Lewd Aunt Goes All The Way: Taboo Incest Erotica - Joseph Caldwell - E-Book

Lewd Aunt Goes All The Way: Taboo Incest Erotica E-Book

Joseph Caldwell

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Her fist slowed down and the two teenagers stared at each other, both disturbed by the interruption. Sarah was the older of the two. They were both virgins, but they had been giving each other hand-jobs for several months now. And they were avidly looking forward to when they would have an opportunity to do naughtier things together.
So far, their family fun had been limited to occasions like this one, in the basement or the garden shed, situations where they were unable to get really comfortable or to get fully undressed for fear of being caught.
They weren't planning to actually go all the way, not as far as fucking, anyhow, but they were really eager to get naked and fool around together on a bed.
Sarah and Eddie had thought they would get the chance this weekend, while their parents were out of town. And the pleasant prospect had made them both so hot that they had sneaked down for a frig-off in the cellar.

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Lewd Aunt Goes All The Way

Joseph Caldwell

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 1

Her fist slowed down and the two teenagers stared at each other, both disturbed by the interruption. Sarah was the older of the two. They were both virgins, but they had been giving each other hand-jobs for several months now. And they were avidly looking forward to when they would have an opportunity to do naughtier things together.

So far, their family fun had been limited to occasions like this one, in the basement or the garden shed, situations where they were unable to get really comfortable or to get fully undressed for fear of being caught.

They weren't planning to actually go all the way, not as far as fucking, anyhow, but they were really eager to get naked and fool around together on a bed.

Sarah and Eddie had thought they would get the chance this weekend, while their parents were out of town. And the pleasant prospect had made them both so hot that they had sneaked down for a frig-off in the cellar.

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