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A much-needed resource for teaching English to all learners The number of English language learners in U.S. schools is projected to grow to twenty-five percent by 2025. Most teachers have English learners in their classrooms, from kindergarten through college. The ESL/ELL Teacher s Survival Guide offers educators practical strategies for setting up an ESL-friendly classroom, motivating and interacting with students, communicating with parents of English learners, and navigating the challenges inherent in teaching ESL students. * Provides research-based instructional techniques which have proven effective with English learners at all proficiency levels * Offers thematic units complete with reproducible forms and worksheets, sample lesson plans, and sample student assignments * The book s ESL lessons connect to core standards and technology applications This hands-on resource will give all teachers at all levels the information they need to be effective ESL instructors.
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Seitenzahl: 506
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2012
Table of Contents
Jossey-Bass Teacher
Title Page
About the Authors
Part One: Getting Started with English Language Learners
Chapter 1: ESL Instruction: The Big Picture
Some Facts About the ELL Population
A Primer on ESL Research
A Quick Tour of ESL Best Practices
Chapter 2: ESL Classroom Basics: Building a Positive and Effective Learning Environment
The First R: Building Relationships
The Second R: Resources in the ESL Classroom
The Third R: Establishing Routines
Part Two: Teaching Beginning English Language Learners
Chapter 3: Key Elements of a Curriculum for Beginning ELLs
Key Elements of a Curriculum
Chapter 4: Daily Instruction for Beginning ELLs
Field Trips
Picture Word Inductive Model Unit Plan
A Sample Week in a Two-Period Beginning ESL Class
Year-Long Schedule
Other Activities
Part Three: Teaching Intermediate English Language Learners
Chapter 5: Key Elements of a Curriculum for Intermediate ELLs
Key Elements of a Curriculum
Chapter 6: Daily Instruction for Intermediate ELLs
Field Trips
A Sample Unit: Problem-Solution
A Sample Week in a Two-Period Intermediate ESL Class
Inductive Lesson Plan
Using Text to Generate Analytical Writing Lesson Plan
Other Activities
Part Four: Teaching English Language Learners in the Content Areas
Chapter 7: English Language Learners in the Mainstream Classroom
What Is the Organizing Cycle?
Chapter 8: Teaching Social Studies
Building Relationships with Students
Chapter 9: Teaching Science
One Size Does Not Fit All
Building Relationships with Students and Accessing Prior Knowledge
Identifying and Mentoring Students' Leadership Potential
Learning by Doing
An Important Final Note
Chapter 10: Teaching Math
Making Math Relevant
Building Relationships with Students and Accessing Prior Knowledge
Identifying and Mentoring Students' Leadership Potential and Learning by Doing
Part Five: Further Strategies to Ensure Success
Chapter 11: Using Learning Games in the ESL Classroom
Research Support
What Are the Qualities of a Good Learning Game?
Chapter 12: Handling Potential Challenges
Student Motivation
The Advantages of Being Bilingual or Multilingual Lesson Plan
The Qualities of a Successful Language Learner Lesson Plan
Textbook Integration
Error Correction
Limited Access to Educational Technology
Multilevel Classes
Primary Language Use in the ESL Classroom
Classroom Management
Book Selection
Chapter 13: Assessing English Language Learners
Assessing ELLs: Key Principles
Jossey-Bass Teacher
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Ferlazzo, Larry.
The ESL/ELL teacher's survival guide : ready-to-use strategies, tools, and activities for teaching English language learners of all levels / Larry Ferlazzo, Katie Hull-Sypnieski.
p. cm. — (Jossey-Bass teacher)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-118-09567-6 (pbk.), ISBN 978-1-118-22359-8 (ebk.), ISBN 978-1-118-23697-0 (ebk.), ISBN 978-1-118-26191-0 (ebk.)
1. English language—Study and teaching—Foreign speakers. I. Hull-Sypnieski, Katie, 1974- II. Title.
PE1128.A2F455 2012
About the Authors
Larry Ferlazzo teaches English and social studies to English language learners and mainstream students at Luther Burbank High School in Sacramento, California. He has written three previous books: Helping Students Motivate Themselves: Practical Answers to Classroom Challenges; English Language Learners: Teaching Strategies That Work; and Building Parent Engagement in Schools (with co-author Lorie Hammond).
