Loolympic Workouts - Max Bowley - E-Book

Loolympic Workouts E-Book

Max Bowley

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Loolympic Workouts is your ultimate guide to getting maximum results from your daily visits to the toilet in the smallest of spaces. Here you'll find everything from quick and effective workouts that will get you in shape from toes to crown, to meditation and breathing exercises that will soothe your soul and flush away the stress of everyday life. Forget expensive gym memberships or the latest wellness gadget. Your bathroom and your body offer you everything you need to get in shape and find inner balance between flushes. And the best part? All you need is yourself (and this book, of course), because you do the exercises presented here with the weight of your own body (and a bottle of water, maybe). So, grab this book the next time you make your way to your in-house ceramics department and let's have some fun on the pot with a wink!

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Seitenzahl: 24

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Table of contents


Safety first!

A few words about your safety


Loolympic workouts for the whole body

Before training: Please warm up!

Arm circles

High Knees

Torso twists

Hip circles

Leg pendulum

Ankle Bounces

Neck Rolls

Shoulder Shrugs


Upper body and arms

Push-ups against the wall

Triceps dips

Arm circles

Shoulder incline lift

Bicep curls (with water bottle)

Arm stretches overhead (with water bottle)

Wrist bends (with water bottle)

Shoulder press against the wall

Boxing punches in the air

Towel pulling

Palm pressure


Core and trunk muscles

Seated torso rotations


Pelvic tilts

Seated leg scissors

Seated knee lifts

Oblique crunches

Reverse crunches

Twist and reach

Sitting leg raise

Seated side bends


Lower body and legs


Calf raises

Lateral leg lift

Lunges forward


Lying leg curls

Plie squats

Step exercises on the spot

Leg pendulum

Wall Sits


Relaxation exercises

Progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson in short form

Deep abdominal breathing

The star technique (also 4-6-8 technique)

Guided visualization

Neck and shoulder stretches

Mindfulness meditation

Leg walls


Training plan for your loolympic fitness program


Your personal 6-week loolympic fitness plan

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6


Welcome to perhaps the most unexpected fitness oasis in your home - the bathroom! Yes, you read that right. Let's think about it: The words loo and gym each have three letters - that can't be a coincidence, can it? And don't we all visit the porcelain throne several times a day and spend more time there than we realize? So why just read the newspaper or scroll mindlessly through your social media feed when you can strengthen your body and mind in the meantime? That's multitasking that would make even your mother proud. So turn your bathroom into your private gym. Here you can grunt, sweat and pump in peace without anyone asking if everything is okay.