Naked Horny Incest: Taboo First Time Erotica - Astra Kilgore - E-Book

Naked Horny Incest: Taboo First Time Erotica E-Book

Astra Kilgore

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

Dottie Baker hadn't seen her cousin in a year. "He's sure no kid anymore," she whispered under her breath.Steve had filled out and broadened, with muscles rippling across his tanned back where the shoulder blades used to stick out. And he must have been four or five inches taller. However, the change Dottie noticed most was between his legs.The bulge in his tight bathing suit left nothing to Dottie's imagination. He was hung, she realized. Hung like a horse!"Ready for a dip?" he asked her."Is anybody else coming along?" Dottie said, feeling her pussy tingle."Alice mentioned something about it," Steve said, referring to his sister."Well, she can join us later," Dottie quickly answered. "After all, she sees you every day. But it's been a year since the two of us have been together. We've got some catching up to do.""Sure," Steve agreed, doing some looking of his own.Dottie wore a two-piece bikini. Her tits filled the plunging halter and the skimpy bottom of her suit cut into her crotch like a knife.Dottie had done some growing up herself. In the last year she had sucked her first cock, then several more to go along with that one. And, although she was still technically cherry, she planned to do something about that too.

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Naked Horny Incest

Astra Kilgore

Copyright © 2017

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Steve had filled out and broadened, with muscles rippling across his tanned back where the shoulder blades used to stick out. And he must have been four or five inches taller. However, the change Dottie noticed most was between his legs.The bulge in his tight bathing suit left nothing to Dottie's imagination. He was hung, she realized. Hung like a horse!"Ready for a dip?" he asked her."Is anybody else coming along?" Dottie said, feeling her pussy tingle."Alice mentioned something about it," Steve said, referring to his sister."Well, she can join us later," Dottie quickly answered. "After all, she sees you every day. But it's been a year since the two of us have been together. We've got some catching up to do.""Sure," Steve agreed, doing some looking of his own.Dottie wore a two-piece bikini. Her tits filled the plunging halter and the skimpy bottom of her suit cut into her crotch like a knife.Dottie had done some growing up herself. In the last year she had sucked her first cock, then several more to go along with that one. And, although she was still technically cherry, she planned to do something about that too."How about the pond?" Dottie suggested. "There's plenty of privacy there.""Sounds good to me," Steve replied, a husky edge to his voice as he gave Dottie's curvy body another once over.Hand in hand, the cousins slipped away. A grove of trees and an undergrowth of dense brush shielded them from the rest of the family."Well, here we are," Steve said nervously, looking back and forth between the sparkling pond and his scantily clad cousin. "Like we used to say when we were little kids, last one in's a rotten egg."He started to edge toward the water but Dottie didn't follow. When Steve turned around his mouth flew open. She was stripping!"Another thing we used to do when we were kids," she coyly explained, "was skinny-dip."Her halter fluttered to the ground, causing her tits to swing in exposure. The nipples were pink and hard. The telltale bulge between Steve's legs swelled."We're, uh, not as young as we used to be," he choked as his cousin stood half-naked before him."I know," Dottie murmured, licking her lips while she stared at the throbbing evidence of Steve's arousal.She wriggled her hips and the patch of cloth gave way and fell down her thighs. All at once her pussy was out in the open. Partially shaved so the hair wouldn't show when she wore her bathing suit, her curly bush was a perfect triangle."Like me?" she asked bluntly."You're a knockout!" Steve breathlessly replied."Bet you're not so bad yourself," Dottie purred.Steve gulped. "You want me to strip too?""Why not? You've seen what I've got. Now it's my turn to check you out.""Gee, I-I dunno," Steve stammered. "It might be... well, kinda embarrassing. See, I'm sorta..." He couldn't finish."Turned on?" Dottie boldly asked him.Steve sheepishly nodded."Then here, let me give you a hand," Dottie smirked.While she spoke she'd closed the distance between Steve and herself. Now she had her hands inside his trunks, pushing them down.But his cock stretched the fabric stubbornly, snagged on it. She tugged harder and suddenly the trunks came off with Steve's hard-on surging free. Dottie trapped it against her belly and rubbed."Mmmm, this is more like it," she sighed. "We're not going swimming, are we?" Steve muttered."Only if you like getting your cock sucked underwater," Dottie teased.She slumped down onto her knees. Her tongue flicked out and caught Steve's balls. From there it licked up to the shaft of his jutting prick."Nobody's ever blown me before," he admitted."No problem," she chuckled. "I have enough experience for the both of us."Steve moaned when Dottie took his cockhead in her mouth. "Feels even better than I thought it would.""This is just the beginning," Dottie slurped. "Because when I go down on a guy, I don't stop until I've swallowed every inch.""What do I do?" Steve nervously asked."Just stand there. The rest'll come naturally."Then Dottie bore down when Steve's cock head reached her throat she momentarily gagged on its bulk, then relaxed her muscles as she wallowed. After, that it was easy. She didn't let up until she'd taken him to his balls."Gee, I didn't think you could really do it!" Steve rasped. "God, my whole cock's in your mouth."Now, while she burrowed between his legs, Steve reached down and brushed Dottie's long, brown hair. At first his touch was hesitant, but then he discovered how willing she was to have him set the tempo of her suction. By moving her head, he could also move her lips on his prick."Oh, yeah," he groaned. "Suck my cock!" Dottie's head was solidly in his grip. He rocked it to and fro so she tugged at his hard-on. And his hips churned in response. He was fucking her in the mouth!Picking up more confidence with every cock-thrust, Steve called down to Dottie: "Just keep it up and I'll come right down your throat."His words were music to Dottie's ears. Anything less than a bellyful of his cock's hot, sweet juice would be a disappointment. For her, a blow-job was a waste of time unless she devoured every drop of a guy's jizz.And now with Steve's prick straining toward eruption, she made sure he'd deliver. Squeezing his balls, she primed his supply of cream.A finger up his asshole didn't hurt her cause either."You want it as much as I wanna give it to you," Steve steamily declared. "So here it is, Dottie. All the cum you can drink!"His crotch bucked against her face, his cock pouring its thick juice down her throat. Dottie gulped as fast as he shot his wad, almost climaxing herself from the feast of liquid warmth.Soon Steve's spurting slowed to a dribble. But Dottie wouldn't release his cock until she'd milked out every last bit of jizz. She doubled her suction, still pumping Steve's balls and finger-fucking his asshole."You've sucked me dry," Steve groaned.Reluctantly, Dottie allowed his prick to leave her mouth. Her disappointment fled when she saw that, although Steve's cock may have been drained, it remained hard, hard enough to fuck her!Dottie fell back on the grass, lifting her knees. Then, slowly, her legs parted. As Steve stood there watching her cunt spread, his cock twitched and throbbed as if it might burst its taut skin.Her thighs now yawning, Dottie reached between them and stretched her pussy lips open even wider. With her pink cunt splitting the center of her hairy triangle like a fresh wound, her cunt honey leaked down, then soak of her ass."Fuck me, Steve!" she urged. "Stick your big prick in my pussy and fuck me!"Steve was very horny for her juicy pussy, yet something held him back. "Jeez, Dottie, I dunno," he choked. "A blowjob's one thing. But actually going all the way is taking some kinda chance. What if somebody caught us?""Bet they'd be damned jealous," Dottie saucily answered, running a fingertip up the groove of her cunt and tickling her clit."Maybe so," Steve said. "But what if the shit hit the fan worse than either of us've ever seen it before? This isn't just kid stuff, you know.""Well, if it isn't, then why are you acting so much like a scared little boy?" Dottie cut in.Steve took a deep breath and gulped: "Don't you know? Can't you figure it out?""Oh, that," Dottie smirked. "I'm willing to forget about it if you are.""How can I?" Steve croaked."Try," Dottie coned, pushing the sides of her pussy together so the juices bubbled out."Wish I could. But it's no use. I'm still."Steve interrupted himself to take his deepest breath yet. As he did, Dottie anticipated what she'd say to ease his mind about their being cousins.But Dottie was wrong. Incest wasn't what had Steve on the ropes at all."I'm still cherry," he coughed as though he were in pain. "Everything else I just said was bullshit. I was only stalling. I'm not worried about anybody else. But, fact is, the only one I'm afraid of is me. Afraid I'll make a fool of myself if I try to fuck you."Dottie laughed out loud."See, I told you," Steve snapped. "You're making fun of me already."Getting a hold of herself, Dottie insisted: "No, no, that's not it at all. I'm the one who ought to be nervous about getting fucked.""What for? You must've put out for plenty of guys.""But I only went so far," Dottie answered, catching her cousin by surprise."What about, the way you sucked my cock?" Steve countered. "You sure knew what you were doing then.""And that's as far as I've ever gone," Dottie said."You mean?"Dottie nodded. "When it comes to my cunt, I'm just as cherry as you are, Steve.""Naw, I can't believe that," he mumbled."There's only one way you can be absolutely sure, though," Dottie cooed."Yeah, guess maybe you might be right about that," Steve admitted when she pulled apart her pussy for him.Dottie knew that he was hers. And, within the moment, he'd dropped to his knees. Gripping his cock, he automatically drew a bead on Dottie's waiting pussy.She reached for Steve with her long legs, drawing him to her. His hips slipped easily between her thighs, bringing his cockhead just shy of her flexed pussy lips.Dottie panted with anticipation. "Stick it in. Your cock in my cunt. Stick your beautiful cock as deep in my hot cunt as you can fuck me with it. Your cherry cock in my cherry cunt!"Steve's crotch lurched, sending his prick straight into its juicy target. Dottie lifted her ass off the ground and pushed back until her pussy felt as if it might burst at the seams from all the cock meat it had abruptly taken."Ooooh," she squealed, "your cock feels bigger on the inside than it looked on the outside! What a hunk!""You want the rest of it?" Steve asked anxiously."You mean I don't have it all already?""A few more inches to the dame!" Dottie begged. "Pop my cherry."Impatient to lose her virginity, she locked her legs around her cousin's waist and yanked his crotch toward hers. As his cock lanced farther into her pussy, there was sudden pain, a sharp, searing pain.Knowing exactly what it was, Dottie whimpered: "Oh, it hurts so good. Just what I've been waiting for."And then the pain gave way to a liquid rush of sticky warmth. Dottie eagerly put her hand to her fucked cunt and her fingers came back just the way she wanted them to smeared with blood."It's done!" she cried. "My cherry's popped!"It gave her a high that made her dizzy with ecstasy. That thrill, along with her cousin's hilted cock in her ruptured pussy, had her climaxing on the spot."I'm coming! Coming already from my first fuck!" she said breathlessly.However, if Dottie expected Steve to be excited by her orgasm, she was wrong. Instead, he was abruptly downcast, his cock losing its edge in her cunt."What's the matter?" Dottie asked, confused."Knew I'd mess up," Steve muttered. "I haven't even gotten started and it'd all over for you.""All over?""You came. You don't need me to fuck you anymore. I might as well have stayed cherry if I can't do any better than this."Dottie realized then that he thought girls were the same as guys, that they came just once. It was all she could do to keep from breaking up with a fit of the giggles. But she knew that wouldn't do.She whispered: "Just relax. It's not over yet.""Aw, it's no use," he snorted in disgust with himself."Trust me," Dottie soothed.She began rocking her discouraged cousin in the cradle of her thighs. This forced his cock to resume its movement in her cunt. Squeezing her pussy muscles, Dottie soon had him at peak hardness again.But Steve remained wary, mumbling: "Doesn't feel right. I know you're just being a good sport.""You might be surprised," Dottie answered.Then she took one of her cousin's hands and guided it to her pussy."Feel around my pussy," she told him.His fingers began stiffly exploring between her legs."Up higher," Dottie suggested.Steve probed at the top of her cunt, his fingers loosening as though oiled by pussy juice."Right about where your cock's going into me," Dottie panted with anticipation. "There's something there I want you to feel. Something special."Without understanding what he was searching for, Steve found it anyway. His cousin jumped beneath him, moaning out loud as her cunt spasmed around his buried cock."What was that?" Steve gulped with surprise."My clit!" Dottie swooned. "You just gave it a helluva buzz. I came again just like that.""You don't have to lie to make me feel better," Steve replied. "I know you're already finished coming.""Am I? Well, then just keep rubbing my clit while you're fucking me and we'll see."His curiosity sparked, Steve immediately found her clit again. This time he clasped the meaty button between his thumb and forefinger."Go ahead, pinch it for me!" Dottie urged.Steve put on some pressure."Harder!"Suddenly he was squeezing it and Dottie writhed beneath him, her cunt tugging wildly at his prick. Even Steve was now convinced that she'd really climaxed."Nobody could fake that," he rasped with wonder. "You can come as many times as you want to, can't you?""Just as many times as you can make me," Dottie sang. "Now more, more, more. Keep me coming until I have a pussyfull of your jizz.""That won't be long," Steve grunted. "Not the way your cunt's pulling at my cock.""Then pour it on!" Dottie urged. While Steve continued fucking her and mauling her clit, Dottie pulled his head down to her tits. His tongue immediately went to work, lapping the jiggling mounds. Then his mouth settled on a nipple and he slurped like a hungry baby."Mmmm, that's it," Dottie groaned. "Suck me, suck me."Steve's spit ran down her chest as he bore down on her tit. Then in his eagerness, he accidentally used his teeth on her tender nipple."Sorry," he apologized."For what?" Dottie bubbled. "Feels good when you bite me. Do it again. Yes, bite me, bite me!"Needing no further prompting, Steve sank his teeth into the spongy flesh around the nipple. He twisted Dottie's clit again and his huge prick rammed deeper into her cunt than ever."I'm flying!" Dottie gasped. "Coming so hard it feels like I'm flying."Her ass rose and fell to match the thrusts of Steve's cock. Her cunt felt severely tugged by his pinching fingers every time she bucked. Above, his teeth chewed on her nipple to the same rhythm. The result was a mixture of agony and ecstasy that even Dottie couldn't stand for long."Hurry up and come in me! I need your cum in my pussy now! Now! Now!" she begged.Dottie had cried out so loudly that Steve was forced to clap his free hand over her mouth to keep any of the rest of the family from hearing her. So there was an abrupt stillness, except for Steve's own hard breathing and the squishing from his pumping prick in his silenced cousin's wet pussy.Then he slid his hand off Dottie's mouth just enough to let her speak, but not so far that he couldn't muffle her again if she was too loud."Okay, I'm gonna come," he told her. "Think you can be quiet?"Nodding, Dottie gasped: "I'd cut off my tongue for a pussy full of your jizz.""Good girl," Steve panted.Dottie squeezed her pussy muscles around every inch of his hilted prick. She could feel his balls burning and churning, ready to explode. When she reached down and stroked them, it was like pulling the trigger on the sexual rifle between her cousin's legs."Ahhh, I'm shooting it!" Steve blurted, his cock firing bullets of jism into Dottie's cunt.Now it was her turn to quiet him down. As his prick gushed in her pussy, she sealed his mouth with both hands, pushing with her open palms into his face. Dottie stifled her own wails of joy by biting her lip hard.They climaxed together for what seemed like an eternity, neither of them breathing for as long as it lasted. Then, even after Steve's softening prick was drained and her cunt was leaking from all that cum, Dottie didn't allow her cousin or herself to speak until she was sure they could trust themselves."Mmmm, what a fuck," Dottie sighed, finally breaking the sweaty silence. "What a way to lose our cherries. And nobody knows we did it."Steve nodded with relief, certain she was right.But it wasn't that way.For neither cousin had noticed the shadow in the bushes had been there for several minutes. Long enough for the intruder to have seen plenty."I still don't believe it," the intruder whispered under the rustling of the leaves. "Steve and Dottie... fucking... God! They'd kill me if they knew I saw them." 

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