Used For Incest: Taboo Erotica - Charlotte Corbin - E-Book

Used For Incest: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Charlotte Corbin

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

Anita didn't waste any time. My luscious little half-Mexican half-sister rigged things so that she wound up on my lap in the back seat of the old Continental ... and we were not five miles from my school, where the girls had picked me up, before I felt her busy little fingers reaching down under her deliciously round little rump to unzip my fly and haul my cock out of its hiding place.

She damn near didn't make it ... I hadn't sunk my pillar of joy into a cunt since September ... and this was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. My prick leapt to attention so fast it got jammed under my fly and she had to work it out by degrees. But it finally came clear and, with a little murmur of delight, she lifted her miniskirt to give her hot bottom freedom and wriggled her steaming, creaming pussy right down over it.

How did it feel? Heavenly...!

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Used For Incest

Charlotte Corbin

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 1

She damn near didn't make it ... I hadn't sunk my pillar of joy into a cunt since September ... and this was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. My prick leapt to attention so fast it got jammed under my fly and she had to work it out by degrees. But it finally came clear and, with a little murmur of delight, she lifted her miniskirt to give her hot bottom freedom and wriggled her steaming, creaming pussy right down over it.

How did it feel? Heavenly...!

She was not wearing panty-hose or anything else underneath the brief skirt, so I was able to slip my hands beneath it and get a good grip on the tops of her thighs and take charge. Thanks to our position, my penetration was not as deep as when I had first fucked her last summer on the island off Baja, but I got all but an inch or so of my rod into her juicy little cunt ... and when I rolled her rump around on my lap, the sensation was terrific.

Man, we had both been on a ten-week fast ... and we were ready, ready, ready....

From the other side of the armrest, my eighteen-year-old kid sister, beautiful blonde little Francie, cried out in aggrieved tones, "Jesus, they're fucking already!"

Darlene, my oldest sister at eighteen, was driving and usually this makes me sore. I got my license last spring, but after I knocked a hubcap off Dad's Cadillac on the stone gate-post cutting a turn too fine, the family began treating me like a four-year-old or something. This wasn't too bad on the island, but I'd been planning to make Darlene give me the wheel for the run up to Ventura County.

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