He has won numerous awards, including the Leadership for a Changing World Award from the Ford Foundation, and was the grand prize winner of the International Reading Association Award for Technology and Reading.
He writes a popular education blog at http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org and writes a weekly teacher advice column for Education Week Teacher. His articles on education policy regularly appear in the Washington Post and the Huffington Post. In addition, his work has appeared in publications such as The New York Times, ASCD Educational Leadership, Social Policy, and Language Magazine.
Ferlazzo was a community organizer for nineteen years prior to becoming a public school teacher. He is married and has three children and two grandchildren.
Katie Hull Sypnieski has taught English learners of all levels for fifteen years in the Sacramento City Unified School District. She has served as a teaching consultant with the Area 3 Writing Project at UC Davis for the past ten years and as a district lead trainer for the WRITE Institute.
She is a member of the Teacher Leaders Network and has published articles in Education Week Teacher.
Sypnieski currently teaches English and ELD at Luther Burbank High School in Sacramento, California. She is married and has three children.
Larry Ferlazzo. I'd like to thank my family—Stacia, Rich, Shea, Ava, Nik, Karli, and especially, my wife, Jan—for their support. In addition, I need to express appreciation to my co-author, Katie Hull Sypnieski, who has also been a classroom neighbor and co-teacher for eight years. I would like to thank Kelly Young at Pebble Creek Labs and my many colleagues at Luther Burbank High School, including Principal Ted Appel, for their assistance over the years. Thanks also to Dr. Stephen Krashen for his helpful review of the manuscript. And, probably most important, I'd like to thank the many English language learner students who have made me a better teacher—and a better person. Finally, I must offer a big thank-you to Marjorie McAneny and Tracy Gallagher at Jossey-Bass for their patience and guidance in preparing this book.
Katie Hull Sypnieski. I would like to thank all the students I've had over the years for their determination, their creative energy, and for helping me to grow as an educator and as a person. In addition, I am grateful for all of the support I have received from my colleagues at Luther Burbank High School, especially Larry Ferlazzo, my co-author, co-teacher, and friend. I also greatly appreciate the help from Marjorie McAneny and Tracy Gallagher at Jossey-Bass. Finally, to all of my family members, especially my husband, David, and children Drew, Ryan, and Rachel, I want to thank you for supporting me in this process—you are the best!
There was a great forest fire—everything was burning and all the animals were scared and didn't know what they could do. A hummingbird, though, went to a lake and got a drop of water. It flew to the fire and dropped the water there, and it kept on going back again. The other animals kept on telling the hummingbird that it was wasting its time, telling it there was no way a little water was going to make a difference. The hummingbird replied, “I'm doing the best I can.”
—Japanese folktale1
The hummingbird did its best in the face of many challenges and adversity, and nothing could stop it.
While it would have been ideal for the hummingbird to organize all the animals to join it in fighting the fire, always encouraging the use of that kind of strategy is not the main point of the story or this book. This book is primarily designed to help the secondary-level ESL teacher do the best she can in her classroom (though it does also include a chapter on how to help mainstream educators make their content more accessible to English language learners, too). In addition, the majority of approaches and strategies we discuss can be easily modified for younger ELLs.
This book is written by two committed and experienced educators who have a rich family life outside of school, plan on continuing to teach for years to come, and who are always interested in providing high-quality education to their students without requiring enormous extra work for the teacher.
It is not written by or for teachers who lack awareness of their own limitations and what is needed to stay in education for the long haul.
This book is a careful distillation of selected instructional strategies that have been used successfully by us for years in the classroom.
It is not a laundry list of every ELL teaching method that's been discussed in the literature.
In addition to providing a selective review of ELL teaching methods, this book shares highly regarded research supporting just about everything we suggest.
It is not just speaking from our experience and what we think is good.
This book shares numerous specific suggestions about how ESL teachers can use technology to bring a value-added benefit to their language-learning students.
