Mindful Dream Journeys for Children the Most Beautiful Fantasy Journeys for Falling Asleep, for Meditation and for More Mindfulness - Miriam Zimmermann - Hörbuch

Mindful Dream Journeys for Children the Most Beautiful Fantasy Journeys for Falling Asleep, for Meditation and for More Mindfulness Hörbuch

Miriam Zimmermann

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In this book I would like to introduce you to the wonderful topic of dream journeys for children. In a world full of stress and hectic, we are all grateful for a little distraction and a little relaxation for in between. It's not just us adults who feel this way, our children also need some time out from the stresses of everyday life every now and then. Because of their openness to fantasy and creativity, children are particularly good at immersing themselves in a fantasy world. As parents, you can take advantage of this ability and create a dream trip together as a special family time. But how does such a trip actually work and what should you pay particular attention to? Which environment and which times of day are suitable and should you follow certain guidelines as a storyteller? I would like to give you these answers in this guide, so that you are also well prepared for this great experience and can really enjoy this fantastic time. Such a dream trip is a very individual and personal experience, which is why it leaves a lot of room for your own needs.

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Zeit:0 Std. 57 min

Sprecher:Casey Wayman
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