Lusty Voyeur Aunt: Incest Erotica - Joseph Caldwell - E-Book

Lusty Voyeur Aunt: Incest Erotica E-Book

Joseph Caldwell

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He's watching me again. He's probably jerking off too, she thought then, and a perverse thrill went through her as she pictured him standing there, naked, a fist running up and down a sensational cock.
He was her nephew, Sammy-or Sam, as he now preferred to be called, being a growing boy and all. He and his sister Peg had come to live with Sheila and Burt while they attended college, which started in just over a month. Sheila's own kids were also college bound, but in other parts of the country. That was just how it had worked out.

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Lusty Voyeur Aunt

Joseph Caldwell

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 1

He's watching me again. He's probably jerking off too, she thought then, and a perverse thrill went through her as she pictured him standing there, naked, a fist running up and down a sensational cock.

He was her nephew, Sammy-or Sam, as he now preferred to be called, being a growing boy and all. He and his sister Peg had come to live with Sheila and Burt while they attended college, which started in just over a month. Sheila's own kids were also college bound, but in other parts of the country. That was just how it had worked out.

Sheila knew there had to be a rule somewhere which dictated that she must confront Sam and direct him toward more correct behavior. But she knew how attentive he thought she was, and how difficult it could be for males that age to control their bubbling, horny urges. Besides, he was probably only going through a phase. He would be fine once school got under way and he met some girls his own age.

Lounging back in the chaise, finished with oiling her legs, Sheila spread lotion on the dainty roundness of her tummy. And yes, there was that other reason for her not confronting her nephew. She did welcome the attention, God help her.

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