Ravaged Incest: Taboo NC Erotica - Charlotte Corbin - E-Book

Ravaged Incest: Taboo NC Erotica E-Book

Charlotte Corbin

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

She thought it impossible that that enormous man, who resembled an ugly and monstrous pro wrestler, could even fit in the back seat of the wagon, let alone that he could be lying on top of her slim little daughter. It was unimaginable that that brute was fucking Crystal. It just couldn't be!Sammy spun her around and made her lie face-down on the cycle, but along the length of the seat this time rather than drooped over it from the side. He forced her down until her nipples kissed the sun-sizzling metal of the gas tank, then slapped her on the back when she screamed and tried to rear up."Fry them tits, Momma." He shoved her down hard, pressing his elbows into her back.She was straddling the wide leather seat now, her tits squashed to the hot gas tank, her chin resting on the handlebars. The boy threw a rope over her back and began tying her to the cycle. When he got her torso secured, he shoved her wadded-up jeans and blouse under her pelvis so he could lift up her ass, then pulled her legs up slightly and lashed them to the rear wheel of the cycle. She was positioned now so her cunt and ass were easily attainable from behind."Whew! Ain't she a ripe-looking bitch!" 

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Ravaged Incest

Charlotte Corbin

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents














The temperature had to be over a hundred degrees, and not a whisper of breeze disturbed the black soot and noxious fumes that crept into the station wagon from the growling semi looming just inches in front of them. Crystal held her breath, clenched her teeth, ready to explode."Stubborn bastard!" June Martinson said. "I told you we should have stayed on the freeway. Now look at us! It'll take us ten years to get out of this God-forsaken canyon."Howard Martinson's big hands crushed the steering wheel tighter, sweat beading on the backs of them. "If you don't shot that trap of yours, I swear I'll belt you. I told you to relax, for Christ sake. We'll be out of here in no time, and we'll save about fifty miles."June sucked furiously on her cigarette, glancing at Crystal and Randy in the back seat. "A big bird is going to swoop down and rescue us, children. Your daddy's got it all planned out."Howard glared at her. "I'm warning you, big mouth, one more word..."June stared out the wide window. "Bastard," she whispered."Randy, open up that atlas and shove it up front." Howard took the atlas over his right shoulder as Randy handed it to him, then tried to drive and read the map simultaneously.Crystal just knew they were going to end up squashed, beneath the trailer of the semi, but she didn't dare say a word. She hadn't survived this long in this family without knowing when to hold her tongue.Randy was leering at her again, his brown eyes scoping her tits, then his gaze moving down to take in her bare legs and feet. She felt her nipples stiffen under the thin material of her T-shirt, felt an itchy throb in her cunt. She looked away, not wanting him to know she was excited. The way Randy looked at her sometimes, she just knew that he was on the verge of raping her. It was the same look she got from almost every guy at Lincoln High. Boys were such animals. If she gave them any encouragement, look out!"We'll be turning off any time now," her father announced.Her mother swung toward him. "What are you talking about? The sign a few miles back said no gas, no exits, no nothing for the next forty miles.""Just relax," Howard said. "I've been through here before. I know a secret shortcut."June groaned. "Another great shortcut like the one we're on now? Why don't you just get us back to the freeway? You haven't been through this area in twenty years. Don't you realize that things change?""June, will you just shut up?"June exhaled loudly, flung her cigarette butt out the window, and sat back, crossing her arms.Out of the corner of her eye, Crystal saw a bulge moving in Randy's shorts. He had his hand in his pocket and was stroking his cock. Her pussylips swelled, tingling. He'd been jacking himself off about four times a day during the entire trip. She wondered how he could stand all that sticky cum in his underwear all the time. She could smell it, had been smelling it all during the trip, and wondered why her parents couldn't.Boys were disgusting. It wasn't just Randy. All boys were. She'd watched more toys than she could remember jack off in class, groping their cocks by shoving a hand in a pocket. She'd heard that some boys cut holes in their pockets so they could wrap a bare hand around the naked meat of their cocks right there in class! How could they be so bold? Sure, a lot of girls, masturbated in class by squeezing their legs together, but that was hardly noticeable, seeing that most girls sat with their legs crossed most of the time anyway.Crystal crossed her legs and began to work her pussylips against each other, the raw fuckmeat of her inner cuntlips moist with pussycream and as hot as the asphalt of the highway. She dared not glance at Randy for fear she'd draw attention to herself. Maybe she could bring herself off without Randy even noticing.As she repeatedly contracted the muscles of her thighs, forcing delicious fuck-thrills through her teenaged cuntmeat, she began to slide her smooth legs against each other. Her toes curled from the sensations. The crotch of her shorts fast became wet, and she could smell her cunt. She prayed that Randy and her parents wouldn't detect the musky female aroma, but she was too hot to stop herself. It was maddening, having to masturbate like this, but it was equally exciting.Out of the corner of her eye she could see his brown toes wriggling with pleasure. He had deeply tanned legs that were covered with golden hairs. The truth was, she wanted him to fuck her. But she couldn't let him, could never let him. It wouldn't be right. No, even if he tried to seduce her, she would have to resist. If he wanted her, he would have to rape her.Crystal stifled a gasp, her heart slamming faster and faster. The thought of Randy raping her had almost brought her off. It was a terrible thought, almost as bad as the thought of her father raping her. But as terrible as the thought was, it excited her. Why did it excite her so? She was a bad girl, disgusting. She wondered what her parents would do were they ever to find put what a filthy mind she had.They were both so anti-sex. She wondered how she and Randy had ever managed to be born. She couldn't imagine her parents fucking. They'd almost cut off Randy's hands when they'd discovered that he jacked off. She could still remember that day, even though it had been five or six years ago. Even the word sex was taboo in the Martinson household. It was all so strange, because her dad was a handsome and virile man in his late thirties, and her mother was still a voluptuous blonde with a set of tits that Crystal envied. She didn't think her parents had fucked in years though. At least, she'd never heard them, and she didn't think it was possible for a man and a woman to fuck without making noise. Whenever she herself got fucked by some hot stud from school, she couldn't help gasping and squealing and grunting, and the stud usually moaned and bellowed like a bull, going on and on about how hot and tight and wet she was.Randy was suddenly shivering. Crystal dared to turn her eyes and discovered her handsome brother in the throes of orgasm, attempting to hold himself rigid and to stifle his breathing while his cock flexed in his shorts, filling with sticky cum. His body vibrated with rhythmic shudders, his toes curled under, his eyes rolling under closed lids, his face contorting as each spasm gnawed through his tight loins. The scent of his jism filled the back seat of the station wagon and Crystal got drunk on it.Shimmying her legs together, working her pussylips against each other, she brought herself off before Randy had recovered enough from his orgasm to open his eyes. As the waves of heat and fuck-itch saturated her teenaged crotch, passing in waves through her loins and down her legs, she rolled toward the door of the car, closing her eyes, crossing her arms, and pretending to be asleep. Biting her lips to keep from gasping out loud, she held herself as tight as the could, the sensations of orgasm exploding in her loins.