Loving Husband: Extreme Taboo Beast Erotica - Charlotte Corbin - E-Book

Loving Husband: Extreme Taboo Beast Erotica E-Book

Charlotte Corbin

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


Gayle stood there until she heard his door close, then went into the kitchen to mix herself a Scotch and soda. Her hands were trembling, and her abdomen was alive with gnawing little spasms from the excitement and tension fermenting inside her. The knowledge that his virile young penis had been hard wasn't doing a thing to lessen her inner tempest either. Lord, it looked so big for just a boy, she sensuously thought once more. Oohhh... she was actually wet up between her thighs with the warm moisture seeping from between her vaginal lips. dampening the narrow nylon crotch-band of her panties. Damn, she was keyed-up all right, but she knew it was her sudden inspiration of a plan to seduce the willing Alsatian dog again more than the outlined sight of his young master's concealed erection.
Not that she had reached such baseness where she preferred an animal to a human, the feverishly infused girl quickly reassured herself as she swallowed heavily from her drink, but good God, she'd certainly never have anything of that nature to do with her own husband's nephew... nor with any other man for that matter! Hadn't she built an entire world of erotic fantasy around herself for just that very reason? But beautiful lovers like Trooper would never cause her a worry... they were gallantly silent!

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Loving Husband

Charlotte Corbin

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents











In fact, his angular, somewhat acne-blemished young face reflected nothing as he stared through opaque brown eyes while annoyingly cuffing at a heavy forelock of dull, chestnut colored hair. His long legs extended outward from the booth to the floor, making her think of hinged stilts... or an Ichabod Crane. She wasn't pleased with herself at her lampooning comparisons, but so far, Luther Robbins, her young husband's lanky, eighteen year old nephew had had only a distasteful effect on her, which she blamed on her spouse's inexcusable conduct at the homely youth's arrival the night before.

Ted hadn't painted a likable picture of his older sister's son, carrying on the way he had in their bedroom, and when he'd finally left for Chicago earlier this morning she had been more than a little relieved, as well as secretly pleased that he would be away for two whole weeks. It was amazing how quickly she seemed to find herself the moment she was out from under his immediate influence; though for the life of her, she couldn't put her finger on any single reason why. Even the ungainly boy decorating her breakfast nook had taken on new and more pleasing aspects for her now in her twenty-eight year old husband's absence from the house.

Subconsciously, she went through a hair ritual of her own, brushing long, sandy-shaded locks behind her shoulders as she set about preparing the teenager some breakfast, her smile and sparkling glances constantly returning to the handsome reclining animal watching her with ears regally erect. She said: "Luther, where did you ever find such a beautiful creature? He's positively breathtaking!"

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