My Daddys And I: Taboo Erotica - Astra Kilgore - E-Book

My Daddys And I: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Astra Kilgore

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


It was twilight-dark in the big, cool storeroom back of the shop and Harry's big-bulbed prick felt thick and sweet and deliciously hot in the overripe juiciness of my cunt.

Unlike brother Bill and the other teen-age boys I had fucked, Harry knew how to take his time.  Until it was the moment to get his rocks off in my guts, he never hurried.  The way he put it in his soft, low voice, "Honey, when I'm in there, I want to enjoy every precious moment of it...  and I want just as many moments as I can get."

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My Daddys And I

Astra Kilgore

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter One

Unlike brother Bill and the other teen-age boys I had fucked, Harry knew how to take his time. Until it was the moment to get his rocks off in my guts, he never hurried. The way he put it in his soft, low voice, "Honey, when I'm in there, I want to enjoy every precious moment of it... and I want just as many moments as I can get."

He had a hundred little tricks to bring me on, again and again, until it was time for him to send his thick, white semen spurting up into my thrilling womb to blend with my own white pussyjuice in the most delicious of all recipes ... and even then he didn't call it quits. He liked to lie right in there, letting his big-bulbed cock soak up all it could, with both of us relaxed and feeling as if the world had nothing more to offer us ...

Harry's darling dong would dwindle a little after a while and I'd be filled with a terrible sense of impending loss, so I'd stir my loins, sticky with sex-sap just like his, to bring him back to full size ... and he'd give his loins an answering stir that would move it ever so slightly and I'd feel it burgeoning again in my creaming coozy ... and then we'd be off to the races again. When time permitted, we'd made it as many as four fucks--without taking his prick out of my happy little hole.

This time, we'd been fucking more than forty minutes by the dim dial of the big octagonal clock on the wall, and Harry had already had three orgasms. How many times I'd hit the peak I had no idea ... it was always much too often with Harry to keep count. I had my little pullover jersey pulled up above the twin lumps of my breasts and my hotpants dangling from my left ankle ... just as Harry was still wearing his slacks, pulled down as far as they could go, and had his shirt, wide open, over his lovely shoulders. Even though Joanie and Bill, my sister and brother, were minding the store up front, there was always the possibility that some customer emergency might arise and we'd have to get back in a hurry.

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