It is not a treatise on how educational technology is the “magic bullet” that is always (or even often) superior to nontech strategies.
This book recognizes that teachers need to deal with standards (we use a simple summary of California State ESL/ELD standards throughout the book that has been developed by the Sacramento City Unified School District—see Exhibit 3.1 in Chapter Three), textbooks, and standardized tests. This book also recognizes that not everything always goes according to plan, and includes a lengthy chapter on how to deal with potential problems. This book understands the realities of what work in the classroom world actually is like.
It does not offer a pie-in-the-sky view assuming we operate in an ideal classroom world all the time.
This book emphasizes the importance of learners being co-creators of their education.
It does not encourage the teacher being the “sage on stage.”
The point of this book is not to claim it is the be-all and end-all for ESL teacher professional development. We strongly encourage teachers and their schools to develop ongoing mentor relationships with experienced educator organizations, and we recommend three of them in the Afterword.
This book does not promote the idea that any teacher is an island and only needs a few books and informal professional relationships to reach his full potential.
We hope that you can gain from this guide at least as much as we learned from writing it.
1 “The Hummingbird and the Forest Fire” (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hr3i3LYGU4.
Part One
Getting Started with English Language Learners
Chapter 1
ESL Instruction: The Big Picture
Long ago in the southwestern part of the United States an Indian tribe lived near a range of mountains. Climbing the highest of these mountains was considered an important accomplishment, and all the young boys of the village couldn't wait until they were old enough to make the climb on their own.
One night, the Chief gathered the boys together and said to them, “You have reached the age to take on the challenge. Tomorrow you may all go and climb that mountain with my blessings. Go as far as you can, and when you are tired, turn around and come home. Remember to bring back a twig from the place where you turned around.”
The next morning, the boys began the long awaited climb. A few hours later, one of the boys returned with a piece of buckthorn. The Chief smiled and said, “I can see you made it to the first rockslide. Wonderful!” Later in the afternoon, another boy arrived with a cedar frond. “You made it halfway up! Well done!” remarked the Chief. An hour later another boy returned with a branch of pine, and the Chief said, “Good job. It looks like you made it three-quarters of the way. If you keep trying, next year you will surely reach the top!”
As the sun began to set, the Chief began to worry about the last boy, who still had not returned. Just when the Chief was about to send out a search party, the boy finally returned. He ran to the Chief and held out his hand. His hand was empty, but his eyes sparkled with happiness as he said, “Chief, there were no trees where I turned around. I saw no twigs, no living things at the very top of the peak, and far away I could see the majestic sun shining off the sea.”
The Chief's eyes also sparkled with joy as he proclaimed, “I knew it! When I looked in your eyes I could see that you made it! You have been to the top! It shines in your eyes and sings in your voice! My son, you do not need twigs or branches as prizes of your victory. You have felt the prize in your spirit because you have seen the wonder of the mountain!”1
This tale describes the satisfaction and joy felt by the boy who reached the mountain's peak and witnessed the compelling view from the top. He didn't return with any physical “prizes,” but instead carried the treasures of his journey within himself. The next time he climbs the mountain, he will be motivated from within, not because there are tokens or prizes to be collected.
As educators, we hope all of our students will “see the view from the peak” and will feel compelled to take on many more journeys as they learn and grow. In a recent paper, Stephen Krashen explains how “compelling input” relates to language learning:
Compelling means that the input is so interesting you forget that it is in another language. It means you are in a state of “flow.”2 In flow, the concerns of everyday life and even the sense of self disappear—our sense of time is altered and nothing but the activity itself seems to matter.3
This idea will be reflected throughout this book as we identify and describe research-based instructional strategies and approaches that “compel” students to want to learn English. Compelling input can help students “reach the peak” of acquiring language without seeking external rewards. However, it is ultimately important for students to come to their own conclusions about the value of “reaching the peak.” Once students see the value of language learning and become intrinsically motivated to learn English, they will take the risk and climb that mountain over and over again. Sometimes they will need encouragement and support from us, especially when the peak is obscured by clouds along the way.
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