The Incest Swap: Taboo Erotica - Astra Kilgore - E-Book

The Incest Swap: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Astra Kilgore

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


Jennifer Armstrong stretched the entire length of her young full body across the open coverlets of the large double bed, spreading her arms over the pillow and touching her hands lightly to the headboard behind. She yawned and smiled softly, turning her pretty face to the half-drawn blinds: a stream of morning sunlight shone through, crossing the lush mohair carpet and describing a dancing arc of brilliancy on the young woman's firm smoothly curving thighs.

Her long blonde eyelashes fluttered momentarily as she slowly awoke from a long night's sleep. It should be at least ten o'clock, she thought. Dave, her husband, must have gone out for his game of golf before she had even stirred, and her brother and sister were probably at the beach by now, so she would have the house to herself until late afternoon. The girl brushed her long satiny blonde hair away from her face, letting it fall in a cascading cushion behind her finely sculpted neck. She gazed down abstractly at the thin sheet partially shielding her body from the slight breeze blowing through the open window and sighed. It had been more than three years since she had seen Sandy and Ellen, her sister and brother, and they had changed more than she had imagined was possible during that time.

When she had arrived at the large luxurious ranch-style house with Dave yesterday afternoon, she was shocked to notice the difference: her sister's body had blossomed into the fulsome curves of young woman- hood, and her brother's boyish frame had taken on the muscular angularity of the young man he had actually become. She wasn't sure whether she liked the transition they had made from awkward adolescence to youthful maturity, yet she knew their growing up was inevitable. She raised herself in bed, toweling the bedsheet across her large smoothly uplifting breasts, a slight frown creasing the smooth peaches-and-cream complexion of her face, as she made an effort to thrust her disturbing thoughts away.

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The Incest Swap

Astra Kilgore

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents









Her long blonde eyelashes fluttered momentarily as she slowly awoke from a long night's sleep. It should be at least ten o'clock, she thought. Dave, her husband, must have gone out for his game of golf before she had even stirred, and her brother and sister were probably at the beach by now, so she would have the house to herself until late afternoon. The girl brushed her long satiny blonde hair away from her face, letting it fall in a cascading cushion behind her finely sculpted neck. She gazed down abstractly at the thin sheet partially shielding her body from the slight breeze blowing through the open window and sighed. It had been more than three years since she had seen Sandy and Ellen, her sister and brother, and they had changed more than she had imagined was possible during that time.

When she had arrived at the large luxurious ranch-style house with Dave yesterday afternoon, she was shocked to notice the difference: her sister's body had blossomed into the fulsome curves of young woman- hood, and her brother's boyish frame had taken on the muscular angularity of the young man he had actually become. She wasn't sure whether she liked the transition they had made from awkward adolescence to youthful maturity, yet she knew their growing up was inevitable. She raised herself in bed, toweling the bedsheet across her large smoothly uplifting breasts, a slight frown creasing the smooth peaches-and-cream complexion of her face, as she made an effort to thrust her disturbing thoughts away.

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