbox, get them to school on time, organise the house and get everything ready for the family dinner. The young student struggles to complete the assignments for each subject, study for midterms, get good grades and graduate within the five years the programme allows!