My Aunt's Spicy Lingerie: Taboo Erotica - Joseph Caldwell - E-Book

My Aunt's Spicy Lingerie: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Joseph Caldwell

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"Suck my cock ... I didn't know anything could feel so good! Oh, suck it! I'll give you all my cream!"
She responded wantonly and eagerly, forgetting that this was her nephew and only a child. He had a cock, a hard on. Pursing her lips around the pulsing head, she laved it with her tongue. She sucked with passionate joy as tiny drops of his pre-cum slid into her mouth.
Her hands slid beneath him and tightly gripped the taut cheeks of his ass. Savagely she pulled his crotch against her face just as eagerly as he pushed her head down over his meat. He trapped her head between his sweating thighs.
"There ... there ... THERE!" he screamed. "I'm coming ... I'm going to shoot!"

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My Aunt's Spicy Lingerie

Joseph Caldwell

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 1

Bobby accepted it right away. He was tired of moving around, too. He was also tired of the constant, nightly parade of "uncles" that visited his mother. Having just one "uncle," his mother's brother, Fred, around all the time appealed to him. He also liked his Aunt Marie. She was younger than his mother, and she liked to take him places and do things wit him.

About a year after he had come to live with them, his Aunt Marie broke down and told him that his mother would never be coming back. It bothered him for a few days, but he had come to think so much of his new life and the new friends he had made that he soon got over it.

One of the new friends was Mary Lou, A pretty blonde girl who lived on the same block, just three houses down. Mary Lou was a year older than Bobby and a little wiser in the ways of the world. She would be the one that would introduce him to the curious difference between boys and girls.

Her father's garage became their play room.

Bobby had already begun to have strange dreams connected with girls in general, and Mary Lou in particular.

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