Learning techniques & learning methods in studies: How to learn faster, remember better and write top grades in a relaxed manner with effective learning strategies and perfect time management - Lukas Glaser - Hörbuch

Learning techniques & learning methods in studies: How to learn faster, remember better and write top grades in a relaxed manner with effective learning strategies and perfect time management Hörbuch

Lukas Glaser

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Are you about to start studying and are you already feeling a good dose of creeping overwhelm in addition to anticipation at the thought of it? Have you just started and need some guidance on how to balance your studies and your free time as well as possible? Have you been wishing for a fresh start for a long time because the recurring cycle of motivation, procrastination and stressful learning is draining you? Do you no longer know what your real problem is and how to tackle it? Don't despair yet, because the knowledge you'll gain in this book can turn your entire studies upside down.

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Zeit:1 Std. 0 min

Sprecher:Casey Wayman
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