Mermaid Academy: Isla and Bubble - Julie Sykes - E-Book

Mermaid Academy: Isla and Bubble E-Book

Julie Sykes



Mermazing action-packed underwater adventures for young readers. Beautifully illustrated throughout and with a glittery cover! From the authors and illustrator of the bestselling Unicorn Academy series. Hidden deep beneath the waves is Mermaid Academy, a magical school where mermaids are paired with their very own dolphin and must discover their unique mermaid magic, with plenty of adventure along the way! Impulsive Isla isn't afraid of breaking a few rules to win the school treasure hunt and her dolphin, Bubble, is always up for a dare. But the seas surrounding the academy are swirling with magic, and soon Isla and Bubble find themselves in very deep water... Mermaid Academy is the perfect series for 7+ readers who love magic and adventure. Look out for more titles! Cora and Sparkle and Maya and Rainbow

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A host of young dolphins came swimming into the room. Isla’s tail tingled with excitement as they lined up in front of the students. Which one of them was going to be her very special friend?

For the fin-tastic Kate Dummett and Darwin Class


J.S. and L.C.



To Sybil, the sparkliest little girl I know x



Isla whooshed out from the bubble tunnel in a frothy cloud of foam and gasped. The ocean here was much cooler than the ocean she’d just left behind!

Flicking her tail to keep warm, Isla tried to get her bearings. In the last few seconds, she’d travelled thousands of kilometres in the magical bubble tunnel her mum had created, and her head was spinning!

A strong current tugged at her and Isla felt her eyes drawn to the deep blue of the Wild Sea stretching endlessly behind her. Shivering, 2she turned round and looked towards the crowd of mermaids and merboys heading through turquoise water towards a majestic coral building.

Mermaid Academy! she thought, gazing at the tall towers and turrets in awe.

At the end of a wide sand path, massive front doors were studded with barnacles, but none of the students were going in that way. Instead, they were swimming through an arch of pink coral that led into a large, round courtyard.

3Isla hardly ever felt shy but as she looked at the chattering, confident students she felt a flicker of anxiety. Mermaid Academy was going to be her new school for the next six years. She hoped that she’d make friends quickly and have lots of fun and adventures!

A ripple appeared in the water a few tail lengths away and another bubble tunnel appeared.

Two mermaids shot out of the tunnel. They looked identical, with thick, light-blue hair streaked with purple and green. Their tails were turquoise and they wore matching sparkly tops.

“Jumping jellyfish! It’s even more beautiful than I thought it would be!” said one.

The other mermaid hesitated. “It’s so big, Isobel,” she said, her green eyes wide.

New girls, like me, thought Isla, her tummy twisting with excitement. She swam over.

“Hi! I’m Isla. I’m just starting here too.” 4

The other girls smiled. “I’m Isobel and this is Cora,” said the more confident twin. “Isn’t it awesome being here? I’ve been dreaming about it ever since our invitation arrived.”

“I almost didn’t get mine,” said Isla. “A Giganticus Whale accidentally swallowed the sailfish who delivers our post!”

“Was the sailfish OK? How did you get your invite back?” asked Isobel.

Isla grinned. “Luckily the whale let out a massive burp and blasted the sailfish out again!”

The twins both giggled. 5

“Ah, girls. Good to see you introducing yourselves,” said a voice from behind them.

Looking round, they saw a mermaid with a smiley face and kind blue eyes. Her shoulder-length lilac and green hair was held back by a headband studded with tiny jewels. “I’m Ms Samphire, the Exploration teacher. You must be Isla, Isobel and Cora?” She checked their names off the scroll she was carrying. “Welcome to Mermaid Academy. It’s almost time for assembly with our headteacher, Dr Oceania.”

“Are the dolphins going to be there?” Isobel asked excitedly. “Will we get to meet them?”

Ms Samphire smiled. “Yes, and I promise they’re just as keen to meet you. Now, please may I have your shell phones? They are allowed at the academy but not for the first week. We find students settle in better without them.”

The mermaids handed her their shell phones. 6Ms Samphire slipped them each into a labelled pouch and then put them into her bag. “Right then, get a swish on and follow me to the Grand Cavern!”

Isla’s tummy fizzed with excitement. This was it! Her adventures at Mermaid Academy were about to begin!


Isla and the twins followed Ms Samphire under the coral arch and into a huge circular courtyard. In the centre was a jewelled golden harp on a pedestal. There were stone benches, large sea fans moving gently in the current and shoals of tiny rainbow fish swooping through the open windows of the buildings.

“We call this The Singing Circle,” Ms Samphire told them. Isla thought it looked like a perfect place to hang out one afternoon, if she could summon the courage to ask the other mermaids to join her. 8

A group of students were gathered at the far side of the courtyard beside an entrance covered with a thick curtain of seaweed. Some were chatting; others were hanging back shyly. Ms Samphire took Isla, Cora and Isobel over and clapped her hands. “Time for assembly, everyone!”

A boy with black and pink hair put up his hand. “Will the dolphins be—”

“Yes, Arlo,” Ms Samphire interrupted with a smile. “The dolphins will be there.” 9

Isla’s tummy flipped with excitement. There was so much she was looking forward to – learning about the different oceans, training to be a guardian of the underwater world, discovering her own magic – but most of all she was looking forward to having her own special dolphin friend. In the first few days, every student chose a dolphin to pair up with and while they were at the academy they tried to bond. If that happened, they became partners for life.

Ms Samphire pulled back the curtain. “Enter the Grand Cavern!”

As the first-years swam inside, their chatter and laughter fell silent. The huge underwater cave was lit by flickering green sconces of mermaid fire. Twinkling bioluminescent algae dotted the ancient rock walls like little stars and there were beautiful mosaic pictures made out of tiny pieces of sea glass. In the centre of the cavern there was a platform with the biggest chair Isla had ever seen. It had a 10back that was shaped like a whale’s tail. Above the chair, suspended by an invisible force field, hung a globe of the underwater world with the names of the oceans and seas written in glittering dark-blue ink.

“Clattering clams! What’s that?” said a merboy next to her with shoulder-length blue and yellow hair.

“It’s the Magical Globe. It’s an exact replica of our world,” Isla whispered. Her mum had told her about the globe. “It can transport you anywhere you want to go in the oceans, no matter how deep or difficult the place is to find, and it’s much faster than using a bubble tunnel. You have to ask a teacher’s permission to use it but sometimes the globe will let you travel without permission if you’ve a good reason.”

The boy gave a longing sigh. “I so want to use it.”

Isla grinned. “Me too!” 11

“Quiet now. Get into a line facing the stage, please, but leave some space in front of you,” instructed Ms Samphire.

Isla got into line next to Isobel and Cora. More teachers filed into the room and formed a row behind the students. Hearing a sudden flurry of whispers and seeing a few of the first-years pointing, she followed their gaze to where bubbles were floating through a curtain made of shells at the front of the cavern. The opening bars of a song flooded out.

The curtain swished aside and a shoal of stripy diva fish shimmied out. Their red, yellow and green fins wiggled in time to the music and their high-pitched voices burbled along with it. A regal mermaid wearing a long purple cloak followed them, along with the biggest dolphin Isla had ever seen. Dr Oceania and her dolphin, Crystal